How correctly wake up process inside interrupt handlers - linux-kernel

Briefly, in a read method i check if a variable is 0 and if it's i put the current process to sleep:
static ssize_t soc2e_read(struct file *filp, char __user *buf,
size_t count, loff_t * ppos)
struct soc2e_dev *soc2e = (struct soc2e_dev *)filp->private_data;
if (soc2e->bytes == 0)
if (wait_event_interruptible(soc2e->wlist, (soc2e->bytes > 0)))
I must wake up the process in an interrupt handler:
static irqreturn_t soc2e_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev)
struct soc2e_dev *soc2e = dev;
soc2e->bytes += read_bytes;
I think (and also verified) that here could be a problem of atomicity. What happen if interrupt comes between if (soc2e->bytes == 0) in read method and the call to wait_event_interruptible. Maybe the process won't be waked up until next interrupt. What is the best way to resolve this issue?

The wait_event_interruptible macro is already pretty careful about avoiding the race you describe. In fact, you don't need the initial check of your bytes member -- you could just write in your read method:
if (wait_event_interruptible(soc2e->wlist, soc2e->bytes > 0))
because wait_event_interruptible() will not actually go to sleep if the condition is true (or becomes true while it's in the middle of going to sleep).


boost asio: Is it thread safe to call tcp::socket::async_read_some() when handler is protected by a strand

