Maze solving algorithm. Complex mazes - algorithm

I found several algorithms to solve mazes. Those which are simple enough are suitable only in cases when exit is in outer boundary (Wall-follower, pledge...).
Is there some more sophisticated algorithms for cases when shapes of boundaries are random, costs of zones inequal and exit may be somewhere inside the maze? (btw, all elements are quadratic)
Update: Also, we don't know apriori how maze looks like and are able to see only certain area.

If you mean "normal" 2-dimensinal mazes like those one can find on paper, you can solve them using image analysis. However, if you are somehow located in the (2D/3D) maze itself and should find a way out, you should probably deploy some Machine learning techniques. This works if you don't have any idea what you maze exactly looks like, a.k.a. you only "see" part of it.
Update: Apart from the shortest path finder algorithm family, I can also relate to the so-called Trémaux's algorithm designed to be able to be used by a human inside of the maze. It's similar to a simple recursive backtracker and will find a solution for all mazes.
As you walk down a passage, draw a line behind you to mark your path. When you hit a dead end turn around and go back the way you came. When you encounter a junction you haven't visited before, pick a new passage at random. If you're walking down a new passage and encounter a junction you have visited before, treat it like a dead end and go back the way you came so that you won't go around in circles or missing passages. If walking down a passage you have visited before (i.e. marked once) and you encounter a junction, take any new passage if one is available, otherwise take an "old" one. Every passage will be either empty (if not visited yet), marked once, or marked twice (if you were forced to backtrack). When you reach the solution, the paths which were marked exactly once will indicate the direct way back to the start. If the maze has no solution, you'll find yourself back at the start with all passages marked twice.

Shortest path algorithms are finding shortest path to the exit, no matter where the exit is.
If the cost is equal - BFS will do - otherwise, you need something like dijkstra's algorithm or A* algorithm [which is basically an informed dijkstra] to find the shortest path.
To use these algorithms, you need to model your maze as a graph: G=(V,E) where V = { all moveable squares in the maze } and E = {(u,v) | you can move from u to v in a sinlgle step }
If the squares have cost let it be cost(v) per each square, you will need a weighting function: w:E->R: define it as w(u,v) = cost(v)

The Pledge Algorithm is useful for the kind of mazes you are talking of. It consists of:
Picking a direction, if you know the general direction to goal good, but a random direction will do. Let say you pick North.
Go that direction until you hit an obstacle.
Follow the obstacle, keeping track of how much you turn. For instance, going North you run into an East-West wall. You turn East (90d), and follow the wall as it turns South (180d), West (270d), and North again (360d). You do not stop following the wall until the amount you have turned becomes 0. So you keep following as it turns West (270d it turned in the opposite direction), South (180d), East (90d), and finally North (0d). Now you can stop following.
Do that any time you hit an obstacle. You will get to the Northern most part of the maze eventually. If you still havent found the goal, because you picked the wrong direction, try again with East or South or whatever direction is closest to the goal.


How to find the optimal path for a line following maze bot?

This question was already posted in robotics stackexchange but i did not get any reply.
Moreover, this question is about solving a maze with some constraints, so its not limited to making a particular robot with uC and all.
First let me explain the problem.
This is a maze made only out of black lines on a white surface. The robot has only a few IR sensors which can sense the position of the line. No other sensory input is available.
This is a maze with many self-loops and so a simple LSRB or equivalent algorithm wont work. The robot is supposed to learn the maze and then solve it as optimally as possible .
The above figure represent the possible intersections as all the paths are at 90deg to each other.
As far as my understanding goes, the robot will first scan how many nodes there are, and what their connections to each other is, thus effectively constructing the graph. Next, implement any shortest path algorithm and make your robot follow it.
However, the main problem that i cant get my head around is this:
How will this blind robot know it isnt viewing the same node multiple times if it keeps coming back to the same point after getting caught in a loop?
Also, please suggest good approaches to solving this problems along with any experience anybody has. How does one shot searching methods like DFS , Iterative deepeing DFS , hill climbing work in such scenarios ?
When it meets a crossing, the robot must keep a trace of the lanes it didn't take and backtrack later. In addition, it must be able to model the paths with enough accuracy to check that it is back in a place it has seen before.
Then I am not sure that there is a better strategy than
traverse the lanes until you find the exit;
every time you have a crossing, note the lane that you skip;
when you are back at a known place, return to a skipped lane by the shortest route.
If the map is not known beforehand, you obviously cannot find the optimal path, unless by chance.
If there is no way to estimate the geometry, all you can do is random moves.

