Return CGPoints from a function - cgpoint

I have another question about passing CGPoint in junctions:
(CGPoint[]) displayPoints:(CGPoint) startPoint
withEnd:(CGPoint) endPoint
withBaseRotate:(Boolean) baseRotate {
// do some stuf with four or six points
// create a array of the points and return - it
CGPoint ourPoints[] = {
CGPointMake(point1.x, point1.y),
CGPointMake(point2.x, point2.y),
CGPointMake(point3.x, point3.y),
//... some more points
} ;
return ourPoints[];
Why is this not working?

Have to return a pointer to where it is stored at in memory
(const CGPoint *) displayPoints:(CGPoint) startPoint
withEnd:(CGPoint) endPoint
withBaseRotate:(Boolean) baseRotate {
CGPoint ourPoints[] = {
CGPointMake(point1.x, point1.y),
CGPointMake(point2.x, point2.y),
CGPointMake(point3.x, point3.y),
//... some more points
} ;
return ourPoints;
If you look at the signature of CFContextAddLines, you'll see that is what they're using. Now the compiler will throw a warning for returning a pointer to memory... so I'm not sure if this is the preferred way but it answers your question.


Recursion over a mutable binary tree: `already borrowed: BorrowMutError`

I'm beginning with a Vec of sorted nodes, then using this sorting to link these nodes together in a binary tree and then returning the base struct
// Test name
struct Struct {
parent: Option<Rc<RefCell<Struct>>>,
superscript: Option<Rc<RefCell<Struct>>>,
subscript: Option<Rc<RefCell<Struct>>>,
height: u32,
center: u32,
symbols: VecDeque<u8>
Ending up with a binary tree formed by the above Structs. At this point, these Structs are uniquely owned, so I think I could convert from using Rc<RefCell<Struct>> to RefCell<Struct> (think Box<Struct> doesn't work due to internal mutability?), but I'm not sure how or if this helps with the problem I'm encountering.
After this, I need to iterate in a novel manner through the Structs, and mutate the various symbols belonging to the various Structs throughout the recursion, via calling .pop_front().
My current implementation doing this leads to various instances of thread 'main' panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError'.
Playground link:
The function for it (please excuse the convoluted logic):
fn traverse_scripts(row: Rc<RefCell<Struct>>) {
if let Some(superscript_row) = &row.borrow().superscript {
if let Some(superscript_symbol) = superscript_row.borrow().symbols.front() {
if let Some(current_row_symbol) = row.borrow().symbols.front() {
if superscript_symbol < current_row_symbol {
else {
if let Some(subscript_row) = &row.borrow().subscript {
if let Some(subscript_symbol) = subscript_row.borrow().symbols.front() {
if let Some(current_row_symbol) = row.borrow().symbols.front() {
if subscript_symbol < current_row_symbol {
else {
if let Some(current_row_symbol) = row.borrow().symbols.front() {
if let Some(parent_row) = &row.borrow().parent {
if let Some(parent_symbol) = parent_row.borrow().symbols.front() {
if current_row_symbol < parent_symbol {
print!(" {}",*current_row_symbol);
else {
print!(" {}",*current_row_symbol);
if let Some(parent_row) = &row.borrow().parent {
if let Some(parent_symbol) = parent_row.borrow().symbols.front() {
print!("}} {}",*parent_symbol);
} else {
I've considered using Arc<Mutex<Struct>> instead for the traversal, but given its not multi-threaded I don't think it's neccessary?
I imagine I might be missing a relatively simple idea here, I would really appreciate any help.
If I've missed anything in my question please drop a comment and I'll try to add it.
When you call borrow or borrow_mut on a RefCell, a guard object (Ref or RefMut) is created that grants access to the inner value for as long as it exists. This guard will lock the RefCell until it goes out of scope and is destroyed. Let's look at a portion of traverse_scripts:
if let Some(superscript_row) = &row.borrow().superscript { // row is borrowed
if let Some(superscript_symbol) = superscript_row.borrow().symbols.front() { // superscript_row is borrowed
if let Some(current_row_symbol) = row.borrow().symbols.front() { // row is borrowed again
if superscript_symbol < current_row_symbol {
println!("^{{{}", *superscript_symbol);
superscript_row.borrow_mut().symbols.pop_front(); // superscript_row is borrowed mutably (ERROR)
traverse_scripts(Rc::clone(superscript_row)); // recursive call while row and superscript_row are borrowed (ERROR)
} else {
println!("^{{{}", *superscript_symbol);
superscript_row.borrow_mut().symbols.pop_front(); // superscript_row is borrowed mutably (ERROR)
traverse_scripts(Rc::clone(superscript_row)); // recursive call while row and superscript_row are borrowed (ERROR)
} // row is no longer borrowed twice
} // superscript_row is no longer borrowed
} // row is no longer borrowed
In the first line, for example, row.borrow() returns a Ref<Struct>. This Ref can't be dropped immediately, because it's being borrowed during the if let body by superscript_row. So it stays alive that whole time -- until the final }.
This is a problem for recursively calling traverse_scripts because the Struct is borrowed during the entire recursive call. Any attempt to borrow the same Struct mutably deeper in the call stack will fail. (Borrowing it immutably does still work.)
In the second line superscript_row is borrowed. This has the same problem, but it also has a more immediate one: it's borrowed mutably later in the same function, even before hitting the recursive call. That borrow_mut can never succeed because superscript_row is always already borrowed at that point.
To fix both problems, we'll do two things:
Store each Ref or RefMut guard in a variable of its own and re-use that guard, instead of calling borrow() or borrow_mut() on the same variable again.
Before recursing, drop each of the still-living guards so that nothing is still borrowed inside the recursive call.
Here's what that section might look like rewritten:
{ // This scope will constrain the lifetime of row_ref
let row_ref = row.borrow();
if let Some(superscript_row) = &row_ref.superscript {
let mut child = superscript_row.borrow_mut(); // use borrow_mut here because we know we'll need it later
if let Some(superscript_symbol) = child.symbols.front() {
if let Some(current_row_symbol) = row_ref.symbols.front() {
if superscript_symbol < current_row_symbol {
println!("^{{{}", *superscript_symbol);
drop(child); // child is no longer needed, so drop it before recursing
// Since superscript_row borrows from row_ref, we must Rc::clone it before
// dropping row_ref so that we can still pass it to traverse_scripts.
let superscript_row = Rc::clone(superscript_row);
drop(row_ref); // row_ref is no longer needed, so drop it before recursing
} else {
println!("^{{{}", *superscript_symbol);
// see comments earlier
let superscript_row = Rc::clone(superscript_row);
} // child is dropped here (if it wasn't already). superscript_row is no longer borrowed
} // row_ref is dropped here (if it wasn't already). row is no longer borrowed
Full-program playground.
This looks complicated because it is complicated. Traversing over a data structure while mutating it is a common source of bugs (in most languages, not just Rust). It looks like, in traverse_scripts at least, the only reason for needing mutation is to call pop_front on symbols, so if you can redesign the data structure such that only symbols is in a RefCell, you could do the traversal with only & references, which would be much easier. Another common approach is to write functions that return new data structures instead of mutating them in place.