I'm struggle to full understand Boost ASIO and strands. I was under the impression that the call to socket::async_read_some() was safe as long as the handler was wrapped in a strand. This appears not to be the case since the code eventually throws an exception.
In my situation a third party library is making the Session::readSome() calls. I'm using a reactor pattern with the ASIO layer under the third party library. When data arrives on the socket the 3rd party is called to do the read. The pattern is used since it is necessary to abort the read operation at any time and have the 3rd party library error out and return its thread. The third party expected a blocking read so the code mimics it with a conditional variable.
Given the example below what is the proper way to do this? Do I need to wrap the async_read_some() call in a dispatch() or post() so it runs through a strand too?
Note: Compiler is c++14 ;-(
Example representative code:
Session::Session (ba::io_context& ioContext):
m_sessionStrand ( ioContext.get_executor() ),
m_socket ( m_sessionStrand )
int32_t Session::readSome (unsigned char* pBuffer, uint32_t bufferSizeToRead, boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
// The 3d party expects a synchronous read so we mimic the behavior
// with a async_read and then wait for the results. With this pattern
// we can unblock the read elsewhere - for or example calling close on the socket -
// and still give the 3d party the illusion of a synchronous read.
// In such a cases the 3rd party will receive an error code
// on the read and return it's thread.
// Nothing to do
if ( bufferSizeToRead == 0) return 0;
// Create a mutable buffer
ba::mutable_buffer buffer (pBuffer, bufferSizeToRead);
std::size_t result = 0;
// Setup conditional;
auto readHandler = [&result, &errorCode, self=shared_from_this()](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t bytesRead)
result = bytesRead;
errorCode = ec;
// Signal that we got results
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{m_readerMutex};;
m_socket.async_read_some(buffer, ba::bind_executor (m_sessionStrand, readHandler));
// We pause the 3rd party read thread until we get the read results back - or an error occurs
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{m_readerMutex};
m_readerPauseCV.wait (lock, [this]{ return !m_readerPause.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } );
return result;
The exception occurs in epoll_reactor.ipp. There is a race condition between the read and closing the socket.
void epoll_reactor::start_op(int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, reactor_op* op,
bool is_continuation, bool allow_speculative)
if (!descriptor_data)
op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
if (descriptor_data->shutdown_) //!! SegFault here: descriptor_data == NULL*
post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
Thanks in advance for any insights in the proper way to handle this situation using ASIO.
The strand doesn't "protect" the handler. Instead, it protects some shared state (which you control) by synchronizing handler execution. It's exactly like a mutex for async execution.
According to this logic all code running on the strand can touch the shared resources, and conversely, code not guaranteed to be on the strand can not be allowed to touch them.
In your code, the shared resources consist of at least buffer, result, m_socket. It would be more complete to include the m_sessionStrand, m_readerPauseCV, m_readerMutex, m_readerPause but all of these are implicitly threadsafe the way they are used¹.
Your code looks to do things safely in these regards. However it makes a few unfortunate detours that make it harder than necessary to check/reason about the code:
it uses more (local) shared state to communicate results from the handler
it doesn't make explicit what the mutex and/or the strand protect
it employs both a mutex and a strand which conceptually compete for the same responsibility
it employs both a condition and an atomic bool, which again compete for the same responsibility
it does manual strand binding, which muddies the expectations about what the native executor for the m_socket object is expected to be
the initial read is not protected. This means that if Session::readSome is invoked from a "wild" thread, it will use member functions without synchronizing with any other operations that may be pending on the m_socket.
the atomic_bool mutations are spelled in Very Convoluted Ways(TM), which serve to show you (presumably) understand the memory model, but make the code harder to review without tangible merit. Clearly, the blocking synchronization will (far) outweigh any benefit of explicit memory acquisition order. I suggest to at least "normalize" the spelling as atomic_bool was explicitly designed to afford:
m_readerPause = true;
m_readerPauseCV.wait(lock, [this] { return !m_readerPause; });
since you are emulating blocking IO, there is no merit capturing shared_from_this() in the lambda. Lifetime should be guaranteed by the calling party any ways.
Interestingly, you didn't show this capture, which is required for the lambda to compile, assuming you didn't use global variables.
