How can I get the rectangular areas of difference between two images? - algorithm

I feel like I have a very typical problem with image comparison, and my googles are not revealing answers.
I want to transmit still images of a desktop every X amount of seconds. Currently, we send a new image if the old and new differ by even one pixel. Very often only something very minor changes, like the clock or an icon, and it would be great if I could just send the changed portion to the server and update the image (way less bandwidth).
The plan I envision is to get a rectangle of an area that has changed. For instance, if the clock changed, screen capture the smallest rectangle that encompasses the changes, and send it to the server along with its (x, y) coordinate. The server will then update the old image by overlaying the rectangle at the coordinate specified.
Is there any algorithm or library that accomplishes this? I don't want it to be perfect, let's say I'll always send a single rectangle that encompasses all the changes (even if many smaller rectangles would be more efficient).
My other idea was to get a diff between the new and old images that's saved as a series of transformations. Then, I would just send the series of transformations to the server, which would then apply this to the old image to get the new image. Not sure if this is even possible, just a thought.
Any ideas? Libraries I can use?

Compare every pixel of the previous frame with every pixel of the next frame, and keep track of which pixels have changed?
Since you are only looking for a single box to encompass all the changes, you actually only need to keep track of the min-x, min-y (not necessarily from the same pixel), max-x, and max-y. Those four values will give you the edges of your rectangle.
Note that this job (comparing the two frames) should really be off-loaded to the GPU, which could do this significantly faster than the CPU.
Note also that what you are trying to do is essentially a home-grown lossless streaming video compression algorithm. Using one from an existing library would not only be much easier, but also probably much more performant.

This is from algorithms point of view. Not sure if this is easier to implement.
Basically XOR the two images and compress using any information theory algorithm (huffman coding?)

I know am very late responding but I found this question today.
I have done some analysis on Image Differencing but the code was written for java. Kindly look into the below link that may come to help
How to find rectangle of difference between two images
The code finds differences and keeps the rectangles in a Linkedlist. You can use the linkedlist that contains the Rectangles to patch the differences on to the Base Image.
Cheers !


Remove background and get deer as a fore ground?

I want to remove background and get deer as a foreground image.
This is my source image captured by trail camera:
This is what I want to get. This output image can be a binary image or RGB.
I worked on it and try many methods to get solution but every time it failed at specific point. So please first understand what is my exact problem.
Image are captured by a trail camera and camera is motion detector. when deer come in front of camera it capture image.
Scene mode change with respect to weather changing or day and night etc. So I can't use frame difference or some thing like this.
Segmentation may be not work correctly because Foreground (deer) and Background have same color in many cases.
If anyone still have any ambiguity in my question then please first ask me to clear and then answer, it will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Here's what I would do:
As was commented to your question, you can detect the dear and then perform grabcut to segment it from the picture.
To detect the dear, I would couple a classifier with a sliding window approach. That would mean that you'll have a classifier that given a patch (can be a large patch) in the image, output's a score of how much that patch is similar to a dear. The sliding window approach means that you loop on the window size and then loop on the window location. For each position of the window in the image, you should apply the classifier on that window and get a score of how much that window "looks like" a dear. Once you've done that, threshold all the scores to get the "best windows", i.e. the windows that are most similar to a dear. The rational behind this is that if we a dear is present at some location in the image, the classifier will output a high score at all windows that are close/overlap with the actual dear location. We would like to merge all that locations to a single location. That can be done by applying the functions groupRectangles from OpenCV:
Take a look at some face detection example from OpenCV, it basically does the same (sliding window + classifier) where the classifier is a Haar cascade.
Now, I didn't mention what that "dear classifier" can be. You can use HOG+SVM (which are both included in OpenCV) or use a much powerful approach of running a deep convulutional neural network (deep CNN). Luckily, you don't need to train a deep CNN. You can use the following packages with their "off the shelf" ImageNet networks (which are very powerful and might even be able to identify a dear without further training):
Decaf- which can be used only for research purposes:
Or Caffe - which is BSD licensed:
There are other packages of which you can read about here:
The most common ones are Theano, Cuda ConvNet's and OverFeat (but that's really opinion based, you should chose the best package from the list that I linked to).
The "off the shelf" ImageNet network were trained on roughly 10M images from 1000 categories. If those categories contain "dear", that you can just use them as is. If not, you can use them to extract features (as a 4096 dimensional vector in the case of Decaf) and train a classifier on positive and negative images to build a "dear classifier".
Now, once you detected the dear, meaning you have a bounding box around it, you can apply grabcut:
You'll need an initial scribble on the dear to perform grabcu. You can just take a horizontal line in the middle of the bounding box and hope that it will be on the dear's torso. More elaborate approaches would be to find the symmetry axis of the dear and use that as a scribble, but you would have to google, research an implement some method to extract symmetry axis from the image.
That's about it. Not straightforward, but so is the problem.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Try OpenCV Background Substraction with Mixture of Gaussians models. They should be adaptable enough for your scenes. Of course, the final performance will depend on the scenario, but it is worth trying.
Since you just want to separate the background from the foreground I think you do not need to recognize the deer. You need to recognize an object in motion in the scene. You just need to separate what is static in a significant interval of time (background) from what is not static: the deer.
There are algorithms that combine multiple frames from the same scene in order to determine the background, like THIS ONE.
You mentioned that the scene mode changes with respect to weather changing or day and night considering photos of different deers.
You could implement a solution when motion is detected, instead of taking a single photo, it could take a few ones with some interval of time.
This interval has to be long as to get the deer in different positions or out of the scene and at the same time short enough to not be much affected by scene variations. Perhaps you need to deal with some brightness variation, but I think it is feasible to determine the background using these frames and finally segment the deer in the "motion frame".

