PrimeFaces: conditional update on validation - ajax

Is it possible to conditionally update JSF components only when validation succeeds?
I would like to be able to do something like
<p:commandLink process="#form" listener="#{foo}"
update="something somethingElse">
where "something" only gets updated if validation is successful.
Is there any way that can be done or is that just not supported in JSF?
I've been able to rig up kind of a hack with hidden commandLinks but not entirely satisfied:
<p:commandLink process="#form" listener="#{foo}"
update="somethingElse" oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed) $("#link").click();">
<p:commandLink style="display:none" id="link"

I don't think the message suggestion necessarily answers the question asked. Suppose he wants to update something OTHER than a message?
I've not tried this myself, but another approach that might work is to use remotecommand.
<p:remoteCommand id='good' update='goodUpdates'/>
<p:remoteCommand id='bad' update='badUpdate'/>
<p:commandButton oncomplete='if (your-test) good() else bad()'/>
Note, this would necessitate another round-trip to the server and thus performance is a consideration.

The <h:message> (or PrimeFaces' counterpart <p:message>) is intented for this. Or, in your case maybe better, the <h:messages> (or <p:messages>).
public void submit() {
// ...
if (fail) {
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Fail", null));
<h:messages id="messages" />
<p:commandLink process="#form" action="#{bean.submit}" update="messages something" />
Note that you're as well supposed to use a normal Validator implementation to perform the validation. If it throws a ValidatorException, then the action won't be invoked anyway. Doing validation inside action method is a smell.


JSF form validation skip specific validator for second submit when user wants to override

I am validating a user entered account number using two validators, one for basic standard format, and the other that validates the account number against values stored in a database. The database of valid account numbers may not always be up to date so I want to allow the user to override and submit their entered account number but only after the database validation has failed. I always want to validate its standard format 8 characters with no spaces.
<h:form id="formId">
<p:outputLabel value="Account : " for="acct" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="acct" value="#{bean.acct.acctNum}" effect="fold" editable="true" validator="acctLengthAndSpaceValidator" required="true" requiredMessage="Required">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.mySavedAccounts}" var="acct"
itemLabel="#{acct.acctNumber} itemValue="#{acct.acctNumber}" />
<o:validator validatorId="accountDatabaseValidator" disabled="#{bean.skipDbValidation}" />
<p:messages for="acct" showDetail="true" skipDetailIfEqualsSummary="true" />
<br />
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox rendered="#{facesContext.validationFailed}" value="#{bean.skipDbValidation}" itemLabel="I know this account is really valid, please skip validation and let me submit!">
<p:ajax update="#this" listener="#{bean.testListener()}" />
<p:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{bean.submit()}" update="formId"/>
The checkbox does appear after the form is initially submitted and has any validation failure (I will figure out how to isolate to just the failed accountDatabaseValidator). But then when I select the checkbox, and submit again, both validators are still fired. I added the ajax listener to debug, and it isn't firing and the boolean value skipDbValidation is still false.
Perhaps my approach is not correct in achieving my concrete goal of validating against the database but then giving the user the option of skipping the db validation after initial failure.
if i remove rendered="#{facesContext.validationFailed}" from the checkbox and have it visible all the time, the boolean skipDbValidation will get set to true if the checkbox is checked and then on subsequent submit, the skipDbValidation is ignored as expected. But I do not want the checkbox allowing the user to bypass visible at first. Only after validation fails.
The technical explanation that this doesn't work is that the rendered attribute is re-evaluated during processing the form submit. At this point the faces context is not validationFailed anymore (it was only validationFailed during the previous request) and thus the component is not rendered anymore and then the component's submitted value won't be applied. This matches #6 of commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not set/updated.
Your work around by rendering it client-side rather than server-side is acceptable. But I gather that you wanted to show it only when the specific validator has been invoked. There are at least 2 ways to achieve this:
Check UIInput#isValid() of the input component of interest. You can achieve that by binding the component to the view (not to the bean!) via component's binding attribute so you can reference it elsewhere in the same view.
<p:selectOneMenu binding="#{acct}" ...>
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox styleClass="#{acct.valid ? 'ui-helper-hidden' : ''}" ...>
Note that I took the opportunity to reuse the PrimeFaces-provided style class.
Or, make the validator a view scoped bean and reference it via <o:validator binding> instead.
public class AccountDatabaseValidator implements Validator, Serializable {
private boolean validationFailed;
public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException {
// ...
validationFailed = !isValid(value);
if (validationFailed) {
throw new ValidatorException(createError("Invalid value"));
public boolean isValidationFailed() {
return validationFailed;
<p:selectOneMenu ...>
<o:validator binding="#{accountDatabaseValidator}" ... />
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox rendered="#{accountDatabaseValidator.validationFailed}" ...>
My work around to get the checkbox to programmatically display and so the checkbox would function was to hide and display using CSS instead of the render attribute.
style="#{facesContext.validationFailed ? 'Display: inline' : 'Display: none;'}"
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox style="#{facesContext.validationFailed ? 'Display: inline' : 'Display: none;'}" value="#{bean.skipDbValidation}" itemLabel="I know this account is really valid, please skip validation and let me submit!">
<p:ajax update="#this" />
But I still can't figure out how to display the checkbox for a specific validation failure.
I will post another question for that
Here is how I ended up displaying the checkbox only after the Invalid Account validation failure.
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox style="#{
.anyMatch(v -> v.summary == 'Invalid Account') or
bean.skipDbValidation ? 'Display: inline' : 'Display: none;'}"
value="#{bean.skipDbValidation}" itemLabel="I know this account is really valid, please skip validation and let me submit!">
<p:ajax update="#this" />

