Binding current value to SelectList's display -

I've been able to correctly display a dictionary as a dropdownlist as well as pull it's value on a page submit. But on the GET (initial display) the selected item does not reflect the object's value. My controller is passing state:
ViewData["Status"] = new SelectList(AppHelper.WebinarStatuses, "Key", "Value", selectedStatus);
the View:
<%: Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Status, (ViewData["Status"] as SelectList), Model.Status )%>
I understand that I need to find the right overload of the DropDownListFor helper - I don't understand how I go about doing that. Small picture, what syntax forces the select list to display what the controller's sending - bigger picture, how do I discover/interpret which overload does what?
profuse thanks


MVC3 DropDownListFor Model is null on PostBack

I am using a DropDownListFor like this:
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedOrganisationValue, new SelectList(Model.OrganisationList, "Value", "Text"))
And I am also using:
As Attribute in the View.
So when I PostBack the View to the Server and the Required Attribute will fail, the View is showed again, but then Model is null. So I will get a NullReferenceException in Model.OrganisationList.
That is the default behaviour. As you know ,MVC does not rely on ViewState, It can not keep the content inside the drop down across Postbacks (generic term). You need to repopulate it again in the ActionMethod.

how to retrieve value of dropdown selection when form is not been submitted yet

I have following code
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.IDs, new SelectList(Model. IDs), Model.SelectedID)
So user selection from this combo bind to SelectedID property of the model. My understanding is that this binding happen only when form is submitted. Let’s say from the same page, I need to do an AJAX call but at this point ) Model.SelectedID does not provide any value because form hasn’t been submitted yet (although user has selected something from drop down). Any ideas how to best deal with this situation?
You can use javascript.
var selectedValue = $("#IDs").val();
bind a change event to your DD
var currVal = $(this).val();
//do ajax
As others have pointed you would get this value with javascript on the change of the drop down list.
I wanted to point out however, that your understanding of the overload you are using for the drop down list is incorrect. This overload will display a default option box label.
For example you could prompt the users to select select something from the list:
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.IDs, new SelectList(Model. IDs), "Select Something...")
If you were to post the form in your example as is, you can see the selected item come across in the form. If your view model is setup in such a fashion the model binder would take over and bind this value to your "SelectedID" property.
public string DropDown(FormCollection form)
var selectedItem = form["IDs"];
return selectedItem;

MVC Html.DropDownList selected value being overriden by QueryString value

I am using a dropdownlist in my view like so:
#Html.DropDownList("ClientId", Model.AvailableClients, "-- None --")
Model.AvailableClients is an IEnumerable one of the item's Selected property is set to true. If in the query string for the page request includes "ClientId=" (as in its not set) MVC ignores my selected item. I assume this is because MVC is trying to be helpful and set the selected item automatically using the querystring, but I dont want this.
How can I prevent the querystring value from overriding my item's selected value?
If the name you give your DropDownList is already the name of an element in your model then DropDownList will automatically override the selected value with the model value. If letting ClientId determine the selected value isn't an option then the only solution I know is to rename the DropDownList with a name not included in the model.
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.ClientId)
#Html.DropDownList("ClientIdNewName", Model.AvailableClients, "-- None --", new { onchange = "ClientId.value = this.value"})
This will keep the value in ClientId without making it the default selection value.

DropDownList MVC3

I am doing a edit operation on a record in Grid . One of the column is DropDownValue.
When I go to Edit View , depending upon this dropdownvalue , I make few fields editable and readable. And , One more point is here, I didnt select the dropdown Yet, But whatever its value selected before is the one which I should retrieve. I know I have to use jQuery .But I didnt exact Syntax to do tht.
Here is my dropdown
<div id="dvstatus">
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Study.StudyStatusId, Model.StatusSelectList, new { id = "ddlStatus" })
My requirement is how to get the dropdown value item , when it is loaded onto .cshtml
If you're not referring to the selected value of the dropdown then just pass the value from the controller to your view using your model if you're using a strongly-typed view or pass it some other way like using ViewBag and just set the value when it's passed on view.
You can add a hidden field to save the initially loaded value. Eg
<div id="dvstatus">
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Study.StudyStatusId)
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Study.StudyStatusId, Model.StatusSelectList, new { id = "ddlStatus" })
Then you can use java script to compare current value of the drop down and the value of the hidden field(which has the initial value).

mvc 3 html attributes

i have been playing around with MVC. I am currently stumped on with html helper methods. One thing i have noticed is that I cant really cant apply the ASP.NET Web Form logic into MVC. To explain further, in ASP.NET I could create a Label control and assign it some text data and then read the text data.
However, in MVC, I cant seem to do the same with #Html.LabelFor/#Html.Label, I have realised that once you do a POST from your form, the value from the Label is not bound back into my view model. However, if I use an EditorFor or TextBoxFor, I can get values bound to my viewmodel upon POST.
My question what html hlper method should I use to display text as readonly but yet be able to bind back to my viewmodel upon post ? I have tried TextBoxFor with its html attributes set to disabled and readonly but no luck.
Appreciate any pointers.
You should be able to bind the readonly attribute to the TextBox by passing in htmlAttributes as the 2nd parameter of the TextBoxFor method:
<%=Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SomeProperty, new { #readonly = "readonly" }) %>
On MSDN: InputExtensions.TextBoxFor Method (HtmlHelper, Expression>, Object)
If you're trying to maintain the Label value you can use a combination of the LabelFor and HiddenFor methods.
I don't know why you would need to do this though, since you should be able to get the DisplayText attribute or the Property Name from the property.
<%=Html.LabelFor(m => m.SomeProperty) %>
<%=Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SomeProperty) %>
but this doesn't make a lot of sense since the usual syntax would be:
<%=Html.LabelFor(m => m.SomeProperty) %>
<%=Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SomeProperty) %>
Note that if you use the disabled attribute the input will not be posted when the form is submitted
This is expected behaviour, only values form elements are added to your Model on POST so your label will be ignored. To get around this duplicate your label value in a hidden field
Html.HiddenFor(model => model.FieldName)
Html.Hidden("FieldName", model.FieldName)
