Extracting HTML5 data attributes from a tag - ruby

I want to extract all the HTML5 data attributes from a tag, just like this jQuery plugin.
For example, given:
<span data-age="50" data-location="London" class="highlight">Joe Bloggs</span>
I want to get a hash like:
{ 'data-age' => '50', 'data-location' => 'London' }
I was originally hoping use a wildcard as part of my CSS selector, e.g.
but it seems that isn't supported.

Option 1: Grab all data elements
If all you need is to list all the page's data elements, here's a one-liner:
Hash[doc.xpath("//span/#*[starts-with(name(), 'data-')]").map{|e| [e.name,e.value]}]
{"data-age"=>"50", "data-location"=>"London"}
Option 2: Group results by tag
If you want to group your results by tag (perhaps you need to do additional processing on each tag), you can do the following:
tags = []
datasets = "#*[starts-with(name(), 'data-')]"
#If you want any element, replace "span" with "*"
doc.xpath("//span[#{datasets}]").each do |tag|
tags << Hash[tag.xpath(datasets).map{|a| [a.name,a.value]}]
Then tags is an array containing key-value hash pairs, grouped by tag.
Option 3: Behavior like the jQuery datasets plugin
If you'd prefer the plugin-like approach, the following will give you a dataset method on every Nokogiri node.
module Nokogiri
module XML
class Node
def dataset
Hash[self.xpath("#*[starts-with(name(), 'data-')]").map{|a| [a.name,a.value]}]
Then you can find the dataset for a single element:
Or get the dataset for a group of elements:
The following is the behavior of the dataset method above. Given the following lines in the HTML:
<span data-age="50" data-location="London" class="highlight">Joe Bloggs</span>
<span data-age="40" data-location="Oxford" class="highlight">Jim Foggs</span>
The output would be:
{"data-location"=>"London", "data-age"=>"50"},
{"data-location"=>"Oxford", "data-age"=>"40"}

You can do this with a bit of xpath:
doc = Nokogiri.HTML(html)
data_attrs = doc.xpath "//span/#*[starts-with(name(), 'data-')]"
This gets all the attributes of span elements that start with 'data-'. (You might want to do this in two steps, first to get all the elements you're interested in, then extract the data attributes from each in turn.
Continuing the example (using the span in your question):
hash = data_attrs.each_with_object({}) do |n, hsh|
hsh[n.name] = n.value
puts hash
{"data-age"=>"50", "data-location"=>"London"}

Try looping through element.attributes while ignoring any attribue that does not start with a data-.

The Node#css docs mention a way to attach a custom psuedo-selector. This might look like the following for selecting nodes with attributes starting with 'data-':
Nokogiri(html).css('span:regex_attrs("^data-.*")', Class.new {
def regex_attrs node_set, regex
node_set.find_all { |node| node.attributes.keys.any? {|k| k =~ /#{regex}/ } }


How to iterate on select elements with Xpath with one exception?

I want to iterate over each selector found that contains a specific class in order to retrieve all elements within the divs. This works until it reaches one item containing an ID.
for selector in response.xpath("//div[#class='product-list-entry']"):
My best try to get around this is the following code:
for selector in response.xpath("//div[not(#id) and #class='product-list-entry']"):
Both versions lead to only retrieving 5 result sets instead of the full list.
How can I simply ignore the one with the id and iterate on all others?
This should extract the content of the specific divs (examples : text of the div, content of a span and text of a p element) :
def parse(self, response):
for selector in response.xpath("//div[#id='product-list']"):
content = selector.xpath(".//div[not(#id)]/text()").extract()
content2= selector.xpath(".//div[not(#id)]/span").extract()
content3= selector.xpath(".//div[not(#id)]/p/text()").extract()
content4= ...
print (content,content2,content3,...)

