CATiledLayer blinks after zoom - uiscrollview

I have UIScrollView with BIG subview with lots small CATiledLayers displaying images.
With zoomDidEnd I set new scale:
[tilesContainer setContentScaleFactor:scale];
cause redraw tilesContainer view with all it's layers with:
-(void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx
And I get perfect result: detailed images after zoom.
But there is a blink of all those layers (when loading new data).
Is it possible to hide it somehow?
I need to hold the old images in layers till load the new one.
Thanks a lot for any help!

subclass the CATiledLayer and return fadeDuration of 0 to disbale the "blink".
The time, in seconds, that newly added images take to "fade-in" to the rendered representation of the tiled layer.
The default implementation returns 0.25 seconds.


What is the correct way to optimise scrolling performance of NSImageView and NSView

I need to improve the scrolling performance of a view for annotating on top of an image.
Currently I have the following:
- annotationView (custom NSView)
- imageView (NSImageView)
- contentView (custom NSView)
- clipView (NSClipView)
- scrollView (NScrollView)
The images are quite large PDFs and PNGs and scrolling is poor unless I make the imageView layer backed, which I am just doing in Interface Builder. Scrolling is then pretty smooth.
However the PNG images override everything on top of the imageView, whereas the PDF images remain correctly in the background.
Why is this and how can I fix that?
To get even better performance I would also like to make the annotationView layer backed as well but if I do that the entire view becomes black - with the exception of the annotations being draw on the annotationView. How can I make this layer backed view transparent but still allow for the shapes to be draw on it. It seems I can make it transparent but then everything becomes transparent, including the drawn shapes.
Is there a better way to achieve this? The annotations are simply shapes and text that need to be placed at specific positions over the image which I am currently just drawing in response to mouse positions.
The short answer is to use layer backed views and use CGContext for drawing and not the simpler NSView drawing APIs.
By default macOS does not use GPU based graphics, unlike iOS.
macOS provides a high level API that uses the CPU rather than the GPU for graphics operations.
So in my case I switched everything to layer backed NSViews - you can set this in Interface Builder or simply add 'wantsLayer = true' in the NSView initialisation code (init()).
Avoid using NSImageView, instead use a layer backed view and set the layer.content = NSIMage, you may have to also set the layers background colour or you might get some areas of the background not being cleared when scrolling.
This works for me - I have big PDF images in the background - building layouts and a layer backed view on top of that for placing annotations.
Scrolling around is now buttery smooth. Images seem to load instantly.
For the most part its pretty easy - just set up right from the start and save yourself a lot of headaches.

Object 3D rotation using png's

I want to achieve an object 3D rotation in Xcode that instead of using openGL uses a set of prerendered pngs. This would allow for much more complex 3D animations in terms of polygons and light effects. So far I have achieved to build subclass of UIView that contains a UIScrollView and in the scrollViewDidScroll delegate method it scrubs through 360 png images depending on the content offset of the UIScrollView. This does exactly what I want to achieve except a few major problems.
I've tried three different methods to swap the images.
Method 1:
When the View is being initialized I put all UIImages in UIImageViews and those on screen with alpha = 0 and then set the respective imageView's alpha to 1 on scrollViewDidScroll
Method 2:
When the View is being initialized I put all UIImages in an array and put a single UIImageView on screen. In scrollViewDidScroll I set the respective image from the array as the image of the UIImageView
Method 3:
When the View is being initialized I save all imageNames in an Array and put a sing UIImageView on the screen. In scrollViewDidScroll I create a UIImage with the name from the array for the respective index and set this as the image for my UIImageView
All three are very memory consuming and will eventually cause memory warnings or crashes. While method three is slightly less memory expensive it's also a lot laggier.
Is there any method to do this memory efficient and fast without having to use openGL??
Edit: Theodore Gray achieved this in his Elements app in an awesome way and I can't find out how. See here:

Drawing on CATiledLayer or CALayer with pdf in iOS

i have a scrollview which contains a pdfpage rendered with CATiledLayer, i want to draw stuff onto the pdf page so i created a overlay layer, i need the graphic to look vectorized so i decided to use CATiledlayer for the overlay layer. Only problem is that it is very slow to draw (I'm using beizerpath to draw), then i tried to optimize it by creating the overlay layer with the visible height and width when zooming in and out, so i don't need to create the overlay for the whole content bound. But still no luck , i want to try CALayer but the draw path just becomes blurry and pixelated, so i'm not sure how i can improve on this. I also tried drawinrect but for some reason it doesn't seem to work.
I suggest not using bezierpath to draw annotations since it requires you to redraw the whole path every time the pen moves. It would be better if you draw only the current line segment using CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint.
At touchMoved, get the current point and 2 prev points
Using those points, get the area where the line should be drawn
draw at that area in drawRect using setNeedsDisplayAtRect
inside drawRect, go to the end of your path and add your new line using CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint

"CoreAnimation: surface is too large"

I'm creating a custom (layer-hosting) document view, which is contained within a scroll view. The root layer has two sub layers of the same size--one for the view's content, and one for anything that needs to hover over the main content. I set the frame to 2500x2500 and added a number of cells to the content layer, which was fine. On adding a translucent clone of one of the cell's layers to the overlay layer, the whole view clears briefly, and I get a log message 'core animation: surface 2502x2502 is too large'. This happens between adding the new layer and the next cycle of the event loop, so I guess when core animation renders the new layer.
I knew that a layer's content size is related to opengl texture size, but didn't think its frame mattered. I'm not drawing anything to these layers, not setting any style properties, and remove offscreen sub layers. All I'm really using them for is to handle the geometry of the document view. Is this an appropriate use of CA layers? If not, are there better ways of handling a large core animation-based document view?
I've had this problem again, caused by an implicit animation on adding sublayers to the large parent. So in addition to what is suggested below, that's one to check if you run into this.
I would check to make sure that you're not setting any properties on your 2500x2500 layers which could require offscreen rendering. (This causes the layer to try and create a full-size buffer off-screen and render its contents into that buffer, rather than just rendering the contents to the screen directly.)
For example, setting an opacity, masksToBounds, mask, shouldRasterize, etc, could cause offscreen-rendering. You can see if offscreen-rendering is happening with the Core Animation instrument. (There's a checkbox to highlight offscreen-rendered areas.)

Drastic slowdown using layer backed NSOpenGLView

I needed to display some Cocoa widgets on top of an NSOpenGLView in an existing app. I followed the example in Apple's LayerBackedOpenGLView example code. The NSOpenGLView is given a backing layer using:
[glView setWantsLayer:YES]
Then the Cocoa NSView with the widgets is added as a subview of the glView. This is basically working and is twice ad fast as my previous approach where I added the NSView containing the widgets to a child window of the window containing the glView (this was the other solution I found on the web).
There were two problems.
The first is that some textures that I use with blending were no longer getting the blend right. After searching around a bit it looked like I might need to clear the alpha channel of the OpenGLView. This bit of code that I call after drawing a frame seems to have fixed this problem:
glColorMask(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); //This ensures that only alpha will be effected
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); //alphaValue - Value to which you need to clear
glColorMask(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); //Put color mask back to what it was.
Can someone explain why this is needed when using the CALayer, but not without?
The second problem I don't have a solution for. It seems that when I pan to the part of the scene where problem is #1 was observed, the frame rate drops from something like 110 FPS down to 10 FPS. Again, this only started happening after I added the backing layer. This doesn't always happen. Sometimes the FPS stays high when panning over this part of the scene but that is rare. I assume it must have something with how the textures here are blended, but I have no idea what.
Any thoughts?
I did figure out a workaround to the slowdown. The OpenGL view has a HUD (heads up display) view that goes on top of it. I had installed another NSView as a subview if it. Both the HUD and the subview have lots of alpha manipulation and for some reason that tickled a real slowdown in compositing the layers. I could easily instal this subview as a subview of the OpenGL view and when I did this everything sped up again. So although I don't fully understand the slowdown, I do have a good work around for it.
