Which floating-point comparison is more accurate, and why? - algorithm

I'm experimenting with different implementations of the Newton method for calculating square roots. One important decision is when to terminate the algorithm.
Obviously it won't do to use the absolute difference between y*y and x where y is the current estimate of the square root of x, because for large values of x it may not be possible to represent its square root with enough precision.
So I'm supposed to use a relative criteria. Naively I would have used something like this:
static int sqrt_good_enough(float x, float y) {
return fabsf(y*y - x) / x < EPS;
And this appears to work very well. But recently I have started reading Kernighan and Plauger's The Elements of Programming Style and they give a Fortran program for the same algorithm in chapter 1, whose termination criteria, translated in C, would be:
static int sqrt_good_enough(float x, float y) {
return fabsf(x/y - y) < EPS * y;
Both are mathematically equivalent, but is there a reason for preferring one form over the other?

They're still not equivalent; the bottom one is mathematically equivalent to fabsf(y*y - x) / (y*y) < EPS. The problem I see with yours is that if y*y overflows (probably because x is FLT_MAX and y is chosen unluckily), then termination may never occur. The following interaction uses doubles.
>>> import math
>>> x = (2.0 - 2.0 ** -52) * 2.0 ** 1023
>>> y = x / math.sqrt(x)
>>> y * y - x
>>> y == 0.5 * (y + x / y)
EDIT: as a comment (now deleted) pointed out, it's also good to share operations between the iteration and the termination test.
EDIT2: both probably have issues with subnormal x. The professionals normalize x to avoid the complications of both extremes.

The two are actually not exactly equivalent mathematically, unless you write fabsf(y*y - x) / (y*y) < EPS for the first one. (sorry for the typo in my original comment)
But I think the key point is to make the expression here match your formula for computing y in the Newton iteration. For example if your y formula is y = (y + x/y) / 2, you should use Kernighan and Plauger's style. If it is y = (y*y + x) / (2*y) you should use (y*y - x) / (y*y) < EPS.
Generally the termination criteria should be that abs(y(n+1) - y(n)) is small enough (i.e. smaller than y(n+1) * EPS). This is why the two expressions should match. If they don't match exactly, it is possible that the termination test decides that the residual is not small enough while the difference in y(n) is smaller than floating point error, due to different scaling. The result would be an infinite loop because y(n) has stopped changing and the termination criteria is never met.
For example the following Matlab code is exactly the same Newton solver as your first example, but it runs forever:
x = 6.800000000000002
yprev = 0
y = 2
while abs(y*y - x) > eps*abs(y*y)
yprev = y;
y = 0.5*(y + x/y);
The C/C++ version of it has the same problem.


A 32-bit version of the TEA algorithm

I need a sequence of unique alpha-numeric serial numbers that are random, and have decided to use TEA (the Tiny Encryption Algorithm) since it's quick, elegant and efficient. However, I've only found 64-bit implementations which yield numbers that are too long: a 32-bit number would be far preferable. I'd like to use a 32-bit version of TEA, but it's unlikely that one exists.
My problem, of course, is that I've no idea HOW it works - how such a convoluted sequence of manipulations yields a code that can be input to a reversed algorithm to regain the original. It's fascinating, certainly, but at this stage I'd settle for a quick answer rather than the needed insights.
For those interested, the encrypt/decrypt algo's are:
while(n-->0) {
sum += delta;
y += (z << 4)+a ^ z+sum ^ (z >> 5)+b;
z += (y << 4)+c ^ y+sum ^ (y >> 5)+d;
while(n-->0) {
z -= (y << 4)+c ^ y+sum ^ (y >> 5)+d;
y -= (z << 4)+a ^ z+sum ^ (z >> 5)+b;
sum -= delta;
I've written a quick hack that prints out the first ten numbers, so it's working (happy to post it if anyone's interested - 60 lines), but if anyone can either point me to a 32-bit version or explain the magic of its operation I'd be forever grateful.
In each encryption round:
sum+=delta. This can be easily reversed by sum-=delta
y+=f(z,sum), i.e., what you add to y is a function of z and sum only. Since z and sum are unchanged, this can be easily reversed by sum-=f(z,sum)
z+=g(y,sum). what you add to z is a function of y and sum only. Since y and sum are unchanged, this can be easily reversed by z-=g(y,sum)
This simple way of ensuring that the cipher is reversible is obviously inspired by the Feistel structure that is used in many modern block ciphers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feistel_cipher

