How to find subpackages that don't cause cyclic dependencies - algorithm

We have a rule that disallows cyclic dependencies between packages.
We also have a rather huge package that needs some splitting.
The question is: How can I identify a/all/maximum subset of classes, that can be extracted from the package into a new package without creating a cyclic dependency.
Is there a well known algorithm for that?
A variation would be awesome in which on can define a maximum number of dependencies that can be ignored by the algorithm.
Rather obviously the subset(s) should be not identical to the package, nor empty.
In case of a maximum subset it should be smaller than one half of the original package.

Basically, your classes, objects, or what have you, are stored in a matrix (called adjacency matrix) that represents a directed graph (with or without cycles). See the graph below and the corresponding adjacency matrix.
From this, we can calculate the reachability matrix, which describes to which nodes can one travel from the current node. For this graph, the reachability matrix is
You need an algorithm that rearranges the rows and the columns of the matrix, so that all non-zero elements are below the main diagonal. A sequence of object indexes for which this is true can be executed in the order in which they appear in the matrix, and all necessary dependencies for each object would be satisfied. If the graph is known to be acyclic, this can be achieved by topological sorting.
When cycles appear in the directed graph, you won't be able to find an ordering for which this is true.
Enter Design/Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM). A so called partitioning algorithm can be implemented to divide the objects into levels. For each of those levels, the objects can be executed in arbitrary order, and are not dependent one or another. For the graph above, nodes 3, 4 and 5 are not dependent on each other and can be executed in any order.
A partitioning algorithm has been developed in (Warfield 1973), which is able to detect and isolate cycles in the DSM. This is similar to the topological sorting algorithm, but with usage of the reachability matrix to detect and isolate cycles.
The algorithm briefly:
Create a new partition level
Calculate the reachability and the antecedent sets R(s) and A(s)
For each element in the DSM, calculate the set product R(s)A(s)
If R(s)A(s)=R(s), then add the element s to the current level
Remove element s from the list, and all references to it from the reachability and antecedent sets of all other elements.
Repeat from 1 if the item list is not empty.
The antecedent set A(s) is the set of row indices of non-zero elements in column s, while the reachability set R(s) is the set of column indices of the non-zero elements of s.
Finally, some pseudocode (in VB.NET, no less):
While UnlabelledItems > 0
For Each s In ReachabilityMatrix
If NoDependencies(s) and AlreadyConsidered(s) Then
AddToLevel(CurrentLevel, s)
End If
RemoveDependencies(ReachabilitySets, Sequence.Level(CurrentLevel))
RemoveDependencies(AntecedentSets, Sequence.Level(CurrentLevel))
Unlabelled = Unlabelled - Sequence.Level(CurrentLevel).Count
CurrentLevel = CurrentLevel + 1
End While
(This was the topic of my Master thesis some years ago)
Warfield, John N. (1973), `Binary matrices in system modelling', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics SMC-3(5), 441--449.

Just an idea:
Build a directed graph where your classes are nodes and dependencies are edges. Detect all strongly connected components. Calculate their weight (= number of nodes/classes). Now you have balanced partition problem - to partition a set of component weights into two subsets with minimal differences between their sums.

The algorithm you're looking for is topological sorting. Simply extract items until you encounter a cycle.


What is the Time complexity for finding universal sink given the adjecency list representation

