Problems rendering a Polar Zonohedron in Processing - ruby

I've recently been looking into Zonohedrons and Rob Bell made beautiful ones. I had a play with the free Polar Zonohedron Sketchup Plugin and thought about playing with the geometry using Processing. So far I've open up the plugin/Ruby script and tried to port it directly, but I am not experienced with Ruby and have been using the Sketchup Ruby API reference.
The geometry part of the code is mostly in the polar_zonohedron function:
def polar_zonohedron #frequency, pitch = atan(sqrt(2)/2), len = 1.0 # frequency,pitch,length
mo = Sketchup.active_model
mo.start_operation "polar_zonohedron"
prompts = ["Frequency", "Pitch in radians", "Length"]
values = [8, "atan( sqrt(2)/2 )", 12.inch]
results = inputbox prompts, values, "Polar Zonohedron"
return if not results # This means that the user canceld the operation
ents = mo.active_entities
grp = ents.add_group
ents = grp.entities
grp.frequency = results[0]
grp.pitch = eval( results[1] )
grp.length = results[2]
#we begin by setting pts[0] to the origin
pts[0] =,0,0)
vector =,0,sin(grp.pitch) ) #tilt pitch vector up the xz plane
vector.length = grp.length
#Using the origin as the initial generator we iterate thru each zone of the zonohedron
#our first task is to define the four points of the base rhomb for this zone
#at the end the pts[3] becomes our new origin for the rhomb of the next zone
1.upto(grp.frequency-1){ |i|
p_rotate = Geom::Transformation.rotation( pts[0] ,,0,1), i*2*PI/grp.frequency )
#obtain the other three points of the rhomb face
pts[1] = pts[0].transform vector
pts[3] = pts[1].transform( p_rotate )
pts[2] = pts[3].transform( vector )
#we now have the 4 points which make this zone's base rhomb
#so we rotate around the origin frequency times making a star pattern of faces
0.upto(grp.frequency-1){ |j|
f_rotate = Geom::Transformation.rotation(,0,0) ,,0,1), j*2*PI/grp.frequency )
ents.add_face( pts.collect{|p| p.transform(f_rotate)} )
#set the origin for the rhomb of the next zone
pts[0] = pts[3]
I've understood the loops but am slightly confused by transforms:
pts[1] = pts[0].transform vector
pts[3] = pts[1].transform( p_rotate )
pts[2] = pts[3].transform( vector )
As far as I can tell pts[1] is the vector addiction of pts[0] and vector,
and pts[3] is pts[1] multiplied by the p_rotate rotation matrix. Would pts[2] also be an addition (between pts[3] and vector )?
Here's what my attempt looks like so far:
//a port attempt of Rob Bell's polar_zonohedron.rb script -
int frequency = 3;
float pitch = atan(sqrt(2)/2);
float length = 24;
ArrayList<Face> faces = new ArrayList<Face>();
void setup(){
void setupZome(){
PVector[] pts = new PVector[4];
pts[0] = new PVector();
PVector vector = new PVector(cos(pitch),0,sin(pitch));
for(int i = 1 ; i < frequency; i++){
PMatrix3D p_rotate = new PMatrix3D();
p_rotate.rotate(i * TWO_PI / frequency, 0,0,1);
//PVector v = new PVector();
//pts[0] = v;
pts[1] = PVector.add(pts[0],vector);
pts[3] = new PVector();
pts[2] = PVector.add(pts[3],vector);
for(int j = 0; j < frequency; j++){
PMatrix3D f_rotate = new PMatrix3D();
f_rotate.rotate(j*2*PI/frequency , 0,0,1);
Face f = new Face();
for(PVector pt : pts){
PVector p = new PVector();
pts[0] = pts[3];
void draw(){
translate(width * .5, height * .5,0);
translate(0,0,-frequency * length * .25);
for(Face f : faces){
beginShape(mousePressed ? QUADS : POINTS);
for(PVector p : f.pts) vertex(p.x,p.y,p.z);
void keyPressed(){
if(keyCode == UP && frequency < 32) frequency++;
if(keyCode == DOWN && frequency > 2) frequency--;
void drawAxes(int size){
class Face{
ArrayList<PVector> pts = new ArrayList<PVector>();
void add(PVector p){
if(pts.size() <= 4) pts.add(p);
I feel I'm close, but I'm getting the loop conditionals and vertex indices wrong.
Any tips on how to fix this?

I was very close, but not paying attention to all the details.
