simple faq module on joomla 1.7 - joomla

Somebody knows a simple faq module? Or how to make the facts as in the picture on the link so that you can take anywhere in the template?
I use joomla 1.7

This isn't really a programming question, but there are tons of FAQ extensions.


Blog module for joomla

I am currently seeking a module Free blog for a Joomla site.
I just made the turn extensions on but I found nothing!
I do not want to go through the standard features of joomla but by a module (management articles, pagination, comment section most commented, most read, RSS, short blog features).
You would not have used this type of module?
Seems this needed some more searching from you. Joomla JED is full of Blog Extensions here Joomla JED
Almost all of them can work as a blog as you described above.

How to provide a service to extensions joomla?

I am trying create a joomla component. In that component I need to store some phone numbers and those numbers should be provided when an extension asks for them. How can I achieve this? Please direct me if there is comprehensive tutorials.
Thanks in advance...
A similar question exists in the Joomla Stack Exchange site here, with links, suggestions and references to a bunch of resources around Joomla Development.
Furthermore in JSE you can find great assistance for specific questions during your development attempt.
The Joomla! support site has some links to component development:
I see that you tagged 2.5, but version 3 is the new stable version. There is an example V3 component here:
When I started, I looked at an existing extension which was similar to what I wanted and went from there.

Create multi-language in Joomla?

I have to do a multi-language site in Joomla 2.5 or later?
for this I active the module language selector and a plugin filter language and now the router of my page is http...../es but the browser show this error.
The requested URL /.../es/ was not found on this server.
I also create content a menu, but show me the same error.
any idea.
Look, I don't want to be rude, but Joomla 1.7 is really outdated and there little sense in using it noways. Consider 2.5.x or 3.x.
To answer your question, there is a really good tutorial on how to do this. Did it a lot of times and works very good.
Language Switcher Tutorial

adding comment system in joomla 1.6 articles

How can I add user comment system in joomla 1.6 articles? Its for a custom blog system. there is a article category named "Blog" in the site. I want, when user read articles of this category, they can comment on it. there are some extensions for joomla 1.5. but cannot find any good one for 1.6. i also found "discussit" for discussion. but don't like it much to use 3rd party. it would better to use a pure commenting system for a article category. you can also suggest a free blog extension for joomla 1.6. thanks in advance.
Well, it's not free but you could integrate Facebook commenting with this extension -
If FB is prevalent in your area this could be a very good solution since it has the added advantage of other FB users seeing your comments.
Otherwise, did you look st JA Comment. It's probably your best bet as a pure commenting system.
At this point, your only other choice will be to upgrade to one of the CCK systems that has commenting built in.
Yootheme (Professional Joomla Club) has also a solution as part of their Joomla Appication Framwork Zoo (
Take a look here
Rockettheme (The other big one in the market) has a comment system :

How to add custom Modules in magento

Hi I want to create a custom Module for Footer which shows the news Headlines.Havent played with custom modules yet.How can i do that.can anyone tell me simple steps to craeate a custom module.
The best resources you will find are:
Module Creator extension
Branko's blog post on writing a custom module
The official Magento wiki article
And of course the great set of articles written by Stack Overflower Alan Storm which will help you understand the complex architecture that you are plugging into with your custom module.
Finally, searching Stack Overflow will help a lot! The Magento forums are full of pretty poor advice, be wary of editing core files and other bad practices...
