FactoryGirl in Rails - Associations w/ Unique Constraints - ruby

This question is an extension to the one raised here:
Using factory_girl in Rails with associations that have unique constraints. Getting duplicate errors
The answer offered has worked perfectly for me. Here's what it looks like:
# Creates a class variable for factories that should be only created once.
module FactoryGirl
class Singleton
##singletons = {}
def self.execute(factory_key)
##singletons[factory_key] = FactoryGirl.create(factory_key)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
# already in DB so return nil
The issue that has come up for me is when I need to manually build an association to support a polymorphic association with a uniqueness constraint in a hook. For example:
class Matchup < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :event
belongs_to :matchupable, :polymorphic => true
validates :event_id, :uniqueness => { :scope => [:matchupable_id, :matchupable_type] }
class BaseballMatchup < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :matchup, :as => :matchupable
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :matchup do
event { FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:event) }
matchupable { FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:baseball_matchup) }
home_team_record '10-5'
away_team_record '9-6'
factory :baseball_matchup do
home_pitcher 'Joe Bloe'
home_pitcher_record '21-0'
home_pitcher_era 1.92
home_pitcher_arm 'R'
away_pitcher 'Jack John'
away_pitcher_record '0-21'
away_pitcher_era 9.92
away_pitcher_arm 'R'
after_build do |bm|
bm.matchup = Factory.create(:matchup, :matchupable => bm)
My current singleton implementation doesn't support calling FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:matchup, :matchupable => bm), only FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:matchup).
How would you recommend modifying the singleton factory to support a call such as FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:matchup, :matchupable => bm) OR FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:matchup)?
Because right now, the above code will throw uniqueness validation error ("Event is already taken") everytime the hook is run on factory :baseball_matchup. Ultimately, this is what needs to be fixed so that there isn't more than one matchup or baseball_matchup in the DB.

As zetetic has mentioned, you can define a second parameter on your execute function to send the attributes to be used during the call to FactoryGirl.create, with a default value of an empty hash so it didn't override any of them in the case you don't use it (you don't need to check in this particular case if the attributes hash is empty).
Also notice that you don't need to define a begin..end block in this case, because there isn't anything to be done after your rescue, so you can simplify your method by defining the rescue as part of the method definition. The assignation on the case that the initialization was fine will also return the assigned value, so there is no need to explicitly access the hash again to return it. With all these changes, the code will end like:
# Creates a class variable for factories that should be only created once.
module FactoryGirl
class Singleton
##singletons = {}
def self.execute(factory_key, attrs = {})
##singletons[factory_key] = FactoryGirl.create(factory_key, attrs)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
# already in DB so return nil

You need to do two things to make this work:
Accept attributes as an argument your execute method.
Key off of both the factory name and the attributes when creating the singleton factories.
Note that step 1 isn't sufficient to solve your problem. Even if you allow execute to accept attributes, the first call to execute(:matchup, attributes) will cache that result and return it any time you execute(:matchup), even if you attempt to pass different attributes to execute. That's why you also need to change what you're using as the hash key for your ##singletons hash.
Here's an implementation I tested out:
module FactoryGirl
class Singleton
##singletons = {}
def self.execute(factory_key, attributes = {})
# form a unique key for this factory and set of attributes
key = [factory_key.to_s, '?', attributes.to_query].join
##singletons[key] = FactoryGirl.create(factory_key, attributes)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
# already in DB so return nil
The key is a string consisting of the factory name and a query string representation of the attributes hash (something like "matchup?event=6&matchupable=2"). I was able to create multiple different matchups with different attributes, but it respected the uniqueness of the event/matchupable combination.
> e = FactoryGirl.create(:event)
> bm = FactoryGirl.create(:baseball_matchup)
> m = FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:matchup, :event => e, :matchupable => bm)
> m.id
> m = FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:matchup, :event => e, :matchupable => bm)
> m.id
> f = FactoryGirl.create(:event)
> m = FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:matchup, :event => f, :matchupable => bm)
> m.id
Let me know if that doesn't work for you.

Ruby methods can have default values for arguments, so define your singleton method with an empty default options hash:
def self.execute(factory_key, options={})
Now you can call it both ways:
FactoryGirl::Singleton.execute(:matchup, :matchupable => bm)
within the method, test the options argument hash to see if anything hase been passed in:
if options.empty?
# no options specified
# options were specified


Metrics/AbcSize Too High: How do I decrease the ABC in this method?

