How to change the icons between different versions of visual studio - windows

I installed visual studio 2008 first. Then I installed visual studio 2003. The icons of the solution file(.sln), the object files(.obj) and etc all turn to the icon of vs 2003. How can I change them to vs 2005?

You may try this
Or repair the installation of 2008.


Downgrade Visual Studio 2015 to 2008

I have a Visual Studio 2008 *.sln file. However, I can't open it using Visual Studio 2008 Express. It is unable to load the projects. I suspect it might be limited functionalities in the Express edition.
I also have an existing copy of Visual Studio 2015. Do I need to "downgrade" my Visual Studio 2015 to 2008 in order to open the *.sln file?
Edit 1:
Edit 2:
You dont need to downgrade as all version of Visual Studio can exist side by side.
You can easily install the full Visual Studio 2008 on the same machine as Visual Studio 2015. If you have an MSDN licence then you can just download 2008 and install..

How do I uninstall Visual Studio 2008?

I want to uninstall Visual studio 2008 from my system, but I do not see Visual studio 2008 in the list on the "Uninstall or change a program" dialog box in windows 7. I also checked the Visual Studio 2008 folder in the Programs folder, but I could not find anything to start the uninstallation wizard. Please help.
Here is a Visual Studio 2008 Uninstall Tool that might help you:

Problems installing Visual Studio 2010 Professional on Windows 8.1

I have been trying to install Visual Studio 2010 Professional on my Windows 8.1 laptop and I am having problems. It seems to install and when I look at the applications list I see everything has installed except the Visual Studio 2010 (devenv.exe) application itself. Has anyone had this problem and found a solution for it? I have checked that .NET 2.0, 3.x and 4.x are all installed on the machine and active. The installer shows that it is installing the application but when it's completed the application is no where to be found.
I had the same thing happen to me, because I had SQL Server Data Tools installed, causing the shortcut to be named "sql server Data Tools". Try looking up the executable in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe and manually creating the shortcut on the start screen:
Be sure to install the updates as well:
Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Visual Studio 2010 GDR for Team Foundation Server
Visual Studio 2010 Compatibility Update for Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012
For an up to date list of patches and service packs see:

VS2010 not show up if SQL Server 2012 installed before

I installed them in this order:
Install SQL Server 2012 SP1 x64
Visual Studio 2010
This is the proper order that other developers recommended and as i did.
The problem is, if SQL Server 2012 installed on the system, VS2010 shortcuts are not show up.
How can I fix this?
Note: OS is Windows 8.
This is a bug.
A workaround is to navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start
Menu\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, right-click on the
shortcut called Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and select Pin to Start.
After this, there will be two shortcuts targeting devenv (one titled
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools and one titled Microsoft Visual Studio
As the OP stated. I too installed SQL before VS. I always do. So I was baffled when i could not find my VS2010 shortcut.
It turns out that the icon is mis-named. If you open (or check the properties) of the icon in the Visual Studio 2010 start menu folder called "Sql Server Data Tools". You may find it is actually the VS 2010 IDE.
Workaround provided by
Edit the shortcut start target. For instance. I made mine not display the splash page.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /nosplash
Then repin it to the start menu (right click).
Installing Visual Studio 2010 SP1 seems to fix this as well, its available to download from here If you run devenv.exe it should prompt you to do this also.

can i install and use, visual studio 2008 and visual studio 2010 on the same windows xp/vista

can i install and use, visual studio 2008 and visual studio 2010 on the same windows xp/vista
have visual studio 2008 installed and working
wnat to install visual studio 2010 and use with 2008,
some solutions on 08 and some on 10..
any problems possible?
Yes, you can!
Can't add anything else, honestly! :)
Well, I personally have 2005, 2008 and 2010 installed on the same workstation, for various needs and projects. Works without any problem!
No problems at all running both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 side-by-side. My development box is currently set up this way.
Solutions will automatically open in the version of Visual Studio that they were created in. You can manually choose to open them in a newer version, but you will need to update them. A wizard will automatically appear that guides you through the process.
Opening a solution saved with a newer version of VS in an older version is not a supported scenario.
But there is a workaround: simply open the *.sln file in a text editor (like Notepad) and decrement the version number by 1. You'll have to do the same thing for each of the project files.
I had the same problem with converting a Visual Studio 2008 project to 2010, which made the program could not compile at all with every measure i took.. then I installed Visual Studio 2008 again and it turns out they can be installed in the same computer and work, but you need to open visual basic 2008 manually if you want to develop a project there..
You shouldn't have any problems unless you try to develop for Windows Phone 7, which you can't currently, and may never be able to, do in Windows XP.
