Link to foreign key in JQGrid -

I have designed my jqgrid viewmodel as follows,
public class DomainJQGrid
public JQGrid DomainsGrid { get; set; }
public DomainJQGrid()
DomainsGrid = new JQGrid
Columns = new List<JQGridColumn>()
new JQGridColumn
DataField = "DomainId",
PrimaryKey = true,
Editable = false,
HeaderText = "Domain ID",
Visible = false
new JQGridColumn
DataField = "ClientId",
Editable = false,
Width = 150,
HeaderText = "Client"
new JQGridColumn
DataField = "DomainName",
Editable = false,
Width = 150,
HeaderText = "Domain Name"
new JQGridColumn
DataField = "Registered",
Editable = true,
Width = 100,
DataFormatString = "{0:d}",
HeaderText = "Registered",
AutoWidth = true,
DomainsGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
And I am binding the datasource to using my controller as follows.
return gridModel.DomainsGrid.DataBind(hmEntity.DomainProducts);
in the above model, instead of my ClientId, how can I bring ClientName from my Client table?

If I am understanding correctly, you'd like to be able to define a column that uses a property of an object property.
Assuming you have a property of type Client, named Client, you'd want to be able to do something like:
DataField = "Client.ClientName"
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work. There may be a different notation that can be used for this, but I couldn't find any documentation when I ran into this scenario.
For the sake of getting past the issue, and at the cost of dirtying up the model, I chose to add a property to support the grid. It's on my 'technical debt' list and am hoping to find a better solution when I pay that back.
If you want to suffer that same burden :), add this to your DomainProduct class (again, assuming you have a Client property):
public string ClientName
get { return Client == null ? "" : Client.ClientName; }
And then just use ClientName for the DataField value.


Syncfusion RichTextEditor ASP.Net MVC Format dropdown

Can someone please help me how can I change the contents of Formats dropdown in richtexteditor ej2 syncfusion?
At the moment, default values are: Paragraph, Code, Quotation, Heading 1 etc.
I want to remove the Code, Quotation and add a new custom Format called "My Paragraph".
I have gone through the documentation and apparently, it is not listed.
Help will be appreciated.
Here is what my current configuration is:
#Html.EJS().RichTextEditor("table").ToolbarSettings(e => e.Items((object) => { e.Table((object)ViewBag.table); }).InsertImageSettings(new RichTextEditorImageSettings() { Path = "/Uploads/", SaveUrl = "/Home/Save" }).ShowCharCount(true).MaxLength(2000).Created("created").Render()
Controller method return configuration in viewbag
var tools = new
tooltipText = "Custom Tools",
template = "<button class='e-tbar-btn e-btn' tabindex='-1' id='custom_tbar' style='width:100%'><div class='e-tbar-btn-text rtecustomtool' style='font-weight: 500;'> Custom Tools</div></button>"
}; = new object[] {
"Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "StrikeThrough",
"FontColor", "BackgroundColor",
"LowerCase", "UpperCase", "|",
"Formats", "Alignments", "OrderedList", "UnorderedList",
"Outdent", "Indent", "CreateTable","|",
"CreateLink", "Image", "|", "ClearFormat", "Print",
"SourceCode", "FullScreen", tools,"|", "Undo", "Redo"
ViewBag.table = new[] {
You can modify the existing “format” option using Format property as shown below.
function onBegin(e) {
alert(e.element.textContent + " is Selected");
public ActionResult Index()
object format1 = new { text = "Paragraph", value = "P" };
object format2 = new { text = "My Paragraph", value = "BlockQuote" };
object format3 = new { text = "Heading 1", value = "H1" };
object format4 = new { text = "Heading 2", value = "H2" };
ViewBag.types = new { width = "40px",
types = new[] { format1, format2, format3, format4 }
return View();
If the newly added item has any predefined format, you can mention that format in value. Else if you want to perform custom action, then you can get the selected item through actionBegin event of RTE and perform required action there. Now the items will be displayed in toolbar as shown below

Not able to get TermVector results properly in SolrNet

I'm not able to get TermVector results properly thru SolrNet. I tried with the following code.
QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions()
OrderBy = new[] { new SortOrder("markupId", Order.ASC) },
TermVector = new TermVectorParameters
Fields = new[] { "text" },
Options = TermVectorParameterOptions.All
var results = SolrMarkupCore.Query(query, options);
foreach (var docVectorResult in results.TermVectorResults)
foreach (var vectorResult in docVectorResult.TermVector)
In the above code, results.TermVectorResults in the outer foreach gives the proper count whereas docVectorResult.TermVector in the inner foreach is empty.
I've copied the generated solr query of the above code and issued against solr admin and I'm properly getting the termVectors values. The actual query I issued is below
First you should check HTTP query to sure termvector feature is set property.
If it's not OK, change your indexing based on:
The Term Vector Component
If it is OK,You can use "ExtraParams" by changing the handler to termvector handler. Try this:
public SolrQueryExecuter<Product> instance { get; private set; }
public ICollection<TermVectorDocumentResult> resultDoc(string q)
string SERVER="http://localhost:7080/solr/core";//change this
var container = ServiceLocator.Current as SolrNet.Utils.Container;
instance = new SolrQueryExecuter<Product>(
new SolrConnection(SERVER),
instance.DefaultHandler = "/tvrh";
SolrQueryResults<Product> results =
instance.Execute(new SolrQuery(q),
new QueryOptions
Fields = new[] { "*" },
Start = 0,
Rows = 10,
ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "", "false" },
{ "tv.df", "false" },
{ "tv.positions", "true" },
{ "tv", "true" },
{ "tv.offsets", "false" },
{ "tv.payloads", "true" },
{ "tv.fl", "message" },// change the field name here
return results.TermVectorResults;

