Unable to func-eval using Mdbg due to "code is optimized" exception - debugging

We are using MdbgCore.dll to evaluate a property off a parameter on a thread callstack.
To do this, we are performing a func-eval.
Unfortunately, all our attempts to perform the func-eval are failing with CORDBG_E_ILLEGAL_IN_OPTIMIZED_CODE, which seems to be due to the thread being used for the func-eval not being in a GC-safe point.
This is documented here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jmstall/archive/2005/11/15/funceval-rules.aspx.
We tried scanning all threads in the process to find a thread that is in a GC-safe point, but they all appear to have UserState marked with USER_UNSAFE_POINT.
There is very scarce documentation on the subject, and we are pulling our hair out trying to figure out if there is a way to get a thread in a GC-safe point so we can do the func-eval. We would consider anything that allows us to deterministically break into the process with a thread to do the func-eval with.
Disclaimer: we are trying to evaluate a method on a class that resides in an optimized assembly, so not sure if this is maybe also causing an issue.
The sample code follows:
if (argument.TypeName.EndsWith(
"WorkerRequest", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& !argument.IsNull)
// Invoke the "GetUriPath()" function to obtain the URI
string functionName = "System.Web.HttpWorkerRequest.GetUriPath";
MDbgFunction func = debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveFunctionNameFromScope(
if (null == func)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
String.Format("Could not resolve {0}", functionName));
// Setup the eval
CorEval eval = threadForFuncEvals.CorThread.CreateEval();
// Setup the function parameters
List<CorValue> values = new List<CorValue>();
// Add the worker request "this" pointer
// resume the thread being used to do the func-eval
threadForFuncEvals.CorThread.DebugState = CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_RUN;
// Queue the function for execution
eval.CallFunction(func.CorFunction, values.ToArray());
// BUGBUG: Should we pause all other threads to prevent them from moving?
// Continue the process to execute the function
if (!proc.Go().WaitOne(settings.BreakTimeout))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Timeout while evaluating function");
// get the returned string
var result = eval.Result;
if (result != null)
MDbgValue mv = new MDbgValue(proc, result);
string returnedValue = mv.GetStringValue(false);
threadInfo.Url = returnedValue;
catch (Exception e)
// BUGBUG: Ignoring exception
// suspend the thread again
if (threadForFuncEvals != null)
threadForFuncEvals.CorThread.DebugState =
Microsoft / Mdbg team, can you help?

Is this something to do with JIT optimization?
In my program, I turn JIT optimization off (for technical reasons, I think you can only do this with CreateProcess() and not using Attach()).
proc = m_Debugger.CreateProcess(ProcessName, ProcessArgs, DebugModeFlag.Default, DebugEngineUtils.GetAssemblyRuntimeVersion(ProcessName,DefaultNetVersion));
if (proc!=null) proc.CorProcess.OnCreateProcess += new Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.CorProcessEventHandler(CorProcess_OnCreateProcess);
if (proc!=null) proc.CorProcess.OnModuleLoad += new Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.CorModuleEventHandler(CorProcess_OnModuleLoad);
void CorProcess_OnModuleLoad(object sender, Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.CorModuleEventArgs e)
e.Module.JITCompilerFlags = Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.CorDebugJITCompilerFlags.CORDEBUG_JIT_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION;
void CorProcess_OnCreateProcess(object sender, Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.CorProcessEventArgs e)
//try to disable optimization
((Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.CorProcess)sender).DesiredNGENCompilerFlags = Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.CorDebugJITCompilerFlags.CORDEBUG_JIT_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION;


How do I get the camera2 api to work a second time?

