Linq to entities get procedure in new statement - linq

I try to use something like this in a WCF Service:
I have a Table with an offer with Latitude and Longitude. And the Position from the User. In the Query I need the Distance from the user to the offer, and order to this.
private double Distanze(double LAT1, double LON1, double LAT2, double LON2)
double e = (3.1415926538 * LAT1 / 180);
double f = (3.1415926538 * LON1 / 180);
double g = (3.1415926538 * LAT2 / 180);
double h = (3.1415926538 * LON2 / 180);
double i = (Math.Cos(e) * Math.Cos(g) *
Math.Cos(f) * Math.Cos(h) + Math.Cos(e) *
Math.Sin(f) * Math.Cos(g) * Math.Sin(h) +
Math.Sin(e) * Math.Sin(g));
double j = (Math.Acos(i));
double k = (6371 * j);
return k;
and in the query:
public IQueryable<V1_Off_Offert> Get_myOffert()
var User = GetCurrentPers_ID();
if (User != 0)
double lat = GetCurrentPOS().LAT;
double lon = GetCurrentPOS().LON;
var query = from c in this.ObjectContext.C1_OFF_OFFERT
where c.C1_PERS_PERSON_ID == User
select new V1_Off_Offert()
ID = c.ID,
LAT = (double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LAT,
LON = (double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LON,
//This it dosnt Work
Distanz = (double)Distanze((double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LAT, (double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LON, lat, lon),
Radius = (double)c.DISTANZ
return query;
else return null;
Is there a way to realize this?

Okay, I see what the problem is. LINQ to SQL is trying to translate Distanze to SQL. It can't, so it dies. You need to do the projection after you've already executed the query on the database.

I Try this:
public IQueryable<V1_Off_Offert> Get_myOffert()
var User = GetCurrentPers_ID();
if (User != 0)
double lat = GetCurrentPOS().LAT;
double lon = GetCurrentPOS().LON;
var query = from c in this.ObjectContext.C1_OFF_OFFERT
where c.C1_PERS_PERSON_ID == User
select new V1_Off_Offert()
ID = c.ID,
Image = c.Image,
Start_Datum = c.VON,
End_Datum = c.BIS,
Name = c.C1_KEY_WORT.WORT,
Text = c.TEXT,
Preis = (decimal)c.PREIS != 0 ? (decimal)c.PREIS : 0,
//COM_ID = (int)c.C1_COM_COMP_ID,
LAT = (double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LAT,
LON = (double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LON,
//Distanz = (double)Distanze((double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LAT, (double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LON, lat, lon),
Radius = (double)c.DISTANZ
//LAT = c.C1_ORT_GEO.LAT != null ? (double)c.C1_ORT_GEO.LAT : 0
foreach (V1_Off_Offert T in query)
T.Distanz = Distanze(T.LAT, T.LON, lat, lon);
return query;
else return null;
this Works:
foreach (V1_Off_Offert T in query)
T.Distanz = Distanze(T.LAT, T.LON, lat, lon);
Is there a way to use the first Way
maybe as lambda expression.
but it is not so elegant to put the Result of the foreach in to the query!!!


android MapBox: how to draw polygon above layer?

My Mapbox have onelayers, I tried to add a Marker(by draw a polygon) in front.
However, when the Marker overlapped with the layer, Marker is always under of the layer. This is my source code. Is there a way put Marker(polygon) in front?
fun drawMarker(lat:Double, lon:Double){
if(null != curBluedot)
if(null != mapboxMap)
curBluedot= mapboxMap.addPolygon(generatePerimeter(
LatLng(lat, lon),
private fun loadStyle(featureCollection: FeatureCollection) {
) {
it.addSource(GeoJsonSource("symbol", featureCollection))
it.addLayer(FillExtrusionLayer("symbol", "symbol")
private fun generatePerimeter(centerCoordinates: LatLng, radiusInKilometers: Double, numberOfSides: Int): PolygonOptions? {
val positions: MutableList<LatLng> = ArrayList()
val distanceX = radiusInKilometers / (111.319 * Math.cos(centerCoordinates.latitude * Math.PI / 180))
val distanceY = radiusInKilometers / 110.574
val slice = 2 * Math.PI / numberOfSides
var theta: Double
var x: Double
var y: Double
var position: LatLng
for (i in 0 until numberOfSides) {
theta = i * slice
x = distanceX * Math.cos(theta)
y = distanceY * Math.sin(theta)
position = LatLng(centerCoordinates.latitude + y,
centerCoordinates.longitude + x)
return PolygonOptions()
I fix this problem using "com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.plugins.annotation.Symbol" rather than using Polygon