There are many variants of this question asking the solution in O(|V|) time.
But what is the worst case bound if I wanna compute if there is a universal sink in the graph and I have graph represented in adjacency lists. This is important because all other algorithms seem to be better for adjacency lists, so if finding universal sink is not too frequent operation that I need, I will definitely go ahead for lists rather than matrix.
In my opinion, the time complexity would be the size of the graph, that is O(|V| + |E|). the algorithm for finding universal sink of a graph is as follows. Assuming in-neighbor list, Start from the index 1 of a graph. Check the length of adjacency list at index 1, if it is |V| - 1, then traverse the list to check if there is a self loop. If list does not have a self loop and all other vertices are part of a list, store the list index. Then, we must go through other lists to check if this vertex is part of their list. If it is, then the stored vertex cannot be a universal sink. Continue the search from the next index. Even if list is out-neighbor list, we will have to search the vertices which have list with length = 0, then search all other lists to check if this vertex exists in their respective lists.
As it can be concluded from above explanation, no matter what form of adjacency list is considered, in worst case, finding the universal sink must traverse through all the vertices and edges once, hence the complexity is the size of the graph, i.e. O(|V|+|E|)
But my friend who has recently joined as a assistant professor at a university, mentioned it has to be O(|V|*|V|). I am reviewing his notes before he starts teaching the course in the spring, but before correcting it I wanna be one hundred percent sure.
You're quite correct. We can build the structures we need to track all of the intermediate results, but the basic complexity is still straightforward: we go through all of our edges once, marking and counting references. We can even build a full transition matrix in O(E) time.
Depending on the data structures, we may find an improvement by a second pass over all edges, but 2 * O(E) is still O(E).
Then we traverse each node once, looking for in/out counts and a self-loop.

Finding common elements of a matrix between rows

If there is a 4*2 matrix :
A = [1,2;3,4;5,6;7,1]
I need to find the rows which has atleast an element common between those rows. For example in the above eg, the 1 and 4 rows have 1 in common. This matrix rows can be of big length. What can be the best algorithm/logic for it
I tried the following algorithm :
if(ipArr[i][0] == ipArr[j][0] || ipArr[i][0] == ipArr[j][1] ||
ipArr[i][1] == ipArr[j][0] || ipArr[i][1] == ipArr[j][1]){
//code to perform for repeating row, having atleast 1 common element.
For me the matrix has only 2 columns and it will be 2 only. It has N rows
It did not work out
I don't have a detailed algorithm for you, but I would approach this as a graph algorithm problem. Think of each row as a vertex of a graph. There is an edge between vertices if the two rows have at least one element in common. Then, if I understand your problem correctly, you are trying to find the connected components of the graph. (A connected component of a graph is a subgraph that has the property that all vertices in the subgraph are connected to each other by paths, and are not connected to any other vertices of the supergraph.)
This breaks down into two parts:
Find a way to compute whether two rows are joined by an edge, and build a graph representation based on that.
Find the connected components of the graph.
For the second part, there are standard algorithms, as discussed in this Wikipedia article. So let's turn to the first part.
One way to decide whether two rows have an element in common is to dump the elements into two set structures and check whether the intersection of the two sets is empty. Many programming languages have built-in collection data structures (usually based on hashes) to do this reasonably easily (in terms of programming effort). However, this is not going to be very efficient, particularly for large numbers of rows. But, it might be good enough for your purposes.
If time complexity is important, I would be inclined to try a slightly different method: sort each of the rows. This creates additional work at the beginning, but pays off as you compare all the rows pairwise. For instance, by comparing min and max values, you can quickly detect if two rows have disjoint ranges of values (and hence can't possibly have elements in common). Also, if the rows are sorted, you can (with some careful bookkeeping) do a coupled linear scan of both rows to search for common elements in linear time.
This solution assumes that your main purpose is to find the similarities between people as you had mentioned in the comments
Let each person(number) be a node and a row be the edge with weight 1.
Now build an undirected graph with this.
Let each node also store it's 'similarity' with every other node. This can be found by the shortest path from this node to every other node. (Requires O(n) space for each node)
Use Floyd Warshall algorithm for shortest path from one node to every other node.
If the shortest path is Inf it means there is no similarity and the minimum shortest path is maximum similarity
Time complexity: O(n^3) where n is number of people/numbers
Space complexity: O(n^2)

Sorting a list knowing the results of how some of the elements compare?