I'm using Xamarin/Android (not Forms), trying to integrate the camera2basic api sample into my project.
I changed nothing in the sample, and I am only interested in using the main camera and only taking a snapshot.
My project has a MainActivity and the camera2 is one of its Fragments that I'm calling like this:
string fragmentTag = this.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.camera_form);
// Begin the transaction
FragmentTransaction trans = this.FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
// Replace the old fragment with the new one.
trans.Add(Resource.Id.fragment_container, camera2BasicFragment, fragmentTag);
// Add the transaction to the back stack.
// The tag is added so we can use PopBackStack to skip a screen on the back key
// Don't forget to commit
Everything works the first time. It takes a photo and saves it to a folder.
The second time I run it, it shows a preview, then when I take a photo it crashes here, where the throw is:
public void CaptureStillPicture()
var activity = Activity;
if (null == activity || null == mCameraDevice)
// This is the CaptureRequest.Builder that we use to take a picture.
if (stillCaptureBuilder == null)
stillCaptureBuilder = mCameraDevice.CreateCaptureRequest(CameraTemplate.StillCapture);
// Use the same AE and AF modes as the preview.
stillCaptureBuilder.Set(CaptureRequest.ControlAfMode, (int)ControlAFMode.ContinuousPicture);
// Orientation
int rotation = (int)activity.WindowManager.DefaultDisplay.Rotation;
stillCaptureBuilder.Set(CaptureRequest.JpegOrientation, GetOrientation(rotation));
mCaptureSession.Capture(stillCaptureBuilder.Build(), new CameraCaptureStillPictureSessionCallback(this), null);
catch (System.Exception e)
catch (CameraAccessException e)
With this error:
{Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: CaptureRequest contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!
at Java.Interop.JniEnvironment+InstanceMethods.CallIntMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference instance, Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo method, Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue* args) [0x00069] in <286213b9e14c442ba8d8d94cc9dbec8e>:0
at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers+JniInstanceMethods.InvokeAbstractInt32Method (System.String encodedMember, Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable self, Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue* parameters) [0x00014] in <286213b9e14c442ba8d8d94cc9dbec8e>:0
at Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraCaptureSessionInvoker.Capture (Android.Hardware.Camera2.CaptureRequest request, Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraCaptureSession+CaptureCallback listener, Android.OS.Handler handler) [0x00078] in <b781ed64f1d743e7881ac038e0fbdf85>:0
at RvsMobileApp.Activities.Camera2BasicFragment.CaptureStillPicture () [0x000b7] in C:\Source\RVS\rvs-mobile-app\src\Rvs.Mobile.App\Activities\Camera2BasicFragment.cs:807
--- End of managed Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException stack trace ---
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CaptureRequest contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!
at android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest.convertSurfaceToStreamId(CaptureRequest.java:674)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.submitCaptureRequest(CameraDeviceImpl.java:1066)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.capture(CameraDeviceImpl.java:936)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraCaptureSessionImpl.capture(CameraCaptureSessionImpl.java:173)
at md5bbb797339b35f7667da89d6634e22c37.CameraCaptureListener.n_onCaptureCompleted(Native Method)
at md5bbb797339b35f7667da89d6634e22c37.CameraCaptureListener.onCaptureCompleted(CameraCaptureListener.java:37)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraCaptureSessionImpl$1.lambda$onCaptureCompleted$3(CameraCaptureSessionImpl.java:640)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.-$$Lambda$CameraCaptureSessionImpl$1$OA1Yz_YgzMO8qcV8esRjyt7ykp4.run(Unknown Source:8)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:873)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65)
base: {Java.Lang.RuntimeException}
JniPeerMembers: {Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers}
At first I thought it was a memory leak, so I made sure my fragment was killing itself off. Here is how I end the fragment when the finished button is pressed:
case Resource.Id.camera_finished:
// EventHandler<DialogClickEventArgs> nullHandler = null;
Activity activity = Activity;
if (activity != null)
// Send all of the data to the service
// SendPhotosAndDataToService();
// Call the paren activitity's back to END this Fragment
Here are my steps to reproduce the error:
Start the Camera (load the fragment)
See a preview
Take a photo
Return to Main Activity (close fragment)
Start the Camera (load the fragment)
See a preview
Take a photo CRASH!!!
As long as I don't take any photos, I can load and unload the fragment as many times as I need to.
I Googled "CaptureRequest contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!", and didn't get enough information to really understand the problem.
I think something is not cleaning itself up after the first run.
I've been working on this issue for days now.
As Alex Cohn pointed out, and I found when I read this article:
Which is an excellent resource BTW, the sample code was not releasing the stillCaptureBuilder so it can be used the second time.
public void CaptureStillPicture()
var activity = Activity;
if (null == activity || null == mCameraDevice)
//// This is the CaptureRequest.Builder that we use to take a picture.
////if (stillCaptureBuilder == null)
//// stillCaptureBuilder = mCameraDevice.CreateCaptureRequest(CameraTemplate.StillCapture);
// This is the proper code
var stillCaptureBuilder = mCameraDevice.CreateCaptureRequest(CameraTemplate.StillCapture);
// Use the same AE and AF modes as the preview.
stillCaptureBuilder.Set(CaptureRequest.ControlAfMode, (int)ControlAFMode.ContinuousPicture);
// Orientation
int rotation = (int)activity.WindowManager.DefaultDisplay.Rotation;
stillCaptureBuilder.Set(CaptureRequest.JpegOrientation, GetOrientation(rotation));
mCaptureSession.Capture(stillCaptureBuilder.Build(), new CameraCaptureStillPictureSessionCallback(this), null);
catch (System.Exception e)
catch (CameraAccessException e)
I am documenting this so anyone else struggling with camera2 can learn.
Thank you as always
Have stillCaptureBuilder re-initialized when you restore the camera fragment. Even better, make sure you clean the stillCaptureBuilder up when the fragment is destroyed.

