Iterating over Ruby hash while comparing values to another Ruby hash - ruby

I have 2 Ruby objects that I am converting to hashes: one from XML and another from JSON. When I puts the variable name I get hash, so it appears that I'm doing that correctly.
The format is several records in the format below.
Format of hash one (smithjj being a unique username):
{ smithjj => {office => 331, buidling => 1} }
Format of hash 2:
"dmd:date"=>"2012-03-06", "Record"=>{"PCI"=>{"DPHONE3"=>nil, "OPHONE3"=>"111",
"DTY_DOB"=>"1956", "TEACHING_INTERESTS"=>nil, "FAX1"=>"123", "ROOMNUM"=>"111",
"DTD_DOB"=>"5", "DTM_DOB"=>"11", "WEBSITE"=>"", "FAX2"=>"324",
"ENDPOS"=>"Director", "LNAME"=>"Smith", "FAX3"=>"4891", "MNAME"=>"Thomas",
"GENDER"=>"Male", "ALT_NAME"=>nil, "PFNAME"=>"TG", "id"=>"14101823488",
"RESEARCH_INTERESTS"=>nil, "BIO"=>"", "CITIZEN"=>"Yes", "EMAIL"=>"test#email",
"SUFFIX"=>nil, "DPHONE1"=>nil}, "termId"=>"234", "IndexEntry"=>{"text"=>"Other",
"indexKey"=>"DEPARTMENT", "entryKey"=>"Other"}, "dmd:surveyId"=>"23424",
"username"=>"smithers", "userId"=>"23324"}, "xmlns"=>""}}
I want to iterate over each unique username in the first hash and compare values from the PCI section of the second hash to the values in the first hash. The keys are different names so I planned on pairing them up.
I've tried several ways of doing it, but I keep getting a string integer error, so I must not be iterating correctly. I'm doing an .each do block, but all the examples I see show a simple hash, not a key => key => value, key => value.
Any direction is much appreciated.

Here's how you should be able to do the iteration properly for hashes, if you're not already using this:
h = {:foo => 42, :bar => 43, 44 => :baz}
h.each {|key, val| puts "The value at #{key} is #{val}."}
This produces:
The value at foo is 42.
The value at bar is 43.
The value at 44 is baz.
As for the last part of your question, could you please make it a little clearer? e.g., what error are you getting exactly? This could help us understand the issue more.
EDIT: If what you'd like to do is compare certain values against others, try something like this:
h1 = {:foo => 42, :bar => 43, 44 => :baz, :not_used => nil}
h2 = {:life_universe => 42, :fourty_three => 45, :another_num => 44, :unused => :pancakes}
# Very easy to add more
comparisons = {:foo => :life_universe, :bar => :fourty_three, :baz => :another_num}
def all_match_up?(hash1, hash2, comps)
comparisons.each {|key, val|
if key != val
# They don't match!
puts "#{key} doesnt match #{val}!"
return false
# They all match!
all_match_up?(h1, h2, comparisons)
Try this to see what happens ;)


using a string or key-val pair as a method argument

Is there a better way to write this? basically I want to add an argument to a hash. if the argument is a key-val pair, then id like to add it as is. if the argument is a string i'd like to add it as a key with a nil value. the below code works, but is there a more appropriate (simple) way?
2nd question, does calling an each method on an array with two arguments |key, val| automatically convert an array to a hash as it appears to?
#some_hash = {}
def some_method(input)
if input.is_a? Hash
input.each {|key, val| #some_hash[key] = val}
input.split(" ").each {|key, val| #some_hash[key] = val}
some_method("key" => "val")
This gives the result as instructed in the question, but it works differently from the code OP gave (which means that the OP's code does not work as it says):
#some_hash = {}
def some_method(input)
case input
when Hash then #some_hash.merge!(input)
when String then #some_hash[input] = nil
some_method("foo" => "bar")
#some_hash # => {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => nil}
Second question
An array is never automatically converted to a hash. What you are probably mentioning is the fact that the elements of an array within an array [[:foo, :bar]] can be referred to separately in:
[[:foo, :bar]].each{|f, b| puts f; puts b}
# => foo
# => bar
That is due to destructive assignment. When necessary, Ruby takes out the elements of an array as separate things and tries to adjust the number of variables. It is the same as:
f, b = [:foo, :bar]
f # => :foo
b # => :bar
Here, you don't get f # => [:foo, :bar] and b # => nil.

