Get rid of invisible UltraGridRow instances - ultrawingrid

I've got a grid that show tens of thousands of rows in total, obviously the user is only looking at a small fraction of those rows at any point in time, generally somewhere around 10~20 rows.
I enabled LoadOnDemand, which ensures that UltraGridRow instances and a couple of other objects will only be created when they move into the visible area:
grid.DisplayLayout.LoadStyle = LoadStyle.LoadOnDemand;
This works great (according to my memory profiler), but when I scroll up and down the whole table, i.e. trigger creation of UltraGridRows for all rows, then all UltraGridRows will get created and stay in memory forever.
How can I (ideally automatically, but if not, manually) get rid off the UltraGridRow objects for rows that are out of view? (Or just get rid of all UltraGridRows - they'll be recreated automatically anyway)
One brute force way I figured out is this:
var tmp = grid.DataSource;
grid.DataSource = null;
grid.DataSource = tmp;
It causes some side effects though, so is there some other way to get rid of UltraGridRows?
Btw, I tried these two guys, without success (trying true and false for the bool params).
grid.Rows.Refresh(RefreshRow.ReloadData, false, true);
I'm trying to get memory consumption down, and UltraGridRows are currently the main consumer (UltraGridRows by themselves aren't huuuge, they consume under 200 bytes each, which in my case means a couple of megabytes, just so you know what we are talking about).
This is Infragistics 9.2.
Any ideas?

Well, there's always reflection...
var m = typeof(RowsCollection)
.GetMethod("InternalClearHelper", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
m.Invoke(grid.Rows, null);
This actually works for me, but it will clear the selection, so you have to remember that before invoking and restore the selection afterwards.


When to use transaction in laravel

I am currently making a turn based strategy game with laravel (mysql DB with InnoDB) engine and want to make sure that I don't have bugs due to race conditions, duplicate requests, bad actors etc...
Because these kind of bugs are hard to test, I wanted to get some clarification.
Many actions in the game can only occur once per turn, like buying a new unit. Here is a simplified bit of code for purchasing a unit.
$player = Player::find($player_id);
if($player->gold >= $unit_price && $player->has_purchased == false){
$player->has_purchased = true;
$player->gold -= $unit_price;
$unit = new Unit();
$unit->player_id = $player->id;
So my concern would be if two threads both made it pass the if statement and then executed the block of code at the same time.
Is this a valid concern?
And would the solution be to wrap everything in a database transaction like ?
This means that a good portion of my code will be wrapped around database transactions because I have a lot of instances that are variations of the above code for different actions.
Also there is a situation where multiple users will be able to update a value in the database so I want to avoid a situation where 2 users increment the value at the same time and it only gets incremented once.
Since you are using Laravel to presumably develop a web-based game, you can expect multiple concurrent connections to occur. A transaction is just one part of the equation. Transactions ensure operations are performed atomically, in your case it ensures that both the player and unit save are successful or both fail together, so you won't have the situation where the money is deducted but the unit is not granted.
However there is another facet to this, if there is a real possibility you have two separate requests for the same player coming in concurrently then you may also encounter a race condition. This is because a transaction is not a lock so two transactions can happen at the same time. The implication of this is (in your case) two checks happen on the same player instance to ensure enough gold is available, both succeed, and both deduct the same gold, however two distinct units are granted at the end (i.e. item duplication). To avoid this you'd use a lock to prevent other threads from obtaining the same player row/model, so your full code would be:
DB::transaction(function () use ($unit_price) {
$player = Player::where('id',$player_id)->lockForUpdate()->first();
if($player->gold >= $unit_price && $player->has_purchased == false){
$player->has_purchased = true;
$player->gold -= $unit_price;
$unit = new Unit();
$unit->player_id = $player->id;
This will ensure any other threads trying to retrieve the same player will need to wait until the lock is released (which will happen at the end of the first request).
There's more nuances to deal with here as well like a player sending a duplicate request from double-clicking for example, and that can get a bit more complex.
For you purchase system, it's advisable to implement DB:transaction since it protects you from false records. Checkout the laravel docs for more information on this As for reactive data you need to keep track of, simply bind a variable to that data in your frontEnd, then use the variable to update your DB records.
In the case you need to exit if any exception or error occurs. If an exception is thrown the data will not save and rollback all the transactions. I recommand to use transactions as possible as you can. The basic format is:
try {
// database actions like create, update etc.
DB::commit(); // finally commit to database
} catch (\Exception $e) {
DB::rollback(); // roll back if any error occurs
// something went wrong
See the laravel docs here

