How can get Final Price, with applied price rule in Magento - magento

For example
$_producte = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(2974);
echo $_producte->getFinalPrice();
I can get in frontend when insert to .phtml
BUT I can not get final price (with discount) in admin section or in custom product export file.

Price calculation in Magento is a hot mess. You need to load the frontend event area in order to trigger rule calculation (ref Mage_CatalogRule_Model_Observer::processFrontFinalPrice() configured in Mage_CatalogRule config.xml).

I think its not necessary to load the frontend event area part. Often the product is not instanced correctly.
->setStoreId(1) //your store_id here
->setCustomerGroupId(1) //your favorite customer group id here
and then:
should give the correct final price.
Otherwise try the solutions given here:


How to apply "20% Discount" to specific Customers of a Customer Group in Magento 1.7.2?

I have products with a normal price(let's say product A costs 20e) and a group price(lets product A costs 15e) assigned to my customer group
that I call it "Resellers".
I want to apply an extra 20% discount to specific Resellers (not to the whole Reseller group)
in the group price(meaning the 15e)
I tried to solve it by creating a "Shoping Cart Price Rule" (I called it "20% Extra Discount") it applies to the whole Customer Group
How Can I apply 20% it only to specific Resellers and not to the whole Reseller Group for the group price only?
What you are asking is not possible with Magento out of the box.
You can overcome this by generating a coupon that you can send out by e-mail to your specific customers.
or you can try to use an extension like this.
It's not free, but from the looks of it it might get you what you need.
I'm in no way associated to the extension provider. I just found it on a simple search on the web.
You need to do some coding in order to achieve above said, following is the way it should happen.
You would need to hook into an event, ex :
Changing the price in quote while adding product to cart: magento
Also in the observer created above you need to do something like
Add custom discount order in total with button
Now whats above will do :
Let us suppose you create a general rule for 20% discount but do not relate it to any customer group.
What happen is once a product is added to a cart you can check into an Observer whether you want to provide discount to this particular customer.
If yes programmatically add coupon to the quote or order else not.
Please note : there are various other type of event for ex: after moving to checkout etc, in case you do not want to use on adding of product to cart.
hope above helps.

Magento - Updating the price of a configurable product option

Magento version I'm attempting to write some code that will dynamically update the price of a configurable product's option. My ultimate aim is to write a module that will update the price of the configurable product's options based on the price of the children products of the configurable. The attached code pulls out all the configurable products from a catalogue and displays them along with the product options & prices and the children products' name & price. I plan to work out the difference in price between the configurable and each child product and update the price appropriate option to match. So far I have been unable to work out how to update the price of a product option.
Short version: I just need a way to update the price of a configurable product's option. Do you know how to do this?
require_once './app/Mage.php';
// load in configurable products
$productConfig = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')->addAttributeToFilter('type_id', 'configurable');
foreach ($productConfig as $_product)
// load the configurable product
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId());
echo 'Product Name';
var_dump ($_product->getName());
var_dump ($_product->getPrice());
// Collect options applicable to the configurable product
$productAttributeOptions = $_product->getTypeInstance(true)->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($_product);
$attributeOptions = array();
foreach ($productAttributeOptions as $productAttribute)
foreach ($productAttribute['values'] as $attribute)
// loop through the child products
echo 'Child products';
$col = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->setProduct($_product)->getUsedProductCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('*')->addFilterByRequiredOptions();
foreach($col as $simple_product)
echo '~fin';
Thank you!
Well, I solved this one after quite a bit of head scratching. I don't know if I did it "right" or not.
I solved it by manually running some SQL to adjust the pricing in the catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing table. If you're going to do this, you'll need a product_super_attribute_id, which you can get from the catalog_product_super_attribute table if you have a product ID.
One caveat: If a price does not exist in the backend for an option (if the option exists, but adds £0 to the product price when selected), there will not be a record for the option in the catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing table, you'll need an insert query instead of an update in that case.
I had the same issue and I started doing the same thing: write a module to update configurable product's options.
I recently published it here: Magento Configurable Auto Pricing
I tested it just with EE 1.12 but it should work also with CE and I'd be glad if anyone wants to try it and give me any feedback or even better write his own fixes and commit them :)

