How to set DPI in cairographics? - pdf-generation

When creating vector graphics for PDFs, I use one of the "create" functions for PDF rendering, for instance cairo_pdf_surface_create_for_stream. The signature of that function is:
cairo_surface_t * cairo_pdf_surface_create_for_stream (cairo_write_func_t write_func,
void *closure,
double width_in_points,
double height_in_points);
Now, I can set the size of the surface in points, but the size of one point is seemingly hardcoded. in the description it says:
width_in_points: width of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
height_in_points: height of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
As you can see, 1pt = 1/72" (72 dpi). But how do I change that setting?
I could factor something into the size, when using a different resolution and compensate that way, but this seems to me like worst practice ever.

A point is a standard typograpical unit of measure. Whether or not you're talking about Cairo, a point is simply 1/72". It's not some setting you change, just like the fact that you don't change the number of inches in a foot.
The whole reason for using a physical measurement (points) instead of a screen-dependent one (pixels) is resolution-independence. This is a Good Thing.
What are you hoping to accomplish by changing the DPI?

If by "change the dpi" you want to draw at a different scale than 1/72" you can use cairo_scale(). If you are referring to the dpi of fallback images (regions that are rasterized becasue they can not be drawn natively by pdf) use cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution().


DirectWrite renders issues and metric scaling inaccuracy

I have DirectWrite setup to render single glyphs and then shape them programmatically based on the glyph run and font metrics. (Due to my use case, I can't store every full texture in an OpenGL texture otherwise it's essentially a memory leak. So we store each glyph into one texture to lay them out glyph by glyph.)
However, I have two issues:
Inconsistent rendering results.
Scaling metrics leads to inconsistent distances between glyphs.
These results are are transferred to a bitmap using Direct2D and WIC bitmap (CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget).
Let's look at an example, font size 12 with Segoe UI.
Full string rendered 1st line is rendered using DrawTextLayout drawn with D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_ENABLE_COLOR_FONT. 2nd line is drawn with each Glyph using DrawGlyphRun with DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL. 3rd is rendered with just for reference.
This leads to the second issue, the distance between each letter can be off. I am not sure if this is a symptom of the previous issue. You can see the distance between s and P is now 2 pixels when drawn separately. Because i is no longer 3 pixels wide, it visually looks too close to c now when zoomed out. p and e look too close.
I have checked the metrics, and I am receiving the right metrics from the font from shaping. Above string metrics from DirectWrite : [1088.0, 1204.0, 1071.0, 946.0, 496.0, 1071.0, 869.0]. I am comparing output with Harfbuzz: [S=0+1088|p=1+1204|e=2+1071|c=3+946|i=4+496|e=5+1071|s=6+869] which is correct.
To convert to DIP I am using this formula for the ratio multiplier: (size * dpi) / 72 / metrics.designUnitsPerEm
So with a default DPI of 96 and default size of 12 we get the following ratio: 0.0078125.
Let's look at S is 1088. So the advance should be 1088 * 0.0078125 = 8.5. Since we can't write between half a pixel, which way do we go? I tried every value from the lsb, to the advance, to render offset in every combination of flooring, ceiling, rounding, converting to int. Whichever way I choose, even if it fixes it for one situation, I'll test with another font, or another size, it will be one or two pixels too close in another string. I just can't seem to find a proper balance that is universal.
I am not really sure where to go from here. Any suggestions are appreciated. Here is the code:
EDIT: After a suggestion of using DrawGlyphRun using the full run, it does appear exactly what the DrawTextLayout outputs. So the DrawGlyphRun should produce the same appearance. Here's where it gets interesting:
Line1: DrawTextLayout
Line2: Single glyphs drawn by DrawGlyphRun
Line3: All glyphs drawn using DrawGlyphRun
You can see something interesting. If I render each 'c' by itself (right side), you can see that it has 4 pixels on the left of the character by itself. But in the strings it looks like it's missing. Actually, taking a deeper look, and a color dropper, it appears the color is indeed there, but it's much darker. So somehow each glyph is affecting the blend of the pixels around it. I am not really sure how it's doing this.
EDIT2: Talking with another, I think we narrowed this down to anti-aliasing. Applying the antialias to the whole string vs each character produces a different result. Setting D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_ALIASED each character looks and appears exactly the same now compared to both.

