How to build maven project without version? - maven

I have a maven project that I want to build without version.
Now, when I build the project using maven, it creates this commonjerseylib-1.0.war but I need this commonjerseylib.war to be created.
In addition to that, I remove <version> tag from pom.xml but still Maven is creating with war with version 1.0 by default.
My pom.xml :
How to build it without version ?

You will always need a version number for a project, however it is possible to change the name of the generated package (JAR, WAR, EAR, etc.) through the <finalName> element in the POM.
or in older versions of maven:
By default, the finalName is ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}, but this can be changed to something else. This will only affect the name of the package created in the target directory; the file name in the local repository and uploaded to remote repositories will always have a version number.
See the POM reference documentation for more information.

in maven war plugin in build, change
<warName> ${artifactId} </warName>
<!-- web.xml is not mandatory since JavaEE 5 -->

I fixed it with the below lines of code in the pom


includeSystemScope Parameter in pom.xml not working

I'm tring to include a custom jar in my Spingboot application. In my case the additional jar contains a custom font for jasper Report.
This is my "system" decendency
The system package is visible while I debug my application in my IDE but when I'm done and I what to generate the package for production deploy
mvn install -DskipTests
My system package is not included the final jar.
Is there anything missing in my maven configuration?
If this is a multi-module project, you probably need to define the configuration section in the parent pom.
I have spent almost a day debugging this and it seems the configuration set in the child pom is not enough to get this to work. My guess is that the dependencies are calculated early in the build and the includeSystemScope option set in the child module is processed too late to be applied.

Lib folder gets packaged with eclipse plugin jar while building through tycho

I am trying to build eclipse plugin using tycho-compiler-plugin from maven.
I have resolved many bundled dependencies from p2 repo. I have some jar dependencies which are present in bundle-classpath in -
Bundle-ClassPath: .,
These jars are present in lib folder which is present at root level i.e where pom is present.
POM file looks like -
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Now ti builds eclipse plugin properly , but while packaging it also includes lib folder. Attached jar screenshot -
I want to exclude this lib folder from jar.I have tried configuration in tycho-packaging-jar plugin to exclude it. But not working. How to exclude it?
Using a <directory> or <buildDirectory> outside the current project’s base directory looks fairly non-standard. In fact, I have never had the need to explicit configure either of these – or <sourceDirectory>, for that matter. That’s what the file is for, which is the default way to configure these things in both Eclipse PDE and Tycho.
From the screenshot it looks like there is no file present. I would suggest you configure the various locations through its properties rather than through POM elements. Something along the lines of this example, with bin.includes and bin.excludes handling your JAR inclusions.

