How do I properly structure a package with sub packages in Go where a single type will be the receiver on most of the methods? - go

I'm currently in the design stage of writing a utility library that will make interaction with the x-go-binding a bit easier. (I've done this before with Python and xpyb.) For example, it will help with querying information defined in the EWMH spec and binding keys to callback functions. (And much more.) So as my initial idea for a package layout, consider:
Where each is its own package. (Similar to how the standard library's image package is setup.)
What's unique about my situation is that almost every x-go-binding call requires some combination of an xgb connection object or a root window identifier. Therefore, it makes sense to me to store this information in a struct like so:
type XUtilConnection struct {
conn xgb.Conn
root xgb.Id
// a few other things, like a mapping of events to callbacks
So that I'd have a factory that could be used like so:
xconn = xutil.NewXUtilConnection(blah blah)
And it could be used like:
xconn.bind_key("Shift-a", my_callback_fun)
There may also be functions like:
My problem of course is that receivers, to my knowledge, can only be of types that have been declared in the same package. If I separate my packages, I cannot use my XUtilConnection type as a receiver in any of my sub-packages.
I suspect that my answer is going to be making this one big package separated into different logical files, but I fear that this might lead to namespace clutter. (For example, implementing the EWMH spec is probably on the order of 100+ functions.)
I am also aware that I could define a new container type in each sub-package for my XUtilConnection object. (I've heard that this should be a struct containing a single member XUtilConnection to avoid casting.) But this seems like a really messy situation to me, and would prevent the kind of semantics I'd like. (i.e., using an XUtilConnection struct to call methods in several different modules.)

I would suggest to use embedding.
In package xutil:
type XUtilConnection struct {
*ewmh.EWMH // Embed all methods of *ewmh.EWMH
*keybind.KeyBind // Embed all methods of *keybind.KeyBind
In package xutil/ewmh:
type EWMH struct {
Conn xgb.Conn
Root xgb.Id
// and any additional fields that are needed
// Some EWMH methods:
func (e *EWMH) GetAtom(name string) { ... }
func (e *EWMH) ...
In package xutil/keybind:
type KeyBind struct {
Conn xgb.Conn
Root xgb.Id
// and any additional fields that are needed
// Some keybind methods:
func (k *KeyBind) GetKeyCode(s string) { ... }
func (k *KeyBind) ...
This will enable you to directly call EWMH's and KeyBind's methods on values of type *XUtilConnection:
var c *XUtilConnection = ...
c.GetAtom("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW") // Call (*emwh.EWMH).GetAtom(string)
c.GetKeyCode("a") // Call (*keybind.KeyBind).GetKeyCode(string)

I'm not sure if I understood correctly the problem (I'm confused by seeing package names where they seem to be discussed as method receivers?), but I guess passing around an interface instead of the [*]struct would enable satisfying it from within any package. One can also always do something like (totally untested code):
package foo
type Foo interface { Bar(); Baz() }
package qux
import "foo"
type qux struct { foo.Foo; myStuff t }
func Foo(f foo.Foo) foo.Foo {
return qux{f, &t{}}
func (q qux) Bar() {
// smthg
To e.g. "override" f.Bar in package qux and "inherit" f.Baz() unaltered.


How to hide the default type constructor in golang?