Generating random solutions in CPLEX

I have a simple model in IBM ILOG CPLEX.
dvar float x in 1..99;
dvar float y in 1..99;
dvar float z in 1..99;
subject to
x + y - z == 41.3;
I need random solutions for x, y and z. However, I always get 41.3, 1, 1.
Am I using the wrong tool?
Moreover, I need five random solutions. Not only one. How can I accomplish this?
For a feasibility problem (no objective function) CPLEX will terminate when it finds a feasible solution. There is no way to obtain all extreme points.
What you could try:
set an objective function
solve and store solution
modify the objective function to find a different solution (which has to be done randomly, if you want random solutions)
You would have to use some API to code the logic.
This idea is described in more detail here:
But, this is way to complicated for your problem. I'd simply do the following:
set z randomly
calculate x + y = z + 41.3
select a random r between 0 and 1
x = (x+y) * r
y = (x+y) * (1-r)

Rounding to the nearest integer power of a given base

I'm trying to round a number to the next smallest power of another number. I'm not particular on which direction it rounds, but I prefer downwards if possible.
The number x that I'm rounding will satisfy: x > 0, and usually fits within the range 0 < x <= 1. Only rarely will it be above 1.
More generally, my problem is: Given a number x, how can I round it to the nearest integer power of some base b?
I would like to be able to round towards arbitrary bases, but the ones I'm most concerned with at the moment is base 2 and fractional powers of 2 like 2^(1/2), 2^(1/4), and so forth. Here's my current algorithm for base 2.
double roundBaseTwo(double x)
return 1.0 / (1 << (int)((log(x) * invlog2))
Any help would be appreciated!
You've got the right idea; for any base x, x ^ floor( log_x(n) ) is what you want. (Where log_x represents 'log to the base x')
In C#:
static double roundBaseX(double num, double x)
return Math.Pow(x, Math.Floor(Math.Log(num, x)));
If you can't take logarithms to an arbitrary base, just use the formula: log_x(n) = log(n) / log(x)

John Carmack's Unusual Fast Inverse Square Root (Quake III)