Parse a string with multiple XML-like tags using Ruby

I have a string which looks like the following:
My objective is to be able to read out each top level that is in caps with the parse. I use a case statement to evaluate what is the top level key, such as <SETPROFILE> but there can be lots of different values, and then run a method that does different things with the contnts of the tag.
What this means is I need to be able to know very easily:
top_level_keys = ['SET-TOPIC', 'SET-PROFILE', 'SET-PROFILE']
when I pass in the key know the full value
parsed[0].value = {:PROFILE-KEY => predicates_live, :PROFILE-VALUE => yes}
parsed[0].key = ['SET-TOPIC']
I currently parse the whole string as follows:
doc = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(string)
parsed = doc.search('*').each_with_object({}){ |n, h|
h[n.name] = n.text
As a result, I only parse and know of the second tag. The values from the first tag do not show up in the parsed variable.
I have control over what the tags are, if that helps.
But I need to be able to parse and know the contents of both tag as a result of the parse because I need to apply a method for each instance of the node.
Note: the string also contains just regular text, both before, in between, and after the XML-like tags.
It depends on what you are going to achieve. The problem is that you are overriding hash keys by new values. The easiest way to collect values is to store them in array:
parsed = doc.search('*').each_with_object({}) do |n, h|
# h[n.name] = n.text :: removed because it overrides values
(h[n.name] ||= []) << n.text

has_css? will not find a present id

I am writing a finder for pages with various but finite id's
#field = ['name1', 'name2']
def fieldfind
#field.each do |elem|
out = elem if page.has_css?(elem)
<input type='text' id = 'name1'>
For whatever reason, I cannot find name1. I tried find_field? and elem.to_s, but to no avail. Any ideas?
As Baldrick mentioned, the css locator is not right. However, after correcting that, you would still get a problem with the #field.each. This is going to return an array - not an element or the css of the field that exists.
If you want an element that matches one of the css in #field, try:
#field = ['#name2', '#name1']
def fieldfind
matching_css = #field.find{ |elem| page.has_css?(elem) }
Or if you just want the matching css-locator:
#field = ['#name2', '#name1']
def fieldfind
#field.find{ |elem| page.has_css?(elem) }
You missing #, the css selector to find element by id. It should be:
#field = ['#name1', '#name2']
You can use:
page.find(:css, "input[id=name1]")
If that works, go ahead and dynamically add the variable to your code.
I'm suggesting you try to find an element first (rather than just improving your existing each block) is perhaps your session object is pointed towards the wrong window or frame.

Nokogiri: Filling in a default value for empty table cells

I'm trying to scrape the cell values from an HTML table. Randomly, some of these cells are empty, and I can't guess which ones with any reliability.
Is there a way to fill a default value in for Nokogiri when it comes across an empty cell?
Thanks for any advice you can provide. Here's my code:
def scrape_stats
stats = []
(2002..2012).to_a.each do |year|
url = "website/#{year}"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
rows = doc.at_css("body tbody").text.split(" ")
(rows.count / 25).times do |i| # there are 25 columns per row
stats << rows.shift(25)
It sounds like you want something like:
doc.search('td:empty').each{|n| n.content = 'default value'}
This would basically involve using the Nokogiri::XML::Node#add_child method (or the shorter version, Nokogiri::XML::Node#<<) to add a new child node containing the text you want to add to the empty cell.
See this question for an example:
How to add child nodes in NodeSet using Nokogiri

how to get attribute values using nokogiri

I have a webpage whose DOM structure I do not know...but i know the text which i need to find in that particular webpage..so in order to get its xpath what i do is :
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(webpage)
doc.traverse { |node|
if node.text?
if node.content == "my text"
path << node.path
puts path
now suppose i get an output like ::
so that later on when i access this webpage again i can do this ::
instead of traversing the whole DOM tree everytime i want the text
I want to do some further processing , for that i need to know which of the element nodes in the above xpath output have attributes associated with them and what are their attribute values. how would i achieve that? the output that i want is
#=> output desired
{ p => p_attr_value , div => div_attr_value , div[38] => div[38]_attr_value.....so on }
I am not facing the problem in searching the nodes where "my text" lies.. I wanted to have the full xpath of "my text" node..thts why i did the whole traversal...now after finding the full xpath i want the attributes associated with the each element node that I came across while getting to the "my text" node
constraints are ::I cant use any of the developer tools available in a web browser
PS :: I am newbie in ruby and nokogiri..
To select all attributes of an element that is selected using the XPath expression someExpr, you need to evaluate a new XPath expression:
where someExpr must be substituted with the real XPath expression used to select the particular element.
This selects all attributes of all (we assume that's just one) elements that are selected by the Xpath expression someExpr
For example, if the element we want is selected by:
then all of its attributes are selected by:
