Default for everyone in deployment package - visual-studio-2010

Is there any way to set the deployment package to select for everyone instead of just me as the default?

if you look at the Setup project properties then you will see an InstallAllUsers property - set this to true.
NOTE - Make sure you have the properties window visible as well as solution explorer. (View -> Properties Window)


VS2017- Solution Configuration won't apply changes - Does not build the selected configuration

I have a solution with one project and 3 solution configurations:
When I for example choose "Release" in the quick menu toolbar to change the active solution configuration and Hit F5 I expect the solution to be compiled in Release mode, but whoooo it's still debug (Output window). Ok, let's go to the configuration settings and clear it up.
But the IDE will not apply my changes...? What's wrong here?
When I go to solution -> properties -> All Configurations I expected all my configurations to be visible that I have configured. As I have only one project, I expect "Release", "Debug" and "Staging (added by me)" to be present.
But they are all set to debug...
If you open the "Configuration Manager" via the Build entry.
It opens the same "Configuration Manager" when going the route: Right-click Solution --> Properties --> Configuration Manager.
Now you can choose the Active solution configuration for example "Release" and check if the projects configuration is also set to Release, if not change it.
Click Close and rebuild your solution. Now it should build the chosen configuration. You have to repeat these steps for every configuration: Debug|Test|Staging ...etc.
This time it will remember the settings!
When going solution- -> properties it will not, at least in my case.
(1) Make sure your solution file has a configuration set for the release mode you want.
To do this, right-click the solution in Visual Studio and choose Properties. Then use the "Configuration Manager..." button. In the dialog box that appears, for the project you want to add a configuration for, choose the drop down in the Configuration column.
(2) Right-click your project file in Visual Studio and choose Properties. Select the 'Build' tab. Make sure the 'Configuration' drop down menu has the build configuration you want to use and that you have a corresponding 'Conditional compilation symbols:' entry set that matches. See screen shot below.
(3) In your code behind file (.cs for C#). You'll should see the
// Your code when building for VALIDATION
// Your code when building for PRODUCTION
By changing the drop down at the top of the screen, each of the conditions you've coded for should be enabled/disabled (visually by shading of the text) based on the configuration selected.

How to make project inherit it's settings from another project in VS2013?

I want to create a Native C++ project which inherits it's settings from another Native C++ project within the same solution, so if I were to change the settings from the base project, it will be reflected in the derived project.
Is this possible? I use the word inherit because I see that in the project settings, though I'm not sure where it's inheriting from.
Project settings sharing is done via Property Sheets.
Go to View -> Property Manager, right-click on one of your projects and select "Add New Project Property Sheet...". Choose some common place for it, that is easily accessible by all other projects (somewhere near solution file will do).
Double-click on that new property sheet and set whatever options you want your projects to share. Now you can add this property sheet to any other project via "Add Existing Property Sheet...".
It is inheriting from the solution. If you have both projects in the same solution then you can specify some of settings in the solution and have the projects inherit from the solution. You can then change the a setting in the solution and it be reflected in both projects.

Why does VS force my build to x64?

Before I build, I choose x86 (or Any CPU, too) in the Properties tab for the project.
I save these properties, and if I re-open the Properties tab it's back to x64 as the platform and target, why?
Choosing a build configuration in Properties doesn't actually change the active build configuration. It only allows you to switch between the various build configurations that are defined for your project so that you can edit the settings for each of those configurations. It's only a configuration selector.
The easiest way to change the active build configuration is using the drop-down boxes on the toolbar:
Those commands should be present in your toolbar by default. If you don't see them, follow these steps to get them back where they belong.
Make sure that your .csproj file is not readonly.
Make sure that your changing the build target, not the configuration selector.

XCode Edit Project Settings vs Edit Active Target

What is the difference between these 2 options under the Project menu drop-down?
Normally I just adjusted things in the Project Settings (which adjusts the info.plist, right?).
Today I needed to change the name of my project. Initially i changed the Product_Name from the Edit Project Settings -> Build window. But that didnt change the name.
Then I tried changing the the Product_Name from the Edit Active Target -> Build window, and that seemed to do the trick.
So again, what's the difference? XCode never fails to confuse me just when im beginning to think i have it all figured out! Argh!!!
Project settings apply to all targets in your project. Target settings apply only to that specific target. You likely have only a single target which can make the two sets of settings confusing and appear redundant.
If a setting is set (appears in bold) for both the project and a target, the target setting overrides the project setting.
Target settings which aren't set (do not appear in bold) are inherited from the project settings. Project settings which aren't set (do not appear in bold) are inherited from Xcode's default settings.
If a setting (either project or target) is set (appears in bold) and you instead want to inherit that setting, select the setting and press Delete.
I suggest you prefer using the target settings. Use the project settings for larger, multi-target projects where you really do want to share settings across targets.
It's worth adding that properties set at project level are not automatically inherited from the different configurations / targets of your project: in order to inherit properties that are set at project level you need to set the value $(inherited) in the fields where you actually want to inherit such properties.

Setting the manufacturer in a VS 2008 Setup Project

I have a windows setup project that installs a service. All works well except for one thing: The default directory offered to the user during install is of the form "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ProgramName". I am trying to modify this so that instead of "Microsoft" we would have our company's name.
I found the application folder property of the setup project, and it has a DefaultLocation property of "[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName]". So, it looks like all I need to do is set the "Manufacturer" property and I'll be all set. However, I can not find a way to set this property! I had hoped it would take it from the company name in the AssemblyInfo of the primary output project, but it did not.
I could remove "[Manufacturer]" from the DefaultLocation and replace it with our literal company name, but that seems like a hack.
How do I set the Manufacturer name?
Note that I am not using a full-blown WiX project. I have simply added a windows setup project to my solution.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Click on your setup project in Visual Studio, open the Properties and you will notice that there are a number of Properties that you can set like Manufacturer, SupportURL, etc.
Note if you're confused/frustrated doing this seemingly trivial thing: if you open properties by right-clicking on the project and clicking "Properties" in the right-mouse menu, you will get the wrong dialog box. You need to select the project, but then navigate to the properties tag. One way to navigate to the properties tag is from the "View" menu, select "Properties Window".