I have recently started using Rubocop to "standardise" my code, and it has helped me optimise a lot of my code, as well as help me learn a lot of Ruby "tricks". I understand that I should use my own judgement and disable Cops where necessary, but I have found myself quite stuck with the below code:
def index
if params[:filters].present?
if params[:filters][:deleted].blank? || params[:filters][:deleted] == "false"
# if owned is true, then we don't need to filter by admin
params[:filters][:admin] = nil if params[:filters][:admin].present? && params[:filters][:owned] == "true"
# if admin is true, then must not filter by owned if false
params[:filters][:owned] = nil if params[:filters][:owned].present? && params[:filters][:admin] == "false"
companies_list =
case params[:filters][:admin]&.to_b
when true
when false
if params[:filters][:owned].present?
companies_list ||= current_user.companies
if params[:filters][:owned].to_b
companies_list = companies_list.where(owner: current_user)
companies_list = companies_list.where.not(owner: current_user)
# Filters for deleted companies
companies_list = {}
companies_list ||= current_user.companies
response = { data: companies_list.alphabetical.as_json(current_user: current_user) }
Among others, the error that I'm getting is the following:
C: Metrics/AbcSize: Assignment Branch Condition size for index is too high. [<13, 57, 16> 60.61/15]
I understand the maths behind it, but I don't know how to simplify this code to achieve the same result.
Could someone please give me some guidance on this?
Thanks in advance.
Well first and foremost, is this code fully tested, including all the myriad conditions? It's so complex that refactoring will surely be disastrous unless the test suite is rigorous. So, write a comprehensive test suite if you don't already have one. If there's already a test suite, make sure it tests all the conditions.
Second, apply the "fat model skinny controller" paradigm. So move all the complexity into a model, let's call it CompanyFilter
def index
companies_list = CompanyFilter.new(current_user, params).list
response = { data: companies_list.alphabetical.as_json(current_user: current_user) }
and move all those if/then/else statements into the CompanyFilter#list method
tests still pass? great, you'll still get the Rubocop warnings, but related to the CompanyFilter class.
Now you need to untangle all the conditions. It's a bit hard for me to understand what's going on, but it looks as if it should be reducible to a single case statement, with 5 possible outcomes. So the CompanyFilter class might look something like this:
class CompanyFilter
attr_accessors :current_user, :params
def initialize(current_user, params)
#current_user = current_user
#params = params
def list
when no_filter_specified
when user_is_admin
when user_is_owned
# etc
when # other condition
# etc
def no_filter_specified
def user_is_admin
# returns boolean based on params hash
def user_is_owned
# returns boolean based on params hash
tests still passing? perfect! [Edit] Now you can move most of your controller tests into a model test for the CompanyFilter class.
Finally I would define all the different companies_list queries as scopes on the Company model, e.g.
class Company < ApplicationRecord
# some examples, I don't know what's appropriate in this app
scope :for_user, ->(user){ where("...") }
scope :administered_by, ->(user){ where("...") }
When composing database scopes ActiveRecord::SpawnMethods#merge is your friend.
Post.where(title: 'How to use .merge')
.merge(Post.where(published: true))
While it doesn't look like much it lets you programatically compose scopes without overelying on mutating assignment and if/else trees. You can for example compose an array of conditions and merge them together into a single ActiveRecord::Relation object with Array#reduce:
[Post.where(title: 'foo'), Post.where(author: 'bar')].reduce(&:merge)
# => SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."title" = $1 AND "posts"."author" = $2 LIMIT $3
So lets combine that with a skinny controllers approach where you handle filtering in a seperate object:
class ApplicationFilter
include ActiveModel::Attributes
include ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment
attr_accessor :user
def initialize(**attributes)
# A convenience method to both instanciate and apply the filters
def self.call(user, params, scope: model_class.all)
return scope unless params[:filters].present?
permit_params(params).merge(user: user)
def to_scope
filters.map { |filter| apply_filter(filter) }
.select {|f| f.respond_to?(:merge) }
# calls a filter_by_foo method if present or
# defaults to where(key => value)
def apply_filter(attribute)
if respond_to? "filter_by_#{attribute}"
attribute => send(attribute)
# Convention over Configuration is sexy.
def self.model_class
# filters the incoming params hash based on the attributes of this filter class
def self.permit_params
params.permit(filters).reject{ |k,v| v.blank? }
# provided for modularity
def self.filters
This uses some of the goodness provided by Rails to setup objects with attributes that will dynamically handle filtering attributes. It looks at the list of attributes you have declared and then slices those off the params and applies a method for that filter if present.
We can then write a concrete implementation:
class CompanyFilter < ApplicationFilter
attribute :admin, :boolean, default: false
attribute :owned, :boolean
def filter_by_admin
if admin
# this should be refactored to use an assocation on User
def filter_by_owned
case owned
when nil
when true
Company.where(owner: user)
when false
Company.where.not(owner: user)
And you can call it with:
# scope is optional
#companies = CompanyFilter.call(current_user, params), scope: current_user.companies)