Kudos for explicitly clearing the error_code output variable. This is oft forgotten. Technically, you did forget about with the (questionable?) early exit when (bufferSizeToRead == 0)... You might have a slightly unorthodox caller contract where this makes sense.
To be generic I'd suggest to perform the zero-length read as it might behave differently depending on the transport connected.
Last, but not least, m_socket.[async_]read_some is rarely what you require on application protocol level. I'll leave this one to you, as you might have this exceptional edge-case scenario.
Conceptually, I'd like to write:
int32_t Session::readSome(unsigned char* buf, uint32_t size, error_code& ec) {
size_t result = 0;
std::tie(ec, result) = m_socket
.async_read_some(ba::buffer(buf, size),
return result;
This uses futures to get the blocking behaviour while being cancelable. Sadly, contrary to expectation there is currently a limitation that prevents combining as_tuple and use_future.
So, we have to either ignore partial success scenarios (significant result when !ec):
int32_t Session::readSome(unsigned char* buf, uint32_t size, error_code& ec) try {
return m_socket
.async_read_some(ba::buffer(buf, size), ba::use_future)
} catch (boost::system::system_error const& se) {
ec = se.code();
return 0;
I suspect that member-async_read_some doesn't have a partial success mode. However, let's still give it thought, seeing that I warned before that async_read_some is rarely what you need anyways:
int32_t Session::readSome(unsigned char* buf, uint32_t size, error_code& ec) {
std::promise<std::tuple<size_t, error_code> > p;
m_socket.async_read_some(ba::buffer(buf, size), [&p](error_code ec_, size_t n_) { p.set_value({n_, ec_}); });
size_t result;
std::tie(result, ec) = p.get_future().get();
return result;
Still considerably easier.
Interim Result
Self contained example with the current approach:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
namespace ba = boost::asio;
using ba::ip::tcp;
using boost::system::error_code;
using CharT = /*unsigned*/ char; // for ease of output...
struct Session : std::enable_shared_from_this<Session> {
tcp::socket m_socket;
Session(ba::any_io_executor ex) : m_socket(make_strand(ex)) {
m_socket.connect({{}, 7878});
int32_t readSome(CharT* buf, uint32_t size, error_code& ec) {
std::promise<std::tuple<size_t, error_code>> p;
m_socket.async_read_some(ba::buffer(buf, size), [&p](error_code ec_, size_t n_) {
p.set_value({n_, ec_});
size_t result;
std::tie(result, ec) = p.get_future().get();
return result;
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
ba::thread_pool ioc;
auto s = std::make_shared<Session>(ioc.get_executor());
error_code ec;
CharT data[10];
while (auto n = s->readSome(data, 10, ec))
std::cout << "Received " << quoted(std::string(data, n)) << " (" << ec.message() << ")\n";
Testing with
g++ -std=c++14 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp
for resp in FOO LONG_BAR_QUX_RESPONSE; do nc -tln 7878 -w 0 <<< $resp; done&
set -x
sleep .2; ./a.out
sleep .2; ./a.out
+ sleep .2
+ ./a.out
Received "FOO
" (Success)
+ sleep .2
+ ./a.out
Received "LONG_BAR_Q" (Success)
Received "UX_RESPONS" (Success)
Received "E
" (Success)
External Synchronization (Cancellation?)
Now, code not show implies that other operations may act on m_socket, if at least only to cancel operations in flight³. If this situation arises you have add the missing synchronization, either using the mutex or the strand.
I suggest not introducing the competing synchronization mechanism, even though not "incorrect". It will
lead to simpler code
allow you to solidify your understanding of the use of the strand.
So, let's make sure that the operation runs on the strand:
int32_t readSome(CharT* buf, uint32_t size, error_code& ec) {
std::promise<size_t> p;
post(m_socket.get_executor(), [&] {
m_socket.async_read_some(ba::buffer(buf, size),
[&](error_code ec_, size_t n_) { ec = ec_; p.set_value(n_); });
return p.get_future().get();
void cancel() {
[self = shared_from_this()] { self->m_socket.cancel(); });
See it Live On Coliru
Exercising Cancellation
int main() {
ba::thread_pool ioc(1);
auto s = std::make_shared<Session>(ioc.get_executor());
std::thread th([&] {
error_code ec;
CharT data[10];
do {
auto n = s->readSome(data, 10, ec);
std::cout << "Received " << quoted(std::string(data, n)) << " (" << ec.message() << ")\n";
} while (!ec);
Again, Live On Coliru
¹ Technically in a multi-thread situation you need to notify the CV under the lock to allow for fair scheduling, i.e. to prevent waiter starvation. However your scenario is so isolated that you can get away with being somewhat sloppy.
² by default tcp::socket type-erases the executor with any_io_executor, but you could use basic_stream_socket<tcp, strand<io_context::executor_type> > to remove that cost if your executor type is statically known
³ Of course, POSIX sockets include full duplex scenarios, where read and write operations can be in flight simultaneoulsy.
UPDATE: redirect_error
Just re-discovered redirect_error which allows something close to as_tuple:
auto readSome(CharT* buf, uint32_t size, error_code& ec) {
return m_socket
.async_read_some(ba::buffer(buf, size),
ba::redirect_error(ba::use_future, ec))
void cancel() { m_socket.cancel(); }
This only suffices when readSome and cancel are guaranteed to be invoked on the strand.

