Makefile for Daemon - makefile

I am very new to Makefiles, so I am probably not doing this the best way (your input is much appreciated, since I would like to learn how/why mine is bad). Anyway, here is my problem:
I have a Daemon that I wrote for a program of mine and I am trying to install it with the Makefile (target is "install"). What the "install" target is supposed to do is move the daemon binary to a location, then move the "service script" to either /etc/init.d/ or /etc/rc.d/ (since different distros have different folders...). Here is my makefile so far:
#echo "Making Components"
#cd Daemon; make
#echo "Components Built"
#echo "Installing Components"
#mkdir -p /usr/lib/
#cp Daemon/myprog_d /usr/lib/myprog_d
-#test -d /etc/init.d && cp Scripts/myprog /etc/init.d/
-#test -d /etc/rc.d && cp Scripts/myprog /etc/rc.d/
-#test ! -d /etc/init.d -a ! -d /etc/rc.d && echo " Warning: Couldn't install script. Manually install Scripts/myprog"
#mkdir -p /var/log/
#echo "Installed."
#echo "Uninstalling Components"
#./Scripts/myprog stop > /dev/null
#rm -f /usr/lib/myprog_d
#echo "Uninstall complete"
#echo "Cleaning Components"
#cd Daemon; make clean
#echo "Clean complete"
As you can see, the "install" target tests to see if those two directories exist and, if they do, copies the script into them (I haven't yet done it to "uninstall", don't worry).
My first question: Is this the right way to do this? The "all" and "clean" targets work (there is another makefile in "Daemon/", as you can deduce), but I want to know if there is a cleaner way of doing this.
Secondly, because the "test" function returns non-zero, I had to do "-" before it so the error would be ignored. Unfortunately, that results in the "make install" output being:
Installing Components
make: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
make: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
Which is very ugly and probably not good practice. What can I do in this case? (I have tried both -# and #-, but # will not suppress the "ignored" output)

I'd do it this way:
#if [ -d /etc/init.d ]; then cp Scripts/myprog /etc/init.d/ ; fi
#if [ -d /etc/rc.d ]; then cp Scripts/myprog /etc/rc.d/ ; fi
And I'm a little confused by your next line (-#test ! -d /etc/init.d -a !...) but you can probably do it the same way.
That takes care of the error messages, but if you wanted to keep the makefile as it is, you could suppress them by running make -s.


Make with files that must be edited manually

I'm writing some Makefile. There is a file auto that can be processed in automatic way (build by make). There is recipe for it. So, this file needs to be edited manually and saved as manual. This manual is used for further automatic processing. How can I achieve the next:
If auto is not exists --- build it --- done by the recipe for it.
If manual is older than auto --- print a message and exit make.
If manual is newer --- build further --- done by the recipe for it.
How can the second step be done in some native way?
The process description was not clear enough because I had no understanding how it should be. That was my mistake. Here is the process I assume.
There is source.
The auto can be built automatically from source.
The manual can be made manually from auto.
The result can be built automatically from manual.
Going 1->2 and 3->4 is what is make for.
The manual depends on source. But make itself can't build manual but only auto to help the user. So, if the manual is up-to-date (newer than source), then just build result from it.
But if manual is have to be rebuilt (it is older than source), rebuild auto (if needed), print a message and stop.
So, I think that Makefile should looks like:
SOURCE = source
result : manual ; cp manual result
manual : auto $(SOURCE) ; #echo "CREATE $#"
auto : $(SOURCE) ; cp source auto
But making result I have to stop after manual and let user to create it and run make again. The manual will be newer than source and auto and will not have to be rebuilt. But how can I do this?
The easiest is probably to describe your dependencies as they really are, even if you cannot really build manual with a make recipe. Then, for manual, instead of writing a building recipe, just print your message and exit with a non-zero status. If manualdoes not exist or is out of date, make will print the message and stop before trying to (re)build result:
# Makefile
result: manual
cp -f "$<" "$#"
manual: auto
#echo "CREATE $#"
#exit 1
auto: source
cp -f "$<" "$#"
$ rm -f auto manual result source
$ touch source
$ make
cp -f "source" "auto"
CREATE manual
make: *** [Makefile:6: manual] Error 1
$ touch manual
$ make
cp -f "manual" "result"
$ make
make: 'result' is up to date.
$ touch source
$ make
cp -f "source" "auto"
CREATE manual
make: *** [Makefile:6: manual] Error 1
If you don't like the error situation you can defer the stop to the result recipe:
# Makefile
result: manual
[ -f "$#" ] && cp -f "$<" "$#" || true
manual: auto
#echo "CREATE $#"
auto: source
cp -f "$<" "$#"
$ rm -f auto manual result source
$ touch source
$ make
cp -f "source" "auto"
CREATE manual
[ -f "manual" ] && cp -f "manual" "result" || true
$ touch manual
$ make
[ -f "manual" ] && cp -f "manual" "result" || true
$ make
make: 'result' is up to date.
$ touch source
$ make
cp -f "source" "auto"
CREATE manual
$ make
CREATE manual
$ touch manual
$ make
[ -f "manual" ] && cp -f "manual" "result" || true