Xamarin.ios iphone device Current location(street address)

public static async Task<Position> GetCurrentLocation()
var locator = CrossGeolocator.Current;
locator.DesiredAccuracy = 100;
if (!locator.IsGeolocationAvailable)
throw new NotSupportedException("Geolocation not available");
if (!locator.IsGeolocationEnabled)
throw new GeolocationException(GeolocationError.PositionUnavailable);
return await locator.GetPositionAsync(timeoutMilliseconds: 100000);
catch (Exception ex)
//TODO: Add error logging
return null;
on return await locator.GetPositionAsync(timeoutMilliseconds: 100000);
the thread exit and debugger not return but the output window shows the location correctly but didn't return to the code. What should be the possible reason for this break?
If I understand your question, you would like to know why your async code behaves the way it does?
Let's first get the terminology right: there is no thread that exits. Async/await is not about threads but about orchestrating asynchronous operations.
Your code returns at the await if the Task you are waiting for has not completed yet. Later, execution will then be picked up after the awaited code. In your case, the only thing that will happen is that the result of the task (= the location) will be returned.
So in any case, your method will exit:
either because the task is not complete yet
or because it is complete and you are using return

Fatal error when camera is initializing and back button is pressed or page navigating

I'm working on WP7/8 application with barcode scanning. And have a problem with disposing camera. Camera initialize too long, and when camera is still initializing and I press back button, I've got a fatal error:
A first chance exception of type 'System.ObjectDisposedException'
occurred in Microsoft.Devices.Camera.ni.dll WinRT information: Fatal
error. Disposing capture device.
Could anybody helps me how to avoid this error?
my code:
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
protected override void OnNavigatingFrom(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
private void PhotoCameraOnInitialized(object sender, CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs cameraOperationCompletedEventArgs)
_width = Convert.ToInt32(_photoCamera.PreviewResolution.Width);
_height = Convert.ToInt32(_photoCamera.PreviewResolution.Height);
_luminance = new PhotoCameraLuminanceSource(_width, _height);
if (_photoCamera.IsFlashModeSupported(FlashMode.Auto))
_photoCamera.FlashMode = FlashMode.Off;
cameraInitialized = true;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
FlashCheckbox.IsEnabled = true;
if (_photoCamera.IsFlashModeSupported(FlashMode.Auto))
_photoCamera.FlashMode = FlashMode.Off;
private void InitializeAndGo()
stopScan = false;
_photoCamera = new PhotoCamera();
_photoCamera.Initialized += PhotoCameraOnInitialized;
_photoCamera.AutoFocusCompleted += PhotoCameraOnAutoFocusCompleted;
_previewTransform.Rotation = _photoCamera.Orientation;
_results = new ObservableCollection<Result>();
_barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
_barcodeReader.TryHarder = true;
_barcodeReader.AutoRotate = true;
_service = new MyMoviesDataService(ErrorDataService);
private void disposeCamera()
cameraInitialized = false;
_photoCamera.Initialized -= PhotoCameraOnInitialized;
_photoCamera.AutoFocusCompleted -= PhotoCameraOnAutoFocusCompleted;
_photoCamera = null;
catch (Exception ex)
Don't use the camera until it's been successfully initialized (You can check this in the camera's Initialized event).
Also, wrap any usages of the camera in a
// camera code here
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
// re-initialize the camera?