The goal is to sort a list X of n unknown variables {x0, x1, x2, ... x(n-1)} using a list C of m comparison results (booleans). Each comparison is between two of the n variables, e.g. x2 < x5, and the pair indices for each of the comparisons are fixed and given ahead of time. Also given: All pairs in C are unique (even when flipped, e.g. the pair x0, x1 means there is no pair x1, x0), and never compare a variable against itself. That means C has at most n*(n-1)/2 entries.
So the question is can I prove that my list C of m comparisons is sufficient to sort the list X? Obviously it would be if C was the largest possible length (had all possible comparisons). But what about shorter lists?
Then, if it has been proven that C contains enough information to sort, how do I then actually go about performing the sort.
Let's imagine that you have the collection of objects to be sorted and form a graph from them with one node per object. You're then given a list of pairs indicating how the comparisons go. You can think of these as edges in the graph: if you know that object x compares less than object y, then you can draw an edge from x to y.
Assuming that the results of the comparisons are consistent - that is, you don't have any cycles - you should have a directed acyclic graph.
Think about what happens if you topologically sort this DAG. What you'll end up with is one possible ordering of the values that's consistent with all of the constraints. The reason for this is that in a topological ordering, you won't place an element x before an element y if there is any transitive series of edges leading from y to x, and there's a transitive series of edges leading from y to x if there's a chain of comparisons that transitively indicates that y precedes x.
You can actually make a stronger claim: the set of all topological orderings of the DAG is exactly the set of all possible orderings that satisfy all the constraints. We've already argued that every topological ordering satisfies all the constraints, so all we need to do now is argue that every sequence satisfying all the constraints is a valid topological ordering. The argument here is essentially that if you obey all the constraints, you never place any element in the sequence before something that it transitively compares less than, so you never place any element in the sequence before something that has a path to it.
This then gives us a nice way to solve the problem: take the graph formed this way and see if it has exactly one topological ordering. If so, then that ordering is the unique sorted order. If not, then there are two or more orderings.
So how best to go about this? Well, one of the standard algorithms for doing a topological sort is to annotate each node with its indegree, then repeatedly pull off a node of indegree zero and adjust the indegrees of its successors. The DAG has exactly one topological ordering if in the course of performing this algorithm, at every stage there is exactly one node of indegree zero, since in that case the topological ordering is forced.
With the right setup and data structures, you can implement this to run in time O(n + m), where n is the number of nodes and m is the number of constraints. I'll leave those details as a proverbial exercise to the reader. :-)
Your problem can be reduced to the well-known Topological sort.
To prove that "C contains enough information to sort" is to prove the uniqueness of topological sort:
If a topological sort has the property that all pairs of consecutive vertices in the sorted order are connected by edges, then these edges form a directed Hamiltonian path in the DAG. If a Hamiltonian path exists, the topological sort order is unique; no other order respects the edges of the path. Conversely, if a topological sort does not form a Hamiltonian path, the DAG will have two or more valid topological orderings, for in this case it is always possible to form a second valid ordering by swapping two consecutive vertices that are not connected by an edge to each other. Therefore, it is possible to test in linear time whether a unique ordering exists, and whether a Hamiltonian path exists, despite the NP-hardness of the Hamiltonian path problem for more general directed graphs (Vernet & Markenzon 1997).

Is it possible to develop an algorithm to solve a graph isomorphism?