How to use shell command in GNU Make to echo string

I have the following lines in my makefile:
.PHONY : clean
#echo "Running Clean"
$(shell if [ -e exe ]; then rm exe; else echo "no files"; fi)
When I run:
make clean
I get the following output on the shell
Running Clean
no files
make: no: Command not found
Makefile:22: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make: *** [clean] Error 127
Any suggestions?
The problem is the use of $(shell ...). What you want is:
.PHONY : clean
#echo "Running Clean"
#if [ -e exe ]; then rm exe; else echo "no files"; fi
As far as an explanation of what's going wrong -- when you first run the clean target, make will expand all make variables and functions in the recipes before it starts running them -- because $(shell ...) only has one $, this is considered a make function. Make runs the command, which outputs no files to stdout, and replaces the call with that string, and then starts executing the recipes... So now make sees the following:
#echo "Running Clean"
no files
When it tries to run no files, due to the lack of a #, it echos the line to the screen, and then passes the command to the shell. Because the shell doesn't recognize the keyword no it outputs the error you're seeing. Make itself then fails because the shell returned an error.
Hey all I'm the same guy who asked this question but I found an answer right after I posted this, I think I'll leave this up (unless this is against stackoverflow etiquette) in case someone else has the same problems. My solution was echoing the string to stdout.
$(shell if [ -e exe ]; then rm exe; else echo "no files" >&2; fi)

`2>/dev/null` does not work inside a Makefile

I tried to suppress an error from rm command by writing
clean: $(wildcard *.mod)
-rm $^ 2>/dev/null
I ran:
$ make clean
rm 2>/dev/null
make: [clean] Error 64 (ignored)
I still had gotten an error.
Anyway, when I tried
$ rm [some non-existent files] 2>/dev/null
on the bash shell, it just works fine.
How can I use 2>/dev/null inside a makefile?
2>dev/null will redirect the error output so you don't see it, it will not prevent the shell to raise the error level. And the - sign in front of your shell command will tell GNU make to continue even if the error level is raised but it will not either prevent the shell to raise it.
What you want is the shell not to raise the error level and this can be done like this :
Unix (credits to this answer)
-rm $^ 2>/dev/null ; true
-rm $^ 2>NUL || true
or if you don't have rm on Windows
-del /F /Q $^ 2>NUL || true
The message make: [clean] Error 64 (ignored) is being printed by make after it sees that your shell command has failed.
It will therefore not be affected by any redirection that you use in the recipe.
Two fixes:
Use the -f rm flag. rm -f never returns an error.
(Well, hardly ever anyway, and if it does you probably want to know about it!)
Stop the shell command returning an error: simply append || : to the command.
Say what? Well if the rm succeeds your job is done and make is happy. OTOH if rm fails, the shell runs the second command in the or.
: is a shell built-in that always succeeds, and is much preferable to true IMHO.
The first of these is best in this case,
though the second is a general, if somewhat less efficient, pattern.
.PHONY: clean
clean: ; rm -rf *.mod

