g++ library search failure - gcc

I have a directory structure as below:
+--- /lib
| libsomething.a
| libsomething.so
When I run the following command from within the obj directory:
g++ -L../lib -lsomething anObjFile.o
I get undefined reference errors. Apparently gcc is failing to locate libsomething.a.
But now if I delete libsomething.so and then rerun the command, linking succeeds.
As per gcc documentation -lsomething should expand to libsomething.a. Then why is presence of libsomething.so causing the library search to fail? Also, how can I resolve this problem?
I'm on Linux Mint 12 with gcc version 4.6.1.

The .so file is a dynamic library, meaning it is used each time you run your program. In that case you need to tell your OS (Mint in this case) where that dynamic library is located so your prgramm can find it at run time.
The .a file is a static library, meaning functions needed from it will be copied into your prgramm while linking. So your prgramm can run without the library file.
If nothing else is said gcc will assume you want to use the dynamic lib. If it can find a .so file it will use it instead of a .a file. If you want to tell gcc to make your programm static (use the .a file) you can add -static to your gcc call.
However the reason why the linking fails when the dynamic library is used is not clear. How did you install/build the library?


Standard lib path of g++. And how to add new ones

I want to use gtest but execution tells me
./netTest: error while loading shared libraries: libgtest.so.0:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
What are standard paths in that gcc linker looks for libs
What is standard path of Debian to store libs
How do I add libpaths to g++ (-L flag correct?)
Note on 2: I ask because the libs of gtest are in /usr/local/libs/ but in there is just python and gtest. All other libs are in /usr/lib/. Hence i guess the gtest installer made something wrong.
PS. Perhaps you could just instal the Debian libgtest-dev package (if there's one).
What are standard paths in that gcc linker looks for libs
You can see it with gcc -v -x c /dev/null -o /dev/null 2>&1 | grep LIBRARY_PATH
What is standard path of Debian to store libs
Perhaps you meant where the dynamic loader will look for shared libraries.
Check /etc/ld.so.conf and/or files in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/.
How do I add libpaths to g++ (-L flag correct?)
You can use the --rpath option to ld. However, I would suggest using it only during development and not in deployment.
You can also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location of your libgtest.so.0.
The answer to the preceeding problem. gTest does not use precompiled libs anymore.
Use of precompiled libgtest Not Recommended
The Google C++ Testing Framework uses conditional compilation for some
things. Because of the C++ "One Definition Rule", gtest must be
compiled with exactly the same flags as your C++ code under test.
Because this is hard to manage, upstream no longer recommends using
precompiled libraries [1].
-- Steve M. Robbins , Sat, 21 Apr 2012 17:00:56 -0500
Well doesnt surprise me anymore why I did not find the library in Wheezy :)

Building a Shared Library but linking against a Static One

I have an Autogen Makefile.am that I'm trying to use to build a test program for a shared library. To build my test binary, I want to continue building the shared library as target but I want the test program to be linked statically. I've spent the last few hours trying to craft my Makefile.am to get it to do this.
I've tried explicitly changing the LDADD line to use the .a version of the library and get a file not found error even though I can see this library is getting built.
I try to add the .libs directory to my link path via LDFLAGS and still it can't find it.
I tried moving my library sources to my test SOURCES list and this won't work because executable object files are built differently than those for static libraries.
I even tried replicating a lib_LIBRARIES entry for the .a version (so there's both a lib_LTLIBRARIES and a lib_LIBRARIES) and replicate all the LDFLAGS, SOURCES, dir and HEADERS for the shared version as part of the static version (replacing la with a of the form _a_SOURCES = _la_SOURCES. Still that doesn't work because now it can't figure out what to build.
My configure.ac file is using the default LT_INIT which should give me both static and dynamic libraries and as I said it is apprently building both even if the libtool can't see the .a file.
Please, anyone know how to do this?
As #Brett Hale mentions in his comment, you should tell Makefile.am that you want the program to be statically linked.
To achieve this you must append -static to your LDFLAGS.
Changing the LDFLAGS for a specific binary is achieved by changing binary_LDFLAGS (where binary is the name of the binary you want to build).
so something like this should do the trick:
binary_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -static

How to specify non-default shared-library path in GCC Linux? Getting "error while loading shared libraries" when running

