OpenVG and WebGL - opengl-es

Is there a JavaScript implementation of the OpenVG standard based on WebGL?
I'm pretty aware that we can render vector graphics in the browser, I'm just curious as to whether or not anyone has actually managed to render SVG with WebGL, with or without basing this on the OpenVG standard. If it doesn't exist, would it be useful to start a project?

Here's some C code for parsing and rendering SVG in OpenGL 1.x: It might not be quite what you're looking for. We used a Stencil Buffer trick to draw 2D polygons. For 3D, I guess you'd have to render into an off-screen buffer and texture-map it onto a 3D object. (Why not pre-render SVG into raster images? Because our objects are breakable and deformable.)
I'm thinking about porting this to Javascript+WebGL. The browser's XML/SVG/CSS parsing features should eliminate a lot of the work, but the stencil trick could pose a challenge. This is a back burner project for me, so if anyone else wants to try something, don't hold your breath, just do it! :)

Well none of these answers answer the question explicitly. #tom shows that yes, we can render vector graphics on the webgl canvas using a neat stencil trick. This isn't however a full implementation of the OpenVG specification and I am curious as to how much of the OpenVG spec could be implemented this way. So to conclude:
There are no implementations currently, but there doesn't appear to be a particular demand for it.

As WebGL mixes just fine with any other HTML(5) technique, you can mix it up already. The only thing is that you won't be able to mix SVG with WebGL using its depth buffer - for example a logotype (SVG) placed in a 3D-world (WebGL). But maybe that's just what you like to do?


Creating frosted glass three webgl

I'm having trouble to find how to create a material with the look of frosted glass. I haven't found anything on the web that looks what I want to do.
I've tried a lot of settings for the material.
In this link you can see what I'm trying to get..
Does anybody have an idea how to solve this?
One way I've encountered that worked well for me in the past performed a Blit on the portion of the framebuffer you want frosted with the blur algo or normal pattern of your choice. A stencil mask as part of the glass shader is used to determine which portion should be affected and which should not.
This article has a nice writeup on glass refraction which, when used with a blur will give a good effect.
I know It's not WebGL per se, but I've used the below Unity frosted glass shader before, to great effect. You may be able to extract the pertinent pieces from it and use that knowledge to assemble a WebGL version.
I'm about to undertake this myself, and will update this answer with actual code 'if' I succeed.

playcanvas 2D fallback for bad or no WebGL support

Is there any known implementation of a 2D canvas fallback for the awesome playcanvas game engine?
The idea is that the system should test rendering performance during the loading process in WebGL vs Canvas 2D, and fall back to Canvas 2D in case it finds better performance there o in cas WebGL is not supporte in the browser.
Other frameworks three.js or pixijs have this feature and it would be great for playcanvas, but as long as I have seen they do not have this feature and no solution have been implemented by the community.
No, there is no Canvas 2D fallback for PlayCanvas.
First of all, Canvas 2D will never be faster than WebGL for rendering 3D scenes. This is because you would have to shift complex GPU tasks onto the CPU. PlayCanvas implements a very sophisticated physical rendering pipeline and reimplementing it CPU-side will never give acceptable performance. It makes more sense for Pixi because Pixi is largely concerned with 2D sprite primitives which can be rendered quite cheaply by Canvas 2D.
At the time of writing, WebGL has a penetration of 91.1% and the trend is still upwards. Therefore, you have a relatively small minority of people who can't experience WebGL right now.
In the situation where the user can't run WebGL (for whatever reason, such as running IE9 and below), the recommendation would be to simply display a message asking to upgrade to a WebGL-capable browser.
This fallback to canvas if no webgl is a very fringe feature and perhaps that is why there is little desire to implement it. Perhaps it was useful before when webgl support is extremely limited but I dont see much need for it atm. Heres why:
If canvas api met all your requirements, then there is little point in writing a webgl app to do the same thing as the canvas api.
If webgl features are desired/required, such as 3D, or simply need to draw many sprites with different scale/rotations, then canvas performance is likely not up to par. Furthermore, browsers (last time I checked) have very inconsistent canvas performance. It was what motivated me to write a webgl renderer in the first place.

There is a web standard for animated vector images?