Turns out I get the correct mesh if I don't increment the rotation on p_rotate:
p_rotate.rotate(TWO_PI / frequency, 0,0,1);
instead of
p_rotate.rotate(i * TWO_PI / frequency, 0,0,1);
Here is the full code listing:
//a port attempt of Rob Bell's polar_zonohedron.rb script -
int frequency = 3;
float pitch = atan(sqrt(2)/2);
float length = 24;
ArrayList<Face> faces = new ArrayList<Face>();
void setup(){
void setupZome(){
PVector[] pts = new PVector[4];
pts[0] = new PVector();
PVector vector = new PVector(cos(pitch),0,sin(pitch));
for(int i = 1 ; i < frequency-1; i++){
PMatrix3D p_rotate = new PMatrix3D();
p_rotate.rotate(TWO_PI / frequency, 0,0,1);
pts[1] = PVector.add(pts[0],vector);
pts[3] = new PVector();
pts[2] = PVector.add(pts[3],vector);
for(int j = 0; j < frequency; j++){
PMatrix3D f_rotate = new PMatrix3D();
f_rotate.rotate(j*2*PI/frequency , 0,0,1);
Face f = new Face();
for(PVector pt : pts){
PVector p = new PVector();
pts[0] = pts[3];
void draw(){
translate(width * .5, height * .5,0);
translate(0,0,-frequency * length * .25);
for(Face f : faces){
beginShape(mousePressed ? QUADS : POINTS);
for(PVector p : f.pts) vertex(p.x,p.y,p.z);
void keyPressed(){
if(keyCode == UP && frequency < 32) frequency++;
if(keyCode == DOWN && frequency > 3) frequency--;
void drawAxes(int size){
class Face{
ArrayList<PVector> pts = new ArrayList<PVector>();
void add(PVector p){
if(pts.size() <= 4) pts.add(p);
And here a couple of screenshots:


How can you write an algorithm to properly fill a circle using lines from the center?

Currently I try to write code for calculating the parts of the screen you can see and those who can't because of objects that block light in 2d, like in Among Us:
The code should run on a processor with very low specs (at least in 2020), the C64. On such a simple CPU it's not possible to do such complex math fast enough for a game, so I came up with an idea: First of all, I make everything tile based, that makes processing easier and also means that I can just change entire characters or their color cells. Then I just write code for the PC in Processing (that's a coding language similar to Java but easier to use) to calculate how rays of light would move (the following graphic should make that more understandable), first just with a rectangle (and a single quadrant):
Then I wrote some completely messy assembler code for using the recorded coordinates to just keep filling the tiles with an inverted character based on the number of the ray currently being drawn on the ray until they hit an object (/ the tile it wants to fill is not inverted and not a space) and then just go to the next ray. I reduced the radius to 7 so it just takes up 256 bytes, useful for ASM. And that totally worked, I was able to fix every single bug and the result was quite impressive, since I needed to add pause statements or everything ran so fast that you couldn't see anything.
After that worked, I tried it with a circle, setting the points using this code:
int pointNum = ceil(radius * PI * 2); // calculates the circumference
for(int i = 0;i < pointNum;i++){
float angle = map(i, 0, pointNum, 0, PI*2);
setPixel(sin(angle) * radius, cos(angle) * radius);
I previously used the Bresenham circle algorithm but that didn't quite work so I tried a more simple way. So ...