Elasticsearch query to find if location match preference value of morning, afternoon, evening or anytime

I have the below data in documents in Elasticsearch.
"notificationTimePreference": "morning", // could be afternoon, evening, or anytime
"countryName":"United Kingdom",
I want to retrieve all the documents that are matching notificationTimePreference based on the ipLocation data.
If I retrieve each document I could do this with the C# code below but in millions of documents that would kill compute processing time.
private NotificationTimePreference FindPartOfDay(IpLocation location)
var Coordinates = new GeoCoordinate(
var closestZoneId = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.ZoneLocations
.Where(x => x.CountryCode == location.CountryCode)
.Select(x => new {x.ZoneId, Coordinates = new GeoCoordinate(x.Latitude, x.Longitude)})
.OrderBy(x => GetDistanceTo(x.Coordinates, Coordinates))
.Select(x => x.ZoneId)
var LocalTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(
var partsOfTheDay = new[]
return partsOfTheDay[LocalTime.Hour % 20 / 6 | 0];
private static double GetDistanceTo(GeoCoordinate coord, GeoCoordinate to)
if (double.IsNaN(coord.Latitude) || double.IsNaN(coord.Longitude) || double.IsNaN(to.Latitude) ||
throw new ArgumentException("wrong arguments");
var latitude = coord.Latitude * 0.0174532925199433;
var longitude = coord.Longitude * 0.0174532925199433;
var num = to.Latitude * 0.0174532925199433;
var longitude1 = to.Longitude * 0.0174532925199433;
var num1 = longitude1 - longitude;
var num2 = num - latitude;
var num3 = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(num2 / 2), 2) +
Math.Cos(latitude) * Math.Cos(num) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(num1 / 2), 2);
var num4 = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(num3), Math.Sqrt(1 - num3));
var num5 = 6376500 * num4;
return num5;
Advanced ES queries are not my cup of tea and not sure how to approach this one!