RayCast not working as expected, help! (Unity 3D)

Okay so I'm making a photography game where when you 'take a photo', Unity sends a few raycasts forward to check if certain tagged items are in the photo (all within the cameras FOV). My problem is, this seems to work intermittently! Sometimes it finds the tagged objects, other times it will be right in front of the view yet it will miss it completely! Can anyone advise about what I'm doing wrong?
public static Transform target;
public static GameObject[] targetName;
public static float length = 250f;
public static Transform thisObject;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
thisObject = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<Transform>();
//target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Trees").transform;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public static bool InFront(Transform target1)
Vector3 directionToTarget = thisObject.position - target1.position;
float angleOnXAxis = Vector3.Angle(thisObject.right, directionToTarget);
float angleOnYAxis = Vector3.Angle(thisObject.up, directionToTarget);
if (Mathf.Abs(angleOnXAxis) < 130 && Mathf.Abs(angleOnXAxis) > 50
&& Mathf.Abs(angleOnYAxis) < 115 && Mathf.Abs(angleOnYAxis) > 62)
//Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, target.position,;
return true;
return false;
public static bool HasLineOfSight(string objectTag)
RaycastHit hit;
Vector3 direction = target.position - thisObject.position;
if (Physics.Raycast(thisObject.position, direction, out hit, length))
if (hit.transform.tag == objectTag)
Debug.DrawRay(thisObject.position, direction * 0.96f,;
return true;
return false;
return false;
public static GameObject SortObjects(string objectTag)
targetName = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(objectTag);
GameObject closestObject = null;
for (int i = 0; i < targetName.Length; i++)
if (Vector3.Distance(thisObject.position,
targetName[i].transform.position) <= length)
if (InFront(targetName[i].transform))
if (closestObject == null)
closestObject = targetName[i];
if (Vector3.Distance(targetName[i].transform.position, thisObject.position) <= Vector3.Distance(closestObject.transform.position, thisObject.position))
closestObject = targetName[i];
return closestObject;
public static bool ObjectCheck(string objectTag)
if (SortObjects(objectTag) != null)
target = SortObjects(objectTag).transform;
if (InFront(target) && HasLineOfSight(objectTag))
return true;
return false;
return false;
I'm essentially calling ObjectCheck() with the tag I want to check for to get the closest, visible, object with that tag. What is wrong with this code??
In your script, only the closest object to the main camera gets checked. SortObjects() determines the closest tagged object, and then you only handle that single object in ObjectCheck(). - That object might be obstructed by something else, so the method returns false. And other tagged objects that are actually visible, are not picked up this way...
So, you could rename and change your SortObjects() function to check for both conditions right in the loop (InFront(target) && HasLineOfSight(objectTag)), and filter the objects out right in there, since only those objects are of interest.
Also, your HasLineOfSight() method checks the tag of the hit object, but what you probably wanted to do, is to check if the raycast actually hits that exact object. So it should instead compare the hit's gameObject to the target's gameObject, ignoring the tag, since a correct tag alone isn't enough. (Side note: it would make sense to place all "photographable objects" on a "photo layer", and set the layer mask in the Physics.Raycast() call accordingly, it's more efficient that way in larger scenes.)
The way the angles are calculated in the InFront() method is probably causing issues, because the direction vector to the target is really in 3D. To calculate the angles, you could try to use Vector3.Project() or Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(), but that will also be problematic, because of perspective camera issues.
This check is strongly related to the topic of "frustum culling", a technique usually used for rendering. But it's similar to what you need, to filter out all the (possibly) visible objects in the camera's field of view (frustum culling doesn't handle obstruction, it is just a geometric check to see if a point lies within the camera's frustum space). See:
If you want to dig deeper and optimize this, there are a couple of ways this can be done. But luckily, Unity comes with many useful related functions already built into the Camera class. So instead, you could use Camera.WorldToScreenPoint() (or Camera.WorldToViewportPoint()), and compare the resulting screen coordinates to the screen size or viewport, like discussed in Unity forum. (The frustum math is hidden behind these compact functions, but beware that this is probably not the optimal way to do this.)
Instead of calling FindGameObjectsWithTag() every time, you could do it only once in Start(), assuming objects do not get created/destroyed while the game is running.
I've tried to modify your script, since I'm also learning Unity again... The script can be dragged to the main camera, and it should show the "focus object" in the Scene view with the green debug line. I hope this helps:
using UnityEngine;
public class PhotoCast : MonoBehaviour
public float maxDistance = 250.0f;
public string objectTag = "photo";
protected GameObject[] objs;
protected GameObject objFocus;
protected Camera cam;
public void Start() {
objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(objectTag);
cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
public void Update() {
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {
objFocus = CheckObjects();
if (objFocus) {
Debug.Log("closest object in view: " +;
/* TODO: take actual photo here */
if (objFocus) {
GameObject CheckObjects() {
GameObject obj_closest = null;
float dist_closest = float.MaxValue;
foreach (GameObject o in objs) {
float dist = Vector3.Distance(
o.transform.position, transform.position);
if (dist < maxDistance && dist < dist_closest
&& InViewport(o.transform.position)
&& HasLineOfSight(o.transform)) {
dist_closest = dist;
obj_closest = o;
return obj_closest;
bool InViewport(Vector3 worldPos) {
Vector3 p = cam.WorldToViewportPoint(worldPos);
return (p.x > 0.0f && p.x <= 1.0f && p.y > 0.0f && p.y <= 1.0f
&& p.z > cam.nearClipPlane);
bool HasLineOfSight(Transform target) {
RaycastHit hit;
Vector3 dir = target.position - transform.position;
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, dir, out hit, maxDistance)) {
if (hit.collider.gameObject == target.gameObject) {
return true;
return false;
Side notes:
Another issue with this technique is, that there can be tagged objects right in front of the camera, but other tagged objects that are closer on the side will be picked up instead of the obvious one. Many small issues to fine-tune until the scripts fits the game, I guess. Instead of only using one Raycast per object, you could use multiple ones, and take the bounding box or the actual collider shape into account.
An improved version of the script could make use of the Physics.Overlap*() or Physics.*Cast*() functions, documented here.

How to transform a gameObject to a desired position and return to starting position?

