cMake SOURCE_GROUP multiple files? - visual-studio

for a VisualStudio project, i'd like cMake to put all files from a specific folder into a specific filter.
I tried:
however, this will place only the first found cpp and the first found h file into that filter. the rest of the files in the folder will be placed in the default Filters
How to do it properly?

You need to pass full names, not globbing expressions:
FILE(GLOB source_files
SOURCE_GROUP(Math FILES ${source_files})


How to print the list of files in a folder from build logs in make file?

We are using make utility in windows to build our project. The version of make is "GNU Make 3.81". I need to understand how our project is built and so have added additional log lines like below which is working as expected --
$(warning Entering componentsWin32.mak )
Additionally I need to find the current directory and the list of files in that directory, for the first one, this is working--
$(warning Entering componentsWin32.make $(CURDIR))
To print the list of files in a directory I tried this but it did-not work --
$(warning Entering componentsWin32.make $(DIR))
Is it possible using $(SHELL...some command) or any other way? Any pointers to this would be helpful.
The function $(wildcard [path string]) will evaluate to a list of files which are desginated by path string: the path string may be written as a glob, so e.g.
$(wildcard $(CURDIR)/src/*.c)
will evaluate to a list of all C files, given that there is a subdirectory src under your current directory with *.c files in it.
You can even pass an arbitrary number of such path expressions:
$(wildcard $(CURDIR)/src/*.c $(MY_INCLUDE_DIR)/*.h)
Obviously, spaces in path names are not allowed.

cmake 'add_custom_command' to pre-process header files?

i'm working on a project requiring cmake. i'd like to add some custom rules to my makefile, but can't quite get my head around how to do it.
both c source files and header files are in the same directory. also in this same directory are a number of .def files, which are the sources for some of the header files #included in the source during compilation.
if i were to do this in a makefile, i'd use a simple rule like
$(PREPROC) $< > $#
how can i do this with cmake ??
i've tried various permutations of the following, both with and without cmake working directory specifications :
OUTPUT vvr_const.h
COMMAND preproc vvr_const.def > vvr_const.h
DEPENDS vvr_const.def
add_custom_target(vvr_const.h DEPENDS vvr_const.def)
but the header file isn't generated by the time the c source file is compiled, so the compile fails. i've also tried a variation where i replace the last line above with
set_property(SOURCE main.c APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS vvr_const.h)
in this case, the header file is correctly generated in advance, but make can't find it, and complains that there's no rule to make the target .h.
ideally this would be a general rule, like the make rule above, but i'm not opposed to making a separate rule for each of the .def files if that's what it takes.
There are 2 problems with the add_custom_command approach you present:
You did not specify a working directory; by default the command is run in the build directory, not in the source directory.
You rely on shell functionality here (the redirect to a file). Even though this probably still works. You should go with an approach that does not rely on the shell.
To solve issues 1 and 2 I recommend creating a seperate cmake script file receiving the absolute paths to input and output files and using those in the custom command. This allows you to use execute_process to specify the file to write without relying on the platform.
# preprocess def file
# parameters INPUT_FILE and OUTPUT_FILE denote the file to use as source
# and the file to write the results to respectively
# use preproc tool to get data to write to the output file
execute_process(COMMAND preproc "${INPUT_FILE}"
message(FATAL_ERROR "An error occured when preprocessing the file ${INPUT_FILE}")
set(_INPUT_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vvr_const.def")
# not necessary to use build event here, if we mark the output file as generated
add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${_OUTPUT_FILE}"
add_executable(my_target vvr_const.h ...)
set_source_files_properties(vvr_const.h PROPERTIES GENERATED 1)
Documentation from cmake:
On Visual Studio Generators, run before any other rules are executed within the target. On other generators, run just before PRE_LINK commands.
So possibly your command is just running too late.

Cmake doesn't recognize custom command as valid source

I have a problem modifying existing CMake based build-system. All I want to do is add different build rule for some of .c files. For the sake of this problem, I will focus on only one file.
The simplified directories tree looks like this
- file_of_interest.c
- CmakeFiles.txt
So in order to compile file_of_interest.c in a different way I do:
COMMAND xt-xcc -S ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/file_of_interest.c
COMMENT "Generating file_of_interest.s"
OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.c.o
COMMAND xt-xcc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.s -o file_of_interest.c.o -c
COMMENT "Generating file_of_interest.c.o"
target_sources(target_name PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.c.o)
As you can see I used CMake's message() to print paths to be sure all is set up properly. It should work, but it doesn't! I expect CMake to register file_of_interest.c.o as source of target_name (and this is probably working), then "tie" it with my custom command which produces OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.c.o and then to tie again ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.c.o with OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.s and this certainly doesn't happen as CMake shows error message saying CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:170 (add_executable): Cannot find source file: path/file_of_interest.c.o
The path is OK. So the question is why does CMake cannot recognize recipes for that file?
It seems that you create an executable (call add_executable) in the top-level CMakeLists.txt, but add_custom_command are called from the subdirectory (src/CMakeLists.txt).
This doesn't work: when CMake processes add_executable and searches for the commands generating its sources, it sees only add_custom_commands created in the same CMakeLists.txt.
From the add_custom_command documentation:
A target created in the same directory (CMakeLists.txt file) that specifies any output of the custom command as a source file is given a rule to generate the file using the command at build time.
It is unrelated that target_sources is called from the same directory as add_custom_command: the target is created by add_executable command, and target_sources just modifies its properties.