The reason I have this question is that I often make mistakes that I forgot to specify a value to a struct's field, then the compiler is fine, but the zero value causes bugs.
Here is an example. Say I have a type Foo defined like this in a package:
package types
type Foo struct {
RequiredField1 string
RequiredField2 string
It is exposed and has 2 fields that I'd like both of them to be specified when the Foo struct is created.
Then I can import and use it in my main function like this:
package main
import (
func main() {
f := &Foo{
RequiredField1: "fff",
fmt.Printf("f.RequiredField2: %v", f.RequiredField2)
This causes a bug because I forgot to specify RequiredField2 which is required. And I often make this kind of bugs :p
Now, in order to leverage the compile and prevent this mistake, I made a constructor function for Foo and asks for the required values.
func NewFoo(field1 string, field2 string) *Foo {
return &Foo{Field1: field1, Field2: field2}
So that if I forgot to pass field2, the compiler won't compile my code:
func main() {
f := NewFoo("foo")
fmt.Printf("f.Field2: %v", f.Field2)
The build will fail:
./prog.go:18:13: not enough arguments in call to NewFoo
have (string)
want (string, string)
Now the question is: how to stop the foreign callers (callers from other namespaces) from calling the default constructor of Foo, that is &Foo, and force them to use the NewFoo?
If I can, then I'm safe since NewFoo is the only way to create the Foo type and the compiler helps me ensure all fields are present when calling it.
You can avoid this problem by making Foo type unexported.
You can make an interface that is Exported and has all the methods that Foo type performs.
type Foo interface{
type foo struct{
RequiredField1 string
RequiredField2 string
func NewFoo(requiredField1 string,requiredField2 string)*foo{
return &foo{
func (f *foo)DoSomething(){
// your implementation
In this way all the caller will be able to access it but cannot create foo without NewFoo function.
How to hide the default type constructor in golang?
You cannot for an exported type.
Get used to it, it is not a problem in real life.
(For unexported types, just provide a func NewUnexportedType(...) unexportedType. )
Effective Go
it's helpful to arrange when designing your data structures that the
zero value of each type can be used without further initialization.
we often need to change the type definition, like adding more fields
That is why you should make the zero value for struct fields significant. The behavior is by design. For example, it is used to maintain the Go 1 compatibility guarantee.

When to use global variables

I've heard many times that you should avoid global variables.
In my example I declared a global myTypes variable only to avoid declaring that variable over and over again in a function call or something similar.
Is this how it should be done? Is there a better way? A more testable way?
var myTypes = map[string]string{
"type1": "tpl1",
"type2": "tpl2",
func AFunc(someType string) string {
fmt.Sprintf("this is your type %s", myTypes[someType])
func main() {
Not all global variables are bad. In your case:
The global variable is in the main package and therefore only accessible by a single program. This is ok.
The global variable is initialized once and not modified thereafter. This is ok.
On the other hand, whenever a global variable is modified during the program’s execution, the program becomes more difficult to understand. Therefore it should be avoided.
In a package that is meant to be reusable, global variables should be avoided since then two users of that package might influence each other. Imagine if the json package had a global variable var Indent bool. Such a variable is better to be hidden inside a data structure like JsonFormatter that gets created anew each time someone wants to format some JSON.
One usual way is to use Method Value
Consider a struct type T with two methods, Mv, whose receiver is of type T, and Mp, whose receiver is of type *T.
type T struct {
a int
func (tv T) Mv(a int) int { return 0 } // value receiver
func (tp *T) Mp(f float32) float32 { return 1 } // pointer receiver
var t T
The expression
yields a function equivalent to Mv but with an explicit receiver as its first argument; it has signature
func(tv T, a int) int
You can see an example of Method Value in this thread
// TODO: Get rid of the global variable.
var foo service
func handleFoo(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// code that uses foo
func main() {
foo = initFoo()
http.HandleFunc("/foo", handleFoo)
One way to get rid of that global variable is to use method values:
type fooHandler struct {
foo service
func (h fooHandler) handle(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// code that uses
func main() {
foo := initFoo()
http.HandleFunc("/foo", fooHandler{foo}.handle)
A new official approach for your global values is introduced in Go 1.7 with context.Context#Values.
Use context Values only for request-scoped data that transits processes and APIs, not for passing optional parameters to functions.
See "How to correctly use context.Context in Go 1.7"
Finally, in addition of being hard to test, global values can prevent vendoring.
See "To vendor or not to vendor, that is a question"
Many Go’s libaries have exported package variables. Those variables can be viewed as certain global states of a certain package.
Prior vendoring era, we can go get each imported package once and the global state of each imported package can be shared within all other imported packages.
Some devs may take it as granted and simply manipulate those global states at will.
However, with vendoring each imported package may have its own view of global states. Now a dev may found it impossible to change other package’s view of global state
You're not modifying myTypes, just reading it, so it's not a variable at all, it's a constant, and would be defined as such if Go supported it (and make sure you don't mutate it -- unfortunately Go doesn't allow you to enforce "constness" like other languages do). Global constants are mostly fine.
If you were to modify myTypes, e.g. by providing a function to add new types at runtime, then yes, it's a bad idea to retain myTypes as global state. You might just get away with it as long as you do it only in your "main program" which you're sure will never be a package to be imported by other code, but you don't know where this code might end up / get copied to (or even just used from multiple places in the same package), so why risk it. If this becomes a package that gets imported by other packages, things may work fine as long as there's not more than one such "client" package is active at runtime, but as soon as somebody links together several such packages into one binary, all those user packages will stomp over each other's data in the global myTypes. If a client package expects to only see the myTypes that it put in earlier, this will break if there's another client with different expectations. So packages that work fine when used individually may break when used together, with no way to fix this except changing the shared code. So just don't do it. It's a shame that Google themselves use global state in some of their own public stuff, e.g. in the standard "flag" package and things like "glog" which uses it and thus inherits the problem. Don't do it.