I'm new to UnityScript and I have the following code that does a forward movement of a gameObject on "Z" axis, but needs some refinement. Let me explain.
The script runs when a GUI.Button is clicked. The gameObject starts moving...till infinity.
I have tried to make it move till a desired pos, (e.g. an empty gameObject pos) but didn't work at all.
How should I refine this code snippet to move the gameObject to a desired position on a first GUI.Button click and return to starting position on back click?
Furthermore, is it possible to have this movement made step by step on same GUI.Button clicks?
Here is the code snippet:
#pragma strict
// member variables (declared outside any function)
var startPos: Vector3;
var endPos : Vector3;
var cachedTransform : Transform;
private static var isforward = false;
// save pos before moving:
startPos = transform.position;
// make the gameObject transform, then restore the initial position when needed:
transform.position = startPos;
function Awake() {
startPos = transform.localPosition;
function Start() {
cachedTransform = transform;
startPos = cachedTransform.position;
function FixedUpdate() {
var translation : float;
if (cachedTransform.position.x == endPos)
cachedTransform.position = startPos;
translation = Time.deltaTime * 2;
cachedTransform.Translate(0, 0, translation);
cachedTransform.Translate(Vector3.forward * translation);
static function doforward ()
isforward = !isforward;
Thank you all in advance for your answers.
You can easily move a game object if you attach a script to it, then (in JavaScript)
#pragma strict
var startPosition;
// Record the starting position when the scene loads
function Start () {
startPosition = gameObject.transform.position;
// Call this to move you object to wherever
function moveObject () {
var newPos = new Vector3 (10,20,0); //(where ever you need it to go)
gameObject.transform.position = newPos;
// Call this to move the object to starting position, using variable we made at start
function moveToStart () {
gameObject.transform.position = startPosition;
Then you just call those functions when you need to move the object around.
You might want to look into the Vector3.Lerp method. This takes two vectors (points) and a float as parameters, then gives you back a point that's a fraction of the way between them. So for example, Lerp(from, to, 0.3f) will give you a point 30% of the way between the two points. Then once you have this, all you need to do is set your object's transform.

Safari plugin crashes on NPN_GetValue

My plugin code crashes when I call the NPN_GetValue. Basically I created a scriptable object which has a 'getDevice' method that can return a device array to JavaScript. Below is the code snippet.
static bool mainNPObjectInvoke(NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier identifier, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result)
printf("create main object");
MainNPObject *mainObject = (MainNPObject *)obj;
if (identifier == methodIdentifiers[METHOD_ID_GET_DEVICES])
NPObject *windowObj = NULL;
browser->getvalue(mainObject->npp, NPNVWindowNPObject, &windowObj);
// it crashed here
I created the MainNPObject instance with below method.
NPObject *createMainNPObject(NPP npp)
MainNPObject *object = (MainNPObject *)browser->createobject(npp, &mainNPClass);
object->npp = npp;
theMainObject = object;
return (NPObject *)object;
The createMainNPObject is called in the plugin function I provided to browser.
NPError NPP_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
PluginObject *obj = instance->pdata;
switch (variable) {
case NPPVpluginCoreAnimationLayer:
if (!obj->rootLayer)
*(CALayer **)value = obj->rootLayer;
case NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject:
if (!obj->mainObject)
obj->mainObject = createMainNPObject(instance);
And the allocate function is as below.
static NPObject *mainNPObjectAllocate(NPP npp, NPClass *class)
MainNPObject *mainObject = malloc(sizeof(MainNPObject));
mainObject->deviceManager = [[DeviceManager alloc] init];
return (NPObject *)mainObject;
Definition of MainNPObject:
typedef struct
NPObject *npobject;
NPP npp;
DeviceManager *deviceManager;
} MainNPObject;
By debugging the code, I found that the system raised an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling the browser->getValue and it looks like the npp pointer is invalid.
0x00007fff83f82dab <+0019> je 0x7fff83f82db9 <_ZN6WebKit14NetscapePlugin7fromNPPEP4_NPP+33>
0x00007fff83f82dad <+0021> incl 0x8(%rax)
Can someone help me out?
Hmm; not seeing anything obvious. Try adding another parameter (an int?) to your structure and set it during allocate or immediately afterwords, then later on check to see if it's still the value you set before you call getvalue. See if your struct is somehow getting corrupt. That happened to me once when I was casting the NPObject funny in a non-obvious way.

use CGPoint as an array

I want to use an function to pass a lot of points to another function, but the Xcode has errors on the line with: CGContextAddLines......
the add points is filled with information like:
CGPoint addPoints[] = {
the use the
-(void) constructPoints:(CGContextRef) context withPoints:(CGPoint) addPoints {
// do some context set attributes, color
// and
CGContextAddLines(context, addPoints, sizeof(addPoints)/sizeof(addPoints[0]));
// and draw-it
Try it like this:
-(void) constructPoints:(CGContextRef) context withPoints:(CGPoint[]) addPoints numPoints:(int) size {
// do some context set attributes, color
// and
CGContextAddLines(context, addPoints, size);
// and draw-it
Then on your call:
[self constructPoints:yourContext withPoints:addPoints numPoints:sizeof(addPoints)/sizeof(addPoints[0])];