Generating JSON for Sinatra

I'm having an issue with passing the generated JSON notation of my object to my Sinatra application. The problem I have is twofold:
I have 2 classes that are mapped to a database using the Sequel gem. When they generate JSON it is ok and properly implemented.
I have a custom class called registration that maps one of the classes with an additional field. The goal is to generate JSON out of this and pass that JSON to the application using cucumber (test purpose)
The application code responsible for handling the request has the following function defined:
post '/users' do
hash = JSON.parse(self.request.body.read)
registration = Registration.new.from_json(#request.body.read)
registration.user.country = Database::Alaplaya.get_country_by_iso_code(registration.user.country.iso_code)
return 400 unless(registration.is_valid?)
id = Database::Alaplaya.create_user(registration.user)
# If the registration failed in our system, return a page 400.
return 400 if id < 1
problem 1: I cannot use the params hash. It exists but is just an empty hash. Why?
problem 2: I cannot deserialize the JSON generated by the class itself. Why?
The registration class looks like this:
require 'json'
class Registration
attr_accessor :user, :project_id
def to_json(*a)
'json_class' => self.class.name,
'data' => [#user.to_json(*a), #project_id]
def self.json_create(o)
# Creates a new instance of the class using the information provided in the
# hash. If a field is missing in the hash, nil will be assigned to that field
# instead.
def initialize(params = {})
#user = params[:user]
#project_id = params[:project_id]
# Returns a string representing the entire Registration.
def inspect
"#{#user.inspect} - #{#user.country.inspect} - #{#project_id}"
# Returns a boolean valid representing whether the Registration instance is
# considered valid for the API or not. True if the instance is considered
# valid; otherwise false.
def is_valid?
return false if #user.nil? || #project_id.nil?
return false if !#user.is_a?(User) || !#project_id.is_a?(Fixnum)
return false if !#user.is_valid?
I had to implement the methods to generate the JSON output correctly. When I run this in console I get the following output generated:
irb(main):004:0> r = Registration.new(:user => u, :project_id => 1)
=> new_login - nil - 1
irb(main):005:0> r.to_json
=> "{\"json_class\":\"Registration\",\"data\":[\"{\\\"json_class\\\":\\\"User\\\
Which looks like valid JSON to me. However when I POST this to the application server and try to parse this, JSON complains that at least 2 octets are needed and refuses to deserialize the object.
If you're using Sequel as your ORM, try something like this:
In your model:
class Registration < Sequel::Model
many_to_one :user
many_to_one :project
plugin :json_serializer
The server:
before do
#data = JSON.parse(request.body.read) rescue {}
post '/users' do
#registration = Registration.new #data
if #registration.valid?
#registration.to_json #return a JSON representation of the resource
status 422 #proper status code for invalid input
I think you may be overcomplicating your registration process. If the HTTP action is POST /users then why not create a user? Seems like creating a registration is overly complex. Unless your user already exists, in which case POST /users would be incorrect. If what you're really intending to do is add a user to to a project, then you should PUT /projects/:project_id/users/:user_id and the action would look something like this:
class User < Sequel::Model
many_to_many :projects
class Project < Sequel::Model
many_to_many :users
#make sure your db schema has a table called users_projects or projects_users
put '/projects/:project_id/users/:user_id' do
#find the project
#project = Project.find params[:project_id]
raise Sinatra::NotFound unless #project
#find the user
#user = Project.find params[:project_id]
raise Sinatra::NotFound unless #user
#add user to project's users collection
#project.add_user #user
#send a new representation of the parent resource back to the client
#i like to include the child resources as well
#json might look something like this
#{ 'name' : 'a project name', 'users' : ['/users/:user_id', '/users/:another_user_id'] }

