can anybody explain why the following bash code involving compound operators is not behaving as expected? basically, nothing enters the if statement inside the for loop but i am passing it correct parameters that should return something by running:
./my_bash_script 20100101 20120101
dates.txt is a list of all days since 2000
lines=($(cat dates.txt)) # array
for (( i=1; i<${#lines[#]}; i++ ))
if [[ ${line[$i]} -ge $1 && ${line[$i]} -le $2 ]]; then
echo 0 > ${line[$i]} # redirect to file
echo ${line[$i]}
The problem is that you've declared an array named lines, but then you try to access it as though it were named line. You need to change every occurrence of ${line[$i]} to ${lines[$i]}.
Better yet, you can dispense with the arithmetic for-loop, and write:
for line in "${lines[#]}" ; do
which will let you refer to the line as $line or "$line" rather than as ${lines[$i]}.
(By the way, how come you have that logic to modify $IFS? It seems like its default value would work just as well.)
if [[ $1 == "-r" ]]
for var in ${#:2}
for (( j=$i;$j >= 0;j=$j-1 ))
echo ${arr[$j]}
this is my script to wrote args from last to first one if I add -r.
Can I do this better?
Because now this is N^2. So I feel like I could do this better but I have no idea how. Any advice?
Just index arguments from the back:
for ((i=1;i<=$#;++i)); do
echo "${#: -$i:1}"
See ${parameter:offset:length} expansion in bash manual shell parameter expansion.
You can loop over the arguments from the last to the second. Use indirection to use the number as the name of the variable:
for ((i=$#; i>1; --i)) ; do
printf '%s\n' "${!i}"
I have created a hex to ASCII converter for strings in bash. The application I'm on changes characters (anything but [0-9],[A-Z],[a-z]) , in a string to its corresponding %hexadecimal. Eg: / changes to %2F in a string
I want to retain the ASCII characters as it is. Below is my code:
for (( i=0; i<${#NAME}; i++ )); do
CHK=$(echo "{NAME:$i:1}" | grep -v "\%" &> /dev/null;echo $?)
if [[ ${CHK} -eq 0 ]]; then
C_NAME=`echo "$C_NAME${NAME:$i:1}"`
HEX=`echo "${NAME:$i:3}" | sed "s/%//"`
C_NAME=`echo -n "$C_NAME";printf "\x$HEX"`
continue 2
echo "$C_NAME"
So basically the conversion is happening, but not in place. Its retaining the hex values as well, which tells me the continue 2 statement is probably not working as I expect in my code. Any workarounds please.
You only have one loop so I assume you expected that continue 2 skips the current and next iteration of the current loop, however, the documentation help continue clearly states
continue [n]
If N is specified, resumes the Nth enclosing loop.
There is no built-in to skip the current and also the next iteration of the current loop, but in your case you can use (( i += 2 )) instead of continue 2.
Using the structure of your script with some simplifications and corrections:
for (( i=0; i<${#name}; i++ )); do
if [[ $c != % ]]; then
printf -v c_name "%s\x$hex" "$c_name"
(( i += 2 )) # stolen from Dudi Boy's answer
echo "$c_name"
Always use lower case or mixed case variables to avoid the chance of name collisions with shell or environment variables
Always use $() instead of backticks
Most of the echo commands you use aren't necessary
You can avoid using sed and grep
Variables should never be included in the format string of printf but it can't be avoided easily here (you could use echo -e "\x$hex" instead though)
You can do math inside parameter expansions
% doesn't need to be escaped in your grep command
You could eliminate the $hex variable if you used its value directly:
printf -v c_name "%s\x${name:i+1:2}" "$c_name"
I really enjoyed your exercise and decided to solve it with awk (my current study).
Hope you like it as well.
cat script.awk
BEGIN {RS = "%[[:xdigit:]]+"} { # redefine record separtor to RegEx (gawk specific)
decNum = strtonum("0x"substr(RT, 2)); # remove prefix # from record separator, convert hex num to dec
outputStr = outputStr""$0""sprintf("%c", decNum); # reconstruct output string
END {print outputStr}
The output
echo %2fhome%40%21%23 |awk -f script.awk
OK so Ive been at this for a couple days,im new to this whole bash UNIX system thing i just got into it but I am trying to write a script where the user inputs an integer and the script will take that integer and print out a triangle using the integer that was inputted as a base and decreasing until it reaches zero. An example would be:
reverse_triangle.bash 4
so this is what I have so far but when I run it nothing happens I have no idea what is wrong
for (( i=$input; i>=$count;i-- ))
for (( j=1; j>=i; j++ ))
echo -n "*"
exit 0
when I try to run it nothing happens it just goes to the next line. help would be greatly appreciated :)
As I said in a comment, your test is wrong: you need
for (( j=1; j<=i; j++ ))
instead of
for (( j=1; j>=i; j++ ))
Otherwise, this loop is only executed when i=1, and it becomes an infinite loop.