Getting an array of hash values given specific keys

Given certain keys, I want to get an array of values from a hash (in the order I gave the keys). I had done this:
class Hash
def values_for_keys(*keys_requested)
result = []
keys_requested.each do |key|
result << self[key]
return result
I modified the Hash class because I do plan to use it almost everywhere in my code.
But I don't really like the idea of modifying a core class. Is there a builtin solution instead? (couldn't find any, so I had to write this).
You should be able to use values_at:
values_at(key, ...) → array
Return an array containing the values associated with the given keys. Also see
h = { "cat" => "feline", "dog" => "canine", "cow" => "bovine" }
h.values_at("cow", "cat") #=> ["bovine", "feline"]
The documentation doesn't specifically say anything about the order of the returned array but:
The example implies that the array will match the key order.
The standard implementation does things in the right order.
There's no other sensible way for the method to behave.
For example:
>> h = { :a => 'a', :b => 'b', :c => 'c' }
=> {:a=>"a", :b=>"b", :c=>"c"}
>> h.values_at(:c, :a)
=> ["c", "a"]
i will suggest you do this:{|key,value| given_keys.include?(key)}.values

Bidirectional Hash table in Ruby

I need a bidirectional Hash table in Ruby. For example:
h = {:abc => 123, :xyz => 789, :qaz => 789, :wsx => [888, 999]}
h.fetch(:xyz) # => 789
h.rfetch(123) # => abc
h.rfetch(789) # => [:xyz, :qaz]
h.rfetch(888) # => :wsx
Method rfetch means reversed fetch and is only my proposal.
Note three things:
If multiple keys map at the same value then rfetch returns all of them, packed in array.
If value is an array then rfetch looks for its param among elements of the array.
Bidirectional Hash means that both fetch and rfetch should execute in constant time.
Does such structure exists in Ruby (including external libraries)?
I thought about implementing it using two one-directional Hashes synchronized when one of them is modified (and packing it into class to avoid synchronization problems) but maybe I could use an already existing solution?
You could build something yourself pretty easily, just use a simple object that wraps two hashes (one for the forward direction, one for the reverse). For example:
class BiHash
def initialize
#forward = { |h, k| h[k] = [ ] }
#reverse = { |h, k| h[k] = [ ] }
def insert(k, v)
def fetch(k)
fetch_from(#forward, k)
def rfetch(v)
fetch_from(#reverse, v)
def fetch_from(h, k)
return nil if(!h.has_key?(k))
v = h[k]
v.length == 1 ? v.first : v.dup
Look ups will behave just like normal hash lookups (because they are normal hash lookups). Add some operators and maybe decent to_s and inspect implementations and you're good.
Such a thing works like this:
b =
b.insert(:a, 'a')
b.insert(:a, 'b')
b.insert(:a, 'c')
b.insert(:b, 'a')
b.insert(:c, 'x')
puts b.fetch(:a).inspect # ["a", "b", "c"]
puts b.fetch(:b).inspect # "a"
puts b.rfetch('a').inspect # [:a, :b]
puts b.rfetch('x').inspect # :c
puts b.fetch(:not_there).inspect # nil
puts b.rfetch('not there').inspect # nil
There's nothing wrong with building your tools when you need them.
There is no such structure built-in in Ruby.
Note that Hash#rassoc does something similar, but it returns only the first match and is linear-time:
h = {:abc => 123, :xyz => 789, :qaz => 789, :wsx => [888, 999]}
h.rassoc(123) # => [:abc, 123]
Also, it isn't possible to fullfill your requirements in Ruby in a perfectly safe manner, as you won't be able to detect changes in values that are arrays. E.g.:
h = => 42, :bar => [:hello, :world])
h.rfetch(:world) # => :bar
h[:bar] # => [:world]
h.rfetch(:world) # => should be nil, but how to detect this??
Computing a hash everytime to detect a change will make your lookup linear-time. You could duplicate the array-values and freeze them, though (like Ruby does for Hash keys that are strings!)
What you seem to need is a Graph class, which could have a different API than a Hash, no? You can check out rgl or similar, but I don't know how they're implemented.
Good luck.
There is a Hash#invert method ( to achieve this. It won't map multiple values to an array though.
Try this:
class Hash
def rfetch val
select { |k,v| v.is_a?(Array) ? v.include?(val) : v == val }.map { |x| x[0] }
If you're not doing lots of updates to this hash, you might be able to use inverthash.

hash assignment when (key => value) are stored in an array? (ruby)