Validation across multiple fields in JSF/PrimeFaces

I need to validate across multiple fields in such a way that validation should be violated only when one of the given fields is violated.
It is distinct from cross field validation in which a value of one field is dependent upon the value(s) of one or more of the rest of the fields.
Given below a simple scenario.
<p:inputText id="txt1" value="#{testBean.txt1}" required="false" maxlength="45"/>
<p:inputText id="txt2" value="#{testBean.txt2}" required="false" maxlength="45"/>
<p:inputText id="txt3" value="#{testBean.txt3}" required="false" maxlength="45"/>
<p:commandButton id="btnSubmit" actionListener="#{testBean.insert}"
icon="ui-icon-check" value="Save"/>
In which, validation violation should be occurred only when one of the given three text fields is left blank. If anyone of them is filled with a value then, all should be validated. In which case, validation should not be violated.
How to proceed with this scenario? Does JSF/PrimeFaces provide some way to perform validation in this way?
I have a hard time in wrapping my head around your concrete functional requirement, but I believe you're looking for "all or none" validation. I.e. either all fields should be blank, or all fields should be filled. JSF utility library OmniFaces has a validator for exactly this purpose, the <o:validateAllOrNone>.
Here's how you could use it:
<p:inputText id="txt1" value="#{testBean.txt1}" maxlength="45" />
<p:inputText id="txt2" value="#{testBean.txt2}" maxlength="45" />
<p:inputText id="txt3" value="#{testBean.txt3}" maxlength="45" />
<o:validateAllOrNone components="txt1 txt2 txt3" />
Of course!
Primefaces provide a lot of ways that can satisfact you. First of all, you can make validations in your MBean method. In your case, you're calling insert method, so you can do something like this:
public String insert(){
boolean error = false;
error = true;
error = true;
error = true;
if(error == true){
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN,"Empty fields!", "Insert something in at least one input!"));
return null;
return "myPage"
Note that you can improve the validations by yourself, following your needs. You can also change the message from:
What can give your application a better error message.
Before this works, add this above your input fields:
<p:messages id="messages" showDetail="true" autoUpdate="true" closable="true" />
Probably this will work like a charm! If you're interested, check the Primefaces Messages showcase, where you can find some examples and understand better how <p:messages> works. Also, feel free to check <p:growl>, that in my opinion is a lot better than simple messages. Check out the growl here.
Hope I helped you (:

Conditionally show dialog in action method

Well, I have a form with a lot of buttons, when user click on a button some method must be executed in ManagedBean, a "crazy" logic. So I have 2 solutions for that and i would like to know the suggetions of you:
First Solution
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{myBean.someMethod}" value="Execute method 1" process="#this" />
public void someMethod(ActionEvent event){
if (selectedCustomer){
addErrorMessage("Select a Customer before click on Method 1");
Second Solution
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{myBean.someMethod}" update=":formAlternative:componentToUpdate" oncomplete="" value="Execute Method 1" />
public void someMethod(ActionEvent event){
if (selectedCustomer){
addErrorMessage("Select a Customer before click on Method 1");
So, I have a problem in "Second Solution". When commandButton complete your cycle, it will execute "", I need put a condition to that, just show dialog if "selectedCustomer" is true. In "First Solution" this problem is already solved, because i'm doing all in ManagedBean, the JSF just call the method.
So, my doubt is : What is the best form to work ? If form 2 is better, how can i condition the dialog show ?
You shouldn't be performing validation in action method in first place. You should be performing validation using a true validator. E.g., using required="true"
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{myBean.selectedCustomer}" required="true"
requiredMessage="Select a Customer before click on Method 1">
When validation using a true validator fails, then JSF already won't invoke the command button's action. This way you can get rid of the whole if-else block and addErrorMessage() in action method. If validation fails, PrimeFaces will set an indicator args object with a validationFailed property which you can use in oncomplete:
<p:commandButton ... oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed)" />

JSF f:ajax listener not called

I am trying to have an h:inputText switch out with a different one when an h:commandButton is clicked. To do this, I am trying to tie an f:ajax command with the h:commandButton, with the listener setting a value on the bean (deciding which one to display), and re-rendering the area.
I have tried using listener on the f:ajax, actionListener on the h:commandButton, action on the h:commandButton with execute on the f:ajax. Nothing worked. The mothed I am trying to call is not being called at all - there is no println (see what follows).
The panelGroup is being re-rendered, which is why I need the onevent attribute that re-attaches some JavaScript hint text based on the title (I had an earlier question involving this).
The method I am trying to call:
public void morePressed(AjaxBehaviorEvent e) {
easySearch = !easySearch;
System.out.println("Made it!");
The JSF segment that is not working (note the last h:commandButton is trying to re-render the panelGroup):
<h:panelGroup id="switchSearchTexts">
<h:inputText accesskey="s" alt="Search" id="searchBoxPeople" title="Search Plebeians" valueChangeListener="#{peopleBean.simplePersonQuery}" size="25" rendered="#{peopleBean.easySearch}">
<f:ajax render="peopleDataTable" event="keyup" />
<h:inputText accesskey="s" alt="Search First Name" id="searchBoxFN" title="Search First Name" size="25" rendered="#{!peopleBean.easySearch}">
<f:ajax render="peopleDataTable" event="keyup" />
<div id="expandBox">
<h:inputText id="searchBoxLN" alt="Search Last Name" styleClass="hideToggle" title="Search Last Name" size="25" />
<h:inputText id="searchBoxAddress" alt="Search Address" styleClass="hideToggle" title="Search Address" size="25" />
<h:commandButton type="button" styleClass="moreButtonAsText" id="moreButtonAsText" value="â–¸More">
<f:ajax listener="#{peopleBean.morePressed}" render="switchSearchTexts" event="click" onevent="callFunctionAjaxRequest" />
This is the JavaScript (jQuery) that I attach to the More button on pageload. I give it not because I think it could help, but I don't know if this could interfere with the ajax listener in any way:
$(function() {
$('input[id$="moreButtonAsText"]').toggle(function(e) {
$(this).prop('value', '\u25c2Less');
, function () {
$(this).prop('value', '\u25b8More');
$('input[id$="searchBoxAddress"]').prop('value', function() {
return $(this).prop('title');
I have no idea. As I said, I have tried actionListener on h:commandButton with various appraoches there, as well as various approaches to the listener on the ajax. Can anybody see why the listener does not work?
What I ended up doing, before having an answer, is converting everything to display and hide based on JavaScript, with stuff I needed hidden if they didn't have javascript initially hidden, etc.
However I need the f:ajax elsewhere, now.
The solution is to take out event="click" on the h:commandButton. I still do now know why this was causing it to break, but hey, whatever works.
I had an issue like this. It turned out that an inputText somewhere had a value="#{something.something}" where the property wasn't settable. The exception wasn't being reported anywhere. I had to put a breakpoint on Exception and all subclasses to find it.
Do you really have a function named callFunctionAjaxRequest in your js code? cause if not it may cause the button not to work (because its being referenced to a not existing function) ,
look at the firebug for a possible errors...
try this version of your command button (event="click" can be removed too... and self execute too)
<h:commandButton type="button" styleClass="moreButtonAsText" id="moreButtonAsText" value="More">
<f:ajax listener="#{peopleBean.morePressed}" render="switchSearchTexts" />
Another thing , in your ajax calls of the upper input texts you got reference to searchBoxPeople twice (instead to searchBoxFN in the second f:ajax), fix it cause otherwise when working with searchBoxFN its f:ajax will try to execute an element that its not being rendered ... (can cause serious issues...)
p.s prependId="false" in your h:form will simplify your selectors in jQuery...
The issue is that the managed bean needs to be set up with the right signature event as an input param. Through lots of testing, I was trying to use the same class taking an AjaxBehaviorEvent. As in the same example on the previous forum.
when I declared an ActionListener event (compliant with the button jsf action), the bean is executed!
I had the same problem and followed your example to help me exactly. I simply (20 hrs) fixed this by including the following in my bean:
The first one now gets fired!
public void actionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
// Add event code here...
System.out.println("Made it!");
public void morePressed(AjaxBehaviorEvent e) {
System.out.println("Made it!");

