Message re-delivery and error handling in Message Listeners - spring

We have producer which is producing message at a rate faster than cosumer can consume. We are using Spring JMS integration as the consumer side technology stack. Currently we are using AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode.
In the onMessage() method of the listener, upon the receipt we are to planning submit the client side job to a job queue and return from the onMessage() method. This means if a) processing fails or b) our server goes down while processing there is no way for us recover.
We looked at the option of using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, but this means acknowledging a message with higher timestamp automatically acknowledges all the messages with a less timestamp. This is clearly not desirable for us because a successful processing a message with newer timestamp no way means that all the messages with older timestamp are processed completely. In effect we are looking on per message acknowledgement. However, I read somewhere that this means there is some design flaw.
The other option is to use a SessionAwareMessageListener interface provided by Spring. The contract of using this interface says that if a JMSException is thrown from the onMessage the message will be redelivered. However, I was not completely sure how to use this for our purpose.
While I dig more myself into this, any help from you guys will be greatly appreciated.

Session aware message has following onMessage prototype:
onMessage(Message message, Session session)
Invoke session.recover() for the message redelivery. Upon session.recover() will send all the unacknowledged messages back to the jms destination.


HornetQ Behaviour for unacknowledged messages

I have a HornetQ based JMS provider and the consumer is attached to the provider in the CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_MODE . The message.acknowledge () snippet though is under an if else . Thus the consumer would sometimes would not send an acknowledgement to the server in case there was an application layer failure in processing the message .So there are two questions here -
1)Will more messages that are queued in the server will keep on
flowing to the consumer even though the consumer did not acknowledge
on of the messages as stated earlier
2)Will the unacknowledged message flow down again on restarting the
consumer .
These are some of my observations on the questions I have asked
1)The messages keep on flowing down to the consumer as per the
consumer logs even though it did not acknowledge one of the messages
to the server due to an application layer failure (Note , there was
no uncaught exception as such , just that the consumer did not
acknowledge) .
2)Secondly , on restarting the consumer as well the message did not
flow down again from the server which is surprising .
Can someone please clarify this behaviour?
It has hard to fully determine what your application is doing in terms of message acknowledgement but my guess is that you are continuing to acknowledge messages after the failed attempt to acknowledge the message in question. In that case because you are using the Client Acknowledge mode the next Acknowledge will also apply to the previous message as that is how client mode works.
Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE: A client acknowledges a message by calling the message’s acknowledge method. In this mode, acknowledgment takes place on the session level: Acknowledging a consumed message automatically acknowledges the receipt of all messages that have been consumed by its session. For example, if a message consumer consumes ten messages and then acknowledges the fifth message delivered, all ten messages are acknowledged.
So if you read that carefully you will see how consumers in a Session acknowledging messages while in client Acknowledge mode could even affect one another.
For a better answer you'd need to break down the chain of event further so that in became more clear what is going on.

How to do an explicit ACK when receiving Websphere MQ messages?

I have an application listening to messages on an IBM Websphere MQ queue.
Once a message is consumed, the application performs some processing logic.
If the processing completed OK, I would like the application to acknowledge the message and have it removed from the queue.
If an error occurred while processing, I would like the message to remain in the queue.
How is this implemented? (I'm using the .NET API)
MQ supports a single-phase commit protocol. You specify syncpoint when you get the message, then issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK as required. The default action if the connection is lost is ROLLBACK and if the program deliberately ends without resolving the transaction a COMMIT is assumed. (This is platform dependent so the customary advice is to explicitly call COMMIT and not rely on the class destructors to do it for you.)
This works whether the message is persistent or not. However if the message has an expiry specified and expires after being rolled back there's a chance it won't be seen again.
Of course, if the program issues a ROLLBACK the message will normally be seen again since it goes back to the same spot int he queue and for a FIFO queue that's the top. If the problem with the message is not transient then this causes a poison message loop of read/rollback/repeat. To avoid that the app can check the backout count and if it exceeds some threshold requeue the message to an exception queue.
When using JMS or XMS this is done for you by the class libraries. If the input queue's BOQNAME and BOQTHRESH attributes are set the requeue is to the queue names in BOQNAME. Otherwise a requeue to the Dead Queue is attempted. IF that fails (as it should if the system is properly secured) the listener will stop receiving messages.
The usual advice is to always specify a backout queue and either let the classes use it or code the app to use it.
Please see Usage Notes for MQGET in the MQAPI Reference and the MQGetMessageOptions.NET page in the .Net class reference.
You may want to look at the MQ Reporting Options.
Expiry, Confirmation of Arrival and Confirmation of Delivery can be requested and sent via a response queue back to the sending application by the receiving Queue Manager.
Positive and Negative Acknowledgements can also be generated by the receiving application provided they use the related reporting attributes found in the Message Descriptor.
Exception can be requested and sent via a response queue back to the sending application by any Queue Manager in the transmission chain or generated by the receiving application.
1 Read the message using MQC.MQGMO_SYNCPOINT,
2 process it
3 call MQQueueManager.Commit()
If Commit() is not called explicitly, or implicitly (eg exception is thrown), all messages that have been de-queued will be re-enqueued.