How to trigger fops poll function from the kernel driver

I am working on a kernel driver which logs some spi data in a virtual file using debugfs.
My main goal is to be able to "listen" for incomming data from userspace using for example $ tail -f /sys/kernel/debug/spi-logs which is using select to wait for new data on the debugfs file.
I've implemented the fops poll function in the driver and when I am trying to get the data from the userspace, the poll function is never called even though there is new data available in the kernel to be read.
I assume that the poll function never gets called because the debugfs file never gets actually written.
My question is, is there a way to trigger the poll function from the kernel space when new data is available?
EDIT: Added an example
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/debugfs.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/poll.h>
struct module_ctx {
struct wait_queue_head wq;
struct module_ctx module_ctx;
static ssize_t debugfs_read(struct file *filp, char __user *buff, size_t count, loff_t *off)
// simulate no data left to read for now
return 0;
static __poll_t debugfs_poll(struct file *filp, struct poll_table_struct *wait) {
struct module_ctx *module_hdl;
__poll_t mask = 0;
module_hdl = filp->f_path.dentry->d_inode->i_private;
poll_wait(filp, &module_hdl->wq, wait);
if (is_data_available_from_an_external_ring_buffer())
return mask;
loff_t debugfs_llseek(struct file *filp, loff_t offset, int orig)
loff_t pos = filp->f_pos;
switch (orig) {
case SEEK_SET:
pos = offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
pos += offset;
case SEEK_END:
pos = 0; /* Going to the end => to the beginning */
return -EINVAL;
filp->f_pos = pos;
return pos;
static const struct file_operations debugfs_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.read = debugfs_read,
.poll = debugfs_poll,
.llseek = debugfs_llseek,
static int __init rb_example_init(void)
struct dentry *file;
file = debugfs_create_file("spi_logs", 0666, NULL, &module_ctx,
if (!file) {
pr_err("qm35: failed to create /sys/kernel/debug/spi_logs\n");
return 1;
return 0;
static void __exit
rb_example_exit(void) {
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("A simple example Linux module.");
Using tail -f /sys/kernel/debug/spi_logs, the poll function never gets called
Semantic of poll is to return whenever encoded operations (read and/or write) on a file would return without block. In case of read operation, "block" means:
If read is called in nonblocking mode (field f_flags of the struct file has flag O_NONBLOCK set), then it returns -EAGAIN.
If read is called in blocking mode, then it puts a thread into the waiting state.
As you can see, your read function doesn't follow that convention and returns 0, which means EOF. So the caller has no reason to call poll after that.
Semantic of -f option for tail:
... not stop when end of file is reached, but rather to wait ...
is about the situation, when read returns 0, but the program needs to wait.
As you can see, poll semantic is not suitable for such wait. Instead, such programs use inotify mechanism.

How to send signal from kernel to user space

My kernel module code needs to send signal [def.] to a user land program, to transfer its execution to registered signal handler.
I know how to send signal between two user land processes, but I can not find any example online regarding the said task.
To be specific, my intended task might require an interface like below (once error != 1, code line int a=10 should not be executed):
void __init m_start(){
int a = 10;
An example I used in the past to send signal to user space from hardware interrupt in kernel space. That was just as follows:
#include <asm/siginfo.h> //siginfo
#include <linux/rcupdate.h> //rcu_read_lock
#include <linux/sched.h> //find_task_by_pid_type
static int pid; // Stores application PID in user space
#define SIG_TEST 44
Some "includes" and definitions are needed. Basically, you need the PID of the application in user space.
struct siginfo info;
struct task_struct *t;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct siginfo));
info.si_signo = SIG_TEST;
// This is bit of a trickery: SI_QUEUE is normally used by sigqueue from user space, and kernel space should use SI_KERNEL.
// But if SI_KERNEL is used the real_time data is not delivered to the user space signal handler function. */
info.si_code = SI_QUEUE;
// real time signals may have 32 bits of data.
info.si_int = 1234; // Any value you want to send
// find the task with that pid
t = pid_task(find_pid_ns(pid, &init_pid_ns), PIDTYPE_PID);
if (t != NULL) {
if (send_sig_info(SIG_TEST, &info, t) < 0) // send signal
printk("send_sig_info error\n");
} else {
printk("pid_task error\n");
//return -ENODEV;
The previous code prepare the signal structure and send it. Bear in mind that you need the application's PID. In my case the application from user space send its PID through ioctl driver procedure:
static long dev_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) {
ioctl_arg_t args;
switch (cmd) {
if (copy_from_user(&args, (ioctl_arg_t *)arg, sizeof(ioctl_arg_t))) return -EACCES;
pid =;
Define and implement the callback function:
#define SIG_TEST 44
void signalFunction(int n, siginfo_t *info, void *unused) {
printf("received value %d\n", info->si_int);
In main procedure:
int fd = open("/dev/YourModule", O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) return -1; = getpid();
ioctl(fd, IOCTL_SET_VARIABLES, &args); // send the our PID as argument
struct sigaction sig;
sig.sa_sigaction = signalFunction; // Callback function
sig.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sigaction(SIG_TEST, &sig, NULL);
I hope it helps, despite the fact the answer is a bit long, but it is easy to understand.
You can use, e.g., kill_pid(declared in <linux/sched.h>) for send signal to the specified process. To form parameters to it, see implementation of sys_kill (defined as SYSCALL_DEFINE2(kill) in kernel/signal.c).
Note, that it is almost useless to send signal from the kernel to the current process: kernel code should return before user-space program ever sees signal fired.
Your interface is violating the spirit of Linux. Don't do that..... A system call (in particular those related to your driver) should only fail with errno (see syscalls(2)...); consider eventfd(2) or netlink(7) for such asynchronous kernel <-> userland communications (and expect user code to be able to poll(2) them).
A kernel module could fail to be loaded. I'm not familiar with the details (never coded any kernel modules) but this hello2.c example suggests that the module init function can return a non zero error code on failure.
People are really expecting that signals (which is a difficult and painful concept) are behaving as documented in signal(7) and what you want to do does not fit in that picture. So a well behaved kernel module should never asynchronously send any signal to processes.
If your kernel module is not behaving nicely your users would be pissed off and won't use it.
If you want to fork your experimental kernel (e.g. for research purposes), don't expect it to be used a lot; only then could you realistically break signal behavior like you intend to do, and you could code things which don't fit into the kernel module picture (e.g. add a new syscall). See also kernelnewbies.

