Ruby if else syntax - ruby

I have an app where users can sign up with Facebook, in which case I take the Facebook image, or they can sign up using regular authentication, in which case they're uploading a photo using CarrierWave gem.
Because of some sort of conflict, I had to create a column in the database (:image)to store the url to the Facebook image, and then a different column (:dimage) to store the url for the image if they signed up using the non-facebook sign up.
So when it comes time to display the user, I'm checking to see if there's an :image, and, if not, then displaying the other :dimage.
However, I don't want to require them to upload an image, in which case, I want to display an anon image (here represented by the rails.png). However, the Rails.png isn't showing up (just a broken image path), so I'm assuming there's some sort of error with my if else syntax because the image_tag("rails.png") is taken straight from the api
<% if user.image %>
<%= image_tag user.image %>
<% elsif user.dimage %>
<%= image_tag user.dimage_url(:thumb).to_s %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag("rails.png") %>
<% end %>
The generated html on the rails.png
<img alt="Assets" src="/assets/">

Use the present? method to check if the attribute is not empty:
<% if user.image.present? %>
<%= image_tag user.image %>
<% elsif user.dimage.present? %>
<%= image_tag user.dimage_url(:thumb).to_s %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag("rails.png") %>
<% end %>
You'll save yourself a headache or two because in Ruby the only falsehoods are false and nil. This means that the empty string "" will actually return true.

You need to look at look into user.image.nil? user.image.empty? and user.image.blank? depending on what you're using and apply the same to the rest of your conditional. You need to find out specifically what your looking for or the if else won't give you what you want. I would try empty first which checks if something is nil or is an empty string.

When you create a new rails application, rails stores its logo in PROJECT_PATH/app/assets/images folder. Could you check if that image exists?


Retrieve data using for loop in Ruby

I have a question about using foreach loops in Ruby.
I want to display documents and am using a foreach loop in order to display these documents. It returns an error with the i variable inside of data["response"]["docs"][i]["topic"] which is a JSON string I am iterating over.
I do not understand why that is. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
If I simply do data["response"]["docs"][0]["topic"] it works fine but not with the i. Why is that?
(0..10).each do |i|
<%= i %> <br/>
<%= data["response"]["docs"][i]["topic"] %>
My question is, how many items are there in data["response"]["docs"]? Are there exactly 11? Either way I would use the following code instead:
<% data["response"]["docs"].each_with_index do |item, index| %>
<%= index %>
<%= item["topic"] %>
<% end %>
This iterates over the data["response"]["docs"] no matter how many there are (whether is is 1 doc or 20 docs) and stores the value in the variable named item. The each_with_index function gives you the index as well, stored in index, so you can display it later. If you only want the first 11 use:
<% data["response"]["docs"].first(11).each_with_index do |item, index| %>
This will grab a maximum of 11 doc items.
It's hard to tell what might be going wrong because you haven't posted the error, but if you're using a 10-element array, you want to do:
(0..9).each do |i|
With 0-based indexes, you should only use the range from 0-9, rather than 0-10. You may be getting an error because you're trying to access an element that isn't there (i.e. at index 10).
Even better is:
<% data["response"]["docs"].each do |document| %>
<%= document["topic"] %>
<% end %>
or if you need to print the index:
<% data["response"]["docs"].each_with_index do |document, index| %>
<%= index %> <br/>
<%= document["topic"] %>
<% end %>

How to display current username as a Link in RUBY?

<%= link_to ' ', user_path(current_user) %>
How do I make it so <% current user %> displays the current user as a link.
Because in ruby whatever goes inside Link to is written as a string and not displayed as Ruby's answer.
Use below code replace name with field that stores user's name
<%= link_to, user_path(current_user) %>

Puppet 3 loop execution only if variable is defined within a template

I am trying to create a loop only if index is defined. But it looks like
erb can't handle a loop within a if clause.
<% if(#index) %>
index <% index_files.each do |i| %> <%= i %> <% end %>;
<% end %>
Expected Result was:
index index.html index.php
Syntax error i got:
My flat approach failed as expected:
<% if(#index_files) %> try_files <% end %> <% index_files.each do |i| %> <%= i %> <% end %>
I defined index_files as undef => broke the each loop
I defined an empty array => since an empty array is defined it didn't work.
Maybe I can check the length of index_files?
Or do I need a complete different way to solve the problem?
I'm doing the same and it works for me, also for nginx ;).
For example:<% if #proxy_ignore_headers %> proxy_ignore_headers<% proxy_ignore_headers.each do |i| -%> <%= i %><% end -%>;
That works like a charm, the only difference with you is using () for the if condition, but I bet puppet supports (). It's weird, maybe you had pressed a bad combination generating a character that can't be seen but it's messing with your code, try writing all from scratch just in case.
You can see the full template here
Good luck
At first glance you just need to change

Rails- Index in form_for field names

I have a form that I am trying to build to edit multiple records. It's complicated, doesn't map straight to the database, and there can be any number of records. I have the code written so all of the data is passed to the view as a hash. Like this:
#formdata = {"datafield_1"=>"value_1", "datafield_2"=>"value_2"}
What I want to do is to create something like:
f.textfield :datafield_1
f.textfield :datafield_2
f.textfield :datafield_3
etc. etc. etc.
But I don't know how to pass the index of my for loop into the variable name. In short, how do I do :datafield_i where i is my index?
<% %w(1 2 3).each do |i| %>
<%= f.textfield(:"datafield_#{i}") -%>
<% end %>
<% #formdata.keys.each do |datafield| %>
<%= f.textfield(datafield.to_sym) -%>
<% end %>

glue multiples text boxes into one string

I am coding a web application in ruby on rails.
I have a set of text boxes in each one there is a character and i want to glue all these text boxes in order to make one word.
The text boxes are like this :
1 %>
any ideas ??
Well for starters dont use a for loop, they ugly.
Second I wouldn't use the text_field helper rather the text_field tag
<% (1..10).each do |n| %>
<%= text_field_tag "password[#{n}]" %>
<% end %>
That will return the password all nicely chunked up
