Code::blocks verbose build - codeblocks

I want to see the actual commands sent to g++ during a Code::Blocks build. I want to see exactly what command-line arguments it uses in the compile and link steps, and I don't want to have to poke around in the build settings GUI to do it.
Alternatively, converting the Code::Blocks project to an equivalent Makefile would work, but I see nowhere where I can do that, either...
I ended up using a Code::Blocks plugin, "cbMakeGen", to generate a makefile from which I removed some #s. Then I was able to see the commands. Surely there is an easier way...

I see you already solved the problem, but there's still a bit more to that.
Code::Blocks can write a build log when the following option is checked:
Settings->Compiler and debugger->Global compiler settings->{slide tabs to the right}->Build options tab->Save build log to HTML.
Besides, you can use "cbp2make" to convert Code::Blocks projects to makefiles. This is not a plugin like "cbMakeGen", but a stand-alone command-line tool. See also,13675.0.html .

Besides the logging to html you can also go to
Settings->Compiler and debugger->Global compiler settings->{slide tabs to the right}->Other Settings and in that tab set 'Compiler Logging:' to 'full command line' (from drop down menu).
Now you can see the gcc command line in the console when you build.


How to avoid qmake Build Step if using QT Creator

I have a Qt project file (.pro) and a Makefile (self-written).
The project file is simply used for editing the source files in the IDE:
I would like to build the project via IDE QT Creator 3.5.1
Therefore I would like to invoke make on the Makefile.
During the build process I always get the error that no Makefile can be found hence no build was triggered.
The solution is to always invoke qmake first, then make (even if a Makefile is still present and custom setting make -C ../build in /home/project/)
Could someone please explain, why it is not possible ignore qmake and directly invoke make on the already existing Makefile?
(No Qt library is used for the project)
This is quite easy, I use makefile only project alot because I like qt-creator as an IDE. In the IDE goto the projects tab on the left.
Select the "build" tab near the top of that page, looks like: (build | run).
In the build steps:
remove the qmake build step by press hovering the mouse over that step and clicking the X that appears.
Edit the build directory so that it is the same directory as your makefile.
Note: you will have to click the shadow build check box next to it to enable it.
remove any other steps you don't want (infact just remove them all for now).
Add a new step make step. It will try to use the default make, but you can override that if you want. Also add any arguments like debug or -j4 etc...
Then you are done :)
Next time you hit build it will simply invoke that make command.
Note: You will need to do the same for any other configurations you have (like release, debug, etc...). You can also just add loads more configurations for doing other make options (if you have them) for instance make doxygen or such...
Just remembered you can also either:
I am not sure why, but when I tested it (as OP did) you can't seem to just setup a make step with parameters -C ../, it seems to want to look in the "build directory" first.
I tend to use the build location since its a nice feature of the IDE.
Note an issue with newer versions of Qtcreator as a makefile IDE is that you cant share your build settings with other people (i.e. can't configure control them) because they are locked to your PC profile... long story... but its very sad and I no longer use qt creator for that one reason.

How can I get all the compile commands from Xcode?

I am working on OCLint, and OCLint need all the compile command to do the lint job. now OCLint using xcpretty to parse xcodebuild.log to get the compile commands. So, I have to build the project even I only want to lint few source files. I wonder is there anyway to get the compile commands other than parse the xcodebuild.log?
One way of doing it is to write a wrapper for clang and linkers.
Using this answer: How can I force Xcode to use a custom compiler? you can redirect Xcode to compile your code with your own "clang" which might be a python shell script. This script would just grab a command passed to it and dump it to some file.
One detail though: if you use custom CC Xcode will also try to use it for linking C/C++ files this is why your script has to do nothing if it is called in a linker mode.
I have used this technique for another task: compiling my whole project with -emit-llvm flag to get all my code as LLVM bitcode. The example of a similar Python script can be found here.
Start by writing "hello world" script. Tell Xcode use it as CC, run your project and see the "hello world" string in your build log. From there you will know how to proceed.
I just use the -dry-run and regexpr to filter the compile commands. The -dry-run said,
-dry-run do everything except actually running the commands
The performance is just ok.
And it will be great if xcode provide one. They will be the only who can do this, and I think it is pretty usefull.

