Display SSRS report with ASP.NET MVC 3 application on Windows Azure - asp.net-mvc-3

I've been searching for almost 2 days, but I still don't manage to do what I want.
I have a ASP.NET MVC3 application on Windows Azure, and I would like to give to users report made with SQL Server Reporting Services.
I've created a test report, published it on my Sql Azure server, and I'm able to access it with the URL. (Even tough I have to connect with my Username/Password, and I don't like that).
I want my users to click on a link/button on my application, and without any actions of them, a PDF or HTML version of my report open and they can print it.
I've had a WebReference of my Sql Azure report server, but I don't know what to do to athenticate programmatically and how to have my reports.
Help me StackOverflow, you're my only hope.

The easiest way, I think, is to use the Report Viewer to render your report on a page. Since it's a web control, you might need to combine the ASP.NET Web Form and MVC together, which means only this page is Web Form while others are MVC.
Then you can pass your authentication information into the Report Viewer, and specify the remote report path and name, and the parameters needed to run your report. The Report Viewer itself has the feature to download the report in many formats, such as PDF, Word, etc.
Use the SSRS web service is another way, when you want to get the report content programmatically. It's a standard web service, so you can pass your authentication same way you did to any other web services. I think it should be something like Credential and use.
Credential = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
Hope this helps.

Thanks for your answer !
I've found this sample my Microsoft with working code exemple to work with Sql Azure. Hope it can help somebody one day.


Google Analytics Report Integration with java application

I have a java application where users with different roles logged in and perform various activities. I am tracking each user with their useid and Roles and creating custom reports in Google analytics through GTM. In reports i am displaying which user with what roles logged in how many times which date visited etc.I GA i created custom reports which gives charts and table.Charts which GA is giving is as below.
In my java spring application in admin section i want to display the above graph. Please suggest me the steps and action i need to follow to integrate GA reports graph to my java application.
Prabhash Mishra
GA4 has a reporting API You can use that to pull the data. It may be quite uncomfortable to pull the data via it, so there's another option. You can seamlessly export your data to BQ then ETL it from there using some public libraries for working with BQ.
Going the BQ route will result in way easier debugging since you'd see how the data really looks like directly in BQ.

webchat integration with Atlassian Confluence

Has anyone integrated the webchat/directline from Microsoft Botframework with Atlassian Confluence
We are exploring options to host a chatbot on one of the wikis powered by Confluence
Any directions/guidance will help;
The only option I see is to use the "/" (slash) command and add an embedded iframe into the space's page. It's possible to backup and download, edit, and upload and restore a page however, the exported page is in XML. So, editing a backed up page wouldn't give you access to the HTML needed to truly integrate Web Chat into the page.
As for the slash command, you will need to develop a separate web app to host the Web Chat instance. Then, simply provide the values required in the iframe macro tool, and you should be set.
iframe macro:
Published page:
Hope of help!

integrating third party application with Dynamics CRM

I'm trying to integrate third party application with the dynamics CRM.
Authenticate the Dynamics User > Importing all the users data into third party application is my target.
But I'm unable to find the proper way to do this. I have gone through the developer docs but didn't find the solution. Can anyone please help me with this ?
Thanks for the clarification. You can get the Web API URL from Settings > Customization > Developer Resources > Instance Web API.
It will be something like:
Using that URL you can query the system and get JSON results.
Going to the root URL will give you the collection name (a.k.a. EntitySetName) of all the entities in the system (which for users is systemusers).
Generally the EntitySetName will be the plural of the entity (i.e. just add 's'), but there are some quirky rules for making plurals so its best to confirm the entity set name via the API or a tool like XrmToolbox's Metadata Browser.
The most basic query for users would be:
It will return all fields of all users.
To get a set of fields:
To add a couple filters:
Of course you have to do this with Java's XmlHttpRequest. When querying data you can use HTTP GET.
To test the above queries quickly you can simply login to the D365 web client then paste a query into the browser's address bar.
You may also want to check out Jason Lattimer's CRMRESTBuilder. While it doesn't build Java, it gives you a UI to create JavaScript XmlHttpRequests, which you can then translate to Java.
And here's some Microsoft documentation on querying the Web API.

How to make Office Web App Server able to edit a document with Cobalt

I am trying to build my own WOPI host using ASP.NET MVC and its WebAPI functions according to this example
I successfully used that example to connect to my Office Web App Server and I can use that to access files of Excel and PowerPoint in local path and I am able to edit it, but I cannot use it to open word document in editing mode as the Post action handler isn't implemented completely without any response so that it cannot handle any edit request.
In order to add support for editing of Office document, I tried this example with POST request handler based on Cobalt library extracted from Office Web App Server.
With this example I managed to edit ans save all kinds of document with Office Web App Server. However, when I tried to integrate these two together I found that even if I can enter the edit window of Excel and PowerPoint and I can see that Post Requests from Office Web App Server like locking and Cobalt are handled by my WOPI Post API action handler. Those change doesn't take any effect on my local file at all. Moreover, I still cannot edit word document and when I checked the back log of Office Web App Server, I found the error message is Cobalt is not supported while I have already set the SupportsCobalt in CheckFileInfo response to true! Any help is very appreciated!
I think I have exactly what you are looking for. Check out my implementation of the WOPI host. It's an MVC6 app that takes the best from the both examples you are referring to and adds some extra features.

Aggregating HTTP Response Codes for Reporting in ASP.NET

I am new to the Windows IIS environment, coming from Linux/Apache. At my new job (ASP.NET shop), they don't currently monitor 404s or any other non-200 HTTP response codes so problems with missing images and files from the website or 500 errors don't surface until a customer emails us weeks later.
What do you guys use to monitor, aggregate and display these responses in .NET? In my old job, I had a script attached to the 404 handler that inserted into a database and from there I created a dashboard that grouped and displayed all the 404s so it was easy to see issues with missing files, etc.
Not sure if it's best to handle at the application level or with some log file aggregator.
What is the best practice for doing the same in ASP.NET?
I appreciate any advice on this
You may take a look at ELMAH which is specifically designed for this purpose.
