PhysX character kinematic library - physx

I am trying to use PhysX character kinematic, but I got to problem right at start. When I create the controller manager like this:
nxManager = PxCreateControllerManager( *nxFoundation );
which is at the end of my PhysX initialization function, but I get error:
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__PxCreateControllerManager referenced in function "void __cdecl InitPX(void)" (?InitPX##YAXXZ)
I do have PhysX3CharacterKinematic.lib linked in, I have tried rebuilding it from the SDK with various options (debug, release, ...) but I still can't get it to work. Any idea what might be wrong there? I am running PhysX SDK 3.1.2


can't build max/msp external with onnx-runtime, "LNK2019: unresolved external symbol..."

i am trying to write a max-external to do inference on an .onnx neural network on. i have followed several tutorials on certain steps but fail to combine them:
i managed to create a c++ console app in vs that loads my .onnx model and runs inference
(seting up vs-project and importing onnxruntime via nuget taken from here:
i managed to setup a vs-project with cmake that builds a working max-external (.mxe64)
when i import the onnxruntime nuget into the solution i created with cmake, i get linker errors as soon as i try to include the onnxruntime_cxx_api.h
mmm.hello-world.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol OrtGetApiBase referenced in function "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'public: static struct OrtApi const * const Ort::Global<void>::api_''(void)" (??__E?api_#?$Global#X#Ort##2PEBUOrtApi##EB##YAXXZ) [C:\Users\misch\Documents\Max 8\Packages\mmm\source\projects\mmm.hello-world\mmm.hell o-world.vcxproj]
screenshot of error msgs
i'd guess that this is just an issue of a missing path/directory somewhere but i have honestly no idea where to start there... i tried comparing the project properties between the two working tutorial projects but couldn't spot any notable differences.
appreciate any help or pointers in the right direction.

vkCreateDebugReportCallback EXT not linking, but every other functions in vulkan.h works perfectly

So I have been trying to learn Vulkan lately, and while trying to get the validation layers to work, I got error LNK2019:
1>Renderer.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT referenced in function "private: void __cdecl Renderer::_InitDebug(void)" (?_InitDebug#Renderer##AEAAXXZ)
Now the odd thing is that every other function in vulkan.h works perfectly.
I have vulkan-1.lib linked, and I run the AMD implementation of vulkan. The library is from the Vulkan SDK.
The debugging functions from debug_report_ext are not part of the Vulkan core. You need to dynamically load them from the instance via vkGetInstanceProcAddr after making sure that it's actually supported:
PFN_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT CreateDebugReportCallback = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
CreateDebugReportCallback = (PFN_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT");
See my Vulkan debugging helper unit for details.

vtk unresolved external symbol vtkdatasetreader

I have been stuck with a MFC-related problem for quite some time now. I have read through many forums, VTK-Users posts, etc. without any luck.
My basic problem is that vtkMFC.lib is not getting built; no matter how I build my project or configure it.
These are the steps I have followed:
Open VTK.sln on VS-2008 and build ONLY vtkMFC.sln.
Build entire solution.
{I have also tried with points 2 and 3 inter-changed with no result}
There are 6 erros; of which 3 are to do with the fact that vtkMFC.lib isn't there (for the examples. obviously). The rest are regarding a couple of resolved external symbols,
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class vtkDataSetReader * _cdecl vtkDataSetReader::New(void)" (_imp_?New#vtkDataSetReader##SAPAV1#XZ) referenced in function "protected: __thiscall CSampleDoc::CSampleDoc(void)" (??0CSampleDoc##IAE#XZ) in SampleDoc.obj
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: class vtkDataSet * _thiscall vtkDataSetReader::GetOutput(void)" (_imp_?GetOutput#vtkDataSetReader##QAEPAVvtkDataSet##XZ) referenced in function "public: virtual int __thiscall CSampleDoc::OnOpenDocument(char const *)" (?OnOpenDocument#CSampleDoc##UAEHPBD#Z) in SampleDoc.obj
The files generated in Debug/bin for vtkMFC solution are vtkMFC.dll, vtkMFC.idb, vtkMFC.ilk, vtkMFC.pdb.
I have also added vtkIO.lib to the projects that generated the error and the same erros continue along with another which says that vtkIO.lib isn't found.
Any help in this regard would be much appreciated.
Answer as of February 2013:
Turns out, there is some issue with VTK 5.10.1. Using 5.8.0 solved the problem.
Certain things to be kept in mind while building VTK from CMake:
If BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is selected (i.e., you want DLLs to be generated), then make sure all flags are set to /MD. If BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is unselected (i.e., you don't want DLLs to be generated and are linking via static libs), then make sure all flags are set to /MT.

How to use Thebes classes in latest XULRunner sdk?

I have C++ code running well with XULRunner from 7 up to 11 versions:
nsRefPtr<gfxWindowsSurface> targetSurface = new gfxWindowsSurface(hDC, gfxWindowsSurface::FLAG_FOR_PRINTING);
nsRefPtr<gfxContext> ctx = new gfxContext(targetSurface);
But when I tried to compile it with XULRunner 12 and later, it cause linkage errors:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall gfxContext::gfxContext(class gfxASurface *)" (??0gfxContext##QAE#PAVgfxASurface###Z)
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall gfxWindowsSurface::gfxWindowsSurface(struct HDC__ *,unsigned int)" (??0gfxWindowsSurface##QAE#PAUHDC__##I#Z)
I've make dumpbin for xul.lib and found that there are no any exports for THEBES API now. They were removed when SDK change version from 11 to 12.
Is it way to use gfxWindowsSurface and gfxContext in binary XPCOM in the latest xulrunner sdk`s?
The relevant change is bug 683891, also see bug 718985 for extended discussion. It seems that allowing third parties access graphics code directly is no longer considered desirable. So the answer to your question is: no, you can no longer do this with the stock XULRunner. So you can either look for alternative ways to achieve your goal (e.g. higher level drawing surfaces like <canvas> as suggested in the bug) or you can create your own XULRunner build with this particular patch reverted.

googletest and VS2010: cannot use EXPECT_EQ

I've converted a project to VS2010. It includes a googletest based unit test project. When I use the macro EXPECT_EQ, I get the following linker error:
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class testing::internal::String
__cdecl testing::internal::StrStreamToString(class std::basic_stringstream,class
std::allocator > *)" (?StrStreamToString#internal#testing##YA?
$allocator#D#2##std###Z) referenced in function "public: class
testing::internal::String __thiscall
testing::Message::GetString(void)const " (?
When I use EXPECT_TRUE, everything works fine. Does anybody know about this issue?
Thank you
EXPECT_EQ attempts to convert your data values into strings for display purposes; EXPECT_TRUE does not.
Without seeing your code, it would appear that you are testing a user type for which this functionality can be compiled but not linked ie is not implemented.
This is a common problem. If EXPECT_TRUE works, you might just want to stick to it.