There is a laptop on which I have no root privilege.
onto the machine I have a library installed using configure --prefix=$HOME/.usr .
after that, I got these files in ~/.usr/lib :
when I compile a program that invokes one of function provided by the library with this command :
gcc XXX.c -o xxx.out -L$HOME/.usr/lib -lXX
xxx.out was generated without warning, but when I run it error like this was thrown:
./xxx.out: error while loading shared libraries: libXX.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory , though libXX.so.16 resides there.
my clue-less assumption is that ~/.usr/lib wasn't searched when xxx.out is invoked.
but what can I do to specify path of .so , in order that xxx.out can look there for .so file?
An addition is when I feed -static to gcc, another error happens like this:
undefined reference to `function_proviced_by_the_very_librar'
It seems .so does not matter even though -L and -l are given to gcc.
what should I do to build a usable exe with that library?
For other people who has the same question as I did
I found a useful article at tldp about this.
It introduces static/shared/dynamic loaded library, as well as some example code to use them.
There are two ways to achieve that:
Use -rpath linker option:
gcc XXX.c -o xxx.out -L$HOME/.usr/lib -lXX -Wl,-rpath=/home/user/.usr/lib
Use LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable - put this line in your ~/.bashrc file:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/.usr/lib
This will work even for a pre-generated binaries, so you can for example download some packages from the debian.org, unpack the binaries and shared libraries into your home directory, and launch them without recompiling.
For a quick test, you can also do (in bash at least):
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/.usr/lib ./xxx.out
which has the advantage of not changing your library path for everything else.
Should it be LIBRARY_PATH instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
gcc checks for LIBRARY_PATH which can be seen with -v option

configure.in: AM_DISABLE_SHARED doesn't change my Makefile

I'm extremely new to using Makefiles and autoconf. I'm using the Camellia image library and trying to statically link my code against their libraries. When I run "make" on the Camellia image library, I get libCamellia.a, .so, .la, and .so.0.0.0 files inside my /usr/local/lib directory. This is the command I use to compile my code with their libraries:
gcc -L/usr/local/lib -lCamellia -o myprogram myprogram.c
This works fine, but when I try to statically link, this is what I get:
gcc -static -L/usr/local/lib -lCamellia -o myprogram myprogram.c
/tmp/cck0pw70.o: In function `main':
myprogram.c:(.text+0x23): undefined reference to `camLoadPGM'
myprogram.c:(.text+0x55): undefined reference to `camAllocateImage'
myprogram.c:(.text+0x97): undefined reference to `camZoom2x'
myprogram.c:(.text+0x104): undefined reference to `camSavePGM'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I want to statically link because I'm trying to modify the Camellia source code and I want to compare my version against theirs. So after some googling, I tried adding AM_DISABLE_SHARED into the configure.in file. But after running ./configure, I still get the exact same Makefile. After I "make install", I still get the same results above.
What is an easy way to get two versions of my code, one with the original Camellia source code compiled and one with my modified version? I think static libraries should work. There is an easy way to get static libraries working or are there other simple solutions to my problem? I just don't want to re-"make" and re-"make install" everytime I want to compare my version against the original.
Did you re-run autoconf after adding AM_DISABLE_SHARED and before configure, make, make install? You also can just use configure --disable-dynamic to stop it building the shared libraries. Make sure you delete any previously installed ones - make uninstall should do that. I can't see anything else obviously wrong. Try being explicit:
gcc -static -o myprogram myprogram.c /usr/local/lib/libCamellia.a
or break it down into two steps and check the symbols in myprogram.o are what you expect with nm myprogram.o.
I am not skillful with autoconf and I don't know why your attempt to link statically fails, but if linking dynamically works I think using shared libraries would actually solve your problem a little better.
Just make two shared libraries, one with the original Camellia code and one with your modified version. Put them in two different directories, and when you run myprogram you can choose between them either by switching LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or whatever you're using to find libraries) or by keeping a symbolic link in /usr/local/lib and switching it between libraries. The advantage of this over static libraries (apart from the fact that this works) is that you can tinker with your modified code, rebuild the shared library and run without having to rebuild myprogram (as long as you don't modify the signatures).
P.S. An experiment: try removing the shared libraries from /usr/local/lib and rebuilding without the -static flag, just as if you were using the shared libraries. In theory this should cause gcc to use the static libraries instead. The results may give a clue to why the static link is failing.