golang interface that depends on interface

I am not sure if these should be two separate questions or one, but it seems to me as one question of two parts - How go interfaces are supposed to be used? I have this two struggles:
The methods of the interfaces are globally scoped: If I have interface A and interface B that both implement the same method Foo, but with different arguments or return types I am unable to implement both at the same time from the same type. For example, I have GetBytes() method in one interface having return type []byte and in another ([]byte, error) How I should overcome this issue?
Another issue I have is when I try to define interface say interface A that has a method that returns interface B that is defined in the same layer. Now if I want to create an object that implements A, if I return struct that implements B go is not smart enough to deduce that this method implements the method in A and it forces me to create dependency on B. This seems to completely defeat the point of the way interfaces work in go at first place. How can I avoid this issue?
for example, if I have:
type B interface {
type A interface {
Foo() B
for the following structs :
type b_impl struct{}
func (b b_impl) Bar() {}
type a_impl struct{}
A foo method
func (a a_impl) Foo() b_impl {}
does not satisfy the interface A and I need to make it:
func (a a_impl) Foo() B {}
which makes a dependency to the package where B is declared.
1st question:
In go you need to make different function names, when you want to do different tasks. Let's look into the standard library at the strconv package how things are solved there:
Look to the different declaration of the append function there. There are functions for every different type.
So if you expect a FooInt funtion your interface should be also a FooInter, ...
2nd question:As a small example. You don't need to import the whole io package, when you want to use the io.Writer interface. It is totaly ok to copy the Writer declaration into your own package. If you do that correct, every io.Writer implementation will automatically implement your own Writer interface.
After reading the other comments maybe you have a different situation:
Let's say there is a package a and b with the interface a.A and b.B. If there is the situation that:
type A interface{
Foo() b.B
and you have to write an implementation for a.A, then you need to import package b. But that makes your binaries not bigger, because you will always need to import package a, which depends on b.
For implementing an interface, you need to have exactly the same method name and signature. Means the signature must be with the same types.
As much as it seems weird, these two don't have the same signature:
Foo() B
Foo() b_impl {}
It doesn't matter that b_impl implements B.
To overcome the need to import the package B is declared in, you can use anonymous type. This way the compiler won't require a specific type for the method signature.
type A interface {
Foo() interface{Bar()}
Which also can be written as embedding B:
type A interface {
Foo() interface{B}
Still, a_impl must have same signature, so it also needs to return an anonymous interface. You can also declare the same B interface in the package of a_impl, and embed it in an anonymous interface.
package impl
type B interface {
type b_impl struct{}
func (b b_impl) Bar() {}
type a_impl struct{}
func (a a_impl) Foo() interface{B} {
return b_impl{}
I don't know if it's a bad practice or not, probably there are cases which redesign is required instead of doing this.