What is an algorithm I can use to program an image compare routine to detect changes (like a person coming into the frame of a web cam)?

I have a web cam that takes a picture every N seconds. This gives me a collection of images of the same scene over time. I want to process that collection of images as they are created to identify events like someone entering into the frame, or something else large happening. I will be comparing images that are adjacent in time and fixed in space - the same scene at different moments of time.
I want a reasonably sophisticated approach. For example, naive approaches fail for outdoor applications. If you count the number of pixels that change, for example, or the percentage of the picture that has a different color or grayscale value, that will give false positive reports every time the sun goes behind a cloud or the wind shakes a tree.
I want to be able to positively detect a truck parking in the scene, for example, while ignoring lighting changes from sun/cloud transitions, etc.
I've done a number of searches, and found a few survey papers (Radke et al, for example) but nothing that actually gives algorithms that I can put into a program I can write.
Use color spectroanalisys, without luminance: when the Sun goes down for a while, you will get similar result, colors does not change (too much).
Don't go for big changes, but quick changes. If the luminance of the image changes -10% during 10 min, it means the usual evening effect. But when the change is -5%, 0, +5% within seconds, its a quick change.
Don't forget to adjust the reference values.
Split the image to smaller regions. Then, when all the regions change same way, you know, it's a global change, like an eclypse or what, but if only one region's parameters are changing, then something happens there.
Use masks to create smart regions. If you're watching a street, filter out the sky, the trees (blown by wind), etc. You may set up different trigger values for different regions. The regions should overlap.
A special case of the region is the line. A line (a narrow region) contains less and more homogeneous pixels than a flat area. Mark, say, a green fence, it's easy to detect wheter someone crosses it, it makes bigger change in the line than in a flat area.
If you can, change the IRL world. Repaint the fence to a strange color to create a color spectrum, which can be identified easier. Paint tags to the floor and wall, which can be OCRed by the program, so you can detect wheter something hides it.
I believe you are looking for Template Matching
Also i would suggest you to look on to Open CV
We had to contend with many of these issues in our interactive installations. It's tough to not get false positives without being able to control some of your environment (sounds like you will have some degree of control). In the end we looked at combining some techniques and we created an open piece of software named OpenTSPS (Open Toolkit for Sensing People in Spaces - You can look at the C++ source in github (
We use ‘progressive background relearn’ to adjust to the changing background over time. Progressive relearning is particularly useful in variable lighting conditions – e.g. if lighting in a space changes from day to night. This in combination with blob detection works pretty well and the only way we have found to improve is to use 3D cameras like the kinect which cast out IR and measure it.
There are other algorithms that might be relevant, like SURF ( and but I don't think it will help in your situation unless you know exactly the type of thing you are looking for in the image.
Sounds like a fun project. Best of luck.
The problem you are trying to solve is very interesting indeed!
I think that you would need to attack it in parts:
As you already pointed out, a sudden change in illumination can be problematic. This is an indicator that you probably need to achieve some sort of illumination-invariant representation of the images you are trying to analyze.
There are plenty of techniques lying around, one I have found very useful for illumination invariance (applied to face recognition) is DoG filtering (Difference of Gaussians)
The idea is that you first convert the image to gray-scale. Then you generate two blurred versions of this image by applying a gaussian filter, one a little bit more blurry than the first one. (you could use a 1.0 sigma and a 2.0 sigma in a gaussian filter respectively) Then you subtract from the less-blury image, the pixel intensities of the more-blurry image. This operation enhances edges and produces a similar image regardless of strong illumination intensity variations. These steps can be very easily performed using OpenCV (as others have stated). This technique has been applied and documented here.
This paper adds an extra step involving contrast equalization, In my experience this is only needed if you want to obtain "visible" images from the DoG operation (pixel values tend to be very low after the DoG filter and are veiwed as black rectangles onscreen), and performing a histogram equalization is an acceptable substitution if you want to be able to see the effect of the DoG filter.
Once you have illumination-invariant images you could focus on the detection part. If your problem can afford having a static camera that can be trained for a certain amount of time, then you could use a strategy similar to alarm motion detectors. Most of them work with an average thermal image - basically they record the average temperature of the "pixels" of a room view, and trigger an alarm when the heat signature varies greatly from one "frame" to the next. Here you wouldn't be working with temperatures, but with average, light-normalized pixel values. This would allow you to build up with time which areas of the image tend to have movement (e.g. the leaves of a tree in a windy environment), and which areas are fairly stable in the image. Then you could trigger an alarm when a large number of pixles already flagged as stable have a strong variation from one frame to the next one.
If you can't afford training your camera view, then I would suggest you take a look at the TLD tracker of Zdenek Kalal. His research is focused on object tracking with a single frame as training. You could probably use the semistatic view of the camera (with no foreign objects present) as a starting point for the tracker and flag a detection when the TLD tracker (a grid of points where local motion flow is estimated using the Lucas-Kanade algorithm) fails to track a large amount of gridpoints from one frame to the next. This scenario would probably allow even a panning camera to work as the algorithm is very resilient to motion disturbances.
Hope this pointers are of some help. Good Luck and enjoy the journey! =D
Use one of the standard measures like Mean Squared Error, for eg. to find out the difference between two consecutive images. If the MSE is beyond a certain threshold, you know that there is some motion.
Also read about Motion Estimation.
if you know that the image will remain reletivly static I would reccomend:
1) look into neural networks. you can use them to learn what defines someone within the image or what is a non-something in the image.
2) look into motion detection algorithms, they are used all over the place.
3) is you camera capable of thermal imaging? if so it may be worthwile to look for hotspots in the images. There may be existing algorithms to turn your webcam into a thermal imager.