Count the number of points closer than a given distance

I'm developing a project that given a set of coordinates (lat and longitude) needs to find all the points that are closer than a given distance (in Km).
I have working implementation that iterates over each point and for each point iterates over all the other points. This is O(n^2). I'd like to know what approach could I follow to improve this, having in mind that I don't want the closest point but the ones that are closer than x Km (also I'd like to be able to do the opposite, finding all the points that are further away than x Km).
If you could provide some ideas and algorithms it would be nice. Also code examples would be nice, specially in Scala (I'm developing this project Scala).
For this problem I'd use a java library (this is possible in Scala).
Calculating distances on earth is much more difficult than you think. The earth is not a pefect sphere for example.
The main library for doing 'geo stuff' in java is JTS:
You can also take a look at Geotools or maybe even a GIS-database like PostGIS (built on Postgresql), but that might be overkill for your project
Answering myself a few months late. Well I ended up using using KD-Tree to implement this. I based myself on this Java implementation:
However I made some modifications to it (including porting it to Scala) and adapting it to my specific problem around Geocaches. The resulting code was the following:
* Based on
* That code is made available as part of this textbook on Data Structures:
//A node for a KDTree
class KDNode[E] {
private var key_value : Array[Double] = null //key for this node
def key = key_value
def key_=(k : Array[Double]) { key_value = k }
private var element_value: E = _ //Element for this node
def element = element_value
def element_=(e : E) {element_value = e}
private var left_value : KDNode[E] = null //Pointer to left child
def left = left_value
def left_=(l : KDNode[E]) {left_value = l}
private var right_value : KDNode[E] = null //Pointer to right child
def right = right_value
def right_=(r : KDNode[E]) {right_value = r}
/** Constructors */
def this(k : Array[Double], value : E) =
key = k
element = value
def this(k : Array[Double], value : E, l : KDNode[E], r : KDNode[E]) =
left = l
right = r
//Checks if it's a leaf
def isLeaf : Boolean =
return (left == null) && (right == null)
//Trait for a basic Dictionary that will be used as basis for our KDTree
trait Dictionary[K,V] {
def size: Int
def insert(key: K, value: V)
def remove(key: K): V
def find(key: K): V
def clear
def isEmpty: Boolean
* A extended trait that defines that the key of the dictionary is an array of
* doubles and defines the need of a method called regionSearchGeo (very
* important for All Years 5 & 6 stats)
trait GeoDictionary[E] extends Dictionary[Array[Double], E] {
def regionSearchGeo(k: Array[Double], radius: Double) : List[E]
* Our implementation of a KDTree. It's based on the code provided in the
* reference above, but had a few key areas modified for geographic searching.
* For example, this KDtree is a 3D Tree. The keys are Latitude, Longitude and
* the Year of the cache (that was also included to speed thins even further)
class K3DGeoTree[E] extends GeoDictionary[E]{
private var root : KDNode[E] = null
private val D : Int = 3 // Only supporting 2D points in this implementation
private var nodecount : Int = 0 // Number of nodes in the KD tree
* Implementing everything that is required by the Dictionary trait
* Some private auxiliary methods are also present
def clear() = { root = null }
def isEmpty() : Boolean = { root == null }
def size() : Int = { return nodecount }
def insert(pt : Array[Double], value : E) = {
root = inserthelp(root, pt, value, 0)
def inserthelp(rt : KDNode[E], key : Array[Double], value : E, level : Int)
: KDNode[E] = {
if (rt == null) return new KDNode[E](key, value)
val rtkey : Array[Double] = rt.key
if (rtkey(level) > key(level))
rt.left = inserthelp(rt.left, key, value, (level+1)%D)
rt.right = inserthelp(rt.right, key, value, (level+1)%D)
return rt
private def findmin(rt : KDNode[E], descrim : Int, level : Int): KDNode[E]= {
var temp1 : KDNode[E] = null
var temp2 : KDNode[E] = null
var key1 : Array[Double] = null
var key2 : Array[Double] = null
if (rt == null) return null
temp1 = findmin(rt.left, descrim, (level+1)%D)
if (temp1 != null) key1 = temp1.key
if (descrim != level) {
temp2 = findmin(rt.right, descrim, (level+1)%D)
if (temp2 != null) key2 = temp2.key