linker woes - undefined reference

I'm having a problem with my compiler telling me there is an 'undefined reference to' a function I want to use in a library. Let me share some info on the problem:
I'm cross compiling with gcc for C.
I am calling a library function which is accessed through an included header which includes another header, which contains the prototype.
I have included the headers directory using -I and i'm sure it's being found.
I'm first creating the .o files then linking them in a separate command.
So my thought is it might be the order in which I include the library files, but i'm not sure what is the correct way to order them. I tried with including the headers folder both before and after the .o file.
Some suggests would be great, and maybe and explanation of how the linker does its thing.
Response to answers
there is no .a library file, just .h and .c in the library, so -l isn't appropriate
my understanding of a library file is that it is just a collection of header and source files, but maybe it's a collection of .o files created from the source?!
there is no library object file being created, maybe there should be?? Yes seems I don't understand the difference between includes and libraries...i'll work on that :-)
Thanks for all the responses! I learned a lot about libraries. I'd like to put all the responses as the accepted answer :-)
Headers provide function declarations and function definitions. To allow the linker find the function's implementation (and get rid of the undefined reference) you need to ask the compiler driver (gcc) to link the specific library where the function resides using the -l flag. For instance, -lm will link the math library. A function's manual page typically specifies what library, if any, must be specified to find the function.
If the linker can't find a specified library you can add a library search path using the -L switch (for example, -L/usr/local/lib). You can also permanently affect the library path through the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
Here are some additional details to help you debug your problem. By convention the names of library files are prefixed with lib and (in their static form) have a .a extension. Thus, the statically linked version of the system's default math library (the one you link with -lm) typically resides in /usr/lib/libm.a. To see what symbols a given library defines you can run nm --defined-only on the library file. On my system, running the command on libm.a gives me output like the following.
00000000 T atan2
00000000 T asinf
00000000 T asin
To see the library path that your compiler uses and which libraries it loads by default you can invoke gcc with the -v option. Again on my system this gives the following output.
GNU assembler version 2.15 [FreeBSD] 2004-05-23 (i386-obrien-freebsd)
using BFD version 2.15 [FreeBSD] 2004-05-23
/usr/bin/ld -V -dynamic-linker /libexec/ld-elf.so.1 /usr/lib/crt1.o
/usr/lib/crti.o /usr/lib/crtbegin.o -L/usr/lib /var/tmp//ccIxJczl.o -lgcc -lc
-lgcc /usr/lib/crtend.o /usr/lib/crtn.o
It sounds like you are not compiling the .c file in the library to produce a .o file. The linker would look for the prototype's implementation in the .o file produced by compiling the library
Does your build process compile the library .c file?
Why do you call it a "library" if it's actually just source code?
I fear you mixed the library and header concepts.
Let's say you have a library libmylib.a that contains the function myfunc() and a corresponding header mylib.h that defines its prototype. In your source file myapp.c you include the header, either directly or including another header that includes it. For example:
/* myapp.h
** Here I will include and define my stuff
#include "mylib.h"
your source file looks like:
/* myapp.c
** Here is my real code
#include "myapp.h"
/* Here I can use the function */
Now you can compile it to obtain myapp.o:
gcc -c -I../mylib/includes myapp.c
Note that the -I just tells gcc where the headers files are, they have nothing to do with the library itself!
Now you can link your application with the real library:
gcc -o myapp -L../mylib/libs myapp.o -lmylib
Note that the -L switch tells gcc where the library is, and the -l tells it to link your code to the library.
If you don't do this last step, you may encounter the problem you described.
There might be other more complex cases but from your question, I hope this would be enough to solve your problem.
Post your makefile, and the library function you are trying to call. Even simple gcc makefiles usually have a line like this:
LIBFLAGS =-lc -lpthread -lrt -lstdc++ -lShared -L../shared
In this case, it means link the standard C library, among others
I guess you have to add the path where the linker can find the libraray. In gcc/ld you can do this with -L and libraray with -l.
-Ldir, --library-path=dir
Search directory dir before standard
search directories (this option must
precede the -l option that searches
that directory).
-larch, --library=archive
Include the archive file arch in the
list of files to link.
Response to answers - there is no .a library file, just .h and .c in the library, so -l isn't approriate
Then you may have to create the libraray first?
gcc -c mylib.c -o mylib.o
ar rcs libmylib.a mylib.o
I have encountered this problem when building a program with a new version of gcc. The problem was fixed by calling gcc with the -std=gnu89 option. Apparently this was due to inline function declarations. I have found this solution at https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-5/porting_to.html