John Carmack has a special function in the Quake III source code which calculates the inverse square root of a float, 4x faster than regular (float)(1.0/sqrt(x)), including a strange 0x5f3759df constant. See the code below. Can someone explain line by line what exactly is going on here and why this works so much faster than the regular implementation?
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y;
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );
#ifndef Q3_VM
#ifdef __linux__
assert( !isnan(y) );
return y;
FYI. Carmack didn't write it. Terje Mathisen and Gary Tarolli both take partial (and very modest) credit for it, as well as crediting some other sources.
How the mythical constant was derived is something of a mystery.
To quote Gary Tarolli:
Which actually is doing a floating
point computation in integer - it took
a long time to figure out how and why
this works, and I can't remember the
details anymore.
A slightly better constant, developed by an expert mathematician (Chris Lomont) trying to work out how the original algorithm worked is:
float InvSqrt(float x)
float xhalf = 0.5f * x;
int i = *(int*)&x; // get bits for floating value
i = 0x5f375a86 - (i >> 1); // gives initial guess y0
x = *(float*)&i; // convert bits back to float
x = x * (1.5f - xhalf * x * x); // Newton step, repeating increases accuracy
return x;
In spite of this, his initial attempt a mathematically 'superior' version of id's sqrt (which came to almost the same constant) proved inferior to the one initially developed by Gary despite being mathematically much 'purer'. He couldn't explain why id's was so excellent iirc.
Of course these days, it turns out to be much slower than just using an FPU's sqrt (especially on 360/PS3), because swapping between float and int registers induces a load-hit-store, while the floating point unit can do reciprocal square root in hardware.
It just shows how optimizations have to evolve as the nature of underlying hardware changes.
Greg Hewgill and IllidanS4 gave a link with excellent mathematical explanation.
I'll try to sum it up here for ones who don't want to go too much into details.
Any mathematical function, with some exceptions, can be represented by a polynomial sum:
y = f(x)
can be exactly transformed into:
y = a0 + a1*x + a2*(x^2) + a3*(x^3) + a4*(x^4) + ...
Where a0, a1, a2,... are constants. The problem is that for many functions, like square root, for exact value this sum has infinite number of members, it does not end at some x^n. But, if we stop at some x^n we would still have a result up to some precision.
So, if we have:
y = 1/sqrt(x)
In this particular case they decided to discard all polynomial members above second, probably because of calculation speed:
y = a0 + a1*x + [...discarded...]
And the task has now came down to calculate a0 and a1 in order for y to have the least difference from the exact value. They have calculated that the most appropriate values are:
a0 = 0x5f375a86
a1 = -0.5
So when you put this into equation you get:
y = 0x5f375a86 - 0.5*x
Which is the same as the line you see in the code:
i = 0x5f375a86 - (i >> 1);
Edit: actually here y = 0x5f375a86 - 0.5*x is not the same as i = 0x5f375a86 - (i >> 1); since shifting float as integer not only divides by two but also divides exponent by two and causes some other artifacts, but it still comes down to calculating some coefficients a0, a1, a2... .
At this point they've found out that this result's precision is not enough for the purpose. So they additionally did only one step of Newton's iteration to improve the result accuracy:
x = x * (1.5f - xhalf * x * x)
They could have done some more iterations in a loop, each one improving result, until required accuracy is met. This is exactly how it works in CPU/FPU! But it seems that only one iteration was enough, which was also a blessing for the speed. CPU/FPU does as many iterations as needed to reach the accuracy for the floating point number in which the result is stored and it has more general algorithm which works for all cases.
So in short, what they did is:
Use (almost) the same algorithm as CPU/FPU, exploit the improvement of initial conditions for the special case of 1/sqrt(x) and don't calculate all the way to precision CPU/FPU will go to but stop earlier, thus gaining in calculation speed.
