Ruby - calling constructor without arguments & removal of new line characters - ruby

I have written down a sample program and I don't understand the following:
Why constructor without any arguments are not called in Ruby?
How do we access the class variable outside the class's definition?
Why does it always append newline characters at the end of the string? How do we strip it?
class Employee
attr_reader :empid
attr_writer :empid
attr_writer :name
def name
return #name.upcase
attr_accessor :salary
##employeeCount = 0
def initiaze()
##employeeCount += 1
puts ("Initialize called!")
def getCount
return ##employeeCount
anEmp =
print ("Enter new employee name: ") = gets()
print ("Enter #{}'s employee ID: ")
anEmp.empid = gets()
print ("Enter salary for #{}: ")
anEmp.salary = gets()
theEmpName ="\n")
theEmpID = anEmp.empid.split.join("\n")
theEmpSalary = anEmp.salary.split.join("\n")
anEmp =
anEmp =
theCount = anEmp.getCount
puts ("New employee #{theEmpName} with employee ID #{theEmpID} has been enrolled, welcome to hell! You have been paid as low as $ #{theEmpSalary}")
puts ("Total number of employees created = #{theCount}")
Enter new employee name: Lionel Messi
's employee ID: 10
Enter salary for LIONEL MESSI
: 10000000
New employee LIONEL
MESSI with employee ID 10 has been enrolled, welcome to hell! You have been paid as low as $ 10000000
Total number of employees created = 0

The newlines are from the user input. When the user types something and terminates the input with a newline (enter key) the newline is seen as part of the input. You can strip it off with the String#strip() method:
empName = empName.strip
or use the in-place method:
To retrieve the value of the class variable you need a static getter (note the self.):
def self.getCount
return ##employeeCount
Alternatively you can you the class_variable_get method.

For Question 1: Why constructor without any arguments are not called in Ruby?
You wrote def initiaze(). Correct would be def initialize():
def initialize()
##employeeCount += 1
puts ("Initialize called!")

as you seem to have noticed you misspelled initialize when
defining the method
you can't reference the class variable directly
outside the class, but you can make class or instance accessors for it, or use
Module#class_variable_get: Employee.class_variable_get(:##employeeCount)
gets returns the whole line the user inputs, including the terminating newline. Another answer recommended String#strip but this removes all trailing and leading whitespace. If you just want to remove the newline, use String#chomp, empName = empName.chomp! Be careful if you're tempted to apply chomp directly to gets as gets will return nil at end of file and you'll raise NoMethodError sending :chomp to nil
BTW, your camelCasedNames are not good ruby style. Constants should be all UPPER_CASE, except class and module names which should be CamelCased with leading cap, all other names should be lower_case_with_underscores_to_separate_words. Also, in ruby, one generally omits the empty parens on argumentless method calls and definitions.


How to access results from one method into another

I am new to ruby. I am a bit stuck on a class question. I am writing a grammar checker class method that first checks( check method) if the text given follows correct punctuation(starts with a capital letter and ends with a correct punctuation mark). In the percentage good method, I want to then use the correct texts from the check method and divide it by total texts inputted to get a percentage of how many texts are grammatically correct but I don't know how to access the results from the check method in the percentage good method? Any tips would be greatly appreciated
class GrammarStats
def initialize
#correct_texts= []
#total_texts = []
def check(text) # text is a string
fail "Give me a string" if !text.is_a? String or text == ""
result = text.match?(/^[A-Z][\s\S]*?\+?[.?!](?:\n\n|$)/)
def percentage_good
# Returns as an integer the percentage of texts checked so far that passed
# the check defined in the `check` method. The number 55 represents 55%.
I may not have fully understood what you wanted.. But I think something like this? ;)
class GrammarStats
def initialize
#correct_texts = []
#total_texts = []
def correct?(text)
raise "Give me does not enpty string" unless text.is_a? String && text.present?
#total_texts << text
return false unless text.match?(/^[A-Z][\s\S]*?\+?[.?!](?:\n\n|$)/)
#correct_texts << text
def percentage_good
retrun '0%' if #total_texts.blank?
"#{((#correct_texts.count.to_f/#total_texts.count) * 100).round(2)}%"

