VS2010 Database Projects and SQL Server 2008R2 - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to create a VS2010 SQL Server 2008 database project for a SQL Server 2008R2 database. When I attempt to import an existing database a window popups up with the following message "The database that you selected is not supported."
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Note: I have managed to create a database project that happily allowed me to create a table in the master database on the same SQL Server 2008 R2 database.

Ok so I figured this one out myself. I think this may be related to my uninstalling some software / database driver that had a connection reference in Visual Studio which was not cleaned up.
Basically to fix the problem I closed Visaul Studio and then deleted this file.
Here is a link to the question and answers that helped me out:

Probably your existing database has different version. Try this: How to: Change the Target Database Version


Unable to publish DB project on Azure SQL Data Warehouse

With Visual Studio 2019 (already updated to the latest version), I have created a new SQL Server Database Project connected to an Azure SQL Datawarehouse Database.
I imported all the object already present on the database (tables, stored procedure and schema), I carried out the schema compare which does not detect any difference.
On the project properties I changed the Target platform setting it up on Miscrosoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse, I switched the Compatibility level setting it on SQL Server 2017 (140)
The build of solution is successful, but when I tried to publish the solution I have the following message error
Creating publish preview...
Errors occurred while modeling the target database. Deployment can not continue.
I can generate the publish script only if I check the box Always re-create database, but I don't want drop and re-create the database every time
I did a lot of research but none of them solved my problem.
Anyone knows if there are any known limitations concerning the publish of SQL Server Database Project on Azure SQL Datawarehouse Database or does anyone know how to solve the problem?
Thank you
Deploying database projects to Azure SQL Data Warehouse is in public preview since August if you use Visual Studio 2019 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) as documented here. At the bottom of the page Microsoft gives you instructions on how you can provide feedback directly to the SSDT team.
Database projects were not supported on Azure SQL Data Warehouse as you can read here and here.
Check your database tables in the "System Tables." If you have dbo.sysdiagrams,
that won't allow you to deploy the db.
So, if you delete dbo.sysdiagrams table on your database, that will hopefully allow you to deploy the database.
They get created when you click on the database diagrams.

SQLite data source is missing in Visual Studio 2012 Entity Framework Connection

I have just updated from SQLite 1.0.8x to sqlite to try and use with EF6.
When I try and add a entity data model from an existing database there is no option to select the data source as sqlite as there used to be for the older SQLite. I have installed SQLite from Nuget and from the setup file on the SQLite website for .net4.5/VS2012. I have tried reinstalling and rebooting both VS and my machine and neither worked. I have found many similar problems to this and no answers to this problem. I can add a connection to an SQLite file via server explorer and navigate through the db on the tab in Visual Studio. This now existing connection does not appear when trying to add a new model in EF6, however.
I even found this question on SO that seems to be the same question as mine but has no answers:
SqlLite in Visual Studio 2012 installed by NuGet dosent exist in Data Source for connection
It seems strange to me that this issue would exist with no answers/concern about it. Are people shunning the SQLite/EF6 combo? I had EF5 and SQLite running fine.
I know this is technically a duplicate but I do not know what else I can do.
I don't know if this actually solves your issue, but I had the same problem and tried pretty much every solution out there.
Eventually, after installing the correct packages to support VS2012, I also installed Entity Framework 6 Tools for Visual Studio 2012 & 2013
After doing so (and a restart of VS) the connection showed up in the Entity Data Model Wizard.
Hope it solves your issue as well.

Code Map not working in VS2012

I try to generate a Code Map for my solution but it blows up saying: Unable to connect to the specified database.
Specifically, it's trying to connect to (LocalDB)\v11.0
Why does it blow up and why does it need to connect to a DB?
Somehow LocalDb was not installed - typically it gets installed with VS 2012. So I installed SQL Server Data Tools for VS2012, which also installed LocalDb
Visual Studio uses a code index database to help store and create the code maps.

Visual Studio database project with Firebird

I wonder if anyone knows if it is possible to use a Database Project in Visual Studio with Firebird? It seems that the DataSource in Target connection in the Deploy tab in the project properties is locked to Microsoft SQL Server and same goes for the "import database objects and settings".
It would be really neat to be able to version control and handle a Firebird database the same way I can version control and handle a MS SQL database.
If this isn't possible, does anyone know of a good way to version control a Firebird database? :)
You can't. This is only for MS SQL.
Actually you can still use it with Firebird, but you'll not be able to use 90% of features, because it's expecting MS SQL - connection to database or syntax or ...
Maybe this Sourceforge project can help: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fbnetinstaller/ :)

How to create Oracle database project using Visual studio 2010?

I have Oracle database project in VS2008. Now i upgraded my project to VS2010.While trying to create a database project , i can see i can't select any other Data source other than SQL Server. But in VS2008 i have option to select different data source.
I read about Toad Extension for Visual Studio and but its also not supported anymore.
How can i set up oracle database project in VS2010. Is there any way through TFS?
Any suggestions??
I believe you may want to install the Oracle Data Provider for .NET. (ODP.NET)
also you may want to check this one that supports entity framework