Destroying "has n, :things, :through => Resource" associations in DataMapper

I have a collection class called MySet:
class MySet
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
has n, :my_elements, :through => Resource
def add integer
unless my_elements.first(:integer => integer)
my_element = MyElement.create :integer => integer
my_elements << my_element
def has_integer? integer
!my_elements.first(:integer => integer).nil?
def delete integer
if has_integer? integer
my_elements.first(:integer => integer).destroy
def size
and an element class called MyElement:
class MyElement
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :integer, Integer
I want to be able to add and delete elements to and from MySet. However, the following spec:
describe MySet do
subject do
it "adds and deletes" do
subject.add 1
subject.delete 1
subject.size.should == 0
fails with:
Failure/Error: subject.size.should == 0
expected: 0
got: 1 (using ==)
This is similar to the problem described in DataMapper has n through Resource DELETE (Remove from association) not working except that MyElement does not specify an association with MySet. However, I think the solution in that post is what I am using and it does not appear to work.
Take a look at the Collection documentation:
I think some of the things you're doing are extraneous, and MyElement.create should probably be MyElement.first_or_create but more importantly, the part where you destroy one of the MyElement's is not quite right. It seems like what you're trying to do is remove it from the "my_elements" collection, so you should find it, and then "delete" it from the collection:
def delete integer
element = my_elements.first(:integer => integer)
(destroying it may also be part of what you're trying to do, and you can do that separately).
Just destroying it like you were doing may actually work (I'm not sure), but you'd probably have to reload the resource in your test to see the updated size:
subject.size.should == 0

Static local variables for methods in Ruby?

I have this:
def valid_attributes
{ :email => "some_#{rand(9999)}#thing.com" }
For Rspec testing right? But I would like to do something like this:
def valid_attributes
static user_id = 0
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}#thing.com" }
I don't want user_id to be accessible from anywhere but that method,
is this possible with Ruby?
This is a closure case. Try this
lambda {
user_id = 0
self.class.send(:define_method, :valid_attributes) do
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}#thing.com" }
Wrapping everything in lambda allows the variables defined within lambda to only exist in the scope. You can add other methods also. Good luck!
This answer is a little larger in scope than your question, but I think it gets at the root of what you're trying to do, and will be the easiest and most maintainable.
I think what you're really looking for here is factories. Try using something like factory_girl, which will make a lot of testing much easier.
First, you'd set up a factory to create whatever type of object it is you're testing, and use a sequence for the email attribute:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :model do
sequence(:email) {|n| "person#{n}#example.com" }
# include whatever else is required to make your model valid
Then, when you need valid attributes, you can use
You can also use Factory.create and Factory.build to create saved and unsaved instances of the model.
There's explanation of a lot more of the features in the getting started document, as well as instructions on how to add factories to your project.
You can use a closure:
def validator_factory
user_id = 0
lambda do
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}#thing.com" }
valid_attributes = validator_factory
valid_attributes.call #=> {:email=>"some_1#thing.com"}
valid_attributes.call #=> {:email=>"some_2#thing.com"}
This way user_id won't be accessible outside.
I'd use an instance variable:
def valid_attributes
#user_id ||= 0
#user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{#user_id}#thing.com" }
The only variables Ruby has are local variables, instance variables, class variables and global variables. None of them fit what you're after.
What you probably need is a singleton that stores the user_id, and gives you a new ID number each time. Otherwise, your code won't be thread-safe.

DataMapper - create new value for relational DB

I have a relational DB defined as follows. How can I enter a new value, where B belongs to A. The code given below doesn't seem to work.
class A
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial, :key => true
property :name, String
belongs_to :b
class B
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial, :key => true
property :name, String
has n, :as
Create new value
# Create new value
post '/create' do
a = A.new
b = B.new
b.attributes = params
b.belongs_to = a #problem is here
#belongs_to is a model (class) method and you use it to declare ManyToOne relationship.
In your example you should use "<<" method like this:
b.as << a
That will add "a" instance to "as" collection and associate both resources.
[...] How can I enter a new value, where B belongs to A. The code given below doesn't seem to work.
Your code implies you're after A belonging to B, but your question is the reverse so I'll show how to do that, i.e., B belongs to A.
class A
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial, :key => true
property :name, String
has n, :bs # A has many B's
class B
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial, :key => true
property :name, String
belongs_to :a, :required => false # B has only 1 A
Note your has and belongs_to are reversed here. I also added required => false to the belongs_to side because DataMapper will silently refuse to save your model if ever don't have b.a before calling saveā€”once you're comfortable with it you can remove the required false if you desire.
Here are two ways you can use that model:
# Create new value
post '/create' do
a = A.new
b = B.new
b.attributes = params
b.a = a
This example is generally the same as yours, but I added a save call for A. Note this may not be necessary, I'm not in a good place to test this particular case; in the past I've found DataMapper will save some related objects automatically but not others so I've developed the habit of always saving explicitly to prevent confusion.
# Create new value
post '/create' do
a = A.create
b = a.bs.create(params)
In the second example I call create on the many-side of the relationship, this makes a new B, associates it with "a", sets the params given, and saves it immediately. The result is the same as the previous example.
If you're just getting familiar with DataMapper, you may find it helpful to add the following to your app:
DataMapper::Model.raise_on_save_failure = true
This will cause DataMapper to give you errors and backtraces in cases like the above, more info here.