ruby: undefined local variable or method 'car' -- fixing syntax errors

I have a few syntax errors on my program that are really bothering me. I can't seem to figure out how to fix them as I am new to ruby. The first error is on the title, I have a few more I'm sure. The purpose of the program is to create cars with make, model, and year and have user input how many cars they want then display all of them at the end.
Can someone point me to the right direction?
Here is my code:
class Car
def initialize(make, model, year)
#make = make
#model = model
#year = year
print "How many cars do you want to create? "
array_of_cars =
num_cars = gets.to_i
c =
for i in 1..num_cars
print "Enter make for car #{i}: "
make = gets.chomp
print "Enter model for car #{i}: "
model = gets.chomp
print "Enter year for car #{i}: "
year = gets.to_i
array_of_cars << c
puts "You have the following cars: "
for car in array_of_cars
puts "#{car.get_year} #{car.get_make} #{car.get_model}"
In ruby, class names are constants, so should start with a capital letter, as in class Car. When creating a new object of that class, you call new on the class itself. So you would change into
You will also need to define your set_* and get_* methods inside the class, but since this is a common pattern, ruby has attr_accessor available. See this answer for a full explanation of attr_accessor.
Consider that your Car does not do anything, it contains only data and has no methods. When this happens, consider making it a Struct instead of a class. A Struct generates a reader and writer method automatically without even specifying attr_reader.
Car =, :model, :year)
array_of_cars =
while true
print "Enter make for car ('x' to exit): "
make = gets.chomp
break if make == 'x'
print "Enter model for car: "
model = gets.chomp
print "Enter year for car: "
year = gets.to_i
array_of_cars <<, model, year)
puts 'You have the following cars:' # sorted by year for fun
array_of_cars.sort_by{ | car | car.year }.each do | car |
puts "#{car.year} #{car.make} #{car.model}"
A few pieces of advice.
Run Ruby with the -w option :
$ ruby -w cars.rb
cars.rb:17: warning: mismatched indentations at 'end' with 'for' at 16
cars.rb:34: warning: mismatched indentations at 'end' with 'class' at 1
cars.rb:41: warning: mismatched indentations at 'end' with 'for' at 39
and eliminate the cause of warnings.
$ ruby -w cars.rb
How many cars do you want to create? 2
cars.rb:2:in `initialize': wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 3) (ArgumentError)
from cars.rb:13:in `new'
from cars.rb:13:in `<main>'
new calls initialize, so new must have the same number of arguments
as parameters in initialize. Hence a car can be created only after you have asked all the information.
Don't work in the class. As written, your code is executed when Ruby reads
the class definition. For this exercise, you can leave it in the main level outside the class definition, or put it into a method.
for i in 1..num_cars
This loop is empty and does nothing. And prefer powerful iterators instead of this C, Perl, Java style (for, while, etc).
I define strings with apostrophes and keep double quotes when interpolation is needed (even if it's a question of nano seconds and personal choice). See here and there.
If you want to be comfortable with Ruby programming, I recommend The Pickaxe.
There are many ways of doing things in Ruby. The following is one solution.
class Car
attr_reader :make, :model, :year
def initialize(make, model, year)
#make = make
#model = model
#year = year
def self.make_car # class method (more precisely : singleton method)
print 'How many cars do you want to create? '
array_of_cars =
num_cars = gets.to_i
num_cars.times do | i |
real_index = i + 1
print "Enter make for car #{real_index}: "
make = gets.chomp
print "Enter model for car #{real_index}: "
model = gets.chomp
print "Enter year for car #{real_index}: "
year = gets.to_i
c =, model, year)
array_of_cars << c
# some will tell you to avoid unnecessary variables ...
array_of_cars <<, model, year)
puts 'You have the following cars:' # sorted by year for fun
array_of_cars.sort_by{ | car | car.year }.each do | car |
puts "#{car.year} #{car.make} #{car.model}"
end # class Car