Skipping SKActions

At the beginning of my scene I'm running a bunch of different actions as a sort of intro to the level. I would like to make it skippable by the user. Is there a way to handle this with SKAction? SKAction is my bet, but perhaps there's a better way to do this. Any ideas?
This assumes you want tap to stop the actions:
A very easy but possibly unstable approach would be to just crank the speed of the Node the action is running on to an insanely high number, just remember to reset it if you need the node.
An easy approach that is more stable would be to save your actions and reapply them with a duration of zero.
The best way to do this is to create a Dictionary for your SKActions like so:
var actionDict = [String,SKAction]()
Then just save all your actions with keys so that you can access it in the future:
actionDict["moveUp"] = SKAction.moveToY(100,duration:100)
Now that you have keys for it, when running your actions, just assign the same key:
Then when you need to end it, just remove the desired actions:
And reapply with a duration of 0:
//if we want to retain the old duration, use copy
let action = actionDict["moveUp"].copy()
action.duration = 0
Note, this method only works where the action is doing a To event, if it is doing a By event, you need to figure out the final destination point, and make it a moveTo a with duration of 0

How to insert a batch of records into Redis

In a twitter-like application, one of the things they do is when someone posts a tweet, they iterate over all followers and create a copy of the tweet in their timeline. I need something similar. What is the best way to insert a tweet ID into say 10/100/1000 followers assuming I have a list of follower IDs.
I am doing it within Azure WebJobs using Azure Redis. Each webjob is automatically created for every tweet received in the queue. So I may have around 16 simultaneous jobs running at the same time where each one goes through followers and inserts tweets.I'm thinking if 99% of inserts happen, they should not stop because one or a few have failed. I need to continue but log it.
Question: Should I do CreateBatch like below? If I need to retrieve latest tweets first in reverse chronological order is below fine? performant?
var tasks = new List<Task>();
var batch = _cache.CreateBatch();
//loop start
tasks.Add(batch.ListRightPushAsync("follower_id", "tweet_id"));
//loop end
await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
a) But how do I catch if something fails? try catch?
b) how do I check in a batch for a total # in each list and pop one out if it reaches a certain #? I want to do a LeftPop if the list is > 800. Not sure how to do it all inside the batch.
Please point me to a sample or let me have a snippet here. Struggling to find a good way. Thank you so much.
Does this look right based on #marc's comments?
var tasks = new List<Task>();
followers.ForEach(f =>
var key = f.FollowerId;
var task = _cache.ListRightPushAsync(key, value);
task.ContinueWith(t =>
if (t.Result > 800) _cache.ListLeftPopAsync(key).Wait();
CreateBatch probably doesn't do what you think it does. What it does is defer a set of operations and ensure they get sent contiguously relative to a single connection - there are some occasions this is useful, but not all that common - I'd probably just send them individually if it was me. There is also CreateTransaction (MULTI/EXEC), but I don't think that would be a good choice here.
That depends on whether you care about the data you're popping. If not: I'd send a LTRIM, [L|R]PUSH pair - to trim the list to (max-1) before adding. Another option would be Lua, but it seems overkill. If you care about the old data, you'll need to do a range query too.

OS X Today Widget - How to detect in NCWidgetProviding.widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler if content has changed?

widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler() gives us the possibility to let the Notification Center know if the content of a Today Extension has changed. For example:
func widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler: ((NCUpdateResult) -> Void)!) {
// Refresh the widget's contents in preparation for a snapshot.
// Call the completion handler block after the widget's contents have been
// refreshed. Pass NCUpdateResultNoData to indicate that nothing has changed
// or NCUpdateResultNewData to indicate that there is new data since the
// last invocation of this method.
if(has_new_data()) { // There was an update
else { // nothing changed!
But how would we know if the content has changed? On every snapshot the widget is instantiated from scratch. It is a complete new process with new PID. So you can not store any property in your instance. How would one compare the current widget content with the content of the previous snapshot?
I used Core Data to store the current content for later comparison. This is obvious and works. But then another problem crashes in: What if there is no previous snapshot? Let's say the user removed the widget just to re-add it again. Or the user rebooted. There might be more reasons why there is no previous snapshot that I can not think of now. Either way - there still is content stored in Core Data. If the comparison between this old content and the current content detects there are no changes and I return .NoData the widget would end up empty because the Notification Center would not redraw the content.
You might wonder why It is so important to me to call the completionHandler with a correct state and not simply always return .NewData. That's because I am experiencing a little flicker when there is no change and still return .NewData. I have some images in my widget and when redrawing the widget the whole content gets invisible for a millisecond - long enough to notice.
Is there something I am missing? It seems strange to me that Apple provides a way to give us the option to respond with different states but then makes it impossible to detect which state we should respond.
In theory you would use this to check whether there was any new content since the last call, and pass back the appropriate value. I suppose in theory it might be the same instance of the view controller on more than one call, but that's clearly not how things work right now. Checking whether content has changed depends on the nature of the app and the extension. Since you're using a shared Core Data store to share data, you might do something like:
Any time the app changes data, save the current date in shared user defaults.
Any time the today extension reads data, save the current date in shared user defaults.
When widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler is called, look up both of those dates. If the data has changed more recently than the last time the extension read that data, return NCUpdateResultNewData. If not, return NCUpdateResultNoData.
You could also save these dates in the metadata on the persistent store instead of in shared user defaults. If it was the same view controller each time, you might keep the value from step 2 in memory instead of saving it to a file. But again that's not how it works now, and it's not clear when or if that will change.
Apps that save data in some other way might need to use different checks, the details of which would depend on how their app and extension worked.
In practice with iOS 8.2 it really doesn't matter because the extension environment doesn't seem to care what value you send back. I tried returning NCUpdateResultNewData and compared it to returning NCUpdateResultNoData every time. There was absolutely no effect on the life cycle of the today extension view controller or its views.
As an aside, it's not always a different process. I tried putting this line in the today extension's viewDidLoad:
NSLog(#"viewDidLoad pid=%d self=%#", getpid(), self);
Then I ran the today extension, scrolled up and down in the notification center a couple of times, closed the notification center, reopened it, and got the following:
2015-03-17 15:19:01.203 DemoToday[3484:903442] viewDidLoad pid=3484 self=<TodayViewController: 0x12d508cc0>
2015-03-17 15:19:14.441 DemoToday[3484:903442] viewDidLoad pid=3484 self=<TodayViewController: 0x12d50ade0>
2015-03-17 15:19:23.784 DemoToday[3484:903442] viewDidLoad pid=3484 self=<TodayViewController: 0x12d619c40>
2015-03-17 15:19:29.015 DemoToday[3484:903442] viewDidLoad pid=3484 self=<TodayViewController: 0x12d50abe0>
Although it's a different instance of the view controller each time, it's the same pid in each of these cases.
You can use any storage API ( Core Data, NSCoding, SQLite ) as long as you enable data sharing with your host app.
Even if the user removes the widget or reboots the device, the data will be stored on your shared container. Whenever iOS launches your widget, you will be able to read and write the same shared container that you have previously used.
Be aware that your host app and your widget may read or write concurrently so you have to coordinate any reading and writing operation.
The simplest way to do this is to cache your current widgets state in user defaults. Then when the widget loads (in viewDidLoad) fetch your cached data from user defaults and set it as a property on your widget view controller.
Then when widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler is called you have your previous updated and you can decide if you need to do a network request of if your data is fresh enough. If you do a web request you can then compare it to your cache to determine if you have new data or no update.
No need to persist any data in UserDefaults or even Core Storage. Keep it simple: Just declare the variable(s) you use to store any calculated contents or data you use to check whether something changed to be static. Since the widget runs in the same process (as shown here) the static data will be available the next time your widget is activated.
static NSDate *lastDate;
- (void)widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NCUpdateResult))completionHandler {
NSDate * currentDate = [NSDate date];
if (!lastDate ||
[[NSCalendar currentCalendar]compareDate:lastDate toDate:currentDate toUnitGranularity:NSCalendarUnitDay] != NSOrderedSame) {
// Date changed
lastDate = currentDate;
... do whatever needs to be done ...
} else {

Watin OwnTableCellCells.Count index out of range sometimes

I'm using 20.20.1089, and I'm getting an exception sometime while looping over
like this
foreach (TableRow row in table.TableRows)
for (int i = 0; i < row.OwnTableCells.Count ; ++i)
TableCell cell = row.OwnTableCells [i];
Under the debugger, row.OwnTableCells.Count is 0, but the loop index i has been
increments. I can get Exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an
This happens sometimes only, which is the puzzling part.The webpage is always refreshing automatically after a few seconds. Could this
be the cause of it? Is there a way to disable the cache?
PS. I'm trying to get this posted on Watin mailing list but it seems the moderator is gone missing, and not approving any new registrations.
Hi your mail was send on the mailing list as well, but for record sake I'll post my answer here as well.
The webpage is always refreshing automatically after a few seconds. Could this
be the cause of it?
This indeed is your problem. Following one of the possible scenarios to show you how things can go wrong:
1 - calling row.OwnTableCells.Count => returns the number of elements currently on the page
2 - refresh timer triggers page refresh => page reloaded
3 - due to refresh the row.OwnTableCells collection will return no elements any more since the row which was referenced no longer exists on the page. You might still see the same row in the browser, but that is a new DOM row object created after the page refresh. In your code you/WatiN is still referencing the old row object.
So you should change your logic to take this refresh of the page into account.