Blocking competing clients to take message from ActiveMQ

We have a JMS queue and multiple competing clients are reading from this queue.
Once the message is taken and successfully processed, we want to send the acknowledge to delete ( i.e. CLIENT ACKNOWLEDGE )
However, we want to make sure that if one client has picked the message another client should not take it from the queue.
Does activeMQ provide this feature out of the box using some configuration ?
If the message processing failed after picking the message, so it could not be acknowledged back, in this scenario we should like other client thread to pickup the message. Is it possible out of the box with configuration , may be specifying timeout values ?
You need to take some time to understand the difference between a Topic and a Qeueue in order to understand why the first question is not an issue.
For the second question it depends a bit on the ACK mode you are using and how you are processing messages sync or async. Normally for processing where you want to control redeliveries you would do the work inside of a transaction and if the processing fails the message would be redelivered when the TX is rolled back. ActiveMQ supports redelivery policies both client side and broker side that control how many time a message will be redelivered before sent to a DLQ.

confusion related to jms acknowledgement modes

I have a multiple consumer listening to a queue and when a message arrives its onMessage() function in invoked. Since there are multiple consumers, each consumer has its own session. The requirement is that the message should be acknowledged only if there is no issues and no exception is thrown...)
AUTO_ACK mode: My understanding is: the message is acknowledged after onMessage completes successfully. If there is an exception in onMessage(), the message will be redelivered.
Client ack: At the end of onMessage(), I explicitly call acknowledge(). In case of error the acknowledge() method will not be called so message will be redelivered.
Transacted Session: I call session.commit() at the end of the onMessage() function, in case of some exception I catch it and call session.rollback and hence the message will be redelivered.
The consumer is ABLE to detect duplicate messages and handle it appropriately. My question is that all the 3 modes are doing the same thing and solving my purpose, so which method is better than the other and why? In short why should I use transacted sessions over client ack or auto mode.
I do not want to use JTA/XA as it is not supported by all jms providers example activeMQ and it will make my application slow.
If my consumer was NOT able to handle duplicate messages, then I understand that the only option I have is to use JTA/XA because all other options can send me the message again which will result in duplicate processing. In JTA/XA also I can get the message again but it would not be considered as duplicate processing as the previous transactions would have been rollbacked.
Be careful here about the difference between ack modes as they can be more subtle than you might think.
When using auto acknowledge and throwing an exception in onMessage your message might get redelivered to another client, the same client, or go into a DLQ depending on your broker and how it's configured.
The thing that many people overlook with client acknowledge is that the client ack is actually acking all previous messages delivered for the parent Session, so if you had more than one consumer in the same session it's message could also be acked by your acknowledge call. Since in your case you have a consumer per session then you sort of fall back to the auto ack case where messages will get redelivered or might go to a DLQ.
In the local transaction case the messages are often times redelivered some number of times to the same client based on either client or Broker configuration before either being re-dispatched to some other consumer or are routed to a DLQ.
To some degree the mode you choose depends on bit on your expectations of the outcome of multiple failures and how you can configure your chosen Broker implementation to handle that.

Acknowledging a message from AMQP in Camel

Currently I'm using bluelock's camel-spring-amqp component for my application.
What I want to achieve is:
Pull a message from RabbitMQ server.
Persist it to a database on successful processing / Send it to another "Error" queue on Exception
Tell the original queue that it is now safe to remove the message from the queue.
As of this writing, I'm able to pull from rabbit and persist to database using camel routes. What I don't really know how to do is acknowledge that my processing is done to the original queue. Here is my current route:
.bean(Transform.class, "transform(byte[])")
I realize I can set the acknowledgmentMode to NONE. But I don't know how to "manually" acknowledge once I have persisted my message.
Thanks for any help!
I'm new in Camel but I know a thing or two about RabbitMQ.
With RabbitMQConsumer the message is acknowledged if the processor doesn't throw any exception (line 133 at RabbitMQConsumer source).
So I suppose if you let your processor propagate the exception, the message won't be acknowledged. I haven't used spring-amqp but I guess it should have a similar behaviour.