I was curious to see what the constant was as a float so I simply wrote this bit of code and googled the integer that popped out.
long i = 0x5F3759DF;
float* fp = (float*)&i;
printf("(2^127)^(1/2) = %f\n", *fp);
//(2^127)^(1/2) = 13211836172961054720.000000
It looks like the constant is "An integer approximation to the square root of 2^127 better known by the hexadecimal form of its floating-point representation, 0x5f3759df" https://mrob.com/pub/math/numbers-18.html
On the same site it explains the whole thing. https://mrob.com/pub/math/numbers-16.html#le009_16
According to this nice article written a while back...
The magic of the code, even if you
can't follow it, stands out as the i =
0x5f3759df - (i>>1); line. Simplified,
Newton-Raphson is an approximation
that starts off with a guess and
refines it with iteration. Taking
advantage of the nature of 32-bit x86
processors, i, an integer, is
initially set to the value of the
floating point number you want to take
the inverse square of, using an
integer cast. i is then set to
0x5f3759df, minus itself shifted one
bit to the right. The right shift
drops the least significant bit of i,
essentially halving it.
It's a really good read. This is only a tiny piece of it.
The code consists of two major parts. Part one calculates an approximation for 1/sqrt(y), and part two takes that number and runs one iteration of Newton's method to get a better approximation.
Calculating an approximation for 1/sqrt(y)
i = * ( long * ) &y;
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
y = * ( float * ) &i;
Line 1 takes the floating point representation of y and treats it as an integer i. Line 2 shifts i over one bit and subtracts it from a mysterious constant. Line 3 takes the resulting number and converts it back to a standard float32. Now why does this work?
Let g be a function that maps a floating point number to its floating point representation, read as an integer. Line 1 above is setting i = g(y).
The following good approximation of g exists(*):
g(y) ≈ Clog_2 y + D for some constants C and D. An intuition for why such a good approximation exists is that the floating point representation of y is roughly linear in the exponent.
The purpose of line 2 is to map from g(y) to g(1/sqrt(y)), after which line 3 can use g^-1 to map that number to 1/sqrt(y). Using the approximation above, we have g(1/sqrt(y)) ≈ Clog_2 (1/sqrt(y)) + D = -C/2 log_2 y + D. We can use these formulas to calculate the map from g(y) to g(1/sqrt(y)), which is g(1/sqrt(y)) ≈ 3D/2 - 1/2 * g(y). In line 2, we have 0x5f3759df ≈ 3D/2, and i >> 1 ≈ 1/2*g(y).
The constant 0x5f3759df is slightly smaller than the constant that gives the best possible approximation for g(1/sqrt(y)). That is because this step is not done in isolation. Due to the direction that Newton's method tends to miss in, using a slightly smaller constant tends to yield better results. The exact optimal constant to use in this setting depends on your input distribution of y, but 0x5f3759df is one such constant that gives good results over a fairly broad range.
A more detailed description of this process can be found on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root#Algorithm
(*) More explicitly, let y = 2^e*(1+f). Taking the log of both sides, we get log_2 y = e + log_2(1+f), which can be approximated as log_2 y ≈ e + f + σ for a small constant sigma. Separately, the float32 encoding of y expressed as an integer is g(y) ≈ 2^23 * (e+127) + f * 2^23. Combining the two equations, we get g(y) ≈ 2^23 * log_2 y + 2^23 * (127 - σ).
Using Newton's method
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );
Consider the function f(y) = 1/y^2 - num. The positive zero of f is y = 1/sqrt(num), which is what we are interested in calculating.
Newton's method is an iterative algorithm for taking an approximation y_n for the zero of a function f, and calculating a better approximation y_n+1, using the following equation: y_n+1 = y_n - f(y_n)/f'(y_n).
Calculating what that looks like for our function f gives the following equation: y_n+1 = y_n - (-y_n+y_n^3*num)/2 = y_n * (3/2 - num/2 * y_n * y_n). This is exactly what the line of code above is doing.
You can learn more about the details of Newton's method here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_method

