Compass CSS Widget? - compass-sass

Does anybody know of a widget for Compass ( for Linux? I'd love to have a widget that watches a folder and gives me some sort of alerts for compilation success, errors, etc.

You could just have compass watch running in a terminal window. I'm not sure of your setup, but something like guard-livereload maybe more 'widget-y'. I've been using LiveReload for Mac for months and love it.


Is there a way to use Emmet with Firefox Developer Tools?

I use Firefox's Developer Tools for developing CSS, and it's great, however I have tried many times in the past to get Emmet support in their code editor without any success. I wondered if any of you wizards had any ideas. I came up with 'snippets' to use with an old text expanding AutoHotKey program called Texter -, I recently had to change computers and I can't seem to get Texter to work any longer.
It would be nice to be able to setup a WebExtension or the likes to have it integrated right into the FF Style Editor (as a plugin), however, it seems like this has been address already and currently not possible?
Maybe a different port to an AHK script or a Node script that runs in the background? I am not sure, but I don't care for the LiveReload that the Emmet developer put out, and it doesn't work with FF anyways. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

Browsers do not show the latest changes (Sinatra, Ruby, ATOM)

I am building a Sinatra (ruby) application by using ATOM- editor.
After sometime Safari and Chrome do not show the latest html/erb changes what i make in Atom. To lunch the app I am using ruby "filename".rb and shotgun "filename".rb
I tried "clear browser data" Sometimes it works sometimes not.
Could you please give me an advice what to do in case of this error?
Thank you.

Win32 App Can't Render Font/Image Properly

I have this win32 application. I created an installer for it and in my computer it works perfectly fine. I can install and run it. However, when someone I know tried installing it, the application ran but with user interface issues. This is how it looked like. I didn't add the white boxes nor the weird lines. Does anyone of you know the reason why this happened? I have no clue at all T_T. Is there a way to prevent this from happening again? By the way, the UI was made using cocos studio. I'm using cocos2d-x for this app.

font-awesome-rails icon formatting incorrect on heroku

I'm using font-awesome-rails to generate some icons on my site. When I run the site locally, the image icons appear correctly (they are styled to be different colors). However, when I push to production via Heroku, the styling is messed up (some icons don't appear, and none of the icons are the right color). What could I be doing wrong? I'm not even sure what could be wrong with my code, so if any particular snippets would be helpful for me to share, let me know and I'll add it.
The image on the left is a snapshop of the website in production, and the image on the right is the website running locally.
After restarting my development server, I'm finding the icons appear incorrectly locally as well. What could have gone wrong?
It seems like it was an issue with my Gemfile; when I checked out an older version of my Gemfile and Gemfile.lock, I was able to get rid of the problem.

css target chrome on windows

Is there anyway to target chrome on windows? I'm looking to do this because of the difference in border-radius rendering. Chrome on osx seems to work fine, only problematic in Chrome on Windows. Thanks.
If you really, really have to do this, I recommend this CSS Browser Selector script:
Of course, you'll have to update your site when the browser issue gets fixed. :p