product show in stock in admin order when it is in out of stock Magento

Hi i am trapped in a very strange situation, my client has enable the customers to order the products which are out of stock , the problem is when the customer place the order it shows the product in stock in order . I need to show the product status out of stock in the order so he come to know about the order item status .
Below is the settings i have in catalog-> inventory in admin
please suggest me where i am doing mistake or how can i do this
You need to modify your product.phtml inside app/design/frontend/{yourpackage}/{yourtheme}/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
Add following in your code scope for testing and checking if its not already showing out of stock .
$stockItem = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item');
$resource = $stockItem->loadByProduct($_product->getId());
if(round($resource->getQty(),0) < 1)
echo "product is out of stock";
The above code actually tests if there is any quantity available in stock and is greater than 1. Also make a note that this will not work for the products setup as not to be managed by stock under inventory tab in product add/modify case.

Programmatically apply a discount price in product list

I would like to programmatically display a discounted price on the product list/page so that each customer as a personal price shown based on a customer attribute (like gender for instance, and of course let it be assigned as new price for the user session) but I can't see a viable option via the magento catalog price rules involving customer attributes other than the assigned group.
I'm using the group to do different kind of discounts and categorization of the customers, so the path of "split the customers on the gender" (or similar) is not an option unfortunately, since I can't assign more than 1 group per customer.
At the moment I was thinking about setting up a custom observer to check for calls to the price generation and then let it consider my customer attributes when calculating the price.
Is that possible? if so, any pointers about?
Would you suggest something different?
Thanks a lot to everyone for your time.
As I was thinking before, I solved my issue creating a custom module with an observer looking for catalog_product_get_final_price calls, getting the customer details from the current customer session.
It works great, I just need to let it display the correct price in the catalog product list, but is minimal, as the price seems to be calculated correctly inside the product page and the cart

Magento: Add a "fake" product to cart/quote

I understand how to programmatically create a product and also add to cart. I know this might sound dumb but is it is possible to generate a product on the fly and add that to the cart/quote but never actually save it in the database.
We want to create a made to order interface and I was thinking at the end it could add a bundle product with all the selections but that bundle product wouldn't actually exist in the backend.
I figured as long as you can make sure the quote and order has what it needs in terms of the product it would be ok, but obviously there is probably a lot that is tied to looking up stuff in the db on a specific sku or ID. I know that if you delete a product and then look at an order in the admin that causes issues, at least it did for this one scenario I was dealing with.
I was thinking of creating a giant bundle product that had like 6 different bundle items and each item could potentially have like 500 products and then based on what the user selects I programmatically add the bundle to cart. But then I wasn't sure if there would be a negative affect with having a gigantic bundle product like that as well.
I don't think this will work, obviously there are a lot of information tied to the product in the database and we setup a test and right away we get an error for $item->getProduct(). We are moving forward with creating a giant bundle product and also the generic product with adding custom options on the fly, which Anda pointed out below. Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure that clockworkgeek's approach is going to work. On every page load, Magento loads the items from the cart to make sure that they are still valid (in-stock, prices correct, etc), and amends the cart to reflect those values. My understanding of the system in the past has been that a product in the cart needs to have a corresponding database value to survive this process.
The "giant bundle product" approach is a pain, but in the past has been the best approach I have found. Attempting to change the values of the product (such as price or attributes) will be overridden by the cart checks, so you need a product w/ maximal flexibility, such as an overly-customized bundle product or configurable product.
Hope that helps!
Why not create a generic product in db and then set the product customization as custom options (additional_options) on the fly depending on the user selection. You can add custom options to the product (actually to the quote item) without having to save them in the database. I did this once for a website that sells glasses with prescription. The prescription was added as an option.
You can programmatically create Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Items and add them to the cart. You've noticed it needs a product to match it's product ID but it needn't be a useful one. It could be a blank, disabled product, also created in code. All that's needed is a stub.
The necessary stuff for the cart is stored in the quote item - fields like name, value and quantity. Those fields are then copied directly to the order without using a product.
creates a new product. you can add it to a cart, by doing something like this:
$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
product attributes you can find in the DB in tables that start like catalog_product_... or take an already created product, and see what attributes it has in the _data array (with debugger or just print_r($product->getData))
