Do something infinitely many times with an index - ruby

In more ruby way of doing project euler #2 , part of the code is
while((v = fib(i)) < 4_000_000)
s+=v if v%2==0
Is there a way to change i += 1 into a more functional programming style construct?
The best I can think of is
Float::MAX.to_i.times do |i|
v = fib(i)
break unless v < 4_000_000
s += v if v%2==0
because you can't call .times on a floating point number.

Numeric.step has default parameters of infinity (the limit) and 1 (the step size).
1.step do |i|
For fun, you might even want to try

There’s a predefined (in 1.9.2) constant Float::INFINITY, so you could write
1.upto(Float::INFINITY) do |i|
(You could also use Enumerator and take_while, turning the problem inside out to make it look more like Haskell or Python, but take_while is greedy and builds an array.)

Ruby 2.5 introduced the open-ended Range:
(1..).each do |i|


Can i use a ternary operator instead of while loop

I'm trying to reduce the while loop below to a single line
def this_method(week)
i = 0
while i < array.length
i += 1
week.each do |week|
puts week
Like others, I'm confused about the example (array is not defined, and this_method is never called). But you certainly don't need the while loop. I'd just use the Integer#times method, since you're making no use of the array values:
array.length.times {|i| yield week[i]}
#each_index (which ram suggested) works just as well.
But if array is actually meant to be week, then it gets even simpler:
week.each {|x| yield x}
I'm not sure why you'd want to create a method that just recycles #each though.
For since line you can use Array#each_index:
array.each_index {|i| yield week[i] }
No, you can't. The ternary operator is a conditional expression, the while is a loop expression.
However, in Ruby you normally use enumerators, not while. Your code can be rewritten as
def this_method(week)
array.each_with_index { |item, i| yield(week[i]) }
What is not clear to me, is there the array variable comes from. Even in your example, there is no definition of such variable.
if in any form check conditions only once.
while on other hand, can check conditions many times.
Well, if you don't like other answers with enumerators you can use while in a different form:
def this_method(week)
i = -1
yield(week[i]) while (i+=1) < array.length

Fibers vs. explicit enumerators

I am toying around with Ruby to learn the language. Currently I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept of fibers. According to this answer, they are fairly often used for creating (infinite) external enumerators. On the other hand, this seems to overlap with the concept of so called explicit enumerators.
Say, I want to write a code snippet that fires consecutive prime numbers (yes, the following algorithm has a runtime of O(scary)). I can implement it by using fibers:
prime_fiber = do
primes = [2]
Fiber.yield 2
current = 1
loop do
current += 2
unless primes.find {|value| (current % value) == 0}
Fiber.yield current
primes << current
ARGV[0].to_i.times {print "#{prime_fiber.resume}, "}
This does not emit an enumerator object by itself, although it is not difficult to create one out of it. In contrast, I can also utilize an explicitly defined enumerator, which has the added benefit of already being an enumerator object:
prime_enum = do |yielder|
primes = [2]
yielder.yield 2
current = 1
loop do
current += 2
unless primes.find {|value| (current % value) == 0}
yielder.yield current
primes << current
ARGV[0].to_i.times {print "#{}, "}
# I could also write:
# p prime_enum.first(ARGV[0].to_i)
Both methods allow me to implement some sort of co-routines and they seem to be interchangeable to me. So when do I prefer one over the other? Is there some commonly agreed practice? I find it difficult to get all those idioms in my head, so I apologize in advance if this is considered a dumb question.
I would use Enumerator, it allows you to use take, take_while, even each if your sequence is finite. While Fiber is designed for light weight concurrency and is pretty limited as enumerator.
prime_enum.take(ARGV[0].to_i).each { |x| puts x }
prime_enum.take_while { |x| x < ARGV[0].to_i }.each { |x| puts x }

Ruby find in array with offset

I'm looking for a way to do the following in Ruby in a cleaner way:
class Array
def find_index_with_offset(offset, &block)
[offset..-1].find &block
offset = array.find_index {|element| element.meets_some_criterion?}
the_object_I_want =
array.find_index_with_offset(offset+1) {|element| element.meets_another_criterion?}
So I'm searching a Ruby array for the index of some object and then I do a follow-up search to find the first object that matches some other criterion and has a higher index in the array. Is there a better way to do this?
What do I mean by cleaner: something that doesn't involve explicitly slicing the array. When you do this a couple of times, calculating the slicing indices gets messy fast. I'd like to keep operating on the original array. It's easier to understand and less error-prone.
NB. In my actual code I haven't monkey-patched Array, but I want to draw attention to the fact that I expect I'm duplicating existing functionality of Array/Enumerable
Fixed location of offset + 1 as per Mladen Jablanović's comment; rewrite error
Added explanation of 'cleaner' as per Mladen Jablanović's comment
Cleaner is here obviously subjective matter. If you aim for short, I don't think you could do better than that. If you want to be able to chain multiple such finds, or you are bothered by slicing, you can do something like this:
module Enumerable
def find_multi *procs
return nil if procs.empty?
find do |e|
next true if procs.empty?
a = (1..10).to_a
p a.find_multi(lambda{|e| e % 5 == 0}, lambda{|e| e % 3 == 0}, lambda{|e| e % 4 == 0})
#=> 8
Edit: And if you're not concerned with the performance you could do something like:

Problem comprehending C-style ruby loops

I find the .each do hard to get to stick, so I was hoping for regular use of C for loop syntax which seems to not work, so I tried a while but still get errors.
I have tried this.
i = 0
while i < SampleCount
samples[i] = amplitude
amplitude *= -1
I get complaints about the end statement here.
There are several problems with your code. Rather than just fixing the errors, I'd suggest it's better long-term for you to learn the Ruby way - it will save you time and energy later. In this case, it's
5.times do |i|
samples[i] = amplitude # assumes samples already exists and has 5 entries.
amplitude *= -1
If you insist on keeping a similar style, you can do this:
samples = []
i = 0
while i < sample_count
samples << amplitude # add new item to array.
amplitude *= -1
i += 1 # you can't use ++.
Note that SampleCount's initial capital letter, by Ruby convention, means a constant, which I'm guessing isn't what you really mean.
I agree with Peter that there are other (more idiomatic) ways to do this in Ruby, but just to be clear: the error message you saw misdirected you. There wasn't anything wrong with your while loop per se. The problem was i++ since there is no ++ operator in Ruby.
This would work just fine:
limit = 10
i = 0
while i < limit
puts i
i += 1
Again, I'm not recommending it, but if you're just learning the language, it may help to know where the problem really was.
Ruby has a lot of built-in ways to iterate other than for or while (which tend to be seen less often, as far as I can tell). A few other examples:
(1..10).each do |x| # 1..10 is a range which you can iterate over with each
puts x
1.upto(10) { |x| puts x } # Integers have upto and downto methods that can be useful
You originally mentioned trying to use a for loop. Notwithstanding the various other comments in the answers, here's the for loop approach:
for i in 0...5
samples[i] = amplitude
amplitude *= -1
Nobody here has actually offered an alternate solution that actually does what Fred originally intended - and that's iterate around the value of the constant SampleCount. So could you do:
SampleCount.times do |i|
limit = SampleCount
limit.times do |i|
for i in 0..SampleCount
Would any of those be Ruby-esque enough?
The problem with the end statement is related to i++. Ruby wants to add something. There is no increment operator in Ruby. You need to use i += 1. With that change you can use your C style loop as is.

Automatic counter in Ruby for each?

I want to use a for-each and a counter:
for blah in blahs
puts i.to_s + " " + blah
Is there a better way to do it?
Note: I don't know if blahs is an array or a hash, but having to do blahs[i] wouldn't make it much sexier. Also I'd like to know how to write i++ in Ruby.
Technically, Matt's and Squeegy's answer came in first, but I'm giving best answer to paradoja so spread around the points a bit on SO. Also his answer had the note about versions, which is still relevant (as long as my Ubuntu 8.04 is using Ruby 1.8.6).
Should've used puts "#{i} #{blah}" which is a lot more succinct.
As people have said, you can use
but if you want indices with an iterator different to "each" (for example, if you want to map with an index or something like that) you can concatenate enumerators with the each_with_index method, or simply use with_index: { |blah, index| something(blah, index)} { |blah, index| something(blah, index) }
This is something you can do from ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.
[:a, :b, :c].each_with_index do |item, i|
puts "index: #{i}, item: #{item}"
You can't do this with for. I usually like the more declarative call to each personally anyway. Partly because its easy to transition to other forms when you hits the limit of the for syntax.
Yes, it's collection.each to do loops, and then each_with_index to get the index.
You probably ought to read a Ruby book because this is fundamental Ruby and if you don't know it, you're going to be in big trouble (try:
Taken from the Ruby source code:
hash =
%w(cat dog wombat).each_with_index {|item, index|
hash[item] = index
hash #=> {"cat"=>0, "wombat"=>2, "dog"=>1}
If you don't have the new version of each_with_index, you can use the zip method to pair indexes with elements:
blahs = %w{one two three four five}
puts (1..blahs.length).zip(blahs).map{|pair|'%s %s' % pair}
which produces:
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
As to your question about doing i++, well, you cannot do that in Ruby. The i += 1 statement you had is exactly how you're supposed to do it.
If you want to get index of ruby for each, then you can use
Here is an example to show how .each_with_index works:
range = ('a'..'z').to_a
length = range.length - 1
range.each_with_index do |letter, index|
print letter + " "
if index == length
puts "You are at last item"
This will print:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z You are at last item
The enumerating enumerable series is pretty nice.
If blahs is a class that mixes in Enumerable, you should be able to do this:
blahs.each_with_index do |blah, i|
puts("#{i} #{blah}")
