How can I change the image that is shown when user hovers over published actions from my facebook app? - image

When I publish an action from my facebook open graph app I can set the picture that will show on news feeds and on the timeline, but when I hover over the story in the timelone I am still seeing the default open graph icon (this one) -
I use the javascript SDK to publish activities from my app like this -
I've tried sending more than one image as the image field in the actions properties is an array so have used this -
but that still does not work. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Put the image on your object not your action.


Wrong OG image when sharing to Facebook despite FB Debugger displaying correctly

I just added an OpenGraph image to a site I'm working on and using the FB Debugger the info retrieves the correct image, however when sharing the url I still see default images being displayed (there was no specified OG image before). Is there something I'm missing here? The site uses a custom Python based framework and image is served via gzip from an Amazon EC2 instance, if that would affect the output in any way.
The problem is not with your website.
Facebook takes some time to refresh images inside even though you can see the changes on Facebook Debug Tool.
In order to view your new image inside Facebook you can do two things:
Manipulate a little the URL you are trying to share, this way
Facebook will fetch the open graph data again.
Just give it some
time, it will be refreshed after a few hours.
There are three way to change your image you need to clear the
1) Manually clear facebook catch using the facebook tool
2) Add version code end of the url like ?v=1
3) write the GraphAPI code from when you click on the share button it will clear the facebook page cache.

profile picture upload laravel & foundation framework

I have a registration form completed and would like to add a profile picture upload. Once the user clicks the browse, he can select the photo. Then he clicks ok/apply/ok and then the photo is reflected in the thumbnail area without page refreshing.
Once the user is happy with all fields input he can submit the form and with it the photo of course.
Anything that does this exists out there already? If not, please provide guidance on how to establish this feature.
I'm not aware of a ready made solution for this but there probably is something :-)
However, with Laravel this is beautifully simple. You've tagged your question ajax but I'll answer this assuming you're going to use an old fashioned server round trip (i.e a form submit).
1) In your template, add a file element to the form.
2) Add some javascript to the page that detects when a file is selected and shows the preview. Extensive tutorial here:
3) In your controller, handle the file using the Input facade.

How can I open the app from the url of calendar like Blackberry travel?

I´m developing an app like Blackberry Travel. In Blackberry Travel, when add a flight, it adds in the calendar. In this event has 'Notes', where appears a url to load the app and see the flight.
I need doing the same, but only the load the app behavior. So, I have two question:
How can I open the app from the url? I saw this but, when I use the sample HttpFilterDemo, when I click in the url that I typed in an event of the calendar, never execute setRequestProperty method.
How can I show 'Open with Blackberry' when I click in the url ?
It´s done!
A perfect example in blackberry developer documentation

Do I need an API key to add a Facebook Like button to website?

I want to show a Like button on some product pages on a website, when a user clicks Like, I want to show the product image along with the link on their wall. Can this be done without an API key?
YOu dont need a API key to add FB like to your website, just copy the iframe code and past it into your HTML.
Check this out for your info:
You can not publish to a users wall without permission to do so. And to get this permission you need an API that the user authorizes.
Also I don't think that a user wants a wall post when simply clicking on 'like'. It will appear on his wall anyway as 'xy likes this'.
I'm a Platform Engineer, you can choose the image and text that gets displayed in the news feed when the user clicks the like button by using Open Graph tags in addition to the like button.
I hope this helps!

RPX/Janrain - using an image map instead of the widget

I would like to use an image map for my Rpx/Janrain basic account instead of the widget they provide. I have tried looking through the javascript file, but it is minified so useless to me.
I just want the "login buttons" to be displayed in my header image with an area map and depending on the image area clicked launch in to the login for that service.
A bit late to the game but I will answer this for posterity. Unfortunately this isn't possible with the Basic app. Pro level and up allows you to customize your method of login. You would set janrain.settings.custom = true; in the settings in the head and use the janrain.engage.signin.triggerFlow(provider) function in the image map areas to kick off the various identity provider sign in pages.
See for examples.