It´s necessary to create different screens sizes and density xmls for an app? Best approach for this

Just a straight forward question. I´m trying to make the best possible choice here and there is too much information for a "semi-beginner" like me.
Well, at this point, I´m trying with screen size values for my layout (activity_main.xml (normal, large, small)) and with different densities (xhdpi, xxhdpi, mhdpi) and, if a can say so myself, it is a mess. Do I have to create every possible option to support all screen sizes and densities? Or am I doing something really wrong here? what is the best approach for this?
My layouts are now activity_main(normal_land_xxhdpi) and I have serious doubts about it.
I´m using last version of android studio of course. My app is a single activity with buttons, textview and others. Does not have any fragments or intents whatsoever, and for that reason I think this has to be an easy task, but not for me.
Hope you guys can help. I don't think i need to put any code here, but if needed, i can add it.
If you want to make a responsive UI for every device you need to learn about some things first:
-Difference between PX, DP:
Here you can understand that dp is a standard measure which android uses to calculate how much pixels, lets say a line, should have to keep the proportions between different screensizes with different densities.
-Resolution, Density and Ratio:
The resolution is how much pixels a screen has over height and width. This pixels can be smaller or bigger, so for instance, if you have a screen A with 10x10 px whose pixels are two times smaller than other screen B with 10 x 10 pixels too, A is two times smaller than B even when both have 10 x 10 px.
For that reason exists the meaning Density, which is how much pixels your screen has for every inch, so you can measure the quality of a screen where most pixels per inch (ppi) is better.
Ratio tells you how much pixels are for height as well as width, for example the ratio of a screen of 1000 x 2000 px is 1:2, a full hd screen of 1920 x 1080 is 16:9 (16 pixels height for every 9 pixels width). A 1:1 ratio is a square screen.
-Standard device's resolutions
You can find the most common measurements on...
When making a UI, you use the DP measurements. You will realize that even when resolution between screens are different, the DP is the same cause they have different densities.
Now, the right way is going with constraint layout using dp measures to put your views on screen, with correct constraints the content will adapt to other screen sizes
Anyway, you will need to make additional XML for some cases:
-Different orientation
-Different ratio
-Different DP resolution (not px)
For every activity, you need to provide a portrait and landscape design. If other device has different ratio, maybe you will need to adjust the height or width due to the proportions of the screens aren't the same. Finally, even if the ratio is the same, the DP resolution could be different, maybe you designed an activity for a 640x360dp and other device has 853x480dp, which means you will have more vertical space.
You can read more here:
And learn how to use constraintLayout correctly:
Maybe it seems to be so much work for every activity, but you make the first design and then you just need to copy the design to other xml with some qualifiers and change the dp values to adjust the views as you wants (without making from scratch) which is really faster.

resample an image from pixel to millimiters

I have an image (logical values), like this
I need to get this image resampled from pixel to mm or cm; this is the code I use to get the resampling:
function [ Ires ] = imresample3( I, pixDim )
What I get is a black image. I suspect that this code does something that is not what I have in mind: it seems to take only the upper-left part of the image.
What I want is, instead, to have the same image on a mm/cm scale: what I expect is that every white pixel should be mapped from the original position to the new position (in mm/cm); what happen is certainly not what I expect.
I'm not sure that interp2 is the right command to use.
I don't want to resize the image, I just want to go from pixel world to mm/cm world.
pixDim is of course the dimension of the image pixel, obtained dividing the height of the ear in cm by the height of the ear in mm (and it is on average 0.019 cm).
Any ideas?
EDIT: I was quite sure that the code had no sense, but someone told me to do that way...anyway, if I have two edged ears, I need first to scale both the the real dimension and then perform some operations on them. What I mean with "real dimension" is that if one has size 6.5x3.5cm and the other has size 6x3.2cm, I need to perform operations on this dimensions.
I don't get how can I move from the pixel dimension to cm dimension BEFORE doing operation.
I want to move from one world to the other because I want to get rid of the capturing distance (because I suppose that if a picture of the ear is taken near and the other is taken far, they should have different size in pixel dimension).
Am I correct? There is a way to do it? I thought I can plot the ear scaling the axis, but then I suppose I cannot subtract one from the other, right?
Matlab does not use units. To apply your factor of 0.019cm/pixel you have to scale by a factor of 0.019 to have a 1cm grid, but this would cause any artefact below a size of 1cm to be lost.
Best practice is to display the data using multiple axis, one for cm and one for pixels. It's explained here:
Any function processing the data should be independent of the scale or use the scale factor as an input argument, everything else is a sign of some serious algorithmic issues.

