Add license agreement to setup project as embeded resource? - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to add a licence.rtf file to my setup project, I've followed this stackoverflow answer step by step in order to add the licence file.
What seems to be happening is when I add the license file it doesn't add it as an embeded resource so when I remove the file from my local machine i get a complie time error...I also do not see any property which let's me change the license file to an embeded resource.
This is the error that I'm getting
Please let me know if anyone has experienced this issue before and how can I go about fixing it
When you add the licence.rtf file to the Setup Project it does not have a BuildAction property which can be set to EmbededResource.Tried that

I seem to have figured it out. Instead of trying to add the License.rtf file to the setup project I've added it to another project in the solution.
Once done I reference that file in my setup project and when the setup file get's compiled the license file is embeded in the exe.

Click the file in solution explorer, view properties. Then change Build Action to Embedded Resource.

The usual way to show a license agreement in a Visual Studio setup project is as follows:
Go to the User Interface view in the IDE. Right-click "Start" and then Add Dialog, add the License Agreement dialog.
Right click the dialog to move it up or down. Right-click and Properties Windows shows properties where under License you can browse for your custom license RTF file.


Xamarin... How do you link a file in the Main (PCL?) project into the OS specific project?

I'm following this tutorial for setting up an app.config on a Xamarin app.
The Tutorial
one of the last steps is:
Add this PCL app.config file as a linked file on all your platform projects. For android, make sure to set the build action to ‘AndroidAsset’, for UWP set the build action to ‘Content’
Access your setting:
I have no idea what they are taking about, how in Vs2017 do I add a file as a linked file to the sub-os projects?
I'm sure this is stupid simple, but I'm totally missing it. thanks.
I figured it out
Right click on Project, add existing select teh file, on the add dialog the add button has a dropdown, change it to add link.

How to give author, publisher name in visual studio 2010 for VC++ project

I tried following plenty of questions in this forum to give author or publisher name when the ouptut .exe is double clicked. But I am unable to help myself. One of them which I followed was this one. In the picture shown in the accepted answer, I am unable to find any manufacturer name. Also, I am not able to find "setup project in the solution explorer" which seems to have been told in many posts. Please can anyone help me giving answer step by step? I use visual studio 2010.
give author or publisher name when the ouptut .exe is double clicked
Double-clicking an EXE will start it. If you want to see the version resource then you'll need to right-click it, Properties, Details. Note how the linked question talked about a Setup project, not a C++ project.
To add a version resource to your EXE, you'll first need to add a resource file. Check if your project already has a .rc file. If not, use Project + Add New Item, Resource node, pick the "Resource File (.rc)" item template.
Double-click the .rc file in your project to open the Resource View window. Right-click + Add Resource and pick Version. Fill in the fields of the resource as needed. Use the CompanyName field for the manufacturer.

Changing PublishUrl property in csproj file

I need to be able to change the PublishUrl property in my Excel VSTO project's csproj file in order to manage which publish url is used based on the configuration that is set in the configuration manager. This needs to happen regardless of what the developer enters in the Publish Wizard or the project properties window. I really need to control it at the point of publishing, based on the configuration set. I have found no solutions that work and it seems that this would be more common than I am finding.
I think this article will help you. You can create a small script to re-sign the files, and when you do that, you can set the URL. The article shows an example (but w/o the URL -- it's just another option available when using mage).

VS 2010: Publish dialog settings not saving for web app

I have an issue that is occurring with one specific solution. Everything works fine for the others.
When you right-click on a web project to publish, it asks you to specify information before you publish. I choose File System, tell it to delete all files, and specify a path. After I publish and shut down the solution, I will open it later again to do another publish. After I do this, I have to set everything back up. This means browsing to the folder every time to point to the publish location.
No other projects in any other solutions have this issue. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
The simplest thing to check is that the local storage file where the web publish settings go isn't read-only. For example, make sure you haven't accidentally checked it in to source control.
The publishing profiles file will be in the same location as the project file, named $(ProjectName).Publish.xml.
Another solution I got here. After I found publish.xml file no where, I did following steps and it worked:
Right Click on Project in Solution Explorer.
Select "Build Deployment Package"
You're done.
Hope this helps somebody.
The publishing profiles file will be in the same location as the project file, named $(ProjectName).Publish.xml.
just delete $(ProjectName).Publish.xml file in project folder.

Build Runtime License option missing in VS 2010

I am attempting to build a runtime license for a third party component for ASP.NET. The instructions are to place the "licenses.licx" file in the root folder of the site. The file is also embedded as a resource
However, the option to build the runtime license is not shown when I right click on the file.
There's also some confusion to what it is meant by the "root folder of the site" Is it the root folder of the project?
It turns out that there is one vital step missing. I first have to open my solution as a web page, and move the license.licx to be in the same folder as the solution file.
Only when I open the solution as a web page, can I see files in the root folder inside the solution explorer. There I can right click on the license.licx file and see the option to build run-time license.