how to transfer string(char*) in kernel into user process using copy_to_user

I'm making code to transfer string in kernel to usermode using systemcall and copy_to_user
here is my code
asmlinkage int sys_getProcTagSysCall(pid_t pid, char **tag){
printk("getProcTag system call \n\n");
struct task_struct *task= (struct task_struct*) kmalloc(sizeof(struct task_struct),GFP_KERNEL);
task = find_task_by_vpid(pid);
if(task == NULL )
printk("corresponding pid task does not exist\n");
return -EFAULT;
printk("Corresponding pid task exist \n");
printk("tag is %s\n" , task->tag);
task -> tag : string is stored in task->tag (ex : "abcde")
this part is well worked
if(copy_to_user(*tag, task->tag, sizeof(char) * task->tag_length) !=0)
return 1;
and this is user
int main()
char *ret=NULL;
int pid = 0;
printf("PID : ");
scanf("%4d", &pid);
if(syscall(339, pid, &ret)!=1) // syscall 339 is getProcTagSysCall
printf("pid %d does not exist\n", pid);
printf("Corresponding pid tag is %s \n",ret); //my output is %s = null
return 0;
actually i don't know about copy_to_user well. but I think copy_to_user(*tag, task->tag, sizeof(char) * task->tag_length) is operated like this code
so i use copy_to_user like above
int re();
void main(){
char *b = NULL;
if (re(&b))
printf("%s", b);
int re(char **str){
char *temp = "Gdg";
*str = temp;
return 1;
Is this a college assignment of some sort?
asmlinkage int sys_getProcTagSysCall(pid_t pid, char **tag){
What is this, Linux 2.6? What's up with ** instead of *?
printk("getProcTag system call \n\n");
Somewhat bad. All strings are supposed to be prefixed.
struct task_struct *task= (struct task_struct*) kmalloc(sizeof(struct task_struct),GFP_KERNEL);
What is going on here? Casting malloc makes no sense whatsoever, if you malloc you should have used sizeof(*task) instead, but you should not malloc in the first place. You want to find a task and in fact you just overwrite this pointer's value few lines later anyway.
task = find_task_by_vpid(pid);
find_task_by_vpid requires RCU. The kernel would have told you that if you had debug enabled.
if(task == NULL )
printk("corresponding pid task does not exist\n");
return -EFAULT;
So... you unlock... but you did not get any kind of reference to the task.
printk("Corresponding pid task exist \n");
printk("tag is %s\n" , task->tag);
... in other words by the time you do task->tag, the task may already be gone. What requirements are there to access ->tag itself?
if(copy_to_user(*tag, task->tag, sizeof(char) * task->tag_length) !=0)
What's up with this? sizeof(char) is guaranteed to be 1.
I'm really confused by this entire business.
When you have a syscall which copies data to userspace where amount of data is not known prior to the call, teh syscall accepts both buffer AND its size. Then you can return appropriate error if the thingy you are trying to copy would not fit.
However, having a syscall in the first place looks incorrect. In linux per-task data is exposed to userspace in /proc/pid/. Figuring out how to add a file to proc is easy and left as an exercise for the reader.
It's quite obvious from the way you fixed it. copy_to_user() will only copy data between two memory regions - one accessible only to kernel and the other accessible also to user. It will not, however, handle any memory allocation. Userspace buffer has to be already allocated and you should pass address of this buffer to the kernel.
One more thing you can change is to change your syscall to use normal pointer to char instead of pointer to pointer which is useless.
Also note that you are leaking memory in your kernel code. You allocate memory for task_struct using kmalloc and then you override the only pointer you have to this memory when calling find_task_by_vpid() and this memory is never freed. find_task_by_vpid() will return a pointer to a task_struct which already exists in memory so there is no need to allocate any buffer for this.
i solved my problem by making malloc in user
I changed
char *b = NULL;
char *b = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 100)
I don't know why this work properly. but as i guess copy_to_user get count of bytes as third argument so I should malloc before assigning a value
I don't know. anyone who knows why adding malloc is work properly tell me