Why is SSE scalar sqrt(x) slower than rsqrt(x) * x?

I've been profiling some of our core math on an Intel Core Duo, and while looking at various approaches to square root I've noticed something odd: using the SSE scalar operations, it is faster to take a reciprocal square root and multiply it to get the sqrt, than it is to use the native sqrt opcode!
I'm testing it with a loop something like:
inline float TestSqrtFunction( float in );
void TestFunc()
#define ARRAYSIZE 4096
#define NUMITERS 16386
float flIn[ ARRAYSIZE ]; // filled with random numbers ( 0 .. 2^22 )
float flOut [ ARRAYSIZE ]; // filled with 0 to force fetch into L1 cache
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUMITERS ; ++i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ARRAYSIZE ; ++j )
flOut[j] = TestSqrtFunction( flIn[j] );
// unrolling this loop makes no difference -- I tested it.
printf( "%d loops over %d floats took %.3f milliseconds",
NUMITERS, ARRAYSIZE, cyclecounter.Milliseconds() );
I've tried this with a few different bodies for the TestSqrtFunction, and I've got some timings that are really scratching my head. The worst of all by far was using the native sqrt() function and letting the "smart" compiler "optimize". At 24ns/float, using the x87 FPU this was pathetically bad:
inline float TestSqrtFunction( float in )
{ return sqrt(in); }
The next thing I tried was using an intrinsic to force the compiler to use SSE's scalar sqrt opcode:
inline void SSESqrt( float * restrict pOut, float * restrict pIn )
_mm_store_ss( pOut, _mm_sqrt_ss( _mm_load_ss( pIn ) ) );
// compiles to movss, sqrtss, movss
This was better, at 11.9ns/float. I also tried Carmack's wacky Newton-Raphson approximation technique, which ran even better than the hardware, at 4.3ns/float, although with an error of 1 in 210 (which is too much for my purposes).
The doozy was when I tried the SSE op for reciprocal square root, and then used a multiply to get the square root ( x * 1/√x = √x ). Even though this takes two dependent operations, it was the fastest solution by far, at 1.24ns/float and accurate to 2-14:
inline void SSESqrt_Recip_Times_X( float * restrict pOut, float * restrict pIn )
__m128 in = _mm_load_ss( pIn );
_mm_store_ss( pOut, _mm_mul_ss( in, _mm_rsqrt_ss( in ) ) );
// compiles to movss, movaps, rsqrtss, mulss, movss
My question is basically what gives? Why is SSE's built-in-to-hardware square root opcode slower than synthesizing it out of two other math operations?
I'm sure that this is really the cost of the op itself, because I've verified:
All data fits in cache, and
accesses are sequential
the functions are inlined
unrolling the loop makes no difference
compiler flags are set to full optimization (and the assembly is good, I checked)
(edit: stephentyrone correctly points out that operations on long strings of numbers should use the vectorizing SIMD packed ops, like rsqrtps — but the array data structure here is for testing purposes only: what I am really trying to measure is scalar performance for use in code that can't be vectorized.)
sqrtss gives a correctly rounded result. rsqrtss gives an approximation to the reciprocal, accurate to about 11 bits.
sqrtss is generating a far more accurate result, for when accuracy is required. rsqrtss exists for the cases when an approximation suffices, but speed is required. If you read Intel's documentation, you will also find an instruction sequence (reciprocal square-root approximation followed by a single Newton-Raphson step) that gives nearly full precision (~23 bits of accuracy, if I remember properly), and is still somewhat faster than sqrtss.
edit: If speed is critical, and you're really calling this in a loop for many values, you should be using the vectorized versions of these instructions, rsqrtps or sqrtps, both of which process four floats per instruction.
There are a number of other answers to this already from a few years ago. Here's what the consensus got right:
The rsqrt* instructions compute an approximation to the reciprocal square root, good to about 11-12 bits.
It's implemented with a lookup table (i.e. a ROM) indexed by the mantissa. (In fact, it's a compressed lookup table, similar to mathematical tables of old, using adjustments to the low-order bits to save on transistors.)
The reason why it's available is that it is the initial estimate used by the FPU for the "real" square root algorithm.
There's also an approximate reciprocal instruction, rcp. Both of these instructions are a clue to how the FPU implements square root and division.
Here's what the consensus got wrong:
SSE-era FPUs do not use Newton-Raphson to compute square roots. It's a great method in software, but it would be a mistake to implement it that way in hardware.
The N-R algorithm to compute reciprocal square root has this update step, as others have noted:
x' = 0.5 * x * (3 - n*x*x);
That's a lot of data-dependent multiplications and one subtraction.