MultiSelectList does not highlight previously selected items

In a ASP.NET MVC (Razor) project, I'm using a ListBox with Multi Select option in a Edit View,
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
Post post = db.Posts.Find(id);
string selectedValues = post.Tags; //This contains Selected values list (Eg: "AA,BB")
ViewBag.Tagslist = GetTags(selectedValues.Split(','));
return View(post);
private MultiSelectList GetTags(string[] selectedValues)
var tagsQuery = from d in db.Tags
orderby d.Name
select d;
return new MultiSelectList(tagsQuery, "Name", "Name", selectedValues);
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.ListBox("Tags", ViewBag.Tagslist as MultiSelectList)
This loads the items (Tag List) in to ListBox, but does not highlight the items in the Selected Values list.
How to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance.
I suspect that your Post class (to which your view is strongly typed) has a property called Tags. You also use Tags as first argument of the ListBox helper. This means that the helper will look into this property first and ignore the selected values you passed to the MultiSelectList. So the correct way to set a selected value is the following:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
Post post = db.Posts.Find(id);
ViewBag.Tagslist = GetTags();
return View(post);
private MultiSelectList GetTags()
var tagsQuery = from d in db.Tags
orderby d.Name
select d;
return new MultiSelectList(tagsQuery, "Name", "Name");
and in the view:
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.ListBoxFor(x => x.Tags, ViewBag.Tagslist as MultiSelectList)
And here's a full example that should illustrate:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var post = new Post
Tags = new[] { "AA", "BB" }
var allTags = new[]
new { Name = "AA" }, new { Name = "BB" }, new { Name = "CC" },
ViewBag.Tagslist = new MultiSelectList(allTags, "Name", "Name");
return View(post);
Also I would recommend you using view models instead of passing your domain entities to the view. So in your PostViewModel you will have a property called AllTags of type MultiSelectList. This way you will be able to get rid of the weak typed ViewBag.

Problems with MVC 3 DropDownList() in WebGrid()

I'm trying to place a DropDownList inside a WebGrid but I can't figure out how to do it :(
Things I've tried:
grid.Column("Id", "Value", format: ((item) =>
Html.DropDownListFor(item.SelectedValue, item.Colors)))
grid.Column(header: "", format: (item => Html.DropDownList("Colors", item.Colors)))
grid.Column(header: "", format: Html.DropDownList("Colors"))
and various others but I couldn't get it to work.
Any help is much appreciated.
public class PersonViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public SelectList Colors { get; set; }
public int SelectedValue { get; set; }
public class ColorViewModel
public int ColorID { get; set; }
public string ColorName { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index()
var colorList = new List<ColorViewModel>() {
new ColorViewModel() { ColorID = 1, ColorName = "Green" },
new ColorViewModel() { ColorID = 2, ColorName = "Red" },
new ColorViewModel() { ColorID = 3, ColorName = "Yellow" }
var people = new List<PersonViewModel>()
new PersonViewModel() {
Name = "Foo",
Age = 42,
Colors = new SelectList(colorList)
new PersonViewModel() {
Name = "Bar",
Age = 1337,
Colors = new SelectList(colorList)
return View(people);
#model IEnumerable<PersonViewModel>
var grid = new WebGrid(Model);
<h2>DropDownList in WebGrid</h2>
#using (Html.BeginForm())
columns: grid.Columns(
format: #<span>#Html.DropDownList("Color", (SelectList)item.Colors)</span>
Also in your controller make sure you set the value and text properties of your SelectList and instead of:
Colors = new SelectList(colorList)
you should use:
Colors = new SelectList(colorList, "ColorID", "ColorName")
Also it seems a bit wasteful to me to define the same SelectList for all row items especially if they contain the same values. I would refactor your view models a bit:
public class MyViewModel
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Colors { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<PersonViewModel> People { get; set; }
public class PersonViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public int SelectedValue { get; set; }
and then:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var model = new MyViewModel
// define the values used to render the dropdown lists
// for each row
Colors = new[]
new SelectListItem { Value = "1", Text = "Green" },
new SelectListItem { Value = "2", Text = "Red" },
new SelectListItem { Value = "3", Text = "Yellow" },
// this is the collection we will be binding the WebGrid to
People = new[]
new PersonViewModel { Name = "Foo", Age = 42 },
new PersonViewModel { Name = "Bar", Age = 1337 },
return View(model);
and in the view:
#model MyViewModel
var grid = new WebGrid(Model.People);
<h2>DropDownList in WebGrid</h2>
#using (Html.BeginForm())
columns: grid.Columns(
format: #<span>#Html.DropDownList("Color", Model.Colors)</span>
And since I suspect that you are not putting those dropdownlists for painting and fun in your views but you expect the user to select values inside them and when he submits the form you might wish to fetch the selected values, you will need to generate proper names of those dropdown lists so that the default model binder can automatically retrieve the selected values in your POST action. Unfortunately since the WebGrid helper kinda sucks and doesn't allow you to retrieve the current row index, you could use a hack as the Haacked showed in his blog post:
#{ var index = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); }
#Html.Hidden("People.Index", index)
#Html.DropDownList("People[" + index + "].SelectedValue", Model.Colors)
Now you could have a POST controller action in which you will fetch the selected value for each row when the form is submitted:
public ActionResult Index(MyViewModel model)
// the model variable will contain the People collection
// automatically bound for each row containing the selected value
..make my dropdown list to select a value from the list when it loads.The following works for sure. I have tried it out myself. Any questions keep me posted.
#Html.DropDownList("RejectReason", Model.SalesReasonList.Select(u => new SelectListItem
Text = u.Text,
Value = u.Value,
Selected = u.Value ==#item.RejectReason