All the marked black tiles never get hit by any light, which is a pretty big issue, because it wouldn't make much sense in a game that you just can't see those tiles. The code I used, written in Processing, is:
float[] xPoints = new float[0];
float[] yPoints = new float[0];
float[] xPointsT;
float[] yPointsT;
float[] xPointsHad = new float[0];
float[] yPointsHad = new float[0];
int pos = 0;
float interpolPos = 0;
int radius = 12;
float tileSize = 800.0 / (2*radius+1);
String output = " !byte ";
int pointNum = ceil(radius * PI * 2);
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
xPointsT = new float[0];
yPointsT = new float[0];
/*for(int i = 0;i <= radius;i++){
setPixel(radius, i);
setPixel(i, radius);
}*/ //Uncomment this and comment the next 4 lines to get the rectangle version
for(int i = 0;i < pointNum;i++){
float angle = map(i, 0, pointNum, 0, PI*2);
setPixel(sin(angle) * radius, cos(angle) * radius);
xPoints = concat(xPoints, xPointsT);
yPoints = concat(yPoints, yPointsT);
void draw(){
if(interpolPos > radius){
interpolPos = 0;
output = " !byte ";
float x=0, y=0;
float interpolMul = interpolPos / radius;
x = xPoints[pos] * interpolMul;
y = yPoints[pos] * interpolMul;
interpolPos+=1;//sorta the resolution
for(int i = 0;i < 2*radius+1;i++){
for(int j = 0;j < 2*radius+1;j++){
if((round(x) + radius) == i && (round(y) + radius) == j){
fill(0, 255, 0);
if(output != " !byte ")
output += ", ";
output += i-radius;
output += ", ";
output += j-radius;
xPointsHad = append(xPointsHad, i);
yPointsHad = append(yPointsHad, j);
int fillVal = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < xPoints.length;k++){
if(round(xPoints[k])+radius == i && round(yPoints[k])+radius == j){
fillVal += 64;
fill(0, 0, fillVal);
if(fillVal == 0){
for(int k = 0; k < xPointsHad.length;k++){
if(round(xPointsHad[k]) == i && round(yPointsHad[k]) == j){
fill(128, 0, 0);
rect(i * tileSize, j * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
stroke(0, 255, 255, 64);
for(int i = 0;i < xPoints.length;i++){
line((float(radius)+0.5) * tileSize, (float(radius)+0.5) * tileSize, (float(radius)+0.5+xPoints[i]) * tileSize, (float(radius)+0.5+yPoints[i]) * tileSize);
fill(255, 255, 0);
ellipse((x + radius + 0.5) * tileSize, (y + radius + 0.5) * tileSize, 10, 10);
void setPixel(float _x, float _y){
for(int i = 0; i < xPoints.length;i++){
if(_x == xPoints[i] && _y == yPoints[i]){
for(int i = 0; i < xPointsT.length;i++){
if(_x == xPointsT[i] && _y == yPointsT[i]){
xPointsT = append(xPointsT, _x);
yPointsT = append(yPointsT, _y);
(Instructions to get the rectangle are in the code)
Those mentioned tiles seem to be never hit because the rays on them just jump over them, but what can I do to prevent that? You can decrease interpolPos+=x; to hit more tiles because that way your steps are smaller, but that wastes quite some space, so I don't think that's a good solution. Ideally you could also just decrease the number of coordinates you draw to get a smaller vision. Has anyone a good idea how to do that?
You have chosen wrong method to find all touched cells - instead of point-based way you need cell(squares)-based approach - ray intersects rectangle rather than point.
There is article of Amanatides and Woo "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing" for 2D.
Practical implementation.
Quick-made tracing example. Rays emitted from left top corner go to blue points. If ray meets black cell obstacle, it stops. Pink cells are lighted by rays, grey ones are not.
Okay, I found something that worked for me in my situation: I just used the part that totally works (the rectangle) and then just make that a circle by ignoring every tile hit that's further away from the light source then the radius + 0.5, because without + .5 the circle looks weird. You can try it yourself, here's the code:
float[] xPoints = new float[0];
float[] yPoints = new float[0];
float[] xPointsT;
float[] yPointsT;
float[] xPointsHad = new float[0];
float[] yPointsHad = new float[0];
int pos = 0;
float interpolPos = 0;
int radius = 7;
float tileSize = 800.0 / (2*radius+1);
int pointNum = ceil(radius * PI * 2);
String standardOutput = " !align 15,0\n !byte ";
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
xPointsT = new float[0];
yPointsT = new float[0];
for(int i = 0;i <= radius;i++){
setPixel(radius, i);
setPixel(i, radius);
} //Uncomment this and comment the next 4 lines to get the rectangle version
/*for(int i = 0;i < pointNum;i++){
float angle = map(i, 0, pointNum, 0, PI*2);
setPixel(sin(angle) * radius, cos(angle) * radius);
xPoints = concat(xPoints, xPointsT);
yPoints = concat(yPoints, yPointsT);
xPointsT = new float[0];
yPointsT = new float[0];
void draw(){
if(interpolPos > radius){
interpolPos = 0;
String output = standardOutput;
for(int i = 0;i < radius + 1;i++){
int indexPos = floor(map(i, 0, radius + 1, 0, xPointsT.length));