Assuming that the SVG is the standard for still vector images, there is an equivalent for animated vector-based images too ?
The problem I'm trying to solve can't be solved by pixel-based formats such as APNG or GIF, they don't scale at all on different displays, and they also get really really heavy pretty quick, vector images are what I need but I need a standard way to provide a file with an animated vector entities in it.
To be clear I'm not trying to animate a webpage or part of it, I'm asking for a filetype or standard that is good for just this task.
You can animate SVG graphics... they don't have to be static. That said, SVG is the only vector graphics format the web supports (natively) so I guess the answer is SVG! ;-)
The SVG specification includes SMIL as an animation mechanism. IE9/10/11 do not support SMIL, although other UAs do. There's a javascript library called fakesmile that can enable SMIL on UAs for which support is lacking.
There's also CSS animations which IE does support, although overall support for CSS animations is somewhat less complete in most UAs.

OpenGL Render to texture

I know this has been asked before (I did search) but I promise you this one is different.
I am making an app for Mac OS X Mountain Lion, but I need to add a little bit of a bloom effect. I need to render the entire scene to a texture the size of the screen, reduce the size of the texture, pass it through a pixel buffer, then use it as a texture for a quad.
I ask this again because a few of the usual techniques do not seem to function. I cannot use the #version, layout, or out in my fragment shader, as they do not compile. If I just use gl_FragColor as normal, I get random pieces of the screen behind my app rather than the scene I am trying to render. The documentation doesn't say anything about such things.
So, basically, how can I render to a texture properly with the Mac implementation of OpenGL? Do you need to use extensions to do this?
I use the code from here
Rendering to a texture is best done using FBOs, which let you render directly into the texture. If your hardware/driver doesn't support OpenGL 3+, you will have to use the FBO functionality through the ARB_framebuffer_object core extension or the EXT_framebuffer_object extension.
If FBOs are not supported at all, you will either have to resort to a simple glCopyTexSubImage2D (which involves a copy though, even if just GPU-GPU) or use the more flexible but rather intricate (and deprecated) PBuffers.
This tutorial on FBOs provides a simple example for rendering to a texture and using this texture for rendering afterwards. Since the question lacks specific information about the particular problems you encountered with your approach, those rather general googlable pointers to the usual render-to-texture resources need to suffice for now.

Canvas 2d context or WebGL for 2D game

I'm planning on writing a game, which will use a lot of sprites and images. At first I tried EaselJS but playing some other canvas-based games I realized it's not that fast. And when I saw BananaBread by Mozilla I thought "if WebGL can do 3D so fast, then it can do 2D even faster". So I moved to three.js (using planes and transparent textures, texture offset for sprites).
The question is: is it better? Faster? Most of the WebGL games are 3D so should I use canvas 2D context for 2D and WebGL for 3D? I've also noticed that there are no libraries for WebGL in 2D (except WebGL-2d, but it's quite low level).
Please note that compatibility is not my greatest concern as I'm not planning on releasing anything anytime soon :) .
The short answer is yes. WebGL can be quite a bit more efficient if you use it well. A naive implementation will either yield no benefit or perform worse, so if you're not already familiar with the OpenGL API you may want to stick to canvas for the time being.
A few more detailed notes: WebGL can draw textured quads (sprites) very very fast, but if you need more advanced 2D drawing features such as path tracing you'll want to stick to a 2D canvas as implementing those types of algorithms in WebGL is non-trivial. The nature of your game also makes a difference in your choice. If you only have a few moving items on screen at a time Canvas will be fairly fast and reasonably simple. If you're redrawing the entire scene every frame, however, WebGL is better suited to that type of render loop.
My recommendation? If you're just learning both, start with Canvas2D and make your game work with that. Abstract your drawing in a simple manner, such as having a DrawPlayer function rather than ctx.drawImage(playerSprite, ....), and when you reach a point where the game is either functioning and you want it to run faster or the game design dictates that you MUST use a faster drawing method, create an alterate rendering backend for all those abstract functions with WebGL. This gives you the advantages of not getting hung up on rendering tech earlier on (which is ALWAYS a mistake!), let's you focus on gameplay, and if you end up implementing both methods you have a great fallback for non-WebGL browsers like Internet Explorer. Chances are you won't really need the increased speed for a while anyway.
WebGL can be much faster than canvas 2D. See as one example.
That said, I think you're mostly on your own right now. I don't know of any 2d libraries for WebGL except for maybe PlayN though that's in Java and uses the Google Web Toolkit to get converted to JavaScript. I'm also pretty sure it doesn't use the techniques mentioned in that blog post above, although if your game does not use tiles maybe that technique is not useful for you.
three.js is arguably not the library you want if you're planning on 2d.
