Where I can see IP of my application? - appharbor

I've added custom hostname for my application and now I need get IP address of the application to set it in CNAME. Where I can take it?

This was answered on AppHarbor support, the relevant IP address is displayed in the AppHarbor interface.


How can I get the IP address of users opening my heroku app?

Is there a way to view the IP addresses of people who have visited my web application which was deployed with heroku? swish-prophet.herokuapp.com
From within your app's code, you can get the IP address of the person making the request using the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR HTTP header.
You can also see that information in your app logs with the heroku logs command.
You can use $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] with php.
But you need to consider that some users are behind a proxy system, so there's no way to register that users correct address.
Some websites use REMOTE_ADDR such as:
IP Chicken
Meu IP
My IP Address

FTP Behind Firewall and Dynamic IP Address

I'm currently working on a client project and I get access to files via FTP. Their server is behind a firewall and they're asking me for my IP address, I'm guessing for whitelisting.
Problem is, my IP address is dynamic and it changes quite a lot throughout the day. Is there anyway around this?
Thanks in advance.
The best way to avoid paying for a static IP is to carry on using a dynamic IP address, but use a dynamic DNS provider such as No-IP which you can cause to update every time your IP address changes (routers will often do this for you automatically, or there are Windows / OSX / Linux (such as ddclient) clients). That way, you can just use something like magpie.no-ip.com instead of an IP address and it will always resolve to your public address.
You can find the whole answer here: https://superuser.com/questions/455226/can-you-configure-dynamic-to-be-static-yourself-without-changing-your-isp

Find ipv4 address on Heroku

I'm currently trying to figure out how to make a custom domain with Heroku using Google Domains.
In Google Domains it gives me the "Custom resource records" option and I'm trying to figure out what to add in the IPv4 address field. It will only let me add numbers, and not sure how to find my IPv4 address for my current Heroku domain name. Any help or places to look?
You should follow Heroku's guide on adding a custom domain: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/custom-domains
Heroku does not officially support A records, and though it may be possible to find your heroku app's IP address, the address can (and probably will) change. Instead, Heroku recommends setting a CNAME on a subdomain to [your-app-id].herokuapp.com.
Oh wow just figured it out. Didn't realize there was an option for CNAME. Simply change the type to CNAME and then enter your Heroku domain.

Map my domain name with my own server

Hi I am having my own domain mydomain.ac.in and i am having my own server (windows 2008) and a Public static IP.
Now i want to host my site in my own server.
Please give me the step by step information to get it done.
You need to register your domain with some DNS hosting service (DNS provider), there is such an astronomic number of these on the web that I do not want to spam the site. Google.
Also, collocation center where you keep this server (and from where you have probably obtained that public IP) may also provide DNS services.
From the other side, any computer can be configured as the name server but this will probably not work Internet wide and can be used inside the local network only (combined with DHCP service). If there is an easy way to make this Internet wide, I would also be very interested in, but I doubt.
Your operating system is not much relevant to this question.
I registered my domain already in ernet by indian Government and I got my Public Static IP from BSNL India. I hosted my site already and i am able to access my site already using the ip. Now i want to map my domain with the server that i have so that i can access my domain using a domain name.
I tried the steps in http://www.hosting.com/support/dedicated/dns/setdns#additional.. But when i add the name server information it says cannot resolve hostname??? that s why i want to know where i am making mistake..
I once again tried the steps at http://www.hosting.com/support/dedicated/dns/setdns and got it right..Now i have updated the name server info at my domain registrar ernet and waiting for it to be updated. Thanks fo the people helped me

Get the ipaddress of windows phone mango device

In the deviceextendedproperties class there is no way to get the ip address of thedevice.
refer : deviceextendedproperties.
Please will you tell me how to get this.
To get the IP address, do a remote lookup on a site like http://www.whatsmyip.org/
There's no API for this, and neither should there be.
There is no API currently in the WP7 for knowing Ip address.
But other network properties can be obtained are describe in this link.
