Sorting Messages with GroupWise API - novell

Is it possible to sort GroupWise messages with the object API?
I know about filters and queries, however I couldn't find any sorting operators for filter and query expressions.

You would have to use a cursor from what I can tell (short of loading everything).
/* $this is a class that extends SoapClient using the groupwise.wsdl */
$q = (object)[
'folderType' => 'Mailbox',
'view' => 'count unreadCount'
$folder = $this->getFolderRequest($q);
$q = (object)[
'container' => $folder->folder->id,
'view' => 'subject peek noDownload'
$cursor = $this->createCursorRequest($q);
$q = (object)[
'container' => $data->folder->id,
'cursor' => $cursor->cursor,
'position' => 'end',
'count' => 20,
'forward' => TRUE
$msgs = $this->readCursorRequest($q);
/* You could also throw readCursorRequest() in a loop and track offset + position for more intensive purposes */
More reading:


Cakephp 3 Dynamic limit parameter when using contain

CakePHP Version 3.5.5
My end goal is to provide the user the functionality to change the amount of results displayed via a select list on the index view. Also I need the initial page load to be sorted by area_name asc.
I changed where I was stipulated the limit parameter which can be seen below.
public $paginate = [
'sortWhitelist' => [
'Areas.area_name', 'Users.first_name', 'Users.last_name'
//'limit' => 1, // REMOVED FROM HERE
//'order' => [ // REMOVED FROM HERE
//'Areas.area_name' => 'asc'
public function index()
$query = $this->Areas->find('all')
->where(['Areas.status' => 1]);
$limit = 1;
$this->paginate = [
'order' => ['Areas.area_name' => 'asc'], // ADDED HERE
'limit' => $limit // ADDED HERE
$this->set('areas', $this->paginate($query));
And I declare the pagination sort links like:
<?= $this->Paginator->sort('Areas.area_name', __('Area Name')) ?>
<?= $this->Paginator->sort('Users.first_name', __('First Name')) ?>
<?= $this->Paginator->sort('Users.last_name', __('Last Name')) ?>
The above code works on all index methods within the application that don't use contain but when I implemented this solution here everything worked except I cannot sort on the associated data - IE: Users first and last name?
// Attempt 1
I added an initialize method above the public $paginate class like:
public function initialize()
$limit = 1;
public $paginate = [
'sortWhitelist' => [
'Areas.area_name', 'Users.first_name', 'Users.last_name'
'limit' => $limit,
'order' => [
'Areas.area_name' => 'asc'
public function index()
$query = $this->Areas->find('all')
->where(['Areas.status' => 1]);
$this->set('areas', $this->paginate($query));
And the view I left the same.
// Result for Attempt 1
syntax error, unexpected ''limit'' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting ']' on line 36 which is 'limit' => $limit,
// Attempt 2
I tried to add the limit parameter and order array to the query like:
public function index()
$limit = 1;
$query = $this->Areas->find('all')
->where(['Areas.status' => 1])
->order(['Areas.area_name' => 'asc'])
$this->set('areas', $this->paginate($query));
// Result for Attempt 2
The result set was not ordered by the area_name and not limited to 1 result.
// Attempt 3
I then changed the query and tried the following just to see if I could get a dynamic limit working:
$limit = 1;
$query = $this->Areas->find('all')
->contain('Users', function ($q) {
return $q
//->order('Areas.area_name' => 'asc'),
->where(['Areas.status' => 1]);
$this->set('areas', $this->paginate($query));
// Result for Attempt 3
The result set was not limited to 1 result.
$this->hasOne('Areas', [
'foreignKey' => 'user_id'
$this->belongsTo('Users', [
'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
'joinType' => 'INNER'
I searched through the following cookbook sections (Pagination, Query Builder, Retrieving Data & Result Sets and Associations - Linking Tables Together) but I can't find a way to get this working so any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks. Z.
You are overwriting the $paginate property in your index() method, so your settings including the whitelist are being lost.
Set the keys directly instead:
$this->paginate['order'] = ['Areas.area_name' => 'asc'];
$this->paginate['limit'] = $limit;

Yii - How to use conditions like where and limit

I use findAll() like this:
$l = SiteContentRelated::model()->findAll('content_1=:c', array(':c' => $id));
How I can add condition to this?
Like as LIMIT 5 or anything?
Use CDbCriteria to specify more detailed criteria:
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->condition = 'content_1=:c';
$criteria->limit = 5;
$criteria->params = array(':c' => $id);
$l = SiteContentRelated::model()->findAll($criteria);
or pass an array to findAll which will be converted to a CDbCriteria:
$l = SiteContentRelated::model()->findAll(array(
'condition' => 'content_1=:c',
'limit' => 5,
'params' => array(':c' => $id),
When you specify a LIMIT, it's a good idea to also specify ORDER BY.
For filtering based on model attributes, you can also use findAllByAttributes:
$l = SiteContentRelated::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(
'content_1' => $id,
), array(
'limit' => 5,

