Anyone has any comment on how to choose the validation number?
As you may know there is no unique criteria to choose a certain number. i believe that it could depends on the number of samples being used for training/validation.
However, it has a nontrivial role in stopping the training of the neural network
You're right, this parameter is critical for NN training. In fact, the biggest disadvantage of NNs is the presence of many critical parameters that are strongly problem-dependent, like number of neurons and training algorithm parameters such as learning rate or early stopping criteria (like in this case). In some applications, use a value of 3 or 30 is more or less the same, because after some point the NN generalization do not increase anymore, so I can suggest you to try with different parameters, including 0 and inf (i.e. no early stopping) and observe the training/validation error curves. Of course, DO NOT consider only a single run but do at least 5-10 runs for each configuration. At this point, you can try to have an idea of the "error landscape".
Use : nnparam.max_fail
For the trainlm training function, you could type:
net.trainParam.max_fail = 10 (if you want to increase the validation fail to be 10)
From Matlab Documentation
Maximum Validation Checks (max_fail) function parameter
max_fail is a training function parameter. It must be a strictly positive integer scalar.
max_fail is maximum number of validation checks before training is stopped.
This parameter is used by trainb, trainbfg, trainbr, trainc, traincgb, traincgf, traincgp, traingd, traingda, traingdm,
traingdx, trainlm, trainoss, trainrp, trains and trainscg
Problem Introduction
Assume we have a parallel algorithm f(<params>) running on P cores whereas
<params>: Parameters for algorithm
P: Number of cores it runs on (i.e. threads, cores, processors)
We further assume that out implementation actually consists of three parts:
A - Distribution: We distribute the input to all processors
B - Run the algorithm: We run f(<params>) ("on each processor")
C - Collection: We collect the computed data from all processors
After fixing <params> and P like input size, number of processors etc. the algorithm itself is deterministic i.e. we can write down an exact cDAG for it.
I'm now trying to answer the question: "For a given set of parameters, what is the execution time for a given system?"
With "given system" I mean e.g. "my computer" or "the university super computer" because obviously, the runtime does depend on the system it runs on and obviously the system itself does introduce non-determinism because you never really know the state of the system.
So in short: While the algorithm might be deterministic, runtime measurements aren't. (but e.g. communication measurements would be deterministic.) So we need to do a proper statistical analysis. And this is where I'm unsure.
Measuring Runtime: Basic idea
We are interested in how long part "B - Run the Algorithm" takes. Since the algorithm actually runs on P cores we'll make a measurement on each core and so get P values, let call those P values P_measurements. Some cores might finish before others, so which value does represent the runtime of the whole algorithm? I think a good choice is to simply take value of the core that took the longest i.e. max(P_measurements).
Now there are two things that need consideration here:
We have to repeat the measurement n times since it's a non-deterministic value
Once we have those n*P values, we need to know how to properly summarize them.
(And additional concern would be how to communicate those results in the end, but that's not part of this question.)
Measuring Runtime: Statistical Analysis
So here's what I'd do and this is also the part where I'm very unsure.
We measure the runtime of f(<params>) on each of the P cores. We get P_measurements
We take max(P_measurements)
We repeat 1. & 2. n times and we end up with maxes. Whereas maxes is a list of the n values max(P_measurements)
We check if maxesis normally distributed using a Q-Q-Plot. If not, we normalize. We do expect it to be right-skewed.
Now we take the median of maxes. (If we normalized, we use the normalized values)
We compute the standard deviation, the population mean and the 95% confidence interval.
We might want to say that all values are of an error of e.g. 5% so we check if all the values lie between +-5% of the population mean i.e. the confidence interval should be rather "thin".
We got ourselves some nice runtime measurement.
Step 4. was necessary because computing the CI in step 6 uses the t-distribution and because later on I want to measure a different implementation of the same algorithm. So I'll have to compare two values and for that I need to do e.g. a t-test. So I need to make sure, the prerequisites for the t-test are met, which are: iid & normally distributed. Iid is assumed.
I am very unsure what I did is statistically sound. Especially step 1-3. I'm not sure if I can do that kind of summarization (just take the max) here. I know that we might have an outsider value that's "especially" high but since we only measure on super computers we can assume the noise to be low and since we take the median in the end any outliners shouldn't have a big impact.
I hope for good input since it's a rather complex topic and I'm very interested in doing it right. I mostly followed the following paper, which I can recommend:
But even with the paper, I'm not used to use statistical analysis and thus would just like to get some input from people who actually know this stuff. :)
I'm trying to optimise the number of hidden units in my MLP.
I'm using k-fold cross validation, with 10 folds - 16200 training points and 1800 validation points in each fold.
When I run the network with hidden units varying from 1:10, I find the minimum error always occurs at 2 (NMSE of about 7).