Pathfinding Algorithms

I am new to game programming I currently am using unity's 2D power to remake an 2D game for sake of practice. So I am just little confuse about one thing, so far every enemy in my game was dumb(they move on predefined paths) but this enemy, alien-copter, flies and follow the player wherever the player goes. My question is should I implement any pathfinding algorithm? I had studied A* but I trying to figure out if A* is gonna be helpful in my envoirnment because player will be moving and the enemy have to keep on looking for shortest path. I tried to write code for this AI my code was working perfect when there were no obstacles but my game has obstacles so I want something efficient so what do you people think should I implement A* or any other algorithm or not?
As regards AI, if you have obstacles in your game, you will need to implement pathfinding of some sort. Note, that just taking the shortest block (node) is not an option because such algorithm is not complete, i.e. the path may not be found even if there is one. Imagine a going after b:
(free)(free)a (wall) b
The shortest (best) path is to the left since up, down and right are blocked. On the next move however, the best move is to go right because it's closer. That's how a will get trapped in a loop. So yes you are right, you do need to get the path from a to b. It will typically be in the form of a list of nodes. Then you just select head (aka element at index 0) of the list.
A* is the perfect option in your case. It is complete, efficient and it will even give you the shortest path. Path recomputation shouldn't be an issue for a small game. Furthermore, if obstacles in your game grid are static for the duration of the game you can precompute paths and cache them. For instance, path from (x,y) to (x1,y1) is [(a,b), (c,d) ...]. So you can store it in some sort of map data structure where key is the two points - start, target and value - the path. This will of course depend on whether you want to classify an enemy as an obstacle for other enemies and other gameplay factors

an algorithm that could find a random cycle in a graph

I am looking for an algorithm that could find a random cycle in a graph from a node while that cycle is traversing around another nodes (area). For example, from the green star on the left of the image, finds a random cycle that goes around the red-star nodes.
Given that you are looking for a path that is "random", but still fairly close to minimal perimeter around the "red star", you could try this:
First, we need to choose the direction we are going. Let us decide on clockwise, and we start at point S.
Second, calculate the shortest path around the red star, including the point S. I am not going into details here (e.g. what if it is concave) since this is another question. Also, notice that deciding on S is already taking away from the randomness of the algorithm.
While choosing the path, keep 3 parameters (forward, left, right) that present the weight in the random choice of the next move. The difference in the outcome will be largely determined by the handling of theses parameters. You could always keep the weight equal, and then you might never get back to the start point, and even if you do, you don't know that the red star is inside.
To fix this, check the position with the minimal path calculated before.
If you are on it, then right = 0. Also, the directions going away from the minimal path could get less and less chances the further you are from it.
Hope this was helpful.