Or will I need to develop an algorithm for every unique graph? The user is given a type of graph, and they are then supposed to use the interface to add nodes and edges to an initial graph. Then they submit the graph and the algorithm is supposed to confirm whether the user's graph matches the given graph.
The algorithm needs to confirm not only the neighbours of each node, but also that each node and each edge has the correct value. The initial graphs will always have a root node, which is where the algorithm can start from.
I am wondering if I can develop the logic for such an algorithm in the general sense, or will I need to actually code a unique algorithm for each unique graph. It isn't a big deal if it's the latter case, since I only have about 20 unique graphs.
Thanks. I hope I was clear.
Graph isomorphism problem might not be hard. But it's very hard to prove this problem is not hard.
There are three possibilities for this problem.
1. Graph isomorphism problem is NP-hard.
2. Graph isomorphism problem has a polynomial time solution.
3. Graph isomorphism problem is neither NP-hard or P.
If two graphs are isomorphic, then there exist a permutation for this isomorphism. Take this permutation as a certificate, we could prove this two graphs are isomorphic to each other in polynomial time. Thus, graph isomorphism lies in the territory of NP set. However, it has been more than 30 years that no one could prove whether this problem is NP-hard or P. Thus, this problem is intrinsically hard despite its simple problem description.
If I understand the question properly, you can have ONE single algorithm, which will work by accepting one of several reference graphs as its input (in addition to the input of the unknown graph which isomorphism with the reference graph is to be asserted).
It appears that you seek to assert whether a given graph is exactly identical to another graph rather than asserting if the graphs are isomorph relative to a particular set of operations or characteristics. This implies that the algorithm be supplied some specific reference graph, rather than working off some set of "abstract" rules such as whether neither graphs have loops, or both graphs are fully connected etc. even though the graphs may differ in some other fashion.
Edit, following confirmation that:
Yeah, the algorithm would be supplied a reference graph (which is the answer), and will then check the user's graph to see if it is isomorphic (including the values of edges and nodes) to the reference
In that case, yes, it is quite possible to develop a relatively simple algorithm which would assert isomorphism of these two graphs. Note that the considerations mentioned in other remarks and answers and relative to the fact that the problem may be NP-Hard are merely indicative that a simple algorithm [or any algorithm for that matter] may not be sufficient to solve the problem in a reasonable amount of time for graphs which size and complexity are too big. However, assuming relatively small graphs and taking advantage (!) of the requirement that the weights of edges and nodes also need to match, the following algorithm should generally be applicable.
General idea:
For each sub-graph that is disconnected from the rest of the graph, identify one (or possibly several) node(s) in the user graph which must match a particular node of the reference graph. By following the paths from this node [in an orderly fashion, more on this below], assert the identity of other nodes and/or determine that there are some nodes which cannot be matched (and hence that the two structures are not isomorphic).
Rough pseudo code:
1. For both the reference and the user supplied graph, make the the list of their Connected Components i.e. the list of sub-graphs therein which are disconnected from the rest of the graph. Finding these connected components is done by following either a breadth-first or a depth-first path from starting at a given node and "marking" all nodes on that path with an arbitrary [typically incremental] element ID number. Once a given path has been fully visited, repeat the operation from any other non-marked node, and do so until there are no more non-marked nodes.
2. Build a "database" of the characteristics of each graph.
This will be useful to identify matching candidates and also to determine, early on, instances of non-isomorphism.
Each "database" would have two kinds of "records" : node and edge, with the following fields, respectively:
- node_id, Connected_element_Id, node weight, number of outgoing edges, number of incoming edges, sum of outgoing edges weights, sum of incoming edges weight.
- edge_id, Connected_element_Id, edge weight, node_id_of_start, node_id_of_end, weight_of_start_node, weight_of_end_node
3. Build a database of the Connected elements of each graph
Each record should have the following fields: Connected_element_id, number of nodes, number of edges, sum of node weights, sum of edge weights.
4. [optionally] Dispatch the easy cases of non-isomorphism:
4.a mismatch of the number of connected elements
4.b mismatch of of number of connected elements, grouped-by all fields but the id (number of nodes, number of edges, sum of nodes weights, sum of edges weights)
5. For each connected element in the reference graph
5.1 Identify candidates for the matching connected element in the user-supplied graph. The candidates must have the same connected element characteristics (number of nodes, number of edges, sum of nodes weights, sum of edges weights) and contain the same list of nodes and edges, again, counted by grouping by all characteristics but the id.
5.2 For each candidate, finalize its confirmation as an isomorph graph relative to the corresponding connected element in the reference graph. This is done by starting at a candidate node-match, i.e. a node, hopefully unique which has the exact same characteristics on both graphs. In case there is not such a node, one needs to disqualify each possible candidate until isomorphism can be confirmed (or all candidates are exhausted). For the candidate node match, walk the graph, in, say, breadth first, and by finding matches for the other nodes, on the basis of the direction and weight of the edges and weight of the nodes.
The main tricks with this algorithm is are to keep proper accounting of the candidates (whether candidate connected element at higher level or candidate node, at lower level), and to also remember and mark other identified items as such (and un-mark them if somehow the hypothetical candidate eventually proves to not be feasible.)
I realize the above falls short of a formal algorithm description, but that should give you an idea of what is required and possibly a starting point, would you decide to implement it.
You can remark that the requirement of matching nodes and edges weights may appear to be an added difficulty for asserting isomorphism, effectively simplify the algorithm because the underlying node/edge characteristics render these more unique and hence make it more likely that the algorithm will a) find unique node candidates and b) either quickly find other candidates on the path and/or quickly assert non-isomorphism.