How to call several methods with JSF <f:ajax listener?

Good Afternoon,
I have a search page that uses ajax to render a several datatables without refreshing the page.
It is mandatory for me to call a Method as a Listener for each table.
Below is the snippet for the first datatable that works fine.
To render a second datatable I need to call a method #{evalController.prepareList} as a Listener for the ajax. The problem is that <f:ajax "Listener" attribute won't take more than one method.
So the remaining way is to call <f:ajax several times, and each time with a different listener, which does not work. Is there a way to achieve this?
If not, should I create a method in the managed Bean that calls all the methods that I need and use it as the one listener?
Thanks in advance for your help.
<h:form id="searchform">
<h:panelGrid columns="3" >
<p:inputText value="#{ddnController.patientID}" id="pidinput" maxlength="7" size="7">
<f:ajax execute="#this" event="keyup" render="searchbutton ddntable" listener="#{ddnController.prepareList}"/>
<h:commandButton image="#{resource['images/search.png']}" id="searchbutton" value="#{bundle.Search}"
action="submit" actionListener="#{ddnController.prepareList}"
disabled="#{empty ddnController.patientID or ddnController.patientID.equals('0')}"/>
<p:panel><h:outputText value="Saisir 0 pour avoir tous les Patients" style="font-style: italic;"/></p:panel>
<p:dataTable id="ddntable" value="#{ddnController.items}" var="ddn" rendered="#{!empty ddnController.items}" paginator="true" >....
I am still not sure why the composite method do not have effect when called. Probably it is not called during before or after the right phase (I'll be profiling it later). Anyway, I found a solution with two edges (it is solving my problem but makes me sacrifice the use of ajax) :
So Instead of calling - from each managed bean - the method (prepareList()) which I use as listener:
private DataModel items = null; // Getter to retrieve items
// ......
public String prepareList() {
return "List";
private void recreatemodel(){
(by the way, this method sets the datamodel to NULL to refresh it, and that is how my datatables get refreshed).
Inside the command button I nested property action listener:
<h:commandButton image="#{resource['images/search.png']}" id="searchbutton" value="#{bundle.Search}"
disabled="#{empty ddnController.patientID or ddnController.patientID.equals('0')}">
<f:PropertyActionListener target="#{ddnController.items}" value="#{null}" />
<f:PropertyActionListener target="#{evalController.items}" value="#{null}" />
<f:PropertyActionListener target="#{corController.items}" value="#{null}" />
<!--...etc -->
I wish <f:PropertyActionListener /> could be nested inside <h:ajax/>.
If somebody has a solution that allows to use property action listener and ajax to avoid submitting the form with a button, s/he is welcome. I'll make then his/her answer as accepted.
