magento blank first name and last name in billing page - magento

I am totally lost with the one page checkout system in magento .
I am getting all the values except first name and last name. I can think that it’s a minor fix but cannot trace where the problem is.

I had the same problem after updating. I had to update my customer folder in my template
if you were using the default template it would be


Umbraco adds extra slash to beginning of page URL

Umbraco 7.12.4
Recently I renamed a node in Umbraco. It used to be called "Projects". I want it to be called "My Projects". After renaming it, no matter whether I put the name back to the original value or set an entirely new value, the following occurs:
Change page name
Click on properties. The Url appears correct, without an extra /
Access the website. The website works correctly
Access the website AGAIN. This page now redirects to http://my-projects and fails.
Click on properties. The Url now appears as in the image below.
I have checked routes. Cleared URL redirects. Emptied recycle bin. Tried page names that have never existed before.
Any ideas? I am pulling my hair out. Thanks!
The problem was related to a missing host name - look at comments :-)

Unable to override Mage_Customer_Model_Address_Abstract

In magento 1.9.2, To remove Telephone number as mandatory field from checkout page I copied the app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Address/Abstract.php to app/code/local/Mage/Customer/Model/Address/Abstract.php . Cleared cache and tested. But still the core file is only accessed. How can I get the local file to override?
Well i just Google this "magento remove telephone number field from checkout"
And i got this link on first result Click here
And because i am posting this in answer i have tried follwoing that link in magento 1.9 and it gives what you want.Just give it a try.
You need to follow this:
Checkout Telephone Not Required
It is same that you required to do. It specify multiple way.

Magento Patch SUPEE-6788 breaks custom file option file link on cart page?

When executing file upload on a site with SUPEE-6788 applied, and then adding the product to cart, rather than present a URL to the uploaded file you get a chunk of text similar to this on the shopping cart page and also in the sales email generate. The file itself can be found in the quote folder so looks like the rerendered part of the page that should show the file link is bust.
Has anyone else seen this issue.
** update **
This is still a problem after upgrading to
Interestingly if you update and save the cart the uploaded file link is then rendered correctly. In the sales_flat_quote_item_option table where the product options in the cart are saved, the field holding the file link metadata is updated and it has changed. Some characters present in the value on the original cart submission are removed [see below]
Therefore rather than a rendering issue it looks like a generation issue. Maybe the theme is involved. Will look at difference between writing and regeneration.
** Update **
OK solution found. The Application (Magento Theme + Modules) was, in a Mage_Checkout_CartController type, creating a product in the cart via code like this
$cart = $this->_getCart();
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$_product = $this->_initProduct();
$cart->addProduct($_product, $params);
This was creating a product that contained the File Upload option which was then stored in an invalid format.
A rework of the code removed the need to use the above code and the problem has gone. So there does seem to be a bug somewhere related to product creation and File Upload options but I've gone far enough on this journey for now.
Same here this problem is encountered within many instances, like product page, checkout page, order page (Magento CMS). First we thought it was about module update issue, but that didn't help, so right now we think it's a bug.

Blank Page for newly uploaded products in magento

After uploading new products to my existing stockpile (in Magento) I noticed that the product pages were coming up blank. I have reindexed the products, refreshed the cache, ensured that the items are marked as enabled, in stock with a quantity of at least 1. My existing products are working fine so this is a complete mystery to me.
I have found issues such as "Magento shows blank/empty page. How do I solve this?" ( but none that with the same problem as me here.
Ideally someone who's reading this has suffered as I am here and healed the pain - if you have please post the cure. Similarly if anyone can suggest solutions/reasons I'd be most grateful.
Without more information these are just guesses:
Examine your import script against an export script. Did you include all core fields e.g. website, store, sku, name
Check your logs, are any exceptions being thrown on the product page?
Are the products showing up in your catalog? If so you've probably got the core fields imported ok. If not see the first point.
If the products are in the catalog but blank screening on the product page, it's most probably some customer code in your skin thats causing the issue. Try either switching to the default skin and reload. If it works then your import was probably missing an attribute used by your skin on the product page.
If the default skin loads. Go back to your skin and comment out code on your product page until you find the culprit.
Hope that helps.

After magento upgrade prices including tax are displayed as 0 on detail page

I upgraded a magento store from 1.3.x to This caused some bugs which I am fixing now.
I am stuck at this one: the price of products added after the upgrade are displayed correctly in the category page but not on the detail page. For some reason the price including tax on the detail page of a product added after the upgrade is always '0'. The price excluding tax is displayed correctly. You can see this here:
Furthermore: the price including and excluding tax is correct in the shoppingcart and during checkout.
Any idea what might cause this problem ? I turned of caching at the moment, so it is not a caching issue (and it has been an issue for over a week now).
Thank you very much for any reply.
in order to solve a bug, the first step is to know where it comes from.
As you already have discarded a template issue, let's focus on the non-core code:
rename app/code/local/ to app/code/local_backup/: this will disable all local modules. Reload your page and check if the price is still wrong.
if it's still wrong, rename app/code/community/ to app/code/community_backup/ and reload the product page
when you've find out which code pool is responsible, undo the folder name's change and disable one module at a time (putting the tag <active> as false in the app/etc/modules/module.xml file or renaming the folder)
Once you know which module is responsible, you'll have to review it to see how it messes with your product detail view.
Oh, also, edit your index.php file to show errors:
comment out the condition around Mage::setIsDeveloperMode(true)
uncomment ini_set('display_errors', 1);
A Specific solution of this problem is....
This Error occur if you install a new custom module and clear the magento cache.
magento creates the Helper,Model,Controller ,Adminahml on installation of your module.
From these files magento knows about your module.
For Ex.
I Create a module name as createform
Module folder is
After installation of this module, magento will create a file name as
Createform_Newform_Helper_Data.php in /includes/src/ folder.
Note:- If this file not created in /includes/src/ folder.
Fatal error: Class 'Createform_Newform_Helper_Data' not found in /app/Mage.php on 546
Then this error will occur.
For removing this error Manually create this file in includes/src folder.
and add code of Data.php file in Createform_Newform_Helper_Data.php file.
Then refresh your site.
This error is removed from your system and it works properly.
Also check your system.log file for other errors.
Just a hunch but could it have something to do with the new VAT options? There are options for vat calculation there you could check out.
