How to work on a windows IDE while my Git repository is on Linux (using VMPlayer) - windows

I want to develop on 2 systems - using Linux (ubuntu) for server/git repo while having my IDE (RubyMine) in Win7. What is the best approach to configure my environment so the files will be shared between the systems, and also that my Win RubyMine will work correctly with git?

You need git on Windows installed for starters. Then you can setup a shared directory that both Linux and Windows can use. In there you put your repo so that it can be accessed from both sides. Or you use dropbox and access it from both systems. Why don't you use Rubymine in Linux? Is it Win/Mac only?

VirtualBox for hosting and share the folder through the guest add ins. You don't want to switch to the vm while working. Terminal into the vm from windows.


Using snapd instead of flatpak in Linux Mint

I installed IntelliJ and WebStorm on my Linux Mint distro. The problem I have is that I cannot use the integrated terminal on both of the software. In both of them there is a problem with my bash binary location. I researched and saw that the software manager in Linux Mint installs flatpak software by default, and that it works as a sort of a container. I tried to change the location of my bash binary to var/run/host.. but it didn't seem to work.
I read that people solve this by installing the tar version of the software or using snapd. Since snapd is not supported by Linux Mint, what are my alternatives? Can I somehow give access to my software to use my bash, npm, etc... and if not, why is it that flatpak makes these things so difficult?..
Flatpak works as a sandbox environment - each pack has its own runtime environment and because of security reasons, flatpak apps do not have direct access to host files. There could be a lot of problems due to this.
Please try reinstalling the IDE using one of the officially recommended options ( - download the tar.gz from, or use the toolbox app to manage installations

How to access anaconda prompt in ubuntu terminal installed in windows 10?

I have recently added the ubuntu terminal in my windows pc since certain packages were only supported in linux. Now for example if I were to access my packages that are present in my conda environments in my windows os through the linux terminal would it be possible? Will it still function the same way or do I have to manually install everything via the ubuntu terminal as well.
If I do have to install everything manually again, where will all the stored data be present? Which directories should I access?
How does this ubuntu terminal work exactly? Does it work in a similar manner if I were to dual boot it?
Yes, you can access all the packages from Ubuntu terminal. You don't have to install everything all-together again. WSL or Ubuntu on Windows can seamlessly integrate with windows. Even though Linux systems have different directory structure, Ubuntu terminal (or bash or WSL or Ubuntu for Windows) happen to maintain the directory structure for windows. So anything you install on Ubuntu terminal will be installed as to windows terms. But I wouldn't recommend mixing these two as it's very tricky. And also, WSL and dual-booting Ubuntu with windows are far from close. You can know more about it if you search online.
I would personally recommend installing Ubuntu as it makes programming a billion times easier. You don't have to install Ubuntu replacing windows. You can just install Ubuntu on a separate hard drive and just specify which drive to boot from on system start-up. If you use a laptop and don't have two drives, then create a new volume and use it as if it were an original drive.

Do I need to install Git for both Windows 10 and WSL?

I'm trying to set up a web development environment using a guide on Medium. The author says we need to install Git for both Windows and for Windows Subsystem for Linux. Git takes up a lot of space. Do we need to install it twice?
I have Visual Studio Code and Ubuntu (WSL). I also installed Git for Windows 10.
Git For Windows differs from the Linux Git.
So, if you want to execute commands in a Windows CMD and a Linux WSL shell, then yes, you would need to install both.
On Windows side, that can mean simply uncompressing the self-extracting archive PortableGit-2.22.0-64-bit.7z.exe anywhere you want, and add it to your PATH.

How can I run a docker windows container on osx?

I'm running docker for mac and want to start up a windows container. From what I see this should work via a virtual machine. But I'm unclear where to find out how to get it to work? Or does it only work for linux containers? Thanks in advance!
docker build nanoserver/
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.56kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/nanoserver:10.0.14393.1480
10.0.14393.1480: Pulling from microsoft/nanoserver
bce2fbc256ea: Pulling fs layer
baa0507b781f: Pulling fs layer
image operating system "windows" cannot be used on this platform
I know I am late to the party but as of 2021, this is the easiest setup to get a windows container running on macOS:
Install vagrant and virtual box
Clone the repository above and change directory into it
vagrant up --provider virtualbox 2019-box
docker context use 2019-box
I followed this setup and I could use the following windows image
Please note that the windows version of your host must match the container image. This is mentioned here:
Windows requires the host OS version to match the container OS
version. If you want to run a container based on a newer Windows
build, make sure you have an equivalent host build.
See this link:
Text if you can't follow the link:
On OS X, get VirtualBox.
Get Windows Server 2016 Tech Preview 5 ISO167 (free download from Microsoft)
Create WS 2016 TP5 VM in virtualbox
Run this206 in the new VM
Now you can run Windows Containers in the VM. To make the setup a little easier to use, see this:
You could also install Bootcamp on your machine which allows you to dual boot your computer between OS X and Windows 10. You could then use the full power of your hardware dedicated to Windows and docker instead of virtualization.
Additionally, you can make the use of VMWare Fusion for Mac OS or Parallels, which allow you to ALSO access the dual boot windows partition from within the Mac OS for maximum flexibility. During installation make sure you do not create a Virtual Machine drive, but instead access the bootcamp partition directly.

Accessing files outsude VMWare

I am running Oracle Enterprise Linux on VMWare. I now want to install Oracle which is is located on my C drive in Windows. Is there a way to copy this file to a folder in my virtual machine?
If its just once off, easiest way is to install winscp onto your windows host, setup a bridged or host only network on the vmware server and using winscp to copy the files in.
I think you can install vmware tools which would allow for shared folders, but last time I tried I ran into some issues and gave up.