Find all subtrees of size N in an undirected graph

Given an undirected graph, I want to generate all subgraphs which are trees of size N, where size refers to the number of edges in the tree.
I am aware that there are a lot of them (exponentially many at least for graphs with constant connectivity) - but that's fine, as I believe the number of nodes and edges makes this tractable for at least smallish values of N (say 10 or less).
The algorithm should be memory-efficient - that is, it shouldn't need to have all graphs or some large subset of them in memory at once, since this is likely to exceed available memory even for relatively small graphs. So something like DFS is desirable.
Here's what I'm thinking, in pseudo-code, given the starting graph graph and desired length N:
Pick any arbitrary node, root as a starting point and call alltrees(graph, N, root)
alltrees(graph, N, root)
given that node root has degree M, find all M-tuples with integer, non-negative values whose values sum to N (for example, for 3 children and N=2, you have (0,0,2), (0,2,0), (2,0,0), (0,1,1), (1,0,1), (1,1,0), I think)
for each tuple (X1, X2, ... XM) above
create a subgraph "current" initially empty
for each integer Xi in X1...XM (the current tuple)
if Xi is nonzero
add edge i incident on root to the current tree
add alltrees(graph with root removed, N-1, node adjacent to root along edge i)
add the current tree to the set of all trees
return the set of all trees
This finds only trees containing the chosen initial root, so now remove this node and call alltrees(graph with root removed, N, new arbitrarily chosen root), and repeat until the size of the remaining graph < N (since no trees of the required size will exist).
I forgot also that each visited node (each root for some call of alltrees) needs to be marked, and the set of children considered above should only be the adjacent unmarked children. I guess we need to account for the case where no unmarked children exist, yet depth > 0, this means that this "branch" failed to reach the required depth, and cannot form part of the solution set (so the whole inner loop associated with that tuple can be aborted).
So will this work? Any major flaws? Any simpler/known/canonical way to do this?
One issue with the algorithm outlined above is that it doesn't satisfy the memory-efficient requirement, as the recursion will hold large sets of trees in memory.
This needs an amount of memory that is proportional to what is required to store the graph. It will return every subgraph that is a tree of the desired size exactly once.
Keep in mind that I just typed it into here. There could be bugs. But the idea is that you walk the nodes one at a time, for each node searching for all trees that include that node, but none of the nodes that were searched previously. (Because those have already been exhausted.) That inner search is done recursively by listing edges to nodes in the tree, and for each edge deciding whether or not to include it in your tree. (If it would make a cycle, or add an exhausted node, then you can't include that edge.) If you include it your tree then the used nodes grow, and you have new possible edges to add to your search.
To reduce memory use, the edges that are left to look at is manipulated in place by all of the levels of the recursive call rather than the more obvious approach of duplicating that data at each level. If that list was copied, your total memory usage would get up to the size of the tree times the number of edges in the graph.
def find_all_trees(graph, tree_length):
exhausted_node = set([])
used_node = set([])
used_edge = set([])
current_edge_groups = []
def finish_all_trees(remaining_length, edge_group, edge_position):
while edge_group < len(current_edge_groups):
edges = current_edge_groups[edge_group]
while edge_position < len(edges):
edge = edges[edge_position]
edge_position += 1
(node1, node2) = nodes(edge)
if node1 in exhausted_node or node2 in exhausted_node:
node = node1
if node1 in used_node:
if node2 in used_node:
node = node2
edge_groups.append(neighbors(graph, node))
if 1 == remaining_length:
yield build_tree(graph, used_node, used_edge)
for tree in finish_all_trees(remaining_length -1
, edge_group, edge_position):
yield tree
edge_position = 0
edge_group += 1
for node in all_nodes(graph):
edge_groups.append(neighbors(graph, node))
for tree in finish_all_trees(tree_length, 0, 0):
yield tree
Assuming you can destroy the original graph or make a destroyable copy I came up to something that could work but could be utter sadomaso because I did not calculate its O-Ntiness. It probably would work for small subtrees.