Passing variables/parameters from one Ruby class to a loaded Ruby program

The below combined programs should ask for a number remove the first digit (lets call this new number x) and then compute x % 7. Ex: (1121546 % 7) = 5
This all appears to be working except that the number entered in will always compute to 0. modulo_7.rb works by itself and will print the correct outcome when passed a parameter.
The question is am I not passing the variables/ parameters properly or is there something else that is getting in the way?
class Number_check_interface
def get_cert_number
print "You are about to check receive the check number for a policy/cert id."
#cert_id = nil
until #cert_id.is_a?(Fixnum) do
puts " Enter the policy/cert ID. "
#cert_id = Integer(gets)
rescue ArgumentError
class Run_number_check_interface
def run
load 'modulo_7.rb'
n =
checking_policy_number =
run =
This program removes the first digit (index 0) of a 7 digit number and returns the difference 7%18 is 4 since 4 is remainder of how many times 7 can fit into 18.
class Get_policy_check_digit
def initialize(cert_id)
#instance variable
#cert = cert_id
def create_check_digit
cert_id_6 = #cert.to_s
puts cert_id_6
check_digit = cert_id_6.to_i % 7
puts "Your check digit is #{check_digit}"
# n = When uncommented this will create a new instance
# of Get_policy_check_digit with the parameter 1121546
# n.create_check_digit This will run the method create_check_digit with the
# parameter 1121546
Instance variables are scoped to an individual instance of a class. So when you say #cert_id = Integer(gets) inside Number_check_interface, you are only setting #cert_id for that particular instance of Number_check_interface. Then, when you later write inside Run_number_check_interface, you are referring to an entirely different #cert_id, one which is specific to that particular instance of Run_number_check_interface, and not to the Number_check_interface you stored in n earlier.
The simple solution is to return #cert_id from Number_check_interface#get_cert_number, and then pass the returned value to
class Number_check_interface
def get_cert_number
print "You are about to check receive the check number for a policy/cert id."
#cert_id = nil # This is an instance variable. It's only accessible
# from inside this instance of `Number_check_interface`
until #cert_id.is_a?(Fixnum) do
puts " Enter the policy/cert ID. "
#cert_id = Integer(gets)
rescue ArgumentError
return #cert_id # Return the contents of #cert_id
class Run_number_check_interface
def run
load 'modulo_7.rb'
n =
cert_number = n.get_cert_number # Here we call `get_cert_number` and
# set `cert_number` to it's return
# value.
# Notice how we use `cert_number` here:
checking_policy_number =
Other tips:
Convention in Ruby is to name classes with CamelCase.
Require dependencies at the top of your files, not in the middle of method calls.
Unless you have a very good reason not to, use require, not load
You might want to think a bit harder about what purpose these classes serve, and what behavior they are intending to encapsulate. The API seems a bit awkward to me right now. Remember, tell, don't ask.
Why are these separate classes? The design here seems strange, is this ported from another language? It's more complicated than it needs to be. Without changing your structure, here's what's wrong:
In Run_number_check_interface you are reading #cert_id, it doesn't have an instance variable named that, but Number_check_interface does. Just return it from get_cert_number:
class Number_check_interface
def get_cert_number
print "You are about to check receive the check number for a policy/cert id."
cert_id = nil
until cert_id.is_a?(Fixnum) do
puts " Enter the policy/cert ID. "
cert_id = Integer(gets)
rescue ArgumentError
cert_id # <-- returing the value here
class Run_number_check_interface
def run
load 'modulo_7.rb'
n =
cert_id = n.get_cert_number # <-- saving here
checking_policy_number = # <-- no longer an ivar
run =