Intellij IDEA artifact 'XXXX:war exploded' has invalid extension

Every time I make even the tiniest change to my POM Intellij removes the .war extension for my exploded artifact in the Project Structure output directory setting. This causes an error in Intellij's Run/Debug configuration:
Artifact 'XXXX:war exploded' has invalid extension.
In order to resolve the issue I must manually override the Project Structure output directory setting. Every time I make even the tiniest change to the POM I must go back to the Output directory setting and manually append ".war" to the end of the Output directory setting. This is getting very old and frustrating.
e.g. I must change this:
to this:
If I manually set the Maven WAR plugin outputDirectory configuration as follows, this does not help at all:
<!-- Output directory of artifact:war exploded keeps losing the .war extension -->
How can I resolve this problem?
Here's the complete build config:
<!-- Maven will append the version to the finalName (which is the name
given to the generated war, and hence the context root) -->
<!-- Compiler plugin enforces Java 1.6 compatibility and activates annotation
processors -->
<!-- Output directory of artifact:war exploded keeps losing the .war extension -->
<!-- Java EE 7 doesn't require web.xml, Maven needs to catch up! -->
<!-- The WildFly plugin deploys your war to a local WildFly container -->
<!-- To use, run: mvn package wildfly:deploy -->
I discovered that one solution is to append ".war" to ${project.artifactId} in the build configuration, e.g.:
and remove outputDirectory from the plugin configuration. So the build config should look like this:
Maven will make finalName the name of the generated war.
NOTE: Output directory of artifact:war exploded keeps losing the .war extension
The solution is to append ".war" to ${project.artifactId}, below:
<!-- Compiler plugin enforces Java 1.6 compatibility and activates annotation
processors -->
<!-- Java EE 7 doesn't require web.xml, Maven needs to catch up! -->
<!-- The WildFly plugin deploys your war to a local WildFly container -->
<!-- To use, run: mvn package wildfly:deploy -->
DISCLAIMER: If you use this workaround just be aware that when you deploy an unexploded WAR artifact the file name will be named XXXX.war.war. It works -- I deployed the artifact as a WAR file in Intellij -- but it's ugly.
INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "XXXX.war.war" (runtime-name: "XXXX.war.war)"
If someone can tell me how to configure the Intellij project to work with Maven to select one or the other finalName values depending on whether I'm deploying a WAR file vs. exploded artifact then this question will be sufficiently answered.
<!-- Exploded artifact -->
<!-- WAR file (unexploded) artifact -->
There's a way to fix this in IntelliJ, without changing your pom.xml file(s), by adding an artifact with a reference to the exploded war (or in my case, the exploded ear) and it won't get stomped every time IntelliJ re-imports the maven pom(s). Here's how:
Stop/undeploy your current artifact deployment
Edit your run config, and in the Deployment tab, remove the current exploded war/ear artifact
Open the project's Artifacts settings and add a new artifact
Use the plus button to add a new war or (in my case) ear exploded artifact
Give it a name, then edit the Output directory to add the appropriate extension (.war or .ear)
In the Output Layout section where you see <output root>, use the plus button to add an Artifact
Select the desired exploded artifact
Edit your run config again, and in the Deployment tab, add the new workaround exploded artifact
Thanks to Nikolay Chashnikov for describing this in his comment on the bug report
Actually, you should leave the finalName attribute alone, otherwise you'll get the problems you describe. Rather, you should change the config for the maven war plugin to use the webappDirectory like this:
If we are talking about WAR inside EAR there is another way to resolve your problem by using correct configuration inside maven-ear-plugin. WAR pom.xml should be left as is, without any changes, but EAR pom.xml should contains something like this. (please, pay your attention to <unpack>${unpack.wars}</unpack>)
and then you can add profiles default and debug for proper artifact assembling.
use debug profile inside IntelliJ IDEA for expanding wars and default profile for building artifacts in command line or CI (default profile would be active if no profile were provided, so your build will works as previously).
With this solution HotSwap and resources updates works as expected.
Hope this helps.
I think it's the same as this question: IntelliJ Artifact has invalid extension
Add a .war extension to the output directory as shown in my answer:

Why would a maven-war-plugin generate a JAR instead of a WAR?

I am following this Contract first using CXF tutorial and while the resulting pom.xml generates sources and even completes build successfully, it fails to create a WAR file.
Instead, it creates a JAR file.
My understanding is that the part in the pom.xml that's responsible for creating the WAR is:
I don't see any <goal> or <execution> element there (unlike in the build-helper-maven-plugin one), but I also understand that with this plugin this is implied as even the official usage page demonstrates:
So... what am I missing?
What could possibly explain a maven-war-plugin that behaves in unexpected way like this and produces a JAR instead of a WAR by default?
Is there a way to force it to produce a WAR?
packaging should be as below.
if it won't help then try binding your plug-in configuration with a lifecycle phase.
in your project definition , please check if packaging is missing or not , it should be some thing like this .
<artifactId>My Web Application</artifactId>
<description>My First Web Application</description>
By default maven war plugin binds to package phase of the lifecycle ,so its important that we should mention the type of packaging we want once the build is done.
I would like to suggest to have a look at the Maven specs for war plugin.

Maven - Calling a module from Parent POM based on the profile

I have a module which is supposed to produce two artifacts (war's). The only difference between the two WAR's is the web.xml being used.
I did this with the help of Maven Profiles...
Q1: How can I call this POM from super POM so that both the Profiles are activated?
Q2: Is it possible to install both the generated artifacts in Local repository?
When you want to activate several profiles at the same time, you simply have to run mvn ... -Pprofile1,profile2 command.
However, in your case, this is against one main Maven convention, which states that one project = one artifact. This means that you can't create 2 WAR at the same time. If you activate both profiles, one configuration of the maven-war-plugin will be overriden by the second profile, and then, you will finally get 1 WAR, with one web.xml.
If you want to get 2 WARs, the solution are to use WAR overlay (i.e. the second war is another project that depends on war #1), or run two separate Maven commands, one per profile.