Get rid of CMake Rules folder

Is there a way to get rid of the CMake Rules folders in targets in Visual Studio?
In this case the game target uses cotire for precompiled header support and the omg target has a custom command that parses the .mix file and outputs the ..._gen.h file.
Also would it be possible to remove the CMakeLists.txt file from there too? I know it's there for convenience but in my workflow it isn't that useful.
EDIT: Started a second bounty because I really need this - these "CMake Rules" folders are bloating my solution explorer because I have 100+ projects which all have them!
I would accept anything - a CMake way, a VS way (some "solution explorer view" or macro or whatever)...
here is sort-of the cmake for the omg target:
add_library(omg SHARED D:/omg.cpp D:/omg.mix)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT D:/omg_gen.h MAIN_DEPENDENCY D:/omg.mix COMMAND python D:/ D:/omg.mix D:/omg_gen.h)
add_custom_target(${target}_gen_${mix_name_only} DEPENDS ${gen_header})
add_dependencies(omg omg_gen)
target_sources(omg PUBLIC D:/omg_gen.h)
so omg_gen.h is generated from omg.mix and then included in omg.cpp
The .rule files are needed by CMake to attach the custom commands to some "dummy" self-generated file, if there are no input files given. You can see this when you look at the .rule file properties of your Visual Studio project in question (see Custom Build Tool/General/Command Line).
If you're not changing the CMake script code containing those target, you can't get rid of them.
You can only move them into the project's root source folder or any other folder you specify.
I've successfully tested the following example:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(NoRulesSourceGroup NONE)
# Overwrite the rule for "CMake Rules" with do-not-match-anything (-> root)
source_group("CMake Rules" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^$")
# Move ".rule" files somewhere else
source_group("Some Other Source Group" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "\\.rule$")
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Hello World"
Edit: You could also combine the above regular expression with a match for CMakeLists.txt:
source_group("Some Other Source Group" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "CMakeLists\\.txt|\\.rule$")
Edit: If you can modify your CMake script code, you should add to your add_custom_command() call:
Specify the primary input source file to the command. This is treated just like any value given to the DEPENDS option but also suggests to Visual Studio generators where to hang the custom command. At most one custom command may specify a given source file as its main dependency.
In your case you won't even need the additional custom target since you have a dependency through the header file. I've successfully tested the following derived from your question's example:
file(WRITE omg.cpp "")
file(WRITE omg.mix "")
add_library(omg SHARED omg.cpp omg.mix)
target_sources(omg PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/omg_gen.h)

moving from make to cmake: how to use build target with wildcards

I'm trying to convert an makefile-build to cmake (to avoid the current state of being forced to take care for the windows-build env based on make/msdev and the linux based on make/gcc).
In this project, I've found a directory full of sourcecode files that get, based on a naming convention, compiled to libraries. (e.g. c1223.c => c1223.dll (or .sl) )
The current makefile consists of some directives using wildcards, e.g.:
LIB_NO = $(basename $(subst s,,$#))
OBJ = $(OBJ_PATH)/s$(LIB_NO).o $(OBJ_PATH)/c$(LIB_NO).o\
$(OBJ_PATH)/%.o : %.c
-$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(PWD) -c $< -o $#
-(chmod a+w $#;true)
I've searched for a while but can't find anything that seems to work. Is it even possible with cmake to let it generate a wildcard based build?
Any comments, hints and suggestions are very welcome :)
You can use fairly primitive globbing (there's no regular expression syntax that I can see).
file(GLOB TESTSRCS "test/src/*.cpp")
# Compile the test sources.
add_executable(Tests ${TESTSRCS})
target_link_libraries(Tests ${LIB} gtest gtest_main)
The actual makefiles do not seem to contain wildcard searches inside them. If you add new files you will need to re-run cmake.
What I don't know is how you would manage to wrap up the library creation in a single macro if you have many different library files to generate.
You might be able to do something like this if there's only one c file per library:
file(GLOB libfiles "path/to/libs/c*.c")
foreach(libfile ${libfiles})
GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(libname ${libfile} NAME) # remove the '.c' part (untested, hopefully this will work)
add_library(${libname} ${libfile})
If anybody else has a better solution, I would also like to learn it.
CMake does not generate makefiles that have wildcard-based rules in them. It generates specific rules for the files that it knows about.
In your example, you are explicitly listing the .o files that comprise your library. In CMake, you would instead explicitly list the source files that contribute to your library, and then let CMake take care of the rest.
Do you need makefiles that have wildcard-based rules in them for some reason?
Couldn't you simply construct a list of the source files, and then, for each element in the list, do an "add_library" call with the source file and a library name constructed from the source file name?