output += round(xPointsT[indexPos]);
output += ",";
output += round(yPointsT[indexPos]);
if(i < radius){
output += ", ";
xPointsT = new float[0];
yPointsT = new float[0];
float x=0, y=0;
float interpolMul = interpolPos / radius;
x = xPoints[pos] * interpolMul;
y = yPoints[pos] * interpolMul;
interpolPos+=1;//sorta the resolution
for(int i = 0;i < 2*radius+1;i++){
for(int j = 0;j < 2*radius+1;j++){
if((round(x) + radius) == i && (round(y) + radius) == j && sqrt(sq(round(x)) + sq(round(y))) < radius + 0.5){
fill(0, 255, 0);
xPointsT = append(xPointsT, i-radius);
yPointsT = append(yPointsT, j-radius);
xPointsHad = append(xPointsHad, i);
yPointsHad = append(yPointsHad, j);
int fillVal = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < xPoints.length;k++){
if(round(xPoints[k])+radius == i && round(yPoints[k])+radius == j){
fillVal += 64;
fill(0, 0, fillVal);
if(fillVal == 0){
for(int k = 0; k < xPointsHad.length;k++){
if(round(xPointsHad[k]) == i && round(yPointsHad[k]) == j){
fill(128, 0, 0);
rect(i * tileSize, j * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
stroke(0, 255, 255, 64);
for(int i = 0;i < xPoints.length;i++){
line((float(radius)+0.5) * tileSize, (float(radius)+0.5) * tileSize, (float(radius)+0.5+xPoints[i]) * tileSize, (float(radius)+0.5+yPoints[i]) * tileSize);
fill(255, 255, 0);
ellipse((x + radius + 0.5) * tileSize, (y + radius + 0.5) * tileSize, 10, 10);
void setPixel(float _x, float _y){
for(int i = 0; i < xPoints.length;i++){
if(_x == xPoints[i] && _y == yPoints[i]){
for(int i = 0; i < xPointsT.length;i++){
if(_x == xPointsT[i] && _y == yPointsT[i]){
xPointsT = append(xPointsT, _x);
yPointsT = append(yPointsT, _y);
Besides the main difference to ignore tiles that are not in the circle, I also changed that I store the coordinates not in a String but in two arrays, because then I use code to stretch them when there are fewer then radius + 1 points, so I don't have to store multiple circles with different sizes in the C64's RAM, so it meets my main requirements: It should fill every tile and it should be downscalable by ignoring some points at the end of rays. And is if efficient? Uh ... there could be a better solution that fills the circle with fewer rays, but I don't care too much. Still, if you have an idea, it would be nice if you could tell me, but otherwise this question is solved.
Edit: I forgot to add a picture. Don't be confused, I modified the code after posting it so you can also see the blue tiles on the circle.

Translating horizontally inverted quads

A couple of days ago I asked a question about translations and rotations in Processing.
I wanted to:
translate, invert and rotate a single quadrilateral (PShape object) multiple times
then change the height of one of its 2 top vertices
so as the whole thing act as an articulated arm that can be bent either to the right or the left.
Thanks to the help of #Rabbid76 I was able to achieve this effect but I am now facing another issue when translating the last 5 top horizontally inverted quads.
When bending the object, the first 3 quads get separated from the last 5 and. And the more the bending leg is curved, the farther they get apart.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me fix the translation part (from line 65 to 68) so as the quads stay attached to each other to matter how strong the bending is.
Any suggestion regarding that matter would be also greatly appreciated.
int W = 40;
int H = 40;
int nQuads = 8;
int xOffset = 27;
float[] p0 = {-W/2 + xOffset, -H/2};
float[] p1 = {-W/2, H/2};
float[] p2 = {W/2, H/2};
float[] p3 = {W/2, -H/2};
PShape object;
void setup(){
size(600, 600, P2D);
void draw(){
// Bending to the left
float bending = sin(frameCount*.05) * .1;
p0[1] -= bending;
translate(width/2, height/2);
float minX = min( min(p0[0], p3[0]), min(p2[0], p1[0]) );
float maxX = max( max(p0[0], p3[0]), max(p2[0], p1[0]) );
float cptX = (minX+maxX)/2;
//Rotation Angle
float angle = atan2(p3[1]-p0[1], p3[0]-p0[0]);
//Pivot Height
float PH = p0[1] + (p3[1]-p0[1]) * (cptX-p0[0])/(p3[0]-p0[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < nQuads; i++){
float PivotHeight = (i % 2 == 1) ? PH : H/2;
//Height translation
if (i > 0){
translate(0, PivotHeight);
//Rotate once every 2 quads
if (i%2 == 1){
//Height translation
//Flip all quads except 1st one
if (i > 0){
translate(0, PivotHeight);
scale(1, -1);
//NOT working --> Flipping horizontally the last 5 top QUADS
if (i == 3){
scale(-1, 1);
translate(- xOffset, 0); //trying to align the quads on the X axis. Y translation is missing
void object() {
vertex(p0[0], p0[1]);
vertex(p1[0], p1[1]);
vertex(p2[0], p2[1]);
vertex(p3[0], p3[1]);
Just providing a workaround to my own question but won't accept it as a valid answer as I don't really understand what I'm doing and it's probably not the most efficient solution.