how to build fluent query by array of criterias in Laravel

If I store in DB criterias what I want to use to build and filter queries - how to build query with Laravel Fluent Query Builder? Maybe you can give advice for refactoring this array for adding OR/AND to make complex filter by such conditions? Thanks!
For example if I read from database these criteria and made array:
$array = array(
'0' => array(
'table' => 'users',
'column' => 'name',
'criteria' => 'LIKE'
'value' => 'John'
'1' => array(
'table' => 'groups',
'column' => 'name',
'criteria' => 'NOT LIKE'
'value' => 'Administrator'
If you are really set on doing it your way, make a switch statement to set the flag for the index of the array
switch ($query)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
Return FALSE;
public function get_data($x){
$value = DB::table($array[$x]['table'])
->where($array[$x]['name'], $array[$x]['criteria'], $array[$x]['value'])
Return $value;
However, I would not advise this at all. Instead of storing the query filters in an array I feel you should just make them methods in your model. This will help with readability, modularity, and having reusable code.
public function get_user_by_name($name){
$user = DB::table('users')->where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.$name.'%')->get();
return $user;
public function get_group_by_name($name, $criteria = 'LIKE'){
$groups = DB::table('groups')->where('name', $criteria, '%'.$name.'%')->get();
return $groups;

Sending a campaign to a segment

Anyone know how to get a campaign to send to a segment? This code isn't working. It will send an email to all people in the campaign. It will not use the segment. (This is some more text so I can get it to pass the validation of SO.)
My code:
//get member list
$memberArray = $api->listMembers($inStockListId);
foreach ($memberArray['data'] as $member) {
$memberInfo = $api->listMemberInfo($inStockListId, $member['email']);
$_productId = $memberInfo['data'][0]['merges']['PRODUCTID'];
if ($productId == $_productId) {
array_push($emailArray, $member['email']);
//create new segment for campaign
$listStaticSegmentId = $api->listStaticSegmentAdd($inStockListId, 'inStockStaticSegment');
//add members to segment
$val = $api->listStaticSegmentMembersAdd($inStockListId, $listStaticSegmentId, $emailArray);
$conditions = array();
$conditions[] = array(
'field' => 'email',
'op' => 'like',
'value' => '%'
$segment_options = array(
'match' => 'all',
'conditions' => $conditions
$type = 'regular';
$options = array(
'template_id' => $campaignTemplateId,
'list_id' => $inStockListId,
'subject' => 'In-Stock Notification',
'from_email' => '',
'from_name' => 'My From Name'
$content = array(
'html_main' => 'some pretty html content',
'html_sidecolumn' => 'this goes in a side column',
'html_header' => 'this gets placed in the header',
'html_footer' => 'the footer with an *|UNSUB|* message',
'text' => 'text content text content *|UNSUB|*'
$newCampaignId = $api->campaignCreate($type, $options, $content, $segment_options);
I figured it out. Essentially, here is the flow. If you want detailed code, send me a message and I'll be glad to help.
$api = new MCAPI($this->_apiKey);
$api->listMemberInfo($this->_listId, $member['email']);
$api->listUpdateMember($this->_listId, $member['email'], $mergeVars);
$api->listStaticSegmentDel($this->_listId, $segment['id']);
$api->listStaticSegmentAdd($this->_listId, $segmentName);
$api->listStaticSegmentMembersAdd($this->_listId, $segmentId, $emailArray);
$api->campaignCreate($type, $options, $content, $segment_options);
//$api->campaignSendTest($newCampaignId, array($member['email']));
Note, this is done via the MailChimp PHP API.

cakephp custom validation does not display error message in the nested rule

im doing a custom validation but it does not display error message when invalidated.
do you know where is the problem? I think the problem might be in the invalidate function. do you know how to set it up for the nested validation like this one?
var $validate = array(
'receiver' => array(
'maxMsg' => array(
'rule' => array('maxMsgSend'),
//'message' => ''
'notEmpty' => array(
'rule' => array('notEmpty'),
'message' => 'field must not be left empty'
custom validation method in the model:
function maxMsgSend ( $data )
$id = User::$auth['User']['id'];
$count_contacts = (int)$this->Contact->find( 'count', array( 'conditions' =>array( 'and' =>array( 'Contact.contact_status_id' => '2',
'Contact.user_id' => $id))));
$current_credit = (int)$this->field( '3_credit_counter', array( 'id' => $id));
$max_allowed_messages = ($count_contacts >= $current_credit)? $current_credit: $count_contacts ;
if ($data>$max_allowed_messages)
$this->invalidate('maxMsg', "you can send maximum of {$max_allowed_messages} text messages.");
UPDATE: how is solved it.
i moved the the guts of the function to beforeValidate() in the model.
function beforeValidate($data) {
if (isset($this->data['User']['receiver']))
$id = User::$auth['User']['id'];
$count_contacts = (int)$this->Contact->find( 'count', array( 'conditions' =>array( 'and' =>array( 'Contact.contact_status_id' => '2',
'Contact.user_id' => $id))));
$current_credit = (int)$this->field( '3_credit_counter', array( 'id' => $id));
$max_allowed_messages = ($count_contacts >= $current_credit)? $current_credit: $count_contacts ;
if ($data>$max_allowed_messages)
$this->invalidate('receiver', "you can send maximum of {$max_allowed_messages} text messages.");
return false;
return true;
I think your maxMsgSend function still needs to return false if validation fails.
I think the problem is in your Model::maxMsgSend function. As written in the bakery, (, to build a custom validation rule (they want to compare two fields, but the concepts are the same), they write:
I return a false if the values don't match, and a true if they do.
Check out their code for the Model class, about half way down. In short, you don't need to call invalidate from within the custom validation method; you simply return true if it passes validation, and false if it doesn't pass validation.