Building in CLion

Is it possible to build a single file in CLion and see the actual compiler command line being used?
I have a large existing project, which CLion managed to load however it fails to build, I suspect because of various CmakLists.txt setting. However as far as I can tell you can only build an entire project and it gets built using -j 8 so you get a lot of output which does not include the command line being used so it's hard to know what to fix. i know CLion does create a temporary build directory in .clion10 but I was hoping not to have to go a fish around in that.
Also as a newbie to CLion I can't seem to work out how to undock Clion Windows ( on a Windows 7 box ). The "Floating" option doesn't seem to let me drag a Window outside of the main Clion window.
You have to use add_executable command multiple times.
Here an example :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
set(BUILD_1 main)
add_executable(${BUILD_1} ${SOURCE_FILES_1})
set(BUILD_2 main_2)
add_executable(${BUILD_2} ${SOURCE_FILES_2})
Old anwser :
You can use add_subdirectory(path_to_directory) to use an other CMakeLists and have multiples building process. ie: you have your cmakelists at the root of your project and multiple other in some files of your project. You just use add_subdirectory and you get other build options.
For your other question, on ubuntu i have to split the view and after i can drag in another floating window.
Under you can see one of my projects and the main CMakeLists.txt on the right
And the build options on CLion with this structure.
The CMakeLists.txt under the files are like full project builders.

Why does my Qt 4.5 app open a console window under Windows?

I've been playing around with Qt Creator 4.5 under Linux. My application builds just fine under Linux, but if I build in Windows, the app always opens a console window at startup.
Can I stop it doing that?
I'm building using the default MinGW setup, perhaps that is related. If need be I can build with Visual Studio, but I'd like to understand what is happening first...
Edit: I just created a simple test GUI app with Qt Creator under Windows and it didn't exhibit this behaviour. Either this behaviour has occurred because of the way the project was created under linux, or there is something my app does which causes the console window to appear. Will post details when I diagnose it in case it helps someone else.
For those who have this issue using CMake under Windows (see Amoo's comment), here's a solution here.
In short, you need to add WIN32 to your add_executable() statements:
add_executable(GuiApplication WIN32 src/main.cpp)
For further details, see the CMake documentation on add_executable and WIN32_EXECUTABLE.
The short answer is that including the Qt testlib causes the console to appear. Removing it makes it go away.
To explain further, if your .pro file adds testlib to QT, e.g.
QT += sql \
webkit \
network \
then the final link step is carried out with a line like this
g++ -enable-stdcall-fixup
-o debug\MyApp.exe object_script.MyApp.Debug
-lglu32 -lgdi32 -luser32 -lQtWebKitd4 -lQtTestd4
-lQtSqld4 -lQtGuid4 -lQtNetworkd4 -lQtCored
We've wound up using the console subsystem! I presume using testlib forces this to happen so that the test output has somewhere to go.
If we now edit the .pro file and remove the reference to testlib and rebuild, we get a link step like this
g++ -enable-stdcall-fixup
-o debug\Ammotin.exe object_script.Ammotin.Debug
-lglu32 -lgdi32 -luser32 -lmingw32 -lqtmaind -lQtWebKitd4
-lQtSqld4 -lQtGuid4 -lQtNetworkd4 -lQtCored4
Yay! subsystem is windows, no more console window.
I think that this is not a solution for this specific answer (besides it is 4 years later),
but I think that many people landing in this thread will be looking for this setting:
Projects > Build and Run > Run Settings > Run > [x] Run in terminal
De-select it and run your GUI from QtCreator without an extra Terminal window. Terminal output will be then embedded in the IDE.
You will want to make sure the -mwindows switch is provided.
alternatively, you can go into your makefile and add this to your linker flags:
Make sure your .pro file doesn't add console to the variable CONFIG. You can do this by adding
CONFIG -= console
somewhere at the end of your .pro file. If CONFIG contains console a window pops up every time you start the program, and this is also used when printing debug output. Thus, adding console can be useful when debugging a program. Otherwise you'd need to use tools like DebugView to show the output of the qDebug() calls.
I use cmake instead of qmake. I used set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-mwindows")
seems as though
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS +=-mwindows
in your .pro file would do the same.
Sounds like your linker settings are set for a console app. You could try setting the linker to use the /subsystem:windows option. The option for console applications is /subsystem:console. If you build your project in Visual Studio, create a Win32 Project. Don't create a Win32 Console App. The option under Visual Studio for setting the subsystem is under Project Settings->Linker->System->SubSystem. Select Windows(/subsystem:windows).
I took a look into how to do this with MinGW/gcc. The online docs for gcc shows the different options for Windows targets. Like other have stated, the option you are looking for is -mwindows. The option -mwindows creates a windowed app. It seems like your current setting is -mconsole. The option -mconsole produces a console app. This is a linker option. I'm not familiar with Qt Creator but I'm guessing it has a similar way to view project settings like Visual Studio has.
Go to: Projects --> Run and uncheck Run in terminal checkbox
By default the linker assumes you want a console application.
The fix is to add "-mwindows" to your compiler's argument list, and this will also invisibly add the required libraries (-lkernel32, -lgdi32, etc.). You'll probably need to change from main() to WinMain() as the entry point.
RE: your Edit: the Qt build system uses "spec" files to add variables, you can find them in $QTDIR/qt/mkspecs. When you create a new Windows app in QCreator, it sets the default spec to "win32-g++", which automatically sets the correct variables (windows app, linker flags, etc.).
When you made the project under Linux, it used another spec and that caused your issue. You can see the current spec in the "" file.
edit file qmake.conf
modify line
QMAKE_LFLAGS_CONSOLE = -Wl,-subsyetem,console
QMAKE_LFLAGS_CONSOLE = -Wl,-subsyetem,windows
and modify your ???.pro file (example add new line or space)
and compiling
it`s working ok