if ((temp1 == null) || ((temp2 != null) && (key1(descrim) > key2(descrim))))
temp1 = temp2
key1 = key2
} // Now, temp1 has the smaller value
var rtkey : Array[Double] = rt.key
if ((temp1 == null) || (key1(descrim) > rtkey(descrim)))
return rt
return temp1
def find(key : Array[Double]) : E = { return findhelp(root, key, 0) }
private def findhelp(rt : KDNode[E], key : Array[Double], level : Int) : E ={
if (rt == null) return null.asInstanceOf[E]
val it : E = rt.element
val itkey : Array[Double]= rt.key
if ((itkey(0) == key(0)) && (itkey(1) == key(1)))
return rt.element
if (itkey(level) > key(level))
return findhelp(rt.left, key, (level+1)%D)
return findhelp(rt.right, key, (level+1)%D)
def remove(key : Array[Double]) : E = {
val temp : E = findhelp(root, key, 0) // First find it
if (temp != null) {
root = removehelp(root, key, 0) // Now remove it
return temp
private def removehelp(rt : KDNode[E], key : Array[Double], level : Int)
: KDNode[E] = {
if (rt == null) return null
val rtkey : Array[Double] = rt.key
if (key(level) < rtkey(level))
rt.left = removehelp(rt.left, key, (level+1)%D)
else if (key(level) > rtkey(level))
rt.right = removehelp(rt.right, key, (level+1)%D)
else { // Found it
if (rt.right == null)
if (rt.left == null) // Just drop element
return null
else { // Switch subtree to right
rt.right = rt.left
rt.left = null
val temp : KDNode[E] = findmin(rt.right, level, (level+1)%D)
rt.right = removehelp(rt.right, temp.key, (level+1)%D)
rt.element = temp.element
return rt
* Implementing the GeoDictionary trait
def regionSearchGeo(point: Array[Double], radius: Double) : List[E] =
val pointGeo : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromDegrees(point(0), point(1))
* Calculates a bounding rectangle that contains the circle with the given
* radius. This will be explained later in the corresponding class
val boundingRect = pointGeo.boundingCoordinates(radius)
//Return the caches found
return rsGeoHelp(root, point, radius, boundingRect, 0)
* Auxiliary region search function that does all the heavy work
private def rsGeoHelp(rt : KDNode[E], point : Array[Double], radius : Double,
boundingRect : Tuple2[GeoLocation,GeoLocation],
lev : Int): List[E] = {
if (rt == null) return Nil
val rtkey : Array[Double] = rt.key
var found : List[E] = Nil
//Checks if the current node is in the desired radius (and also the year)
if (InCircleGeo(point, radius, rtkey))
found = List(rt.element)
//First Dimension is latitude
if(lev % D == 0){
if (rtkey(lev) >= boundingRect._1.degLat)
found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.left, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
if (rtkey(lev) <= boundingRect._2.degLat)
found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.right, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
//Second Dimension is Longitude
else if(lev % D == 1){
if (rtkey(lev) >= boundingRect._1.degLon)
found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.left, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
if (rtkey(lev) <= boundingRect._2.degLon)
found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.right, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
//Third and last dimension is the year
found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.left, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
if (rtkey(lev) <= point(lev))
found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.right, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
//Return the found nodes (in our case it will be caches)
return found
private def InCircleGeo(point : Array[Double], radius : Double,
coord : Array[Double]) : Boolean = {
//Creates a GeoLocation object for each point
val pointGeo : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromDegrees(point(0), point(1))
val coordGeo : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromDegrees(coord(0), coord(1))
* If the year is smaller than the query point and the distance is within
* radius return true. Else it's false.
return (coord(0) != point(0) && coord(1) != point(1) && coord(2) <= point(2)
&& pointGeo.distanceTo(coordGeo) < radius)
* This class encapsulates a series of utility methods to deal with geographic
* coordinates. It was based on the information in the link below that gives
* a very good insight about how to do math with geographic coordinates and
* also provides some Java samples that we used as an inspiration for this
* class.
* Link:
//Companion object of Class GeoLocation to define static methods and variables
object GeoLocation {
//Min maxs in terms of Latitude and Longitude accross the globe
private val MIN_LAT : Double = math.toRadians(-90) // -PI/2
private val MAX_LAT : Double = math.toRadians(90) // PI/2
private val MIN_LON : Double = math.toRadians(-180) // -PI
private val MAX_LON : Double = math.toRadians(180) // PI
* Earth radius. This value is the most used but there are others that may
* give slightly different results.
private val RADIUS : Double = 6372.8
* A factory method that creates a GeoLocation object from given latitude and
* longitude in degrees
def fromDegrees(latitude : Double, longitude : Double) : GeoLocation = {
val result : GeoLocation = new GeoLocation()
result.radLat = math.toRadians(latitude)
result.radLon = math.toRadians(longitude)
result.degLat = latitude
result.degLon = longitude
return result
* A factory method that creates a GeoLocation object from given latitude and
* longitude in radians
def fromRadians(latitude : Double, longitude : Double) : GeoLocation = {
val result : GeoLocation = new GeoLocation()
result.radLat = latitude
result.radLon = longitude
result.degLat = math.toDegrees(latitude)
result.degLon = math.toDegrees(longitude)
return result
* The GeoLocation class itself. The constructor is private use the factory
* methods above.
class GeoLocation private{
* Getters and Setters implemented as properties with syntactic sugar
* This properties contain the latitude and longitude in degrees and radians
private var radLat_value : Double = _
def radLat = radLat_value
private def radLat_=(k : Double) { radLat_value = k }
private var radLon_value : Double = _
def radLon = radLon_value
private def radLon_=(k : Double) { radLon_value = k }
private var degLat_value : Double = _
def degLat = degLat_value
private def degLat_=(k : Double) { degLat_value = k }
private var degLon_value : Double = _
def degLon = degLon_value
private def degLon_=(k : Double) { degLon_value = k }
* Check if the vales are valid considering the MIN and MAX for latitude and
* longitude.
private def checkBounds = {
if (radLat < GeoLocation.MIN_LAT || radLat > GeoLocation.MAX_LAT ||
radLon < GeoLocation.MIN_LON || radLon > GeoLocation.MAX_LON)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
* Function to calculate the distance between this GeoLocation and the given
* GeoLocation.
* Check the reference above and
* for more information.
def distanceTo(location : GeoLocation) : Double = {
return math.acos(math.sin(radLat) * math.sin(location.radLat) +
math.cos(radLat) * math.cos(location.radLat) *
math.cos(radLon - location.radLon)) * GeoLocation.RADIUS
* This method is very important for the search made in the K3DTree.
* It allows us to make a bouding rectangle with the given distance/radius
* that is geometrically correct. Check the reference above to learn more
* about the math involved.
def boundingCoordinates(distance : Double)
: Tuple2[GeoLocation, GeoLocation] = {
if (distance < 0d) throw new IllegalArgumentException()
// Angular distance in radians on a great circle
val radDist : Double = distance / GeoLocation.RADIUS
//Initialize local variables to check for poles
var minLat : Double = radLat - radDist
var maxLat : Double = radLat + radDist
var minLon : Double = 0
var maxLon : Double = 0
//Normal case
if (minLat > GeoLocation.MIN_LAT && maxLat < GeoLocation.MAX_LAT) {
val deltaLon : Double = math.asin(math.sin(radDist) / math.cos(radLat))
minLon = radLon - deltaLon
if (minLon < GeoLocation.MIN_LON) minLon += 2d * math.Pi
maxLon = radLon + deltaLon
if (maxLon > GeoLocation.MAX_LON) maxLon -= 2d * math.Pi
//Special case in which a pole is within the distance
minLat = math.max(minLat, GeoLocation.MIN_LAT)
maxLat = math.min(maxLat, GeoLocation.MAX_LAT)
minLon = GeoLocation.MIN_LON
maxLon = GeoLocation.MAX_LON
* Each of the bounding points (one in the south-west, bottom-left,
* and other in the north-east, top-right)
val swPoint : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromRadians(minLat, minLon)
val nePoint : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromRadians(maxLat, maxLon)
//Return the tuple with the two points
return (swPoint, nePoint)
The whole code is documented so I hope this helps someone with a similar problem. In this specific problem I had to deal with years besides latitude and longitude, so I added an extra dimension. But for a more general geographic problem it's even easier to do it with only two dimensions (one for latitude and one for longitude).