simple case of optical flow

General: I'm hoping that the use-case I'm about to describe is a simple case of an optical flow problem and since I don't have much knowledge on the subject, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how I can approach solving my problem.
Research I've already done: I have began reading the High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping paper and am planning on looking over the Particle Video paper. I have found a MATLAB High Accuracy Optical Flow implementation of optical flow. However, the papers (and the code) seem to describe concepts that are very involved and may require a lot of time for me to dig in and understand. I am hoping that the solution to my problem may be more simple.
Problem: I have a sequence of images. The images depict a material breakage process, where the material and background are black and the cracks are white. I am interested in traversing the sequence of images in reverse in an attempt to map all of the cracks that have formed in the breakage process to the first black image. You can think of the material as a large puzzle and I am trying to put the pieces back together in the reverse order that they broke.
In each image, there can be some cracks that are just emerging and/or some cracks that have been fully formed (and thus created a fragment). Throughout the breakage process, some fragments may separate and break further. The fragments can also move farther away from one another (the change is slight between subsequent frames).
Desired Output: All of the cracks/lines in the sequence mapped to the first image in the sequence.
Additional Notes: Images are available in grayscale format (i.e. original) as well as in binary format, where the cracks have been outlined in white and the background is completely black. See below for some image examples.
The top row shows the original images and the bottom row shows the binary images. As you can see, the crack that goes down the middle grows wider and wider as the image sequence progresses. Thus, the bottom crack moves together with the lower fragment. When traversing the sequence in reverse, I hope to algorithmically realize that the middle crack comes together as one (and map it correctly to the first image), and also map the bottom crack correctly, keeping its correct correspondence (size and position) with the bottom fragment.
A sequence typically contains about 30~40 images, so I've just shown the beginning subset. Also, although these images don't show it, it is possible that a particular image only contains the beginning of the crack (i.e. its initial appearance) and in subsequent images it gets longer and longer and may join with other cracks.
Language: Although not necessary, I would like to implement the solution using MATLAB (just because most of the other code that relates to the project has been done in MATLAB). However, if OpenCV may be easier, I am flexible in my language/library usage.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Traverse forward rather than reverse, and don't use optical flow. Use the fracture lines to segment the black parts, track the centroid of each black segment over time. Whenever a new fracture line appears that cuts across a black segment, split the segment into two and continue tracking each segment separately.
From this you should be able to construct a tree structure representing the segmentation of the black parts over time. The fracture lines can be added as metadata to this tree, perhaps assigning fracture lines to the segment node in which they first appeared.
I would advise you to follow your initial idea of backtracking the cracks. Yo kind of know how the cracks look like so you can track all the points that belong to the crack. You just track all the white points with an optical flow tracker, start with Lukas-Kanade tracker and see where you get. The high-accuracy optical flow method is a global one and more general, I'll track all the pixels in the image trying to keep some smoothness everywhere. The LK is a local method that will just use a small window around each point to do the tracking. The problem is that appart from the cracks all the pixels are plain black so nothing to track there, you'll just waist time trying to track something that you can't track and you don't need to track.
If lines are very straight you might end up with what's called the aperture problem and you'll get inaccurate results. You can also try some shape fitting/deformation based on snakes.