do it in steps, at each step:
sort the graph nodes so you get a list of nodes sorted by number of adjacent edges ASC
process all nodes with the same number of edges of the first one
remove those nodes
For an example for a graph of 6 nodes finding all size 2 subgraphs (sorry for my total lack of artistic expression):
Well the same would go for a bigger graph, but it should be done in more steps.
Z number of edges of most ramificated node
M desired subtree size
S number of steps
Ns number of nodes in step
assuming quicksort for sorting nodes
Worst case:
S*(Ns^2 + MNsZ)
Average case:
S*(NslogNs + MNs(Z/2))
Problem is: cannot calculate the real omicron because the nodes in each step will decrease depending how is the graph...
Solving the whole thing with this approach could be very time consuming on a graph with very connected nodes, however it could be paralelized, and you could do one or two steps, to remove dislocated nodes, extract all subgraphs, and then choose another approach on the remainder, but you would have removed a lot of nodes from the graph so it could decrease the remaining run time...
Unfortunately this approach would benefit the GPU not the CPU, since a LOT of nodes with the same number of edges would go in each step.... and if parallelization is not used this approach is probably bad...
Maybe an inverse would go better with the CPU, sort and proceed with nodes with the maximum number of edges... those will be probably less at start, but you will have more subgraphs to extract from each node...
Another possibility is to calculate the least occuring egde count in the graph and start with nodes that have it, that would alleviate the memory usage and iteration count for extracting subgraphs...
Unless I'm reading the question wrong people seem to be overcomplicating it.
This is just "all possible paths within N edges" and you're allowing cycles.
This, for two nodes: A, B and one edge your result would be:
For two nodes, two edges your result would be:
I would recurse into a for each and pass in a "template" tuple
N=edge count
TempTuple = Tuple_of_N_Items ' (01,02,03,...0n) (Could also be an ordered list!)
ListOfTuple_of_N_Items ' Paths (could also be an ordered list!)
edgeDepth = N
Method (Nodes, edgeDepth, TupleTemplate, ListOfTuples, EdgeTotal)
edgeDepth -=1
For Each Node In Nodes
if edgeDepth = 0 'Last Edge
ListOfTuples.Add New Tuple from TupleTemplate + Node ' (x,y,z,...,Node)
NewTupleTemplate = TupleTemplate + Node ' (x,y,z,Node,...,0n)
Method(Nodes, edgeDepth, NewTupleTemplate, ListOfTuples, EdgeTotal
This will create every possible combination of vertices for a given edge count
What's missing is the factory to generate tuples given an edge count.
You end up with a list of possible paths and the operation is Nodes^(N+1)
If you use ordered lists instead of tuples then you don't need to worry about a factory to create the objects.
If memory is the biggest problem you can use a NP-ish solution using tools from formal verification. I.e., guess a subset of nodes of size N and check whether it's a graph or not. To save space you can use a BDD ( to represent the original graph's nodes and edges. Plus you can use a symbolic algorithm to check if the graph you guessed is really a graph - so you don't need to construct the original graph (nor the N-sized graphs) at any point. Your memory consumption should be (in big-O) log(n) (where n is the size of the original graph) to store the original graph, and another log(N) to store every "small graph" you want.
Another tool (which is supposed to be even better) is to use a SAT solver. I.e., construct a SAT formula that is true iff the sub-graph is a graph and supply it to a SAT solver.
For a graph of Kn there are approximately n! paths between any two pairs of vertices. I haven't gone through your code but here is what I would do.
Select a pair of vertices.
Start from a vertex and try to reach the destination vertex recursively (something like dfs but not exactly). I think this would output all the paths between the chosen vertices.
You could do the above for all possible pairs of vertices to get all simple paths.
It seems that the following solution will work.