How to Add Values to a Hash in Ruby

I have done much research on this topic, but in every circumstance I attempt, the values appear to be replaced in the hash. After the person opts to enter a new ID, I would like the next person's name and age to be added to the hash. Could someone explain to me why the keys and values are being replaced?
class Person
def initialize(name, age)
if name != nil || age != nil
if #people != nil
#people[name.__id__] = age.__id__
#people = {name => age}
puts "Invalid credentials."
attr_reader :people
class MainInit
def initialize()
options = ["y", "yes", "n", "no"]
choice = "y"
while choice.downcase == "y" || choice.downcase == "yes"
p "Enter Name:"
inputname = gets.chomp
p inputname
p "Enter Age:"
inputage = gets.chomp
p inputage
person =, inputage)
p person.people
p "Enter another ID?"
choice = gets.chomp
until options.include? choice.downcase
p "Invalid Choice"
p "Enter another ID?"
choice = gets.chomp
I think the reason the key-value pairs are being replaced is this:
The statement in your initialize method
if #people != nil
will always evaluate to false. initialize is called when you create a new object, so by default #people has not been defined or set yet, so each time you call
person =, inputage)
it creates a new Person rather than adding the new person to an exiting Hash (which is what I think you are trying to do).
It might work if you make people a class variable (##people), but it seems like you just want to create a Hash in your main program and then add the new entries in there.
So something like this
people = # Or even just people = {}
Then when you have a new name / age entry to add
people[name] = age
I have not tried it, but I think your entire program should be reduced to something like this:
people =
options = ["y", "yes", "n", "no"]
choice = "y"
while choice.downcase == "y" || choice.downcase == "yes"
p "Enter Name:"
inputname = gets.chomp
p inputname
p "Enter Age:"
inputage = gets.chomp
p inputage
#person =, inputage)
people[inputname] = inputage
person = people[inputname]
p person.people
p "Enter another ID?"
choice = gets.chomp
until options.include? choice.downcase
p "Invalid Choice"
p "Enter another ID?"
choice = gets.chomp
Let me both explain why you are having the problem you describe and also offer some suggestions for how you might change your code.
class Person
In class Person, you need to save your list of persons at the class level, which means the use of either a class instance variable (e.g., #people) or a class variable (e.g., ##people). I am with the majority of Rubiests in prefering the former. (The reasons are beyond the scope of this answer, but you will find a lot written on the subject by simply Googling, "Ruby 'class instance variables' versus 'class variables'". The inner quotes--the only ones you enter--help narrow the search.)
To define a class instance variable, #people, we just enter it as follows:
class Person
#people = {}
class << self
attr_accessor :people
def initialize(name, age)
self.class.people[name] = age
The # means it is an instance variable. As soon as Ruby reads class Person, it sets self to Person. It then reads #people = {} and makes that an instance variable of Person. By contrast, if you were to initialize #person within, say, an initialize method, self would at that time be an instance of Person, so #person would be a normal instance variable. (Aside: we could have both a class instance variable #person and an instance variable #person, and Ruby would treat them as differently as it would #night and #day.)
In order for objects to access #people we define an accessor. If we just entered attr_accessor :person, Ruby would create an accessor for a regular instance variable #person. Instead we enter class << self, which directs Ruby to associate what follows, until end is reached, with the class.
Each time a new instance of Person is created, for a given name and age,
self.class.people[name] = age
adds an element to the hash #person, since self.class is Person and people is the accessor.
Now look at the class MainInit
class MainInit
class MainInit
def initialize
loop do
name = nil
loop do
print 'Enter Name: '
name = gets.strip
break unless name.empty?
puts "name is #{name}"
age = nil
loop do
print 'Enter Age: '
age = gets.strip
case age
when /^\d+$/ && ('10'..'120')
puts 'age must be between 10 and 120'
puts "age is #{age}"
person =, age)
puts "people is now #{Person.people}"
loop do
print "Enter another ID? "
case gets.chomp.downcase
when 'n', 'no'
when 'y', 'yes'
puts 'Invalid choice'
loop do...end
You see that in several places I have used loop do...end with break to exit a loop. I'm a big fan of this construct, as compared to loop while... or or until..., in part because it avoids the need to enter a starting condition to get into the loop and then repeat the same condition withing the loop. I also just think it looks cleaner.
Any variables created within the loop cease to exist when you leave the loop, so if you want a variable's value (e.g., name and age), you must reference the variable outside of the beginning of the loops. That is why (and the only reason) I have name = nil and age = nil. It didn't have to be nil; I could have initialized them to anything.
Use of case statement
The loop for getting age uses this case statement:
case age
when /^\d+$/ && ('10'..'120')
This requires some explanation. The case statement uses String#===, rather than String#== to obtain truthy values. Therefore when /^\d+$/ is equivalent to:
/^\d+$/ === age
which is the same as
/^\d+$/ =~ age
The regex simply ensures that all characters of age are digits (e.g., "39).
('10'..'120') === age
is the same as
Odds and Ends
I used String#strip in place of String#chomp. Both remove ending newline characters, but strip also removes spaces the user may have entered at the beginning or end of the input string.
For strings, I mostly used single quotes, but double-quotes are needed for string interpolation. For example, I initially wrote puts 'name is #{name}'. That printed name is #{name}. After changing that to puts "name is #{name}", it correctly printed name is Debra.
Enter Name: Debra
name is Debra
Enter Age: 29
age is 29
people is now {"Debra"=>"29"}
Enter another ID? y
Enter Name: Billy-Bob
name is Billy-Bob
Enter Age: 58
age is 58
people is now {"Debra"=>"29", "Billy-Bob"=>"58"}
Enter another ID? u
Invalid choice
Enter another ID? n