int W = 40;
int H = 40;
int nQuads = 8;
int xOffset = 27;
float[] p0 = {-W/2 + xOffset, -H/2};
float[] p1 = {-W/2, H/2};
float[] p2 = {W/2, H/2};
float[] p3 = {W/2, -H/2};
PShape object;
void setup(){
size(600, 600, P2D);
void draw(){
// Bending to the left
float bending = sin(frameCount*.05) * .3;
p0[1] -= bending;
translate(width/2, height/2);
float minX = min( min(p0[0], p3[0]), min(p2[0], p1[0]) );
float maxX = max( max(p0[0], p3[0]), max(p2[0], p1[0]) );
float cptX = (minX+maxX)/2;
//Rotation Angle
float angle = atan2(p3[1]-p0[1], p3[0]-p0[0]);
//Pivot Height
float PH = p0[1] + (p3[1]-p0[1]) * (cptX-p0[0])/(p3[0]-p0[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < nQuads; i++){
float PivotHeight = (i % 2 == 1) ? PH : H/2;
//Height translation
if (i > 0){
translate(0, PivotHeight);
//Rotate once every 2 quads
if (i%2 == 1){
//Height translation
//Flip all quads except 1st one
if (i > 0){
translate(0, PivotHeight);
scale(1, -1);
//Flipping horizontally the last 5 top QUADS
if (i == 3){
scale(-1, 1);
translate(0, PivotHeight);
translate(0, PivotHeight);
translate(-xOffset , H/2 - p0[1]);
void object() {
vertex(p0[0], p0[1]);
vertex(p1[0], p1[1]);
vertex(p2[0], p2[1]);
vertex(p3[0], p3[1]);

"Mirroring" a PShape object (rotation / translation issue) with Processing

I would like to "mirror" a PShape object like in the picture below:
I know how to display multiple shapes and how to invert them (screenshot below) but things get complicated when I have to rotate them (and probably translating them) so as they "stick" to the preceding shapes (first picture).
I've been trying to compute an angle with the first 2 vertices of the original shape (irregular quadrilateral) and the atan2() function but to no avail.
I would really appreciate if someone could help figuring how to solve this problem.
int W = 20;
int H = 20;
int D = 20;
PShape object;
void setup(){
size(600, 600, P2D);
void draw(){
translate(width/2, height/1.3);
int td = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
translate(0, td*H*2);
scale(-1, 1);
td *= -1;
void object() {
vertex(-20, 20);
vertex(20, 0);
vertex(20, -20);
vertex(-20, -20);
To do what you want you have to create a shape by 2 given angles for the top and the bottom of the shape angleT and `angleB´. The origin (0,0) is in the center of the shape. This causes that the pivots for the rotations are in the middle of the slopes of the shape :
int W = 40;
int H = 40;
float angleT = -PI/18;
float angleB = PI/15;
PShape object;
void object() {
float H1 = -H/2 + W*tan(angleB);
float H2 = H/2 + W*tan(angleT);
vertex(-W/2, -H/2);
vertex(W/2, H1);
vertex(W/2, H2);
vertex(-W/2, H/2);
When you draw the parts, then you should distinguish between even and odd parts. The parts have to be flipped horizontal by inverting the y axis (scale(1, -1)). The even parts have to be rotated by the double of angleB and the odd parts have to be rotated by the doubled of angleT. For the rotation, the center of the slopes (pivots) have to be translated to the origin:
void setup(){
size(600, 600, P2D);
void draw(){
translate(width/2, height/2);
float HC1 = -H/2 + W*tan(angleB)/2;
float HC2 = H/2 + W*tan(angleT)/2;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
float angle = (i % 2 == 0) ? -angleB : -angleT;
float HC = (i % 2 == 0) ? HC1 : HC2;
translate(0, -HC);
translate(0, -HC);
scale(1, -1);
The algorithm works for any angle, positive and negative including 0.