3 is slightly higher (NMSE of about 11) and 4 or more hidden units and the error remains constant at about 14 or 15 regardless of many I add.
Why is this?
I find it hard to believe that overfitting is occurring, because of the very large amount of data points being used (with all 10 folds, that's 162000 training points, albeit each repeated 9 times).
Many thanks for any help or advice!
If the input is voltage and current, and question is about the power generated, then it's just P=V*I. Even if you have some noise, the relationship will be still linear. In this case simple linear model would do just fine - and would be far nicer to interpret! That's why simple ANN works best and more complex is overfitting, as it looks for non-linear relationships (which are not there, but it does whatever will minimise cost function).
To summarise, I would recommend to check a simple linear model. Also, since you have a lot of data points, make a 50-25-25 split for training, test and validation sets. Look at your cost function and see how it changes with error rate.
Hello my problem is more related with the validation of a model. I have done a program in netlogo that i'm gonna use in a report for my thesis but now the question is, how many repetitions (simulations) i need to do for justify my results? I already have read some methods using statistical approach and my colleagues have suggested me some nice mathematical operations, but i also want to know from people who works with computational models what kind of statistical test or mathematical method used to know that.
There are two aspects to this (1) How many parameter combinations (2) How many runs for each parameter combination.
(1) Generally you would do experiments, where you vary some of your input parameter values and see how some model output changes. Take the well known Schelling segregation model as an example, you would vary the tolerance value and see how the segregation index is affected. In this case you might vary the tolerance from 0 to 1 by 0.01 (if you want discrete) or you could just take 100 different random values in the range [0,1]. This is a matter of experimental design and is entirely affected by how fine you wish to examine your parameter space.
(2) For each experimental value, you also need to run multiple simulations so that you can can calculate the average and reduce the impact of randomness in the simulation run. For example, say you ran the model with a value of 3 for your input parameter (whatever it means) and got a result of 125. How do you know whether the 'real' answer is 125 or something else. If you ran it 10 times and got 10 different numbers in the range 124.8 to 125.2 then 125 is not an unreasonable estimate. If you ran it 10 times and got numbers ranging from 50 to 500, then 125 is not a useful result to report.
The number of runs for each experiment set depends on the variability of the output and your tolerance. Even the 124.8 to 125.2 is not useful if you want to be able to estimate to 1 decimal place. Look up 'standard error of the mean' in any statistics text book. Basically, if you do N runs, then a 95% confidence interval for the result is the average of the results for your N runs plus/minus 1.96 x standard deviation of the results / sqrt(N). If you want a narrower confidence interval, you need more runs.
The other thing to consider is that if you are looking for a relationship over the parameter space, then you need fewer runs at each point than if you are trying to do a point estimate of the result.
Not sure exactly what you mean, but maybe you can check the books of Hastie and Tishbiani
specially the sections on resampling methods (Cross-Validation and bootstrap).
They also have a shorter book that covers the possible relevant methods to your case along with the commands in R to run this. However, this book, as a far as a I know, is not free.
Also, could perturb the initial conditions to see you the outcome doesn't change after small perturbations of the initial conditions or parameters. On a larger scale, sometimes you can break down the space of parameters with regard to final state of the system.
1) The number of simulations for each parameter setting can be decided by studying the coefficient of variance Cv = s / u, here s and u are standard deviation and mean of the result respectively. It is explained in detail in this paper Coefficient of variance.
2) The simulations where parameters are changed can be analyzed using several methods illustrated in the paper Testing methods.
These papers provide scrupulous analyzing methods and refer to other papers which may be relevant to your question and your research.
I just started a Machine learning class and we went over Perceptrons. For homework we are supposed to:
"Choose appropriate training and test data sets of two dimensions (plane). Use 10 data points for training and 5 for testing. " Then we are supposed to write a program that will use a perceptron algorithm and output:
a comment on whether the training data points are linearly
a comment on whether the test points are linearly separable
your initial choice of the weights and constants
the final solution equation (decision boundary)
the total number of weight updates that your algorithm made
the total number of iterations made over the training set
the final misclassification error, if any, on the training data and
also on the test data
I have read the first chapter of my book several times and I am still having trouble fully understanding perceptrons.
I understand that you change the weights if a point is misclassified until none are misclassified anymore, I guess what I'm having trouble understanding is
What do I use the test data for and how does that relate to the
training data?
How do I know if a point is misclassified?
How do I go about choosing test points, training points, threshold or a bias?
It's really hard for me to know how to make up one of these without my book providing good examples. As you can tell I am pretty lost, any help would be so much appreciated.
What do I use the test data for and how does that relate to the
training data?
