Mindscape Web Workbench Sass unknown mixin - visual-studio-2010

I'm currently using Mindscape Web Workbench to create css from sass. I'm using an overall site.scss file that imports all other files.
/*** Infrastructure ***************************************/
#import "../../Infrastructure/_Common";
#import "../../Layouts/Layout1/_Layout";
/*** Theming **********************************************/
#import "_Theme";
Mixins that I have defined in _Common are not known in _Theme. when site.css is compiled it all works fine but Mindscape Web Workbench's intelisense thinks the mixins are undefined. Is there a way for the plugin to know these mixins are defined?

The SASS syntax of "#import" conflicts with .Net's syntax. When using SASS in .Net replace the "#import" with the keyword "#reference", and comment out the #reference (s). See http://getcassette.net/documentation/AssetReferences for more information.
Your code from above would be:
/*** Infrastructure ***************************************/
#reference "../../Infrastructure/_Common";
#reference "../../Layouts/Layout1/_Layout";
/*** Theming **********************************************/
#reference "_Theme";


Tailwind plugin class not found by #apply in app.scss

I'm working on a SvelteKit project; I've installed Tailwind and its DaisyUI plugin.
Using #apply input (a class from DaisyUI) in app.scss got me the following error:
The 'input' class does not exist. If 'input' is a custom class, make sure it is defined within a '#layer' directive.
Any solutions? Thanks!
You can #apply to base TW classes only.
You can extend the classes in tailwind.config.js or create #layer components (or utilities...) inside .css

build.gradle.kts syntax sugar - explanation

I was searching in the Internet but I have not found answer for my question regarding to build.gradle.kts syntax.
I haven't found any syntax regarding to below application plugin adding:
plugins {
// Apply the Kotlin JVM plugin to add support for Kotlin on the JVM.
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version("1.3.21")
// Apply the application plugin to add support for building a CLI application.
I mean, what kind of syntax stay behind application?
It only looks like a class member name. Maybe is it a function call? but it has no brackets.
I don't catch this kotlin syntax sugar.
Additional, I have not found plugins (and others blocks) implementation in gradle repository. Someone know where it is located? I am just curious how it works.
If you go to the implementation of application it should bring you to the source:
* The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by [org.gradle.api.plugins.ApplicationPlugin].
* Visit the [plugin user guide](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/application_plugin.html) for additional information.
* #see org.gradle.api.plugins.ApplicationPlugin
inline val org.gradle.plugin.use.PluginDependenciesSpec.`application`: org.gradle.plugin.use.PluginDependencySpec
get() = id("org.gradle.application")
So application is just an extension function on PluginDependenciesSpec or plugins { }

Where should I place my Vaadin 10+ static files?

In Vaadin 10-14, where should I place my static files, such as CSS, JavaScript, and Polymer templates? How about static files such as images?
Also, how do I import these files in Vaadin? Is there a difference between Vaadin 14 with npm and Vaadin 10-13 with bower?
All paths are relative to the project root, e.g. where the pom.xml file is located in a Maven project.
JavaScript imported using #JsModule uses strict mode. Among other things, this means that global variables must be defined on the window object, window.x = ..., instead of just x = ....
Vaadin 14 with npm
Non-Spring Boot projects (war packaging)
CSS files
JavaScript and Polymer templates
Static files, e.g. images
new Image("img/flower.jpg", "A flower")
Spring Boot projects (jar packaging)
CSS files
JavaScript and Polymer templates
Static files, e.g. images
new Image("img/flower.jpg", "A flower")
Add-ons (jar packaging)
CSS files
JavaScript and Polymer templates
Static files, e.g. images
new Image("img/flower.jpg", "A flower")
Vaadin 10-13, Vaadin 14 in compatibility mode
Non-Spring Boot projects (war packaging)
CSS files
Polymer templates, custom-style and dom-module styles
Static files, e.g. images
new Image("img/flower.jpg", "A flower")
Spring Boot projects and add-ons (jar packaging)
CSS files
Polymer templates, custom-style and dom-module styles
Static files, e.g. images
new Image("img/flower.jpg", "A flower")
[1] The #JsModule and #CssImport annotations can also be used for importing from an npm package. In this case, the path is defined as #JsModule("#polymer/paper-input") or #CssImport("some-package/style.css"). Paths referring to the local frontend directory should be prefixed with ./
[2] The #StyleSheet annotation can also be used in Vaadin 14 with npm. The same paths as in V10-V13 can be used, including the context:// protocol #StyleSheet("context://style.css"), which resolves the path relative to the context path of the web application, like other static files. Styles included this way may cause issues with web components.
[3] The #JavaScript annotation can also be used in Vaadin 14 with npm. The V14 /frontend folder should then be used,.
#Tazavoo 's answer has been added to the official Vaadin documentation:
Vaadin Resource Cheat sheet
I just wanted to put it here because I hope this will stay updated in the future. Please forgive me that I don't post the tables here but this answer will run over otherwise.
While Erik Lumme's answer is basically correct, I would like to share my experience about java script loading in a vaadin23 spring boot project, packaged as war. There are subtle differences about how the path must be indicated.
path prefixed by "./": The path must be relative to the "frontend" folder
path without prefix: The path must be relative to the "node_modules" folder (maintained by npm).
Loading a java script by Page.addJavaScript(): The path must be relative to the root of the deployed application (in tomcat), rsp. to "src/main/webapp" in the project source.
We have shared resources of several Vaadin 14 modules like this:
маke common directory form project root /resources/static
route request there via nginx at prod and via Spring at local dev
public class MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
for css remove all
and put in MainView (#Route view), see https://vaadin.com/docs/v14/flow/styling/importing-style-sheets:
for images put it to css
.plus-btn {
background: url("../static/icons/plus.svg") no-repeat center;

Spring Web Flux cannot resolve path to static content

I am using Spring Boot 2.0.0 M1 with WebFlux to build my sample web application. After succeeding with REST endpoints I've decided to add some views to my application. I've decided to use Thymeleaf 3.x version. I know that Spring serves static content from 4 default location:
I've decided to go with second example so my css file is in /resources/static/css/. However after loading my page .css file was not found.
This is a screenshot from my IDE:
I am not providing my own configuration for static directory I just want to use default one. What might be important is the fact that templates are loading just fine from the /resources/templates/ directory.
Css file is loaded like this:
<link data-th-href="#{css/bootstrap.min.css}" rel="stylesheet">
App is not using normal Controller class instead I've provided function as a Bean to define my router:
RouterFunction<?> router(final GeneratorHandler generatorHandler) {
return route(GET("/generate"), handler::render);
Any ideas what's wrong here?
I've found the right solution. In your RouterFunction you need to use:
return resources("/**", new ClassPathResource("/static/"))
This will set your static directory to:

How can I use custom methods inside a T4 template which resides in another assembly

I have a dll called utilities which contains some helper methods and I want to use one of the helper methods inside a T4 template like <#=tbl.ClassName.ToProper()#>
You will need to use assembly and import directives to reference your dll and the namespace where your helper class is defined.