go how to check if a function exists

Is there any way to check if a func exists in Go?
In PHP I might do something like
if(function_exists('someFunction')) {
but I have not been able to figure out how to do this in Go
Any help on this will be greatly received.
A little more context on what you're trying to do would help.
As you note in your own comment, if you try to call a function Go checks at compile-time if the function exists, most of the times.
One exception that comes to my mind is when you use interface{} and you want to check that a method exists before calling it. For this you can use type checks.
package main
import "fmt"
// a simple Greeter struct
// with a Hello() method defined
type Greeter struct {
Name string
func (m *Greeter) Hello() string {
return "hello " + m.Name
var x interface{}
func main() {
x = Greeter {Name:"Paolo"} // x is a interface{}
g,ok := x.(Greeter) // we have to check that x is a Greeter...
if ok {
fmt.Println(g.Hello()) // ...before being able to call Hello()
Another scenario I can think of is that you're creating your own tool for Go that requires parsing go files before compiling them. If so, Go provides help in the for of the parser package
There's no way to do that (and for good!). The reason is that Go is a compiled language and does not support loadable modules (yet, at least) so functions can't come and go at runtime, and hence whether or not a top-level function exists, you know by defintion: if a given source file imports a package containing the function of interest1, that function is visible in this source file. Or this function is declared in the same package this source file belongs to and hence it's also available. In all the other cases the function is not available. Note that a function might be compiled in the program but still not visible in a given source file while compiling, so the whole definition of visibility as you put it does not exist in Go.
On the other hand you might want some generality. Generality in Go is achieved via interfaces. You might define an interface and then require a type to implement it. Checking that a type implements an interface is done via a neat trick.
An update from 2021-12-29.
The support for loadable modules was added in Go 1.8 in the form of the plugin package and has since then matured to support most mainline platforms except Windows.
Still, this solution is not without problems—for instance, see #20481.
1Without renaming that module to nothing, but let's not touch this for now.
Provided your thing is an interface value, type assert, something like this:
if Aer, ok := thing.(interface{MethodA()}); ok {
If thing is a struct, assign it to an interface variable first,
because type assertions only work on interface values.
It wouldn't hurt to define a named interface instead of using the
nonce one, but for simple cases like this it's not worth it.
Recently I had a need for figuring out if a struct has a particular function or not.
Here is another way using reflection :
package main
import (
type FuncRegistry struct {}
func (fr FuncRegistry) Hi() {
fmt.Println("function Hi")
func (fr FuncRegistry) Hello() {
fmt.Println("function Hello")
func functionExists(obj interface{},funcName string) bool {
mthd := reflect.ValueOf(obj).MethodByName(funcName)
if mthd.IsValid() {
fmt.Printf("Function '%s' exists \n",funcName)
return true
fmt.Printf("Function '%s' does not exist\n",funcName)
return false
// Main function
func main() {
var fr FuncRegistry
This sounds a lot like a XY problem. Please tell what you are trying to do. As far as I know, this is something you can't really do the same way as in PHP.
However, you could create a map with function names as keys. Add the functions there manually or generate the contents by parsing the source files before the compilation or at run time. Parsing the source seems like a dirty hack though.

Can embedded methods access "parent" fields?

I've done a fair amount of spec reading and code testing and I think the answer is no, but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Basically, I'm trying to create a Active Record style ORM for Go, because I like how readable it is and how abstracted it is from its back end data store. I'd rather write user.Save() than data.Save(user) by embedding common CRUD methods on the user struct.
package main
import (
func main() {
test := Foo{Bar: &Bar{}, Name: "name"}
type Foo struct {
Name string
func (s *Foo) Method() {
type Bar struct {
func (s *Bar) Test() {
t := reflect.TypeOf(s)
v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
fmt.Printf("model: %+v %+v %+v\n", s, t, v)
Is there a way to make top-level fields (not sure what the correct term in Go is for these) accessible from embedded methods (eg: s.Name or s.Method()?
Thank you donating your time to a new Gopher.
Go doesn't provide any support for what you're after: the receiver of your Test method is a Bar pointer, and there is no way to tell whether it is embedded or not.
If you really want to go this route, one option would be to add an interface{} member to Bar and require that types that it be set to the containing type. Initialising this member could either be the responsibility of whoever created the value, or perhaps require callers to pass the value to some ORM method to set it. This isn't particularly pretty, but it's probably the best you can do.
With that out of the way, is it really that bad to structure the API as db.Save(user) rather than user.Save()? The former offers an obvious way to extend to multiple databases, while the latter seems more likely to rely on global state.
(If I understood your question correctly,) no, embedding isn't inheritance. It sounds like what you're actually after is an interface
type Saver interface {
Save() error
then the relevant parties can implement that.
You can have a common struct base or whatever that implements common methods and then each higher-level struct can embed base to allow them to share implementation.