sortdir not working on enum data type in MVC 3 WebGird

I have the following structure:
public class EventEntry : LogEntry
public EventType Type { get; set; }
public string Source { get; set; }
public enum EventType : int
Information = 1,
Warning = 2,
Error = 3
<div id="grid">
var grid = new WebGrid(canPage: true, rowsPerPage: Ctrl.PageSize, canSort: true, ajaxUpdateContainerId: "grid");
grid.Bind(Model.Events, rowCount: Model.TotalRecords, autoSortAndPage: false);
#grid.GetHtml(htmlAttributes: new { id="grid" },
columns: grid.Columns(
public ActionResult Index(int? page, string sort, string sortdir) {...}
When I click on "Source" column that is of type string, the sordir will change from "ASC" to "DESC" but when I try the same thing on the "Type" column sordir will always return "ASC".
The current accepted answer is not the answer to your problem.
It appears that enums are not sorted when you do not mention the columnname in the bind operation. I fixed this by providing all the required column names when binding my model to the webgrid. The UserType property is an enumeration in this example.
var webgrid = new WebGrid(rowsPerPage: 25);
webgrid.Bind(Model, new[] { "FirstName", "MiddleName", "SurName", "UserType" });
var columns = webgrid.Columns(
webgrid.Column("FirstName", "Voornaam"),
webgrid.Column("MiddleName", "Tussenvoegsels"),
webgrid.Column("SurName", "Achternaam"),
webgrid.Column("UserType", "Type gebruiker"),
So I reckon that the sorting will work without changing your controller if you implement to following code:
<div id="grid">
var grid = new WebGrid(canPage: true, rowsPerPage: Ctrl.PageSize, canSort: true, ajaxUpdateContainerId: "grid");
grid.Bind(Model.Events, new[] { "Type", "Source" }, rowCount: Model.TotalRecords, autoSortAndPage: false);
#grid.GetHtml(htmlAttributes: new { id="grid" },
columns: grid.Columns(
Try setting the Grid.SortColumn with the last sorted column.
Controller code
ViewData["lastsortedcol"] = Request["sort"];
View code.
var grid = new WebGrid();
grid.Bind(source: userItems.PagedSet, rowCount: userItemsForSale.TotalCount,autoSortAndPage:false);
grid.SortColumn = (string)ViewData["lastsortedcol"] ;
columns: grid.Columns
grid.Column(columnName: "ItemName", header: "ItemName", format: (item) => Html.Label(((UserItemForSale)item.Value).ItemDetails.Name)),
grid.Column(columnName: "Quantity", header: "Quantity", format: (item) => Html.Label(((UserItemForSale)item.Value).Qty + ""))
I have had this happen a number of times; specifically when binding an enumeration type to a column.
I found that you can get round this issue (although this is a serious cludge) by changing the ColumnName value to the name of an unused, non-enumeration type property and then setting it to the correct value in your controller before using it:
E.g. - this fails:
grid.Column("PaymentMethod", "Loan Delivery Method", item => string.Format("{0}", EnumHelper.GetFirstValueFromMetaDataAttribute(item.PaymentMethod, Constants.GENERALMETADATATAG))),
Then change it to something like:
grid.Column("WaitForDocsNoOfRetries", "Loan Delivery Method", item => string.Format("{0}", EnumHelper.GetFirstValueFromMetaDataAttribute(item.PaymentMethod, Constants.GENERALMETADATATAG))),
In my controller method I then do:
sort = sort == "WaitForDocsNoOfRetries" ? "PaymentMethod": sort;
