Can you pass ruby objects to haml during a render? - ruby

I'm trying to create a haml template that uses some data from my ruby app to fill in some content. Is it possible to pass arguments into haml to make it render correctly? Here's how I'm getting my haml template and rendering it:
template ='path/to/template.haml')
html =
So, is it possible to pass objects from the local Ruby script into the template file so that they the page is rendered correctly? Or, can I have the haml file pull in objects?
If this doesn't work, my only other idea is building up the template as a local string which seems more tedious to me. So, is there a different coding pattern that is more efficient for this job?

Check the docs:
(String) render(scope =, locals = {}, &block)
pass them as locals

Here is an example of how to do it using ruby:
template ='path/to/template.haml')
html =, :my_object => my_object)


Build Metadata File (txt file) containing JSON

I am building a command line app that will generate metadata files amongst other things. I have a series of values that I want included, and I would like to insert those values into json format and than write it to a .txt file.
The complicated part (to me at least) is some of the values are dynamic (i.e. they may change everytime a file is created), other parts of the json file will need to be static. Is there any sort of templating that may help with this? (json erb)
If I were to use a json erb template, how would I write the result of the template (after it has been populated) to a txt file since this is not a rails app and I thus would not be calling the view.
Thank you in advance for any help.
It seems like two things could be helpful to you, but your question is pretty open ended ...
First, if your json templates are complex (static and dynamic parts?) I suggest you look at a tool like RABL ...
There is a railscast on RABL here:
RABL lets you create templates for generating custom JSON output.
Regarding writing to a file, you may or may not need to call the controller first. But the flow would be something like:
require 'json'
def get_sample
#x = {:a => "apple", :b => "baker"}
render json: #x
You can call the controller and get the rendered json.
z = get_sample, 'w') { |file| file.write(z) }

render individual file in middleman

I am writing a helper and I need to get a rendered file as String.
I see that the method that I need exists in the middleman's library:
How do I call this function from my helper class?
I tried:
require "middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/core_extensions/rendering.rb"
puts Middleman::CoreExtensions::Rendering::InstanceMethods.render_individual_file(filepath)
But it does not seem to find the file, any idea?
I'm not sure 3.0 beta is quite ready for primetime.
That said, it does sound like the partial method is what you're looking for.
Unless I'm missing something, the Middleman method seems like an overly-complex solution. For one of my sites I wanted to load entire text files into my templates, so I wrote this helper:
# Shortcut for loading raw text files. Obviously assumes that given file is in a valid format.
# #return [String] File contents
def load_textfile(filename) filename.to_s
Also, you should clarify if you are intending to use this within a template, or within Ruby code. It's not clear to me based on your question.
Here is an example of how one would use above helper:
Currently of note, Middleman is in the process of transitioning to version 4, and the conventions for loading helpers will change. The most straightforward way to define a helper is within a helper block in your config.rb file, as follows:
helpers do
# Define helper functions here to make them available in templates
I use Slim for templating. It really is the best. In slim you would appply helper as thus:
= load_textfile 'path'
p You can embed helper output in your page with interpolation, too: #{load_textfile 'path'}

Ruby: How to use generate HTML with dynamic values?

I am writing a Ruby script that will generate a large flat HTML menu for my website, I could generate this menu on the fly each time a page loads, but I think doing so is a waste of resources, especially as this will almost never need to change.
I want to effectively do the following (in semi-sudocode):
part_of_my_menu = eval %{
<script type="text/javascript">
var mapper = new Array();
<% parent_categories.each_with_index do |parent_category,i| -%>
mapper["#{}"] = <%= i -%>;
<% end -%>
and then be able to write the part_of_my_menu string variable to a HTML file (this I can do).
I know this is not how eval works in Ruby but does anyone know how to achieve this same "wrapper" functionality?
(fyi - the code I want to wrap with my "eval" function is much longer than this, I've only posted a very small snippet to illustrate what I am trying to achieve)
ERB is part of the standard library so you could do things like this:
tmpl = %q{<script type="text/javascript">...</script>}
erb =
parent_categories = [ ... ]
part_of_my_menu = erb.result
The ERB documentation contains some good examples of how to use it.
You don't need a hand rolled eval construction, you can use standard existing libraries and your existing knowledge.
You might be interested in the dom gem that I have developed. You can generate HTML strings like this:
require "dom"
["foo".dom(:span, class: "bold"), "bar"].dom(:div).dom(:body).dom(:html)
# => "<html><body><div><span class=\"bold\">foo</span>bar</div></body></html>"

How to access sinatra class variable in coffeescript template

How can I access ruby instance variable from within coffeescript template?
In sinatra documentation it's said that templates are evaluated within same scope as rout that invoke that template.
So, I have following sinatra app:
require "sinatra"
require "coffee-script"
get '/app.js' do
#str = "Hello"
coffee :app
and in views/app.coffe file I would like to use #strvariable. Is it possible? If so, how can I access #str variable?
It could be possible only if you'll process coffee source file with something like erb. So if you'd use rails assets pipeline you can just append .erb to file extension and the file will be processed with erb before sending it to coffee I think in sinatra you'll have to wrap up something similar yourself.
The idea will be close to this one -
P.S: accessing variables from different layers of application is bad idea anyway.
You have amultistage template compilation process in RAILS driven by a gem called sprockets. You start with a file for example called /app/views/foo/
class <%= #magic %>
doSomthing: ->
console.log "hello"
In your controller you add the instance variable
#magic = "Crazy"
Rails first processes the erb file and generates
class Crazy
doSomething: ->
console.log "hello"
Secondly it processes the coffeescript file to generate
var Crazy;
Crazy = (function() {
function Crazy() {}
Crazy.prototype.doSomething = function() {
return console.log("hello");
return Crazy;
That is why it is called the asset pipeline. More conventionally you could call it
a compilation pipeline. If you know what you are doing you might be able to get sprockets running with Sinatra. However your life would be easier if you just used Rails 3.1 from
the start.
I wrote this for Rails:
but it can be easily adapted for Sinatra.
It lets you use Eco and CoffeeKup templates inside a Rails application, with the ruby models exposed to Coffeescript.

Partial HAML templating in Ruby without Rails

I really don’t need the overhead of Rails for my very small project, so I’m trying to achieve this just using just plain Ruby and HAML.
I want to include another HAML file inside my HAML template. But I haven’t found a good—or really usable—way of doing this.
For example, I have these two HAML files:
= include(menu.haml) body
%article …
%a whatever …
Include is obviously not the way to go here. But it does a nice job describing what I’m trying to achieve in this example.
I totally recommend the Tilt gem for these things. It provides a standard interface for rendering many different template langages with the same API, lets you set custom scope and locals, lets you use yield, and is robust and fast. Sinatra is using it for templates.
require 'haml'
require 'tilt'
template ='path/to/file.haml')
# => #<Tilt::HAMLTemplate #file="path/to/file.haml" ...>
layout ='path/to/layout.haml')
output = layout.render { template.render }
This lets you yield inside the layout to get the rendered template, just like Rails. As for partials, David already described a simple and nice way to go.
But actually, if what you're writing is going to be served over HTTP, i suggest you take a look at Sinatra, which already provides templating, and has the simplest request routing you could imagine.
I've done this before, just for a quick-and-dirty template producer. The easiest way is to just render the HAML inside the parent object:
%p some haml that's interesting
='%p this is a test').render
%p some more template
You'll more than likely want to build some methods to make this easier--a couple of helper methods. Maybe you write one called render_file that takes a filename as an argument. That method might look something like:
def render_file(filename)
contents =
Then, your template would look more like:
%p some template
= render_file('some_filename.haml')
%p more template
Note, you will probably need to pass self to the original Haml::Engine render so that it knows how to find your render_file method.
I've had great success just using the instructions posted by David Richards in a concatenated way, without variables, like this:
There's obviously a more elegant way. But for someone who just wants to include one or two files, this should work nicely. It's a drawback that all base files using these includes have to be recompiled after some changes to the latter. It might be worthwile to just use php include if the environment allows that.
def render_file(filename)
contents ='views/'+filename)
(Adding this semi-redundant answer to show how one might incorporate the techniques from other answers.)
Include something like this in your setup code to monkey-patch the Haml library.
module Haml::Helpers
def render_haml(filename)
contents ="app", "assets", "templates", filename))
Then in your Haml file
= render_haml('partial.haml')
Obviously this is a Rails-ish example (because I wanted to use HAML in my asset pipeline instead of as views)... You will want to replace Rails.root.join(...) with a way to find filename in your project's templates or partials directory.