Now if you want another way to solve that, in a much better way:
[[ $1 = +([[:digit:]]) ]] || { printf >&2 'Argument must be a number\n'; exit 1; }
for ((;number>=1;--number)); do
printf -v spn '%*s' "$number"
printf '%s\n' "${spn// /*}"
Why is it better? first off, we check that the argument is really a number. Without this, your code is subject to arbitrary code injection. Also, we make sure that the number is understood in radix 10 with 10#$1. Otherwise, an argument like 09 would raise an error.
We don't really need an extra variable for the loop, the provided argument is good enough. Now the trick: to print n times a pattern, a cool method is to store n spaces in a variable with printf: %*s will expand to n spaces, where n is the corresponding argument found by printf.
For example:
printf '%s%*s%s\n' hello 42 world
would print:
hello world
(with 42 spaces).
Editor's note: %*s will NOT generally expand to n spaces, as evidenced by above output, which contains 37 spaces.
Instead, the argument that * is mapped to,42, is the field width for the sfield, which maps to the following argument,world, causing string world to be left-space-padded to a length of 42; since world has a character count of 5, 37 spaces are used for padding.
To make the example work as intended, use printf '%s%*s%s\n' hello 42 '' world - note the empty string argument following 42, which ensures that the entire field is made up of padding, i.e., spaces (you'd get the same effect if no arguments followed 42).
With printf's -v option, we can store any string formatted by printf into a variable; here we're storing $number spaces in spn. Finally, we replace all spaces by the character *, using the expansion ${spn// /*}.
Yet another possibility:
[[ $1 = +([[:digit:]]) ]] || { printf >&2 'Argument must be a number\n'; exit 1; }
printf -v s '%*s' $((10#1))
s=${s// /*}
while [[ $s ]]; do
printf '%s\n' "$s"
This time we construct the variable s that contains a bunch of * (number given by user), using the previous technique. Then we have a while loop that loops while s is non empty. At each iteration we print the content of s and we remove a character with the expansion ${s%?} that removes the last character of s.
Building on gniourf_gniourf's helpful answer:
The following is simpler and performs significantly better:
count=$1 # (... number-validation code omitted for brevity)
# Create the 1st line, composed of $count '*' chars, and store in var. $line.
printf -v line '%.s*' $(seq $count)
# Count from $count down to 1.
while (( count-- )); do
# Print a *substring* of the 1st line based on the current value of $count.
printf "%.${count}s\n" "$line"
printf -v line '*%.s' $(seq $count) is a trick that prints * $count times, thanks to %.s* resulting in * for each argument supplied, irrespective of the arguments' values (thanks to %.s, which effectively ignores its argument). $(seq $count) expands to $count arguments, resulting in a string composed of $count * chars. overall, which - thanks to -v line, is stored in variable $line.
printf "%.${count}s\n" "$line" prints a substring from the beginning of $line that is $count chars. long.
I am trying to write a script that:
a) reads the content of a .csv file
b) sets a variable to the value in the first position (ie to the left of the comma)
c) compare the variable value to each position in an array. If the value is in the array execute one command, if it isn't, insert that value into the first available slot in the array.
The .csv file is in the format:
My script so far looks like:
declare -a array
while read line;
pid=$( echo $line | awk '{print$1}' FS=",")
for n in "${array[#]}";
if [[ "$pid" = "$n" ]] ;
echo Duplicate value: "$pid";
anum=$(( $anum +1 ))
done < $src
echo ${array[#]}
When the script is executed the pid is successfully set and reset with each iteration of the while loop, but apparently the nested for loop is never ran.
From my google'ing I suspect it has something to do with the pipe in pid line, but I'll be buggered if I can figure out how to make it work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You're not populating your array. The for loop is never executed because the array is empty.
Set a flag in the else clause instead of adding the array element there. After your for loop if the flag is set, add the array element. Don't forget to unset the flag.