I agree to damian. Most optical flow methods like the HAOF rely on the first-order taylor approximation of the intensity constancy constrian equation I(x,t)=I(x+v,t+dt). That mean the solution depends on image derivatives where the gradient determine the motion vector magnitude and angle i.e. you need a certain amount of texture. However the very low texture of your non-binarised images could be enough. You could try histogram equalization to increase the contrast of your input data but it is important to apply the same transformation for both input images. e.g. as follows:
cv::Mat equalizeMat(grayInp1.rows, grayInp1.cols * 2 , CV_8UC1);
// estimate optical flow

Automatic tracking algorithm

I'm trying to write a simple tracking routine to track some points on a movie.
Essentially I have a series of 100-frames-long movies, showing some bright spots on dark background.
I have ~100-150 spots per frame, and they move over the course of the movie. I would like to track them, so I'm looking for some efficient (but possibly not overkilling to implement) routine to do that.
A few more infos:
the spots are a few (es. 5x5) pixels in size
the movement are not big. A spot generally does not move more than 5-10 pixels from its original position. The movements are generally smooth.
the "shape" of these spots is generally fixed, they don't grow or shrink BUT they become less bright as the movie progresses.
the spots don't move in a particular direction. They can move right and then left and then right again
the user will select a region around each spot and then this region will be tracked, so I do not need to automatically find the points.
As the videos are b/w, I though I should rely on brigthness. For instance I thought I could move around the region and calculate the correlation of the region's area in the previous frame with that in the various positions in the next frame. I understand that this is a quite naïve solution, but do you think it may work? Does anyone know specific algorithms that do this? It doesn't need to be superfast, as long as it is accurate I'm happy.
Thank you
Sounds like a job for Blob detection to me.
I would suggest the Pearson's product. Having a model (which could be any template image), you can measure the correlation of the template with any section of the frame.
The result is a probability factor which determine the correlation of the samples with the template one. It is especially applicable to 2D cases.
It has the advantage to be independent from the sample absolute value, since the result is dependent on the covariance related with the mean of the samples.
Once you detect an high probability, you can track the successive frames in the neightboor of the original position, and select the best correlation factor.
However, the size and the rotation of the template matter, but this is not the case as I can understand. You can customize the detection with any shape since the template image could represent any configuration.
Here is a single pass algorithm implementation , that I've used and works correctly.
This has got to be a well reasearched topic and I suspect there won't be any 100% accurate solution.
Some links which might be of use:
Learning patterns of activity using real-time tracking. A paper by two guys from MIT.
Kalman Filter. Especially the Computer Vision part.
Motion Tracker. A student project, which also has code and sample videos I believe.
Of course, this might be overkill for you, but hope it helps giving you other leads.
Simple is good. I'd start doing something like:
1) over a small rectangle, that surrounds a spot:
2) apply a weighted average of all the pixel coordinates in the area
3) call the averaged X and Y values the objects position
4) while scanning these pixels, do something to approximate the bounding box size
5) repeat next frame with a slightly enlarged bounding box so you don't clip spot that moves
The weight for the average should go to zero for pixels below some threshold. Number 4 can be as simple as tracking the min/max position of anything brighter than the same threshold.
This will of course have issues with spots that overlap or cross paths. But for some reason I keep thinking you're tracking stars with some unknown camera motion, in which case this should be fine.
I'm afraid that blob tracking is not simple, not if you want to do it well.
Start with blob detection as genpfault says.
Now you have spots on every frame and you need to link them up. If the blobs are moving independently, you can use some sort of correspondence algorithm to link them up. See for instance
Now you may have collisions. You can use mixture of gaussians to try to separate them, give up and let the tracks cross, use any other before-and-after information to resolve the collisions (e.g. if A and B collide and A is brighter before and will be brighter after, you can keep track of A; if A and B move along predictable trajectories, you can use that also).
Or you can collaborate with a lab that does this sort of stuff all the time.

