Visual Studio extension to show which command has been just executed? - visual-studio

Is there a Visual Studio 2010 / 11 extension that would somehow monitor all commands that the developer is executing, either via mouse or keyboard, and show them in some window?
For IntelliJ IDEA, there is a plugin that can show keyboard shortcuts for actions executed on manus and toolbars. I am looking for something slightly different but for Visual Studio I couldn't find anything even remotely similar.
Any tips?


How can I enable intellisense for the C# Interactive window in Visual Studio Professional 16.8.5?

When I am writing code in the C# Interactive window I noticed that there was no intellisense. I have seen several articles that say intellisense is supported in the C# Interactive window. I assume that the problem must be with my installation, but I'm not sure what to check to get this working.
How can I enable the intellisense?

Ctrl-Shift-V not working in Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2013?

I was using VS 2012 in Windows 7. Yesterday, I installed Windows 8 and installed Visual Studio 2013.
And i can not use Ctrl-Shift-V keys for Cycle Clipboard Ring. I have tried to assume manually Ctrl-Shift-V keys for Cycle Clipboard Ring in Tools\Options\Keyboard menu. Still not working.
[SOLVED]- I have tried it in Design Window. It works fine in Code window.
Open up the Visual Studio Keyboard settings and make sure that the binding is setup correctly. You might have accidentally selected a different template the fist time you launched Visual Studio.
In my C# 2005 bindings, it's available. You might have to reset the mapping scheme and restart Visual Studio.
There might be a add-on, like Resharper that's interfering with the keybindings.
The same story on Win7 and VS2013.
In my case helped only removing ReSharper.ReSharper_PasteMultiple shortcut.
Thanks to the thread:
Visual Studio: ctrl+shift+v opens clipboard ring window I've coped with that.
ReSharper had been turned off nonetheless I had to totally remove the ReSharper's shortcut repeatedly pressing "Remove" (it was switching stacked values).

Weird window layout behavior of Visual Studio 2008 and 2010

I am experiencing a weird behavior of visual studio 2008 and VS 2010. I had only Visual Studio 2008 on my machine having OS windows Server 2008 R2, at point i did some window layout reset and post that visual studio's window layout is acting strange, it is getting docked or un-docked if i debug a solution. I re-install the visual studio 2008 but problem still exists...Strangely i have newly installed Visual 2010 pro and it seems to have the same issue. I am wondering which system file got corrupted and y it is only with Visual Studios. Please help.
This is normal behavior, actually, for all versions of Visual Studio. There is nothing wrong with your computer or your installation.
Visual Studio has at least two different window layout modes. One of them is the design-time mode, and the other one is the debugging mode.
When you start debugging, the environment switches to the debug mode. In the default configuration, that will cause windows to rearrange themselves (some that were hidden appear, some that were visible disappear, others just change position). into a layout that is deemed "optimal" for debugging code.
The idea is that different window layouts are likely to be optimal for different purposes. In design mode, I might want the Toolbox and Properties windows to be visible. I don't need those at all in debug mode, and would rather devote my screen space to the Immediate, Output, and Auto Variables windows instead.
It can be confusing, because you have to rearrange your windows twice, once for each mode. The good news is that any changes you make will "stick", meaning that they will be saved and re-used each time you enter that mode.
If you really don't like it, just arrange your environment so that it is identical in both modes.
Related: Can I save the window layout in Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013?

Enable F# interactive window in VS 2010?

How do I enable the F# interactive window in VS 2010 SP1, installed on Windows XP?
Alt+Ctrl+F doesn't do anything and neither do I see F# Interactive Window in the Other Windows menu.
I can however launch fsi.exe from a separate command prompt.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
If you have not chosen the 'F# profile' for VS, then you might have to create a new F# project before this will appear on the menu, I forget?
(As per comments below, something was screwy in the install, but devenv /setup fixed it.)

vsjitdebugger alternative?

vsjitdebugger gets more annoying when i switched to windows 7. :(
i'm a commandline person (vim, msbuild and vsjitdebugger) when developing .NET. I'm looking for a better vsjitdebugger alternative that automatically attaches the application to visual studio (or any application that is less annoying than vsjitdebugger.)
TIA :)
From here
To begin Just-In-Time debugging when
an error occurs
In the Just-In-Time Debugging dialog
box, in the Possible Debuggers list,
click New instance of Visual Studio
2010 or click an instance of Visual
Studio 2010 that is already running.
To use Visual Studio automatically for
all future crashes, click Set the
currently selected debugger as the
If you want to choose what types of
code you will be able to debug, click
Manually choose the debugging engines.
If you do not choose this option,
Visual Studio automatically selects
the appropriate debug engines for the
type of code in your program.
Click OK.