What's the standard makefile idiom for trying different ways to make a target

I have a makefile that uses a source file from the internet. There are two locations where the file resides, neither of which I consider very dependable, so I also keep a local copy. So the relevant lines of my makefile look like:
wget -nv$# || wget -nv$# || cp local/$# .
src.o: src.c
$(CC) -o $# $<
Is this the "right way" to do this? What if there are multiple steps in each different way of creating the target - how do I tell make "Try A. If A fails, try B. If B fails, ..."?
The right thing to do is this:
.PHONY: phony
src.c: phony
if (wget -nv$# -O $#.temp) && ! diff $#.temp $# >/dev/null; then \
mv $#.temp $#; \
I shortened your command to a single wget but you can put whatever you want there, including a sequence of ||s to achieve "try this, if not, try that etc". Just make sure it outputs to a temporary file (and does not hang indefinitely !) .
It is in fact important to use phony here, and not only .PHONY. Can you see why?
Also, with this method, there is no longer a need to keep another "local" copy and/or use cp. Your target src.c is your "local copy" - the latest one you were able to successfully get from the Internet.

Suppress "Clock skew" warning for future-times in Makefile

I have a Makefile that does performs a task if it hasn't happened in the last hour. It does so like this:
HOUR_FROM_NOW = $(shell perl -e '($$s,$$m,$$h,$$d,$$M)=localtime(time()+3600); printf("%02d%02d%02d%02d\n",$$M+1,$$d,$$h,$$m);')
NOW_FILE = $(shell mkdir -p .make; touch .make/now; echo .make/now )
.PHONY: externals
externals: $(PROJECTS:%=.make/proj_%)
.make/proj_%: $(NOW_FILE)
$(MAKE) -s $(*F)
touch -t $(HOUR_FROM_NOW) $#
# do stuff, specifically, clone git-repo if not exists, else pull latest
That part works great, except that I now get warnings:
make: Warning: File `.make/proj' has modification time 3.5e+03 s in the future
make: Nothing to be done for `externals'.
make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
Anyone know how to suppress those warnings? (Or to do a periodic task in a makefile)
Most versions of touch I have come across can do some date time maths which allows for setting the timestamp of a file directly via the --date option.
That and the fact that variables assigned with := are only "evaluated once" makes this a bit easier to read.
HOUR_AGO := .make/hour_ago
__UGLY := $(shell mkdir -p .make && touch --date='1hour ago' $(HOUR_AGO))
# The preceding line will be executed once
.make/proj_%: .make/hour_ago | .make
$(MAKE) -s $(*F)
#touch $#
mkdir -p $#
I'm using something very similar to this to periodically refresh login tokens.
Never would have thought of it if it wasn't for Dave's answer though.
The directory is created by specifying it as a order-only-prerequisite
I suspect that the + 3600 is at fault. What happens if you remove it?
I thought and thought, and then the stupid-obvious solution hit me ...
Instead of setting timestamps in the future with HOUR_FROM_NOW, I use the real time and compare with HOUR_AGO_FILE ...
HOUR_AGO = $(shell perl -e '($$s,$$m,$$h,$$d,$$M)=localtime(time()-3600); printf("%02d%02d%02d%02d\n",$$M+1,$$d,$$h,$$m);')
HOUR_AGO_FILE = $(shell mkdir -p .make; touch -t $(HOUR_AGO) .make/hour_ago; echo .make/hour_ago )
.PHONY: externals
externals: $(PROJECTS:%=.make/proj_%)
.make/proj_%: $(HOUR_AGO_FILE)
$(MAKE) -s $(*F)
#touch $#
