Padded data in recv() api - windows

I am working on TCP client server application using c++.third party lib are now allowed in this project.
Here exchange between client server takes using well define protocol format.once the client receives the packet it will send it for parsing.I have protocol manager which will take care of the parsing activity.
I have following doubt
When the data arrives at client from the network, the OS buffers it until application calls recv() function.
So two message msg1 and msg2 arrives at the buffer a call to recv will return msg1+msg2. Now this may result in failure of the parsing activity.
My queries
1. whether above mentioned assumption is correct or not ?
2. If above mentioned assuption is correct then how can resolve this issue.

What you need to do here is make a fixed length packet or at-least fixed length header followed by variable length data.
The header should contain size of the packet. So In the recv function you always read the header bytes and decode the size of the packet and read the rest of the packet using another recv call.
This way even when your TCP layer buffers any number of packets you will be able to read it correctly
unsigned char* pBuffer = NULL;
pBuffer = new unsigned char[MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH];
// reading header from socket
int nRet = recv(sock,(char*)pBuffer,MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH,0);
int nDataLen = //Read the packet length from pBuffer
// reading body from socket
unsigned char* pPacket = NULL;
pPacket= new unsigned char[nDataLen ];
nRet = recv(sock,(char*)pPacket ,nDataLen ,0 );

In TCP, you cannot see packet boundaries, so if both packets arrive before you get to call recv(), you will get both packets' contents in a single go.
In UDP, packet boundaries are preserved, so each call to recv() gives back one packet.


Unbuffered bidirectional data streaming with gRPC: how to get the size of the client-side buffer?

I am streaming data from a server to a client and I would like the server not to read and send more data than the client's buffer size.
service StreamService {
rpc Stream(stream Buffer) returns (stream Buffer);
message Buffer {
bytes data = 1;
My client's program basically looks like:
func ReadFromServer(stream StreamService_StreamClient, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
// I actually don't need more than len(buf)...
// How could I send len(buf) while stream is bidirectional...?
buffer, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n = copy(buf, buffer.Data)
// buf could also be smaller than buffer.Data...
return n, nil
So how could I send len(buf) while the RPC's stream is bidirectional, i.e. the send direction is used by another independent stream of data? Note that I don't use client or server-side buffering to avoid loosing data when one of them is terminated (my data-source is an I/O).
gRPC provides no mechanism for this. It only provides push-back when a sender needs to slow down. But there will still be buffering happening internally and that is not exposed because gRPC is message-based, not byte-based.
There's really only two options in your case:
Server chunks responses arbitrarily. The client Recv()s when necessary and any extra is manually managed for later.
The client sends a request asking for a precise amount to be returned, and then waits for the response.
Note that I don't use client or server-side buffering to avoid loosing data when one of them is terminated (my data-source is an I/O).
This isn't how it works. When you do a Send() there is no guarantee it is received when the call returns. When you do a Recv() there is no guarantee that the message was received after the recv call (it could have been received before the call). There is buffering going on, period.
I think there's no built-in solution for that. The use-case looks little bit weird: why server must care about client's state at all? If it really needs to, you should extend your bidirectional stream: the client must request byte slices of a particular size (according to the own buffer size and other factors).
By the way, you may find useful message size limit settings GRPC client and server:

Libevent does not echo properly when there is a delay

Based on the following code, I built a version of an echo server, but with a threaded delay. This was built because I've noticed that upon initial connection, my first send is sent back to the client, but the client does not receive it until a second send. My real-world use case is that I need to send messages to the server, do a lot of processing, and then send the result back... say 10-30 seconds later (could be hours in some cases).
So here is my code. For brevity's sake, I have only included the libevent-related code; not the threading code or other stuff. When debugging, a new connection is set up, the string buffer is filled properly, and debugging reveals that the writes go successfully.
But I only receive the echo from the send-before-last. I send from the client numbers to validate this and when I send a 1 from the client, I receive nothing from the server via echo... even though the server is definitely writing to the buffer using evbuffer_add ( I have also tried this using bufferevent_write_buffer).
From the client when I send a 2, I then receive the 1 from the previous send. It's like my writes are being cached.... I have turned off nagle.
So, my question is: Does libevent cache sends using the following method?
evbuffer_add( outputBuffer, buffer, length );
Is there a way to flush this cache? Is there some other method to mark the cache as finished or complete? Can I force a send? It never sends on it's own... I have even put in delays. Replacing evbuffer_add with "send" works perfectly every time.
Most likely you are affected by Nagle algorithm - basically it buffers outgoing data, before sending it to the network. Take a look at this article: TCP/IP options for high-performance data transmission.
Here is an example how to disable buffering:
int flag = 1;
int result = setsockopt(sock, /* socket affected */
IPPROTO_TCP, /* set option at TCP level */
TCP_NODELAY, /* name of option */
(char *) &flag, /* the cast is historical
cruft */
sizeof(int)); /* length of option value */

recv function for winsock socket

I have a server application which is connected with telnet client(i.e. telnet localhost _port_num - here port number is same associated with the server application),
My application works correctly, but the thing is I used recv as follows:
#define BUFLEN 512
char buf[BUFLEN];
iResult = recv(sd, (char *)buf, BUFLEN, 0);
here recv call returns as soon as any character pressed over the connected telnet terminal, and most of the time iResult is 1 or some times 2, Even though I wouldn't press enter telnet client sends frame containing a single character to the server application.
How can I make sure that recv should return after BUFLEN read ?
In case of linux recv works as expected, get blocks until enter.
Any help or pointers are greatly appreciated.
Q: How can I make sure that ... BUFLEN read ?
A: You read in a loop until you get all the characters you expect. Or until you get a timeout, or an error.
You need to call recv function again and again until your desired amount of data is received. Please note that when you use TCP Sockets, you cannot make sure if you receive all data in single receive call. If you send data using single TCP Send() call, then it is fairly possible that you receive it in multiple receives as TCP sockets are Stream Sockets.
The recv() function returns the number of bytes received, so you can keep calling the function until you get all they bytes.