to handle situations like suspension, which will dispose of the camera automatically.
As for the
An exception of type 'System.ObjectDisposedException' occurred in
Microsoft.Devices.Camera.ni.dll and wasn't handled before a
managed/native boundary WinRT information: Fatal error. Disposing
capture device.
This is something Microsoft needs to fix; I mean, how are you supposed to handle a native code exception if it isn't allowed to propagate to managed code?
Where is the exception coming from (which code line / block)?
I would for starter put a try...catch around InitializeAndGo() in the OnNavigatedTo event handler. And on the whole PhotoCameraOnInitialized event handler also.

how to implement async method using Task Parallel Library for I/O operations

I found that for expensive IO bound operation I can use TaskCompletionSource
as shown here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh873177.aspx#workloads
But the example shown is only waiting for some time and return DateTime.
public static Task<DateTimeOffset> Delay(int millisecondsTimeout)
TaskCompletionSource<DateTimeOffset> tcs = null;
Timer timer = null;
timer = new Timer(delegate
}, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<DateTimeOffset>(timer);
timer.Change(millisecondsTimeout, Timeout.Infinite);
return tcs.Task;
Above code waits for timeout. I have a database call which I want to fire in the above way, but little confused in how to write it:
using (var context = new srdb_sr2_context())
return context.GetData("100", "a2acfid");
I wrote the function as below, but not sure if this is correct way of doing it:
TaskCompletionSource<IList<InstructorsOut>> tcs = null;
Timer timer = null;
timer = new Timer(delegate
//prepare for expensive data call
using (var context = new srdb_sr2_context())
var output = context.GetData("100", "a2acfid");
//set the result
}, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IList<InstructorsOut>>(timer);
timer.Change(0, Timeout.Infinite);
return tcs.Task;
Any help would be appreciated.
Your code doesn't make much sense to me. Timer is useful if you want to execute the code after some time, but that's not what you need here.
If you want to execute an operation on a background thread, you can use Task.Run():
Task<IList<InstructorsOut>> GetDataBackground()
return Task.Run(() =>
using (var context = new srdb_sr2_context())
return context.GetData("100", "a2acfid");
Using a background thread this way can be useful in UI apps, where you don't want to block the UI thread. But if you have something like ASP.NET application, this won't actually give you any performance or scalability improvements. For that, the GetData() method would have to be made truly asynchronous.

Debugger always Break when invoke GetFileAsync in windows 8 store apps (metro style)

This problem confuse me several days, when the code run to
await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync(udFileName);
The app was always jump to
UnhandledException += (sender, e) =>
if (global::System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) global::System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
The Exception e is:
Exception {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}
System.Exception {System.NullReferenceException}
Message "System.NullReferenceException.......
Following is the function I invoked:
public async void RestoreUserDefaults()
string udFileName = "userdefaults.udef";
bool bExist = true;
await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync(udFileName);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
bExist = false;
I had add the file type to the package.appxmanifest.
anyone can help me, so many thanks.....