Trying to compile and debug C++ from Vim

I've been learning C++ and Allegro using Code::Blocks on Windows XP, and recently felt like learning Vim. However, I have no idea how to compile a program "manually" (i.e., without using an IDE).
For compiling from within Vim, I have gotten as far as setting the makeprg to gcc, but I understand I also need a makefile. What is that and how do I write one? Is it with the makefile that I can use libraries such as Allegro?
Also, I've gotten quite fond of the CB debugger (I'm using gdb). Is it possible to do something similar with Vim?
Thank you.
Look at MinGW. I would avoid Cygwin if you only need gcc and make. You'll want both MinGW and MSYS. MSYS has a windows port of make.
If you're interested in more unix utlities for the windows command line I recommend CoreUtils.
For learning make see the manual
You don't necessarily need a Makefile, but it's the preferred (and possibly sanest) way of compiling code on UNIX-like systems.
I don't know if GNU Make has a Windows port, but you can probably run it under Cygwin.
To learn more about GNU Make and Makefiles:
make (Wikipedia)
GNU Make
GNU Make Manual
Also, see this question: compile directly from vim
Mandatory edit: I don't use Windows or Cygwin. You might want to take epochwolf's advice on that department.
I'm not in expert in makefiles and debugging but I know that Vim lets you do many things.
For example if you want to compile a file with gcc, it's not very different from the usual way. In normal mode type:
:!gcc file.c -o file
In fact you can use (almost) every system command just by adding "!" in front of your command.
gdb also works with Vim
I hope it will help you.
To integrate vim with devenv, you can use devenv from Visual Studio to complie the project in vim. The command as follows:
Devenv SolutionName /build SolnConfigName [/project ProjName [/projectconfig ProjConfigName]]
Typicatlly, the devenv should located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE. Set it to the path of environment to make it callable from vim. We also need to make vim recognize the error messages thrown by the commandline build tool devenv. Just put the following lines in your vimrc:
" Quickfix mode: command line devenv error format
au FileType cpp set\ /Build\ Debug\ *[SolutionName]*
au FileType cpp set errorformat=\ %#%f(%l)\ :\ %#%t%[A-z]%#\ %m
Then You can use :make to compile and build the program from vim.
EDIT1: A few bookmarks you might find useful:
GNU make tutorial (this one uses gcc and make, so it should be right up your alley)
Another one
Win port of some of GNU utils Can was mentioning; I personally use these and haven't had any problems with them on Windows platform.
Yes, you can compile without the makefile. If your program is simple (for example, one file only) you can compile by calling the compiler and including the name of the program in the same line (don't remember how it goes with gcc). Of course, to make things easier this can be mapped to a key within vim, so you don't have to jump to command prompt and back.
If you are working on a bigger project, which consists of several files and such, than a makefile is useful. It will "search" through the files, determine dependencies, include them in the build, maybe put the source files in one directory and the resulting exe file in the other and such. So it is more of a linking and building system than just compiling.
Although the GNU make mentioned in Can Berk Guder's answer is a popular one, there are quite a number of other tooks for "building makefiles" ("makefile" has become a type of synonym for that kind of operation) - here, you can see some other options on this link. Due to its part in history vim has good support for :make, but others can be easily used as well (there are a lot of texts on this subject on VimWikia.
Well, that's it. Just my 0,2 euros :)
As long as you have GNU-make installed (with cygwin or mingw under windows), you don't need to write a makefile for single-file projects. Just run :make from vim, and that's enough.
If your project is made of several files, then you will have to write a makefile (or any equivalent for scons, aap, (b)jam, ant, ...), tune your &makeprg in consequence, and finally call :make from vim. See the relevant category in vimtips. You can of course run the compiler as you would have ran any other external tool, but you would loose the possibility to jump to the line(s) of the error(s).
NB: if you are using the win32 version of vim, and gcc-cygwin, you'll need to translate the error messages obtained. I used to maintain a perl script for this purpose, it is now part of a bigger suite (still in beta stage)
Regarding your question about debugging, it can't be done from vim under windows for the moment. The only debugger that can be integrated so far is gdb, but under linux only ; see the pyclewn ( project.
I'm not sure about debugging, but I know an easy way to compile and run the current program as I wrote a small vim plugin to do so.
It assumes you are using the g++ compiler. If not, just change the name to the compiler you're using. Save this file to whereveryouinstalledvim/ftplugin/cpp.vim
In order to compile and run the currently open program, just type shift-e while in non-editing mode.