You can do array[anum++] without the next line or (( anum++ )) instead of anum=$(($anum + 1)).
Also: while IFS=, read -r pid discard if you don't need the rest of the line (you could do it a little differently if you need it). Doing this, you won't need the echo and awk.
why did you use double square brackets? and also you used a single equals rather than double in the if?
try these one-liners...
$ if [ "a" == "b" ] ; then echo hello ; fi
$ if [ "a" == "a" ] ; then echo hello ; fi
I'm attempting to read a config file that is formatted as follows:
USER = username
TARGET = arrows
I realize that if I got rid of the spaces, I could simply source the config file, but for security reasons I'm trying to avoid that. I know there is a way to read the config file line by line. I think the process is something like:
Read lines into an array
Filter out all of the lines that start with #
search for the variable names in the array
After that I'm lost. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. I've tried something like this with no success:
backup2.config>cat ~/1
grep '^[^#].*' | while read one two;do
echo $two
I pulled that from a forum post I found, just not sure how to modify it to fit my needs since I'm so new to shell scripting.
Would it be possible to automatically assign a variable by looping through both arrays?
for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#VALUE[#]} ; i++ ))
echo $USER
Such that calling $USER would output "username"? The above code isn't working but I know the solution is something similar to that.
The following script iterates over each line in your input file (vars in my case) and does a pattern match against =. If the equal sign is found it will use Parameter Expansion to parse out the variable name from the value. It then stores each part in it's own array, name and value respectively.
while read line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^[^#]*= ]]; then
name[i]=${line%% =*}
value[i]=${line#*= }
done < vars
echo "total array elements: ${#name[#]}"
echo "name[0]: ${name[0]}"
echo "value[0]: ${value[0]}"
echo "name[1]: ${name[1]}"
echo "value[1]: ${value[1]}"
echo "name array: ${name[#]}"
echo "value array: ${value[#]}"
$ cat vars
USER = username
TARGET = arrows
$ ./varscript
total array elements: 2
name[0]: USER
value[0]: username
name[1]: TARGET
value[1]: arrows
name array: USER TARGET
value array: username arrows
First, USER is a shell environment variable, so it might be better if you used something else. Using lowercase or mixed case variable names is a way to avoid name collisions.
shopt -s extglob
while IFS='= ' read lhs rhs
if [[ $lhs != *( )#* ]]
# you can test for variables to accept or other conditions here
declare $lhs=$rhs
done < "$configfile"
This sets the vars in your file to the value associated with it.
echo "Username: $USER, Target: $TARGET"
would output
Username: username, Target: arrows
Another way to do this using keys and values is with an associative array:
Add this line before the while loop:
declare -A settings
Remove the declare line inside the while loop and replace it with:
# set keys
# access values
echo "Username: ${settings[$user]}, Target: ${settings[$target]}"
would output
Username: username, Target: arrows
I have a script which only takes a very limited number of settings, and processes them one at a time, so I've adapted SiegeX's answer to whitelist the settings I care about and act on them as it comes to them.
I've also removed the requirement for spaces around the = in favour of ignoring any that exist using the trim function from another answer.
function trim()
local var=$1;
var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}"; # remove leading whitespace characters
var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}"; # remove trailing whitespace characters
echo -n "$var";
while read line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^[^#]*= ]]; then
setting_name=$(trim "${line%%=*}");
setting_value=$(trim "${line#*=}");
case "$setting_name" in
prune_foos $setting_value;
prune_bars $setting_value;
echo "Unrecognised setting: $setting_name";
done <"$config_file";
Thanks SiegeX. I think the later updates you mentioned does not reflect in this URL.
I had to edit the regex to remove the quotes to get it working. With quotes, array returned is empty.
while read line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^[^#]*= ]]; then
name[i]=${line%% =*}
value[i]=${line##*= }
done < vars
A still better version is .
while read line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^[^#]*= ]]; then
name[i]=`echo $line | cut -d'=' -f 1`
value[i]=`echo $line | cut -d'=' -f 2`
done < vars
The first version is seen to have issues if there is no space before and after "=" in the config file. Also if the value is missing, i see that the name and value are populated as same. The second version does not have any of these. In addition it trims out unwanted leading and trailing spaces.
This version reads values that can have = within it. Earlier version splits at first occurance of =.
while read line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^[^#]*= ]]; then
name[i]=`echo $line | cut -d'=' -f 1`
value[i]=`echo $line | cut -d'=' -f 2-`
done < vars