Is a spinlock necessary in this Linux device driver code?

Is the following Linux device driver code safe, or do I need to protect access to interrupt_flag with a spinlock?
static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(wq_head);
static int interrupt_flag = 0;
static ssize_t my_write(struct file* filp, const char* __user buffer, size_t length, loff_t* offset)
interrupt_flag = 0;
wait_event_interruptible(wq_head, interrupt_flag != 0);
static irqreturn_t handler(int irq, void* dev_id)
interrupt_flag = 1;
Basically, I kick off some event in my_write() and wait for the interrupt to indicate that it completes.
If so, which form of spin_lock() do I need to use? I thought spin_lock_irq() was appropriate, but when I tried that I got a warning about the IRQ handler enabling interrupts.
Doesn't wait_event_interruptible evaluate the interrupt_flag != 0 condition? That would imply that the lock should be held while it reads the flag, right?
No lock is needed in the example given. Memory barriers are needed after the store of the flag, and before the load -- to ensure visibility to the flag -- but the wait_event_* and wake_up_* functions provide those. See the section entitled "Sleep and wake-up functions" in this document:
Before adding a lock, consider what is being protected. Generally locks are needed if you're setting two or more separate pieces of data and you need to ensure that another cpu/core doesn't see an incomplete intermediate state (after you started but before you finished). In this case, there's no point in protecting the storing / loading of the flag value because stores and loads of a properly aligned integer are always atomic.
So, depending on what else your driver is doing, it's quite possible you do need a lock, but it isn't needed for the snippet you've provided.
Yes you need a lock. With the given example (that uses int and no specific arch is mentioned), the process context may be interrupted while accessing the interrupt_flag. Upon return from the IRQ, it may continue and interrupt_flag may be left in inconsistent state.
Try this:
static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(wq_head);
static int interrupt_flag = 0;
static ssize_t my_write(struct file* filp, const char* __user buffer, size_t length, loff_t* offset)
/* spin_lock_irq() or spin_lock_irqsave() is OK here */
interrupt_flag = 0;
wait_event_interruptible(wq_head, interrupt_flag != 0);
static irqreturn_t handler(int irq, void* dev_id)
unsigned long flags;
spin_lock_irqsave(&lock, flags);
interrupt_flag = 1;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lock, flags);
IMHO, the code has to be written without making any arch or compiler-related assumptions (like the 'properly aligned integer' in Gil Hamilton answer).
Now if we can change the code and use atomic_t instead of the int flag, then no locks should be needed.