Detecting if two images are visually identical

Sometimes two image files may be different on a file level, but a human would consider them perceptively identical. Given that, now suppose you have a huge database of images, and you wish to know if a human would think some image X is present in the database or not. If all images had a perceptive hash / fingerprint, then one could hash image X and it would be a simple matter to see if it is in the database or not.
I know there is research around this issue, and some algorithms exist, but is there any tool, like a UNIX command line tool or a library I could use to compute such a hash without implementing some algorithm from scratch?
edit: relevant code from findimagedupes, using ImageMagick
try $image->Sample("160x160!");
try $image->Modulate(saturation=>-100);
try $image->Blur(radius=>3,sigma=>99);
try $image->Normalize();
try $image->Equalize();
try $image->Sample("16x16");
try $image->Threshold();
try $image->Set(magick=>'mono');
($blob) = $image->ImageToBlob();
edit: Warning! ImageMagick $image object seems to contain information about the creation time of an image file that was read in. This means that the blob you get will be different even for the same image, if it was retrieved at a different time. To make sure the fingerprint stays the same, use $image->getImageSignature() as the last step.
findimagedupes is pretty good. You can run "findimagedupes -v fingerprint images" to let it print "perceptive hash", for example.
Cross-correlation or phase correlation will tell you if the images are the same, even with noise, degradation, and horizontal or vertical offsets. Using the FFT-based methods will make it much faster than the algorithm described in the question.
The usual algorithm doesn't work for images that are not the same scale or rotation, though. You could pre-rotate or pre-scale them, but that's really processor intensive. Apparently you can also do the correlation in a log-polar space and it will be invariant to rotation, translation, and scale, but I don't know the details well enough to explain that.
MATLAB example: Registering an Image Using Normalized Cross-Correlation
Wikipedia calls this "phase correlation" and also describes making it scale- and rotation-invariant:
The method can be extended to determine rotation and scaling differences between two images by first converting the images to log-polar coordinates. Due to properties of the Fourier transform, the rotation and scaling parameters can be determined in a manner invariant to translation.
Colour histogram is good for the same image that has been resized, resampled etc.
If you want to match different people's photos of the same landmark it's trickier - look at haar classifiers. Opencv is a great free library for image processing.
I don't know the algorithm behind it, but Microsoft Live Image Search just added this capability. Picasa also has the ability to identify faces in images, and groups faces that look similar. Most of the time, it's the same person.
Some machine learning technology like a support vector machine, neural network, naive Bayes classifier or Bayesian network would be best at this type of problem. I've written one each of the first three to classify handwritten digits, which is essentially image pattern recognition.
resize the image to a 1x1 pixle... if they are exact, there is a small probability they are the same picture...
now resize it to a 2x2 pixle image, if all 4 pixles are exact, there is a larger probability they are exact...
then 3x3, if all 9 pixles are exact... good chance etc.
then 4x4, if all 16 pixles are exact,... better chance.
doing it this way, you can make efficiency improvments... if the 1x1 pixel grid is off by a lot, why bother checking 2x2 grid? etc.
If you have lots of images, a color histogram could be used to get rough closeness of images before doing a full image comparison of each image against each other one (i.e. O(n^2)).
There is DPEG, "The" Duplicate Media Manager, but its code is not open. It's a very old tool - I remember using it in 2003.
You could use diff to see if they are REALLY different.. I guess it will remove lots of useless comparison. Then, for the algorithm, I would use a probabilistic approach.. what are the chances that they look the same.. I'd based that on the amount of rgb in each pixel. You could also find some other metrics such as luminosity and stuff like that.