Point to pixel conversion

On Mac OS X, I need to convert a point measurement to pixel measurement.
The formula which I know is
pixel = point * resolution (in terms of dpi) / 72
I have few measurements which I want to convert to pixels. Although reverse cases would also be possible.
How to do this in Cocoa or Quartz?
Does it depend on axis? Means would 5 pixels in Y-axis would be same as 5 pixels in X-axis in terms of points? Or is it safe to assume that resolution is same for both X and Y axis?
Please note that I do not want to make any assumption about resolution.
You probably don't want to convert anything to pixels. OS X now works in points; so for example when you draw a rectangle you are giving its dimensions in points, not pixels.
A OS X Quartz point is related to, but not the same as, a (computer) printing point - the two used to be the same, 72 points = 1". However WYSIWYG has become "some scale of" and 72 points (note not pixels) on screen is not a physical inch as screen pixel densities have increased. However 72 points is still an "abstract" inch.
In OS X you draw in points, the OS takes care of mapping those points to the physical pixels on the screen; which roughly translates to screens up to a certain density being treated as 72ppi (pixels/inch) or 1 pixel/point, and higher density screens being treated as 144ppi or 2 pixel/point - for example these are the ppi assigned to standard and Retina screenshots.
If you really, really need to know what a point translates to in pixels you can find out, but this changes depending on what screen a window is on.
For details of all of this you can start with Points Don’t Correspond to Pixels and then read the rest of the High Resolution Guidelines for OS X that reference is part of. How to find point to backing store mapping, if you really, really need to know, is covered.
There is an opportunity for confusion when your user specifies a length in 'points' as to whether they mean typography points of size 1/72" or lenghts compared to Mac UI points, which vary with the display resolution.
In Mac OS, "points" are pixels, unless you are in high resolution mode, in which case points are 2x2 pixels. The "Points Don't Correspond to Pixels" page says "on a high-resolution display, there are four onscreen pixels for each point," indicating a 4:1 correspondence in hi-res, and 1:1 correspondence in standard res. It also notes:
Note: The term points has its origin in the print industry, which defines 72 points as to equal 1 inch in physical space. When used in reference to high resolution in OS X, points in user space do not have any relation to measurements in the physical world.
To convert a typographer's point size to something physically the same size on a Mac screen in Mac points, your formula is exactly correct. You might rename 'pixel' to Mac points:
MacPoints = (TypesettersPoints/72)*ResolutionInDotsPerInch
Best to stick with points.
First you would need to know where the point is coming from. Views, Windows and Screens all have their own coordinate systems.
You would need to do several things to translate this to the pixel grid of a given screen.
First you need to convert your point to the screen coordinates.
Then to coordinates of pixel grid of the screen.
You will also need to find out the current display properties to know if it's a retina display or not. ( makes a big difference.)
All of the methods are in NSView, NSWindow, NSScreen.
All of the functions are part of Quartz Display services. You will need ones for CGDisplay you might need ones for CGWindow.
You will also need to have your app observe notifications for display configuration changes and figure out the hard part, when a point is in a coordinate space that overlaps two screens.
I leave it to you to do the rest and decide if you really need this.

Web Layouts: pixels vs percentages

What are the use cases for defining distances in a web layout for pixels and percentages?
Is there any downside to using pixels with respect to multiple resolutions? Will they scale correctly?
Percentage layout
This is generally referred to as fluid layout. Your elements will take a defined percentage of the total space available to them. This available space is determined by the element's parent.
When using percentage layouts, it's a good idea to specify a min-width and max-width on your design so that it remains usable at very low and high resolutions.
Scales with screen size, therefore get to use more space if it's available.
Makes it more difficult to know the exact position of something on screen. As a result, it can make creating precise layouts more difficult.
Can lead to unexpected layouts if child elements are fixed width (i.e. an image) and end up being larger than their fluid width parent.
Pixel layout
This is usually known as fixed layout. Your element will always be the same defined pixel size and will not take available parent space into account.
Always know an element's exact size.
Creating precise layout is easier.
You don't scale with resolutions. Your layout will always be the same width, making for wasted space when people have high resolutions.
I'll reply to this one by telling you a true story.
We had a client which wanted a map view, made up of divs.
Suddenly, he decided he wanted zooming as well.
I had to change all those fine-grained pixel positions to percentages.
Causing the wrapping div to change width/height (in pixels) relatively, we got a nice and reasonable zooming effect.
NB: During design phase, I quickly drew up a prototype, I'm going to look it up for you...
Edit: Nope, nothing found, sorry.
For percentages you have to have a base value, so it would be something like an image that has a size set outside of the CSS, if you just use a percentage on a DIV, for example, it wouldn't have anything to base that off of except the actual size it was by its being filled with text, for example, so it would not be practical to use percentages as a way to size it as it would rarely produce the desired output, if you are re-sizing something with a pixel size, such as by using javascript, you could resize by a percentage that would resize the original value (in pixels)
They do different things.
Pixel values always relate to hypothetical pixels on the output device.
Percent values relate to the computed size of the containing block (for block elements) or the containing block's font size (for font sizes).
Em and pt values relate to the current font size.
If you want your item to scale with its container, use percentages. If you want it to scale with font size, use ems. If you don't want it to scale at all, use pixels.
And then there's IE6; whoever 'implemented' CSS in that thing obviously had no idea what the various CSS properties were supposed to do.
Be careful using percentages, webkit browsers don't calculate percentages correctly. It's all because webkit doesn't calculate subpixels correct.
Detailed information about this issue can be read here: Percentage bugs in webkit
I would recommend you to always use pixels to don't have any layout dimensions differences between browsers.