JFreechart multiline Label on Symbolaxis or other way to align charts

i have a lot of charts, each in a different JInternalFrame:
But the horizontal axis should be aligned to the same point(maybe the red line). The problem is, that the space for the label is set automatically by jFreechart.
So i tried to find a solution for multiline ticklabels. I found this:
int optionsCount = state.getStatusOptions().toArray().length;
String[] grade = new String[optionsCount + 1];
grade[0] = "";
for (int x = 1; x < optionsCount + 1; x++) {
//grade[x] ="blaa"+x;//state.getStatusOptions().get(x - 1);
grade[x] = newLineString(state.getStatusOptions().get(x - 1), 5);
// grade[1]="1.line\n2.line";
SymbolAxis rangeAxis;
rangeAxis = new SymbolAxis("", grade){
protected Rectangle2D getLabelEnclosure(Graphics2D g2, RectangleEdge edge) {
Rectangle2D l = super.getLabelEnclosure(g2, edge);
return l;
protected AxisState drawTickMarksAndLabels(Graphics2D g2, double cursor, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {
AxisState state = new AxisState(cursor);
if (isAxisLineVisible()) {
drawAxisLine(g2, cursor, dataArea, edge);
double ol = getTickMarkOutsideLength();
double il = getTickMarkInsideLength();
List ticks = refreshTicks(g2, state, dataArea, edge);
Iterator iterator = ticks.iterator();
// remember the max number of lines used in any label
int maxLinesUsed = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ValueTick tick = (ValueTick);
if (isTickLabelsVisible()) {
float[] anchorPoint = calculateAnchorPoint(tick, cursor, dataArea, edge);
// split by "\n" and draw text in a new line for each result
String tickText = tick.getText();
int line = 1;
for (String tickTextLine : tickText.split("\n")) {
float x = anchorPoint[0];
// one row down...
float y = anchorPoint[1] + line * g2.getFont().getSize();
TextUtilities.drawRotatedString(tickTextLine, g2, x, y, tick.getTextAnchor(), tick.getAngle(), tick
// if we used more lines than any time before remember it
if (line > maxLinesUsed) {
maxLinesUsed = line;
if (isTickMarksVisible() && tick.getTickType().equals(TickType.MAJOR)) {
float xx = (float) valueToJava2D(tick.getValue(), dataArea, edge);
Line2D mark = null;
if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
mark = new Line2D.Double(cursor - ol, xx, cursor + il, xx);
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
mark = new Line2D.Double(cursor + ol, xx, cursor - il, xx);
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
mark = new Line2D.Double(xx, cursor - ol, xx, cursor + il);
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.BOTTOM) {
mark = new Line2D.Double(xx, cursor + ol, xx, cursor - il);
// need to work out the space used by the tick labels...
// so we can update the cursor...
// patched using maxLinesUsed => we need more space because of multiple lines
double used = 0.0;
if (isTickLabelsVisible()) {
if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
used += findMaximumTickLabelWidth(ticks, g2, plotArea, isVerticalTickLabels()) * maxLinesUsed;
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
used = findMaximumTickLabelWidth(ticks, g2, plotArea, isVerticalTickLabels()) * maxLinesUsed;
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
used = findMaximumTickLabelHeight(ticks, g2, plotArea, isVerticalTickLabels()) * maxLinesUsed;
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.BOTTOM) {
used = findMaximumTickLabelHeight(ticks, g2, plotArea, isVerticalTickLabels()) * maxLinesUsed;
return state;
As you can see in the picture above, the new line function works, but the spacing for the labels does not work. I tried to override the getLabelEnclosure method, but its given string is just "".
Does anyone know a solution for my problem. Either the multiline or an other way to align the charts?
Override the reserveSpace function and in the place where the height is calculated modify it with the number of rows you need:
Rectangle2D labelEnclosure = getLabelEnclosure(g2, edge);
if (RectangleEdge.isTopOrBottom(edge)) {
double labelHeight = labelEnclosure.getHeight();
space.add(labelHeight + **YOUR_NUMBER_OF_ROWS** * tickLabelHeight, edge);
} else if (RectangleEdge.isLeftOrRight(edge)) {
double labelWidth = labelEnclosure.getWidth();
space.add(labelWidth + tickLabelWidth, edge);
return space;

LINQ: How to check for zero-divider within type?

Is there a way (without using a try catch) to check for zero in ps.sum below so it doesn't throw a divide by zero error?
var procVsTotPkg = unitGroup.Join(procSums, g => new
ps => new
DeptID = ps.key.deptID,
UnitLoc = ps.key.unitLoc,
Proc = ps.key.procName
}, (g, ps) => new procVSUnitTotalJoin
dept = g.DeptID,
uloc = g.UnitLoc,
procName = g.Proc,
unitName = g.Unit,
unitTotal = g.CurrVal,
procTotal = ps.sum,
PTPcntOfUT = Math.Round((g.CurrVal / ps.sum) * 100, 2)
PTPcntOfUT = ps.sum != 0 ? Math.Round((g.CurrVal/ps.sum)*100) : valueIfSumIsZero
How about:
(g, ps) => new procVSUnitTotalJoin
dept = g.DeptID,
uloc = g.UnitLoc,
procName = g.Proc,
unitName = g.Unit,
unitTotal = g.CurrVal,
procTotal = ps.sum,
PTPcntOfUT = Math.Round((g.CurrVal / (ps.sum == 0 ? 1:ps.sum)) * 100, 2)