Go over all partitions into two parts of the set of all vertices. Then count the number of edges which endings lie in different parts (k); these edges correspond to the edge of the tree, they connect subtrees for the first and the second parts. Calculate the answer for both parts recursively (p1, p2). Then the answer for the entire graph can be calculated as sum over all such partitions of k*p1*p2. But all trees will be considered N times: once for each edge. So, the sum must be divided by N to get the answer.
Your solution as is doesn't work I think, although it can be made to work. The main problem is that the subproblems may produce overlapping trees so when you take the union of them you don't end up with a tree of size n. You can reject all solutions where there is an overlap, but you may end up doing a lot more work than needed.
Since you are ok with exponential runtime, and potentially writing 2^n trees out, having V.2^V algorithms is not not bad at all. So the simplest way of doing it would be to generate all possible subsets n nodes, and then test each one if it forms a tree. Since testing whether a subset of nodes form a tree can take O(E.V) time, we are potentially talking about V^2.V^n time, unless you have a graph with O(1) degree. This can be improved slightly by enumerating subsets in a way that two successive subsets differ in exactly one node being swapped. In that case, you just have to check if the new node is connected to any of the existing nodes, which can be done in time proportional to number of outgoing edges of new node by keeping a hash table of all existing nodes.
The next question is how do you enumerate all the subsets of a given size
such that no more than one element is swapped between succesive subsets. I'll leave that as an exercise for you to figure out :)
I think there is a good algorithm (with Perl implementation) at this site (look for TGE), but if you want to use it commercially you'll need to contact the author. The algorithm is similar to yours in the question but avoids the recursion explosion by making the procedure include a current working subtree as a parameter (rather than a single node). That way each edge emanating from the subtree can be selectively included/excluded, and recurse on the expanded tree (with the new edge) and/or reduced graph (without the edge).
This sort of approach is typical of graph enumeration algorithms -- you usually need to keep track of a handful of building blocks that are themselves graphs; if you try to only deal with nodes and edges it becomes intractable.
This algorithm is big and not easy one to post here. But here is link to reservation search algorithm using which you can do what you want. This pdf file contains both algorithms. Also if you understand russian you can take a look to this.
So you have a graph with with edges e_1, e_2, ..., e_E.
If I understand correctly, you are looking to enumerate all subgraphs which are trees and contain N edges.
A simple solution is to generate each of the E choose N subgraphs and check if they are trees.
Have you considered this approach? Of course if E is too large then this is not viable.
We can also use the fact that a tree is a combination of trees, i.e. that each tree of size N can be "grown" by adding an edge to a tree of size N-1. Let E be the set of edges in the graph. An algorithm could then go something like this.
T = E
n = 1
while n<N
newT = empty set
for each tree t in T
for each edge e in E
if t+e is a tree of size n+1 which is not yet in newT
add t+e to newT
T = newT
n = n+1
At the end of this algorithm, T is the set of all subtrees of size N. If space is an issue, don't keep a full list of the trees, but use a compact representation, for instance implement T as a decision tree using ID3.
I think problem is under-specified. You mentioned that graph is undirected and that subgraph you are trying to find is of size N. What is missing is number of edges and whenever trees you are looking for binary or you allowed to have multi-trees. Also - are you interested in mirrored reflections of same tree, or in other words does order in which siblings are listed matters at all?
If single node in a tree you trying to find allowed to have more than 2 siblings which should be allowed given that you don't specify any restriction on initial graph and you mentioned that resulting subgraph should contain all nodes.
You can enumerate all subgraphs that have form of tree by performing depth-first traversal. You need to repeat traversal of the graph for every sibling during traversal. When you'll need to repeat operation for every node as a root.
Discarding symmetric trees you will end up with
trees if your graph is fully connected mesh or you need to apply Kirchhoff's Matrix-tree theorem