This algorithm can be further improved. Let's assume you have a quad, defined by 4 points (p0, p1, p2, p3):
float[] p0 = {10, 0};
float[] p1 = {40, 10};
float[] p2 = {60, 45};
float[] p3 = {0, 60};
PShape object;
void object() {
vertex(p0[0], p0[1]);
vertex(p1[0], p1[1]);
vertex(p2[0], p2[1]);
vertex(p3[0], p3[1]);
Calculate the the minimum, maximum, centerpoint, pivots and angles:
float minX = min( min(p0[0], p1[0]), min(p2[0], p3[0]) );
float maxX = max( max(p0[0], p1[0]), max(p2[0], p3[0]) );
float minY = min( min(p0[1], p1[1]), min(p2[1], p3[1]) );
float maxY = max( max(p0[1], p1[1]), max(p2[1], p3[1]) );
float cptX = (minX+maxX)/2;
float cptY = (minY+maxY)/2;
float angleB = atan2(p1[1]-p0[1], p1[0]-p0[0]);
float angleT = atan2(p2[1]-p3[1], p2[0]-p3[0]);
float HC1 = p0[1] + (p1[1]-p0[1])*(cptX-p0[0])/(p1[0]-p0[0]);
float HC2 = p3[1] + (p2[1]-p3[1])*(cptX-p3[0])/(p2[0]-p3[0]);
Draw the shape like before:
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
float angle = (i % 2 == 0) ? -angleB : -angleT;
float HC = (i % 2 == 0) ? HC1 : HC2;
translate(cptX, -HC);
translate(-cptX, -HC);
scale(1, -1);
Another approach would be to stack the shape on both sides:
For this you have to know the heights of the pivots (HC1, HC2) and the angles (angleB, angleT). So this can be implemented based on both of the above approaches.
Define the pivot points and the directions of the top and bottom edge:
PVector dir1 = new PVector(cos(angleB), sin(angleB));
PVector dir2 = new PVector(cos(angleT), sin(angleT));
PVector pv1 = new PVector(0, HC1); // or PVector(cptX, HC1)
PVector pv2 = new PVector(0, HC2); // or PVector(cptX, HC2)
Calculate the intersection point (X) of the both edges. Of course this will work only if the
edges are not parallel:
PVector v12 = pv2.copy().sub(pv1);
PVector nDir = new PVector(dir2.y, -dir2.x);
float d = /;
PVector X = pv1.copy().add( dir1.copy().mult(d) );
The stack algorithm works as follows:
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
float fullAngle = angleT-angleB;
float angle = fullAngle * floor(i/2);
if ((i/2) % 2 != 0)
angle += fullAngle;
if (i % 2 != 0)
angle = -angle;
float flip = 1.0;
if (i % 2 != 0)
flip *= -1.0;
if ((i/2) % 2 != 0)
flip *= -1.0;
translate(X.x, X.y);
scale(1, flip);
translate(-X.x, -X.y);

Walk along PShape contours and divide them?

I’m looking for a proper way of finding points along a PShape contour.
My goal is to generate the same number of points along the two distances from a given point to another (right distance and left distance), then mark a point in the exact center between the the two points that are the same step number on each side. (I’m not sure if I’m being easily understandable, and I cannot attach img already, so I attach processing code).
I imagine that the first step for getting it done is to calculate the exact distance between the start and end points, following the path. Maybe I’m wrong.
Any help on this matter would be very very welcome.
PGraphics g ;
PVector[] values = new PVector[7];
void setup(){
void draw(){
void fillVal(){
values[0]=new PVector ( 336.0, 272.0, 0.0 );
values[1]=new PVector ( 305.0, 428.0, 0.0 );
values[2]=new PVector ( 489.0, 516.0, 0.0 );
values[3]=new PVector ( 639.0, 400.0, 0.0);
values[4]=new PVector ( 565.0, 283.0, 0.0 );
values[5]=new PVector ( 469.0, 227.0, 0.0 );
values[6]=new PVector ( 403.0, 216.0, 0.0 );
void drawSiluette(PGraphics _s){
_s = createGraphics(width,height);
for(int i = 0; i <values.length;i++){
if(i==0 || i==values.length-1){
for(int it = 0; it<2;it++)
//start and end points
The question is a little unclear. To
generate the same number of points along the two distances from a
given point to another
you can simply linearly interpolate between two points (lerp for short).
This functionality is built into the PVector's lerp() function.
The function takes three parameters:
the start point
the end point
a normalised value, which is a value between 0.0 and 1.0
You can think of the normalised value as a percentage:
0.0 = 0%
0.25 = 25%
1.0 = 100%
Here's a basic example demonstration interpolation between two points with a given number of points in between:
PVector from = new PVector(100,100);
PVector to = new PVector(300,300);
int numPoints = 10;
void setup(){
void draw(){
for(int i = 0; i <= numPoints; i++){
//compute interpolation amount = a number from 0.0 and 1.0 , where 0 = 0% along the line and 1.0 = 100 % along the line (0.5 = 50%, etc.)