Level solving and pathfinding

I have played a little flash game recently called Just A Trim Please and really liked the whole concept.
The basic objective of the game is to mow the whole lawn by going over each square once. Your lawn mower starts on a tile and from there you can move in all directions (except where there are walls blocking you). If you run on the grass tiles more than once it will deteriorate and you will lose the level. You can only move left, right, up, or down.
However, as you finish the game, more tiles get added:
A tile you can only mow once (grass).
A tile you can run over twice before deteriorating it (taller grass).
A tiie you can go over as much as you want (concrete).
A tile you can't go over (a wall).
If you don't get what I mean, go play the game and you'll understand.
I managed to code a brute-force algorithm that can solve puzzles with only the first kind of tile (which is basically a variation of the Knight's Tour problem). However, this is not optimal and only works for puzzles with tiles that can only be ran on once. I'm completely lost as to how I'd deal with the extra tiles.
Given a starting point and a tile map, is there a way or an algorithm to find the path that will solve the level (if it can be solved)? I don't care about efficiency, this is just a question I had in mind. I'm curious as to how you'd have to go to solve it.
I'm not looking for code, just guidelines or if possible a plain text explanation of the procedure. If you do have pseudocode however, then please do share! :)
(Also, I'm not entirely sure if this has to do with path-finding, but that's my best guess at it.)
The problem is finite so, sure, there is an algorithm.
A non-deterministic algorithm can solve the problem easily by guessing the correct moves and then verifying that they work. This algorithm can be determinized by using for example backtracking search.
If you want to reduce the extra tiles (taller grass and concrete) to standard grass, you can go about it like this:
Every continuous block of concrete is first reduced into a single graph vertex, and then the vertex is removed, because the concrete block areas are actually just a way to move around to reach other tiles.
Every taller grass tile is replaced with two vertices that are connected to the original neighbors, but not to each other.
Example: G = grass, T = tall grass, C = concrete
Consider it as a graph:
Now transform the concrete blocks away. First shrink them to one (as they're all connected):
Then remove the vertex, connecting "through" it:
Then expand the tall grass tiles, connecting the copies to the same nodes as the originals.
Then replace T, T' with G. You have now a graph that is no longer rectangular grid but it only contains grass nodes.
The transformed problem can be solved if and only if the original one can be solved, and you can transform a solution of the transformed problem into a solution of the original one.
There is a DP approach for the travelling salesman.
Perhaps you could modify it (recalculating as more pieces are added).
For a long piece of grass, you could perhaps split it into two nodes since you must visit it twice. Then reconnect the two nodes to the nodes around it.

Algorithm for finding shortest path between 2 objects

I have a floorplan with lots of d3.js polygon objects on it that represent booths. I am wondering what the best approach is to finding a path between the 2 objects that don't overlap other objects. The use case here is that we have booths and want to show the user how to walk to get from point a to b the most efficient. We can assume path must contain only 90 or 45 degree turns.
we took a shot at using Dijkstra but the scale of it seems to be getting away from us.
The example snapshot of our system:
Our constraints are that this needs to run in the browser. Would be nice if it worked well with d3.js.
Since the layout is a matrix (or nested matrices) this is not a Dijkstra problem, it is simpler than that. The technical name for the problem is a "Manhatten routing". Rather than give a code algorithm, I will show you an example of the optimum route (the blue line) in the following diagram. From this it should be obvious what the algorithm is:
Note that there is a subtle nuance here, and that is that you always want to maximize the number of jogs because even though the overall shape is a matrix, at each corner the person will actually walk diagonally (think of a person cutting diagonally across a four-way intersection). Therefore, simply going north, then west is wrong, because you would only get to cut one corner, but on the route shown you get to cut 5 corners.
This problem is known as finding shortest path between two points with polygonal obstacle, and studied a lot in literature. See here for one example. All algorithms for this is by converting problem to the graph theory problem then running Dijkstra. To doing this:
Each vertex in any polygon is vertex in your graph.
Start point and end points are also vertices in the graph.
Between two vertex there is an edge, if they are visible to each other, to achieve this we can use triangulation algorithms.
Weight of each edge is the distance between its two endpoints in Euclidean space.
Now we are ready to run any shortest path algorithm. The hard part is triangulation, I think triangle library fits for your requirements. Also easier way is searching the web by the keywords that I said in the first line to find implementation. I didn't link to any implementation because I see is better to say it in algorithmic manner to be useful to the future readers.