Creating objects from YAML, already initialized constant

Two problems, that probably are related:
I'm retreiving a number of 'persons' from a YAML-file to an array, and now i'm trying to create classes from that array.
These objects are then to placed in a new array.
It actually works out fine, if you dont consider the fact that the object added last replaces all the previously added.
In my case i get five identical copies of object #5, where i rather like to see five different ones.
My guess is that the error results somewhere in my iterator to get all the 'persons' from the YAML.
I'm getting a cuople of warnings, regarding the 're-use' of constants:
getPost = 0
loopa = 0
while loopa < personsInYAML
NEWSTR = TEST.fetch(getPost)
NEWAL = NEWSTR.split(' ')
puts "*****************************************"
nyloop = loopa+1
puts "PERSON: " + nyloop.to_s + " name: " + NEWAL.fetch(1)
nameToArray =
outputArray.insert(loopa, nameToArray)
class Person
def initialize
def name
name = NEWAL.fetch(1)
return name
if NEWAL.include?("age:")
def age
x = NEWAL.index("age:")+1
age = NEWAL.fetch(x)
return age
if NEWAL.include?("length:")
def length
x = NEWAL.index("length:")+1
length = NEWAL.fetch(x)
return length
if NEWAL.include?("weight:")
def weight
x = NEWAL.index("weight:")+1
weight = NEWAL.fetch(x)
return weight
if NEWAL.include?("misc:")
def misc
x = NEWAL.index("misc:")+1
misc = NEWAL.fetch(x)
return misc
You're taking the wrong approach to populating your Person class. The only thing your loop is doing is to create brand new Person classes and stick them in an array. It isn't actually initializing the person class at all.
It looks like what you are trying to do is to use a constant (which you don't hold constant) to pass information to the Person class. However, the code that you have in your Person class that is outside of the methods is only going to be run once - when the class loads for the first time, NOT at the time that you make a new Person.
You'd be better off changing your initialize method to take some arguments, and to create the class with appropriate arguments within the loop.
def initialize(name, age = nil, length = nil, weight = nil, misc = nil)
# assign instance variables here
#name = name
You appear to be trying to create dynamic accessors to the instance variables. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Just define accessors on all of them, and handle the case where the instance variables are nil in whatever code is calling the Person class.