float interpolationAmount = (float)i / numPoints;
//float interpolationAmount = map(i,0,numPoints,0.0,1.0);
//linearly interpolate point based on the interpolation amount
PVector interpolatedPoint = PVector.lerp(from,to,interpolationAmount);
//render the point on screen
text("numPoints: " + numPoints,10,15);
void mouseDragged(){
if(keyPressed) {
void keyPressed(){
if(keyCode == UP) numPoints++;
if(keyCode == DOWN && numPoints > 0) numPoints--;
You can run this as a demo bellow:
var from,to;
var numPoints = 10;
function setup(){
from = createVector(100,100);
to = createVector(300,300);
function draw(){
for(var i = 0; i <= numPoints; i++){
//compute interpolation amount = a number from 0.0 and 1.0 , where 0 = 0% along the line and 1.0 = 100 % along the line (0.5 = 50%, etc.)
//var interpolationAmount = (float)i / numPoints;
var interpolationAmount = map(i,0,numPoints,0.0,1.0);
//linearly interpolate point based on the interpolation amount
var interpolatedPoint = p5.Vector.lerp(from,to,interpolationAmount);//PVector.lerp(from,to,interpolationAmount);
//render the point on screen
text("usage:\nclick & drag to move start point\nhold a key pressed while clicking and drag to move end point\nuse LEFT/RIGHT arrow to change number of points: " + numPoints,10,15);
function mouseDragged(){
if(keyIsPressed) {
function keyPressed(){
if(keyCode == LEFT_ARROW) numPoints++;
if(keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW && numPoints > 0) numPoints--;
<script src=""></script>
The functionality could be encapsulated into a reusable function:
void drawPointsInbetween(PVector from,PVector to,int numPoints){
for(int i = 0; i <= numPoints; i++){
//compute interpolation amount = a number from 0.0 and 1.0 , where 0 = 0% along the line and 1.0 = 100 % along the line (0.5 = 50%, etc.)
float interpolationAmount = (float)i / numPoints;
//float interpolationAmount = map(i,0,numPoints,0.0,1.0);
//linearly interpolate point based on the interpolation amount
PVector interpolatedPoint = PVector.lerp(from,to,interpolationAmount);
//render the point on screen
Back to your code, one thing that sticks out, although it's not related your main question is the fact that you're creating a new PGraphics instance multiple times per second. You probably don't want to do that. Currently, you should be able to draw straight into Processing with no need for PGraphics.
PVector[] values = new PVector[7];
void setup(){
void draw(){
void fillVal(){
values[0]=new PVector ( 336.0, 272.0, 0.0 );
values[1]=new PVector ( 305.0, 428.0, 0.0 );
values[2]=new PVector ( 489.0, 516.0, 0.0 );
values[3]=new PVector ( 639.0, 400.0, 0.0);
values[4]=new PVector ( 565.0, 283.0, 0.0 );
values[5]=new PVector ( 469.0, 227.0, 0.0 );
values[6]=new PVector ( 403.0, 216.0, 0.0 );
void drawSiluette(PGraphics _s){
//_s = createGraphics(width,height);
for(int i = 0; i <values.length;i++){
if(i==0 || i==values.length-1){
for(int it = 0; it<2;it++)
//start and end points
Adding the points in between function would be as simple as this:
PVector[] values = new PVector[7];
int numPoints = 10;
void setup(){
void draw(){
void fillVal(){
values[0]=new PVector ( 336.0, 272.0, 0.0 );
values[1]=new PVector ( 305.0, 428.0, 0.0 );
values[2]=new PVector ( 489.0, 516.0, 0.0 );
values[3]=new PVector ( 639.0, 400.0, 0.0);
values[4]=new PVector ( 565.0, 283.0, 0.0 );
values[5]=new PVector ( 469.0, 227.0, 0.0 );
values[6]=new PVector ( 403.0, 216.0, 0.0 );
void drawSiluette(PGraphics _s){
//_s = createGraphics(width,height);
for(int i = 0; i <values.length;i++){
if(i==0 || i==values.length-1){
for(int it = 0; it<2;it++)
//start and end points
//draw inbetween points
for(int i = 1 ; i < values.length; i++){
//draw last to first
void drawPointsInbetween(PVector from,PVector to,int numPoints){
for(int i = 0; i <= numPoints; i++){
//compute interpolation amount = a number from 0.0 and 1.0 , where 0 = 0% along the line and 1.0 = 100 % along the line (0.5 = 50%, etc.)
float interpolationAmount = (float)i / numPoints;
//float interpolationAmount = map(i,0,numPoints,0.0,1.0);
//linearly interpolate point based on the interpolation amount
PVector interpolatedPoint = PVector.lerp(from,to,interpolationAmount);
//render the point on screen
Here's a preview:
Notice that the interpolation is linear. For curves you might want to look at
higher order interpolation functions such as quadratic or cubic.
