Hide buy button in product page in same products - magento

I have one issue. It's able to make in magento that in some products don't show add to cart button. Because I want make these products just informational and not buyable.
Is any hack in magento like this?

You could add a custom attribute to your products that would mark them as not available for sale. After doing this, you can just modify your templates to not show the buy/add to cart buttons if the attribute is set to true.
Of course, good practice would suggest that you also prevent these products from actually being added to the cart manually, just hook an observer to the card add event and check for the attribute and skip if it's set to true.

It's not necessary to customize code
just set product stock 0 then enable Display Out of Stock Products
set product stock 0
Enable Display Out of Stock Products
Set Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart to 1
that's it.
When customer want to add product to cart, the system will not accept is because of the stock level.
PS : I suggest this technique is because of your request which you specified "but buyable" in your question.

Here is the extension Click here for extension which I guess is suitable for your question:
Call For Price


Volusion Soft Add To Cart - Show cart Total instead of Subtotal

In the Volusion shopping carts "soft add to cart" feature, which is turned on in product options with "Enable Add To Cart Popup", the popup shows the "Subtotal" of products currently in the cart.
The issue is this Subtotal does not include quantity discounts and therefore shows customers a higher price than the actual Subtotal after discounts are applied.
For that reason, we would like to display the cart Total, which includes any quantity discounts applied.
The problem is, I cannot find a place where this can be done in the HTML we have access to and if I were to find it, I'm not sure of the proper Volusion syntax to use to call up the Total instead of the Subtotal.
I had a different issue, but the same problem (soft add to cart did not display the proper info).
In my case, we allow engraving on our products, for an additional charge, and when selected this option was not displayed in the popup cart. As a result, customers were not sure if they chose it or not.
My solution was to add a Shopping Cart block to the page, as part of the template, using jQuery.
If you call http://yourUrl/AjaxCart.asp you'll see the discount info you need in the JSON data, as well as the line items in the order.

Limit cart to 1 product per attribute/type - Magento

Our company sells pharmaceuticals online and by law we are limited to how much of a particular drug a customer can purchase.
For singular products with one brand this is easily controllable through default Magento functionality, my problem arises when we have different brands of a particular drug.
In a nutshell I can currently limit a customer to 1 pack of paracetamol from brand A but there is nothing to stop them getting another pack from brand B at the same time.
I would like to be able to check the cart for products with a particular attribute and limit them to 1 per cart. Ideally this would be when the customer clicks add to cart and the message would be displayed via the default Magento alerts that we currently have.
EDIT: I think the easiest way to solve this would be to check the SKU codes currently in the basket when adding a product to the cart. If there is a match, Throw up an error else add the item to the cart.
I think this link will help you but you need to modify as per your requirement. http://ceckoslab.com/magento/magento-check-if-product-is-in-cart/..
This link is to check the cart whether the same product is added or not? So modify this as per you requirement
You can set maximum allowed quantity in cart from admin panel. System->configuration. From left tab see catalog->inventory. Set Maximum qty allowed in shopping cart to 1.
If you want to add check on whole cart. see this paid extension

Magento - product that are not for sale

Does anyone know how to list products in Magento that are not for sale? I still want the items to appear in the store, but I would like the "Add to cart" function to be disabled. This seems like it would be something that is easy to set up, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Thanks in advance!
Set stock level to zero and disable backorders.
Our store uses this on occasion- Adding to what dick mentioned :
Set Stock to 0.
If your store allows out of stock items to be visible, then this will work immediately.
If you do not allow items to be visible once they are out of stock, you'll need to switch this setting in the backend.
Alternatively, you could set up a new product attribute that replaces the add to cart button with something different (more info button, popup, etc).
If you want to display for sale only then set it's stock qty to 0 and try to set option from admin like this go to your admin side click on system->configuration->catalog->inventory and set yes Display Out of Stock Products so that the product is display on front side without add to cart functionality
Hope this will help you

Add two products to magento Shopping Cart simultaneously on click of add to cart button

I have been working on a LiftSuggest - an automatic Product Recommendations generator.
Now,I have introduced a bundling functionality which will bundle two products and assign discount.
For example,
On product page of A of the client's site,I(LiftSuggest) displays a bundle Saying "Buy A and B together and avail 10% off on net value". Now, when the user clicks on the add to cart button , I want both the products to be added simultaneously to cart. I had implemented the solution proposed on this link, but I need the products to be added on click of add to cart button,without entering the quantity or providing the check box.Just imagine that you can see a box( container) containing two products and on click of add to cart button-in that div container itself, both of them should be added to cart.I can make out that I need to store both the products in session, but I don't know exactly how to proceed.
Scripting language used:PHP
Please Help!
There are cart rules for various shopping carts. You can manipulate those rules through coding and achieve the desired output.

Product options and Add To Cart button don't appear on some pages in Magento

I have this issue where on some products the Add To Cart button and product options do not show up on the page. I have traced the code and have determined the problem is with the isSaleable attribute.
Tracing the code it seems like it should be returning true and if I hard code true in the isSaleable function everything shows up correctly. It seems to only be doing this for configurable products. Looking at the code and it looks like to me that the Config product bases the isSaleable on whether the product is enabled or disabled.
My question is, am I missing something else here and what would the repercussions would be if I were to just make that function return true all the time? We do not really use stock tracking.
It's been a while since I've worked with Magento CE, but I think isSaleable is tied to the stock management system. I think you need to check the stock options and mark it in stock (with, of course, the product set to enabled). I would avoid hardcoding any of the functions if possible.
Edit: Did you try Inventory -> Manage Stock to "No" ? This is kind of a no-brainer, but products are set to be disabled by default, so General -> Status to "Enabled" is also required.
Products not displaying and/or displaying "out of stock" is a common Magento "gotcha".
To help myself and others troubleshoot this frustrating issue, I've compiled this checklist from this excellent SE answer:
Magento products will not show in category
and have added #7, to address a possible Magento Enterprise Edition cause of the hidden / out of stock products problem.
The products must be Visible in Catalog.
The products must be Enabled.
Product must have a stock Quantity.
The product must be set to In Stock. If the product is set not to track stock, it still has to have a stock Quantity and be set to In Stock.
The product must be assigned to the target Category.
If using multi-website mode (or if you imported the products through Data Flow), the products must be assigned to the target Website.
Check Admin > Catalog > Categories > Catalog Events - make sure there is not a "closed" Catalog Event applying to your Categor(y/ies) or Product(s)
Refresh your Cache / Indices.