Think about a Perceptron as young child. You want to teach a child how to distinguish apples from oranges. You show it 5 different apples (all red/yellow) and 5 oranges (of different shape) while telling it what it sees at every turn ("this is a an apple. this is an orange). Assuming the child has perfect memory, it will learn to understand what makes an apple an apple and an orange an orange if you show him enough examples. He will eventually start to use meta-features (like shapes) without you actually telling him. This is what a Perceptron does. After you showed him all examples, you start at the beginning, this is called a new epoch.
What happens when you want to test the child's knowledge? You show it something new. A green apple (not just yellow/red), a grapefruit, maybe a watermelon. Why not show the child the exact same data as before during training? Because the child has perfect memory, it will only tell you what you told him. You won't see how good it generalizes from known to unseen data unless you have different training data that you never showed him during training. If the child has a horrible performance on the test data but a 100% performance on the training data, you will know that he has learned nothing - it's simply repeating what he has been told during training - you trained him too long, he only memorized your examples without understanding what makes an apple an apple because you gave him too many details - this is called overfitting. To prevent your Perceptron from only (!) recognizing training data you'll have to stop training at a reasonable time and find a good balance between the size of the training and testing set.
How do I know if a point is misclassified?
If it's different from what it should be. Let's say an apple has class 0 and an orange has 1 (here you should start reading into Single/MultiLayer Perceptrons and how Neural Networks of multiple Perceptrons work). The network will take your input. How it's coded is irrelevant for this, let's say input is a string "apple". Your training set then is {(apple1,0), (apple2,0), (apple3,0), (orange1,1), (orange2,1).....}. Since you know the class beforehand, the network will either output 1 or 0 for the input "apple1". If it outputs 1, you perform (targetValue-actualValue) = (1-0) = 1. 1 in this case means that the network gives a wrong output. Compare this to the delta rule and you will understand that this small equation is part of the larger update equation. In case you get a 1 you will perform a weight update. If target and actual value are the same, you will always get a 0 and you know that the network didn't misclassify.
How do I go about choosing test points, training points, threshold or
a bias?
Practically the bias and threshold isn't "chosen" per se. The bias is trained like any other unit using a simple "trick", namely using the bias as an additional input unit with value 1 - this means the actual bias value is encoded in this additional unit's weight and the algorithm we use will make sure it learns the bias for us automatically.
Depending on your activation function, the threshold is predetermined. For a simple perceptron, the classification will occur as follows:
Since we use a binary output (between 0 and 1), it's a good start to put the threshold at 0.5 since that's exactly the middle of the range [0,1].
Now to your last question about choosing training and test points: This is quite difficult, you do that by experience. Where you're at, you start off by implementing simple logical functions like AND, OR, XOR etc. There's it's trivial. You put everything in your training set and test with the same values as your training set (since for x XOR y etc. there are only 4 possible inputs 00, 10, 01, 11). For complex data like images, audio etc. you'll have to try and tweak your data and features until you feel like the network can work with it as good as you want it to.
What do I use the test data for and how does that relate to the training data?
Usually, to asses how well a particular algorithm performs, one first trains it and then uses different data to test how well it does on data it has never seen before.
How do I know if a point is misclassified?
Your training data has labels, which means that for each point in the training set, you know what class it belongs to.
How do I go about choosing test points, training points, threshold or a bias?
For simple problems, you usually take all the training data and split it around 80/20. You train on the 80% and test against the remaining 20%.
I have several newbie questions about trainUntilConvergence in pyBrain.
trainUntilConvergence divides the data set into training and validation sets (defaults to 25% used for testing). Is this correct?
Is the error reported (when verbose=True) after each epoch the error on the validation set or the error against the training set?
Is the network considered converged (thus stopping execution) when the validation set's error is no longer reducing? Or when the error on the training set is no longer reducing? (I assume it's the former else why use a portion for validation?)
Is the section of data chosen for validation contiguous (e.g. the last x% of the data set) or does it choose x% of rows at random from the data?
According to the documentation trainUntilConvergence, takes in several parameters. It's shown below. Yes it defaults to 25% used as the validation set.
trainUntilConvergence(dataset=None, maxEpochs=None, verbose=None, continueEpochs=10, validationProportion=0.25)
You can change the validationProportion parameters to other values as you see fit. The proportion of validation set is debatable and has no one-value-fits-all proportion. You need to try them to fit your case.
The trainUntilConvergencemethod trains on your data set until the error on the validation set is no longer decreasing for a certain number of epochs. You can vary the number of epochs that the trainer considers before stopping the training by changing the continueEpochs parameter. It defaults to 10. In other words, if the error on the validation set does not improve in 10 consecutive epochs, the training is terminated. This is also known as the early stopping method and its widely used in training neural nets.
Regarding the contiguous of the validation set i'm not sure about it. But logically it should select on random picks.