Hermite curves are an example of cubic curve.
Here's a basic the formula:
and here's a basic Processing demo interpolating points on a Hermite curve:
float percent = 0;
PVector P0 = new PVector(10,90);//1st control pt
PVector T0 = new PVector(300,200);//1st anchor pt - NOTE! The anchors are relative to the controls
PVector P1 = new PVector(400,90);//2nd control pt
PVector T1 = new PVector(-100,400);//2nd anchor pt
PVector[] points = {P0,T0,P1,T1};
PVector pointAtPercent;
void setup(){
void reset(){
P1.x = 200 + random(200);//randomize a wee bit
T1.x = random(-100,100);
percent = 0;
void draw() {
pointAtPercent = hermite(percent, points);//compute point
//render on screen
//update percentage of traversal along curve
percent += .015;
//if the curve has been drawn, stop drawing
if(percent >= 1) noLoop();
void mousePressed(){
PVector hermite(float t,PVector[] points){
PVector result = new PVector();
result.x = (2 * pow(t,3) - 3 * t * t + 1) * points[0].x+
(pow(t,3) - 2 * t * t + t) * points[1].x +
(- 2 * pow(t,3) + 3*t*t) * points[2].x +
( pow(t,3) - t*t) * points[3].x;
result.y = (2 * pow(t,3) - 3 * t * t + 1) * points[0].y+
(pow(t,3) - 2 * t * t + t) * points[1].y +
(- 2 * pow(t,3) + 3*t*t) * points[2].y +
( pow(t,3) - t*t) * points[3].y;
return result;
It's unclear how exactly you're aiming to interpolate between your points, but hopefully the above concepts should help you achieve your goal.

Processing PVector rotations

The issue is i got an array of PVectors placed around my main PVector which is in the middle. I want my array of PVectors to rotate around my main PVector based on a rotation variable. Is there any way to do this?
Right now I have this code but it does not rotate the PVectors, just places them farther away based on the rotation var.
class Box {
PVector location;
PVector[] points;
float rotation = random(360);
Box() {
location = new PVector(random(width), random(height));
points = new PVector[4];
for(a = 0; a < points.length; a ++) {
points[a] = new PVector(0,0);
void update() {
points[0].x = location.x + 10 * sin(rotation);
points[0].y = location.y + 10 * sin(rotation);
points[1].x = location.x + 10 * sin(rotation);
points[1].y = location.y - 10 * sin(rotation);
points[2].x = location.x - 10 * sin(rotation);
points[2].y = location.y + 10 * sin(rotation);
points[3].x = location.x - 10 * sin(rotation);
points[3].y = location.y - 10 * sin(rotation);
To rotate the vectors, you do need to use trig functions like sin and cos like you have in your code. However, your approach isn't really the best. Adding onto the existing (x,y) coordinates on each update isn't really feasible, since the number you have to add on is changing every time. It's easier just to overwrite and calculate new values for each update. The x and y coordinates for a given angle are given by the unit circle:
So, the x of a given PVector varies with cos(theta) and the y varies with sin(theta). Check the following code:
Box b;
void setup(){
b = new Box();
void draw(){
b.update(mouseX, mouseY);
class Box {
PVector location;
PVector[] points;
float rotation;
float radius;
Box() {
location = new PVector(width/2,height/2);
points = new PVector[7];
rotation = 0;
radius = 50;
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i ++) {
//this centers the points around (0,0), so you need to add in
//the box coordinates later on.
points[i] = new PVector(radius*cos(rotation + i*TWO_PI/points.length),
radius*sin(rotation + i*TWO_PI/points.length));
void update(int x, int y) {
rotation += 0.08; // change for different rotation speeds.
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
points[i].set(radius*cos(rotation + i*TWO_PI/points.length),
radius*sin(rotation + i*TWO_PI/points.length));
void display(){
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
//points are treated as offsets from the center point:
For every update() call, it increments the rotation variable and calculates the new x and y values for each point in the array. You can change the speed and direction of rotation by changing 0.08 to bigger/smaller/positive/negative numbers.
To rotate a point around location:
double x = cos(rotation) * (point.x-location.x) - sin(rotation) * (point.y-location.y) + location.x;
double y = sin(rotation) * (point.x-location.x) + cos(rotation) * (point.y-location.y) + location.y;
point.x = x;
point.y = y;
See Rotate a point by an angle