socket behaviour when in blocking mode

I'm interested in the behavior of send function when using a blocking socket.
The manual specifies nothing about this case explicitly.
From my tests (and documentation) it results that when using send on a blocking socket I have 2 cases:
all the data is sent
an error is returned and nothing is sent
In lines of code (in C for example) this translate like this:
// everything is allocated and initilized
int socket_fd;
char *buffer;
size_t buffer_len;
ssize_t nret;
nret = send(socket_fd, buffer, buffer_len, 0);
if(nret < 0)
// error - nothing was sent (at least we cannot assume anything)
// in case of blocking socket everything is sent (buffer_len == nret)
Am I right?
I'm interested about this behavior on all platforms (Windows, Linux, *nix).
From the man page. (
"On success, these calls return the number of characters sent. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately. "
You have three conditions.
-1 is a local error in the socket or it's binding.
Some number < the length: not all the bytes were sent. This is usually the case when the socket is marked non-blocking and the requested operation would block; the errno value is EAGAIN.
You probably won't see this because you're doing blocking I/O.
However, the other end of the socket could close the connection prematurely, which may lead to this. The errno value would probably be EPIPE.
Some number == the length: all the bytes were sent.
My understanding is that a blocking send need not be atomic, see for example the Solaris send man page:
For socket types such as SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW that require atomic messages,
the error EMSGSIZE is returned and the message is not transmitted when it is
too long to pass atomically through the underlying protocol. The same
restrictions do not apply to SOCK_STREAM sockets.
And also look at the EINTR error code there:
The operation was interrupted by delivery of a signal before any data could
be buffered to be sent.
Which indicates that send can be interrupted after some data has been buffered to be sent - but in that case send would return the number of bytes that have already been buffered to be sent (instead of an EINTR error code).
In practice I would only expect to see this behaviour for large messages (that can not be handled atomically by the operating system) on SOCK_STREAM sockets.

Sending Large Data > 1 MB through Windows Sockets viz using the Send function

I am looking to send a large message > 1 MB through the windows sockets send api. Is there a efficient way to do this, I do not want to loop and then send the data in chunks. I have read somewhere that you can increase the socket buffer size and that could help. Could anyone please elaborate on this. Any help is appreciated
You should, and in fact must loop to send the data in chunks.
As explained in Beej's networking guide:
"send() returns the number of bytes actually sent out—this might be less than the number you told it to send! See, sometimes you tell it to send a whole gob of data and it just can't handle it. It'll fire off as much of the data as it can, and trust you to send the rest later."
This implies that even if you set the packet size to 1MB, the send() function may not send all of it, and you are forced to loop until the total number of bytes sent by your calls to send() total the number of bytes you are trying to send. In fact, the greater the size of the packet, the more likely it is that send() will not send it all.
Aside from all that, you don't want to send 1MB packets because if they get lost, you will have to transmit the entire 1MB packet again, whereas if you lost a 1K packet, retransmitting it is not a big deal.
In summary, you will have to loop your send() calls, and the receiver will even have to loop their recv() calls too. You will likely need to prepend a small header to each packet to tell the receiver how many bytes are being sent so the receiver can loop the appropriate number of times.
I suggest you take a look at Beej's network guide for more detailed info about send() and recv() and how to deal with this problem. It can be found at
Why don't you want to send it in chunks?
That's the way to do it in 99% of the cases.
What makes you think that sending in chunks is inefficient? The OS is likely to chunk large "send" calls anyway, and may coalesce small ones.
Likewise on the receiving side the client should be looping anyway as there's no guarantee of getting all the data in one go.
The windows sockets subsystem is not oblidged to send the whole buffer you provide anyway. You can't force it since some network level protocols have an upper limit for the packet size.
As a practical matter, you can actually allocate a large buffer and send in one call using Winsock. If you are not messing with socket buffer sizes, the buffer will generally be copied into kernel mode for sending anyway.
There is a theoretical possibility that it will return without sending everything, however, so you really should loop for correctness. The chunks you send should, however, be large (64k or the ballpark) to avoid repeated kernel transitions.
If you want to do a loop after all, you can use this C++ code:
#define DEFAULT_BUFLEN 1452
int SendStr(const SOCKET &ConnectSocket, const std::string &str, int strlen){
char sndbuf[DEFAULT_BUFLEN];
int sndbuflen = DEFAULT_BUFLEN;
int iResult;
int count = 0;
int len;
while(count < strlen){
len = min(strlen-count, sndbuflen);
//void * memcpy ( void * destination, const void * source, size_t num );
// Send a buffer
iResult = send(ConnectSocket, sndbuf, len, 0);
// iResult: Bytes sent
if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR){
throw WSAGetLastError();
if(iResult > 0){
return count;