I have hash (#post) of hashes where I want to keep the order of the hash's keys in the array (#post_csv_order) and also want to keep the relationship key => value in the array.
I don't know the final number of both #post hashes and key => value elements in the array.
I don't know how to assign the hash in a loop for all elements in the array. One by one #post_csv_order[0][0] => #post_csv_order[0][1] works nicely.
# require 'rubygems'
require 'pp'
#post = {}
forum_id = 123 #only sample values.... to make this sample script work
post_title = "Test post"
#post_csv_order = [
["ForumID" , forum_id],
["Post title", post_title]
if #post[forum_id] == nil
#post[forum_id] = {
#post_csv_order[0][0] => #post_csv_order[0][1],
#post_csv_order[1][0] => #post_csv_order[1][1] {|element| element[0] => element[1]}
##post_csv_order.each_index {|index| #post_csv_order[index][0] => #post_csv_order[index][1] }
pp #post
desired hash assignment should be like that
{123=>{"Post title"=>"Test post", "ForumID"=>123}}
The best way is to use to_h:
[ [:foo,1],[:bar,2],[:baz,3] ].to_h #=> {:foo => 1, :bar => 2, :baz => 3}
Note: This was introduced in Ruby 2.1.0. For older Ruby, you can use my backports gem and require 'backports/2.1.0/array/to_h', or else use Hash[]:
array = [[:foo,1],[:bar,2],[:baz,3]]
# then
Hash[ array ] #= > {:foo => 1, :bar => 2, :baz => 3}
This is available in Ruby 1.8.7 and later. If you are still using Ruby 1.8.6 you could require "backports/1.8.7/hash/constructor", but you might as well use the to_h backport.
I am not sure I fully understand your question but I guess you want to convert a 2d array in a hash.
So suppose you have an array such as:
array = [[:foo,1],[:bar,2],[:baz,3]]
You can build an hash with:
hash = array.inject({}) {|h,e| h[e[0]] = e[1]; h}
# => {:foo=>1, :bar=>2, :baz=>3}
And you can retrieve the keys in correct order with:
keys = array.inject([]) {|a,e| a << e[0] }
=> [:foo, :bar, :baz]
Is it what you were looking for ?
Answers summary
working code #1
#post[forum_id] = #post_csv_order.inject({}) {|h,e| h[e[0]] = e[1]; h}
working code #2
#post[forum_id] = Hash[*#post_csv_order.flatten]
working code #3
#post[forum_id] ||= Hash[ #post_csv_order ] #requires 'require "backports"'

How can I assign multiple values to a hash key?

For the sake of convenience I am trying to assign multiple values to a hash key in Ruby. Here's the code so far
myhash = { :name => ["Tom" , "Dick" , "Harry"] }
Looping through the hash gives a concatenated string of the 3 values
name : TomDickHarry
Required Output:
:name => "Tom" , :name => "Dick" , :name => "Harry"
What code must I write to get the required output?
myhash.each_pair {|k,v| v.each {|n| puts "#{k} => #{n}"}}
#name => Tom
#name => Dick
#name => Harry
The output format is not exactly what you need, but I think you get the idea.
The answers from Rohith and pierr are fine in this case. However, if this is something you're going to make extensive use of it's worth knowing that the data structure which behaves like a Hash but allows multiple values for a key is usually referred to as a multimap. There are a couple of implementations of this for Ruby including this one.
You've created a hash with the symbol name as the key and an array with three elements as the value, so you'll need to iterate through myhash[:name] to get the individual array elements.
re: the issue of iterating over selective keys. Try using reject with the condition inverted instead of using select.
e.g. given:
{:name=>["Tom", "Dick", "Harry"], :keep=>[4, 5, 6], :discard=>[1, 2, 3]}
where we want :name and :keep but not :discard
with select: { |k, v| [:name, :keep].include?(k) }
=> [[:name, ["Tom", "Dick", "Harry"]], [:keep, [4, 5, 6]]]
The result is a list of pairs.
but with reject:
myhash.reject { |k, v| ![:name, :keep].include?(k) }
=> {:name=>["Tom", "Dick", "Harry"], :keep=>[4, 5, 6]}
The result is a Hash with only the entries you want.
This can then be combined with pierr's answer:
hash_to_use = myhash.reject { |k, v| ![:name, :keep].include?(k) }
hash_to_use.each_pair {|k,v| v.each {|n| puts "#{k} => #{n}"}}