What follows is the algorithm that modern FPUs actually use.
Given b[0] = n, suppose we can find a series of numbers Y[i] such that b[n] = b[0] * Y[0]^2 * Y[1]^2 * ... * Y[n]^2 approaches 1. Then consider:
x[n] = b[0] * Y[0] * Y[1] * ... * Y[n]
y[n] = Y[0] * Y[1] * ... * Y[n]
Clearly x[n] approaches sqrt(n) and y[n] approaches 1/sqrt(n).
We can use the Newton-Raphson update step for reciprocal square root to get a good Y[i]:
b[i] = b[i-1] * Y[i-1]^2
Y[i] = 0.5 * (3 - b[i])
x[0] = n Y[0]
x[i] = x[i-1] * Y[i]
y[0] = Y[0]
y[i] = y[i-1] * Y[i]
The next key observation is that b[i] = x[i-1] * y[i-1]. So:
Y[i] = 0.5 * (3 - x[i-1] * y[i-1])
= 1 + 0.5 * (1 - x[i-1] * y[i-1])
x[i] = x[i-1] * (1 + 0.5 * (1 - x[i-1] * y[i-1]))
= x[i-1] + x[i-1] * 0.5 * (1 - x[i-1] * y[i-1]))
y[i] = y[i-1] * (1 + 0.5 * (1 - x[i-1] * y[i-1]))
= y[i-1] + y[i-1] * 0.5 * (1 - x[i-1] * y[i-1]))
That is, given initial x and y, we can use the following update step:
r = 0.5 * (1 - x * y)
x' = x + x * r
y' = y + y * r
Or, even fancier, we can set h = 0.5 * y. This is the initialisation:
Y = approx_rsqrt(n)
x = Y * n
h = Y * 0.5
And this is the update step:
r = 0.5 - x * h
x' = x + x * r
h' = h + h * r
This is Goldschmidt's algorithm, and it has a huge advantage if you're implementing it in hardware: the "inner loop" is three multiply-adds and nothing else, and two of them are independent and can be pipelined.
In 1999, FPUs already needed a pipelined add/substract circuit and a pipelined multiply circuit, otherwise SSE would not be very "streaming". Only one of each circuit was needed in 1999 to implement this inner loop in a fully-pipelined way without wasting a lot of hardware just on square root.
Today, of course, we have fused multiply-add exposed to the programmer. Again, the inner loop is three pipelined FMAs, which are (again) generally useful even if you're not computing square roots.
This is also true for division. MULSS(a,RCPSS(b)) is way faster than DIVSS(a,b). In fact it's still faster even when you increase its precision with a Newton-Raphson iteration.
Intel and AMD both recommend this technique in their optimisation manuals. In applications which don't require IEEE-754 compliance, the only reason to use div/sqrt is code readability.
Instead of supplying an answer, that actually might be incorrect (I'm also not going to check or argue about cache and other stuff, let's say they are identical) I'll try to point you to the source that can answer your question.
The difference might lie in how sqrt and rsqrt are computed. You can read more here http://www.intel.com/products/processor/manuals/. I'd suggest to start from reading about processor functions you are using, there are some info, especially about rsqrt (cpu is using internal lookup table with huge approximation, which makes it much simpler to get the result). It may seem, that rsqrt is so much faster than sqrt, that 1 additional mul operation (which isn't to costly) might not change the situation here.
Edit: Few facts that might be worth mentioning:
1. Once I was doing some micro optimalizations for my graphics library and I've used rsqrt for computing length of vectors. (instead of sqrt, I've multiplied my sum of squared by rsqrt of it, which is exactly what you've done in your tests), and it performed better.
2. Computing rsqrt using simple lookup table might be easier, as for rsqrt, when x goes to infinity, 1/sqrt(x) goes to 0, so for small x's the function values doesn't change (a lot), whereas for sqrt - it goes to infinity, so it's that simple case ;).
Also, clarification: I'm not sure where I've found it in books I've linked, but I'm pretty sure I've read that rsqrt is using some lookup table, and it should be used only, when the result doesn't need to be exact, although - I might be wrong as well, as it was some time ago :).
Newton-Raphson converges to the zero of f(x) using increments equals to -f/f' where f' is the derivative.
For x=sqrt(y), you can try to solve f(x) = 0 for x using f(x) = x^2 - y;
Then the increment is: dx = -f/f' = 1/2 (x - y/x) = 1/2 (x^2 - y) / x
which has a slow divide in it.
You can try other functions (like f(x) = 1/y - 1/x^2) but they will be equally complicated.
Let's look at 1/sqrt(y) now. You can try f(x) = x^2 - 1/y, but it will be equally complicated: dx = 2xy / (y*x^2 - 1) for instance.
One non-obvious alternate choice for f(x) is: f(x) = y - 1/x^2
Then: dx = -f/f' = (y - 1/x^2) / (2/x^3) = 1/2 * x * (1 - y * x^2)
Ah! It's not a trivial expression, but you only have multiplies in it, no divide. => Faster!
And: the full update step new_x = x + dx then reads:
x *= 3/2 - y/2 * x * x which is easy too.
It is faster becausse these instruction ignore rounding modes, and do not handle floatin point exceptions or dernormalized numbers. For these reasons it is much easier to pipeline, speculate and execute other fp instruction Out of order